

单词 近水楼台先得月

See also:


lit. a pavilion near the water (idiom); fig. using one's proximity the powerful to obtain favor

External sources (not reviewed)

何俊仁議員剛才說“春江水暖鴨 先知”,我則說近水樓台先得月” , 但可惜,香港人在政制發展方面只懂 望月輕嘆。
I would say "proximity to the water provides a favourable position for admiring the moon". Unfortunately, [...]
however, in constitutional development,
the only thing that Hong Kong people do is to sigh at the sight of the moon.
對我們來說,深圳是一個非常重要、使我們可以 近水 樓台 先得月”的基地。
To us, Shenzhen is a highly important base which lends us the advantage of being in a favourable position.
湯家驊議員則再把他的說話揣摩一下、擴大一些,問是怎麼樣的江、怎麼樣 的鴨,會否是“揣摩上意”,近水 樓 台先得月 ” 等
Mr Ronny TONG then looked further for the hidden meaning of his words and expanded them by asking what sort of rivers and what sort of ducks were being referred to and asked whether this was an act
to "fathom the
[...] leadership's thoughts" or "proximity to the water provides a favourable position for admiring the moon".
香港能近 水樓台 先 得月, 全 賴 我們的 積極努 力 。
Whether Hong Kong can grasp the
[...] opportunities because of its proximity entirely depends [...]
on our proactive efforts.
大剧近水楼台,如 同漂浮在长江之上的巨轮。
With its close proximity to the water, the “Grand Theater” [...]
seems to hover above the River Yangtze.
借助海西經濟區台先行先試的 優勢,以及ECFA的實施,閩港 台三地確實可在不同領域共同參與海西經濟區的發展。
With the advantages gained from the early and
pilot implementation of the West Coast
[...] Economic Zone for Taiwan, and the implementation [...]
of ECFA, Fujian, Hong Kong and Taiwan
can jointly participate in the development of the West Coast Economic Zone in various areas.
我想對年青人來說,也會很得台灣 女 子組合S.H.E.的其中一位 成員Selina早前拍攝時發生意外,身體四成皮膚被燒傷,甚至達3級程 度。
I think many young
[...] people still remember the accident which happened to Selina (a member of the Taiwanese female singer group [...]
S.H.E.) during a
film shooting in which she was burnt 40% of her body, and some parts of the body have third-degree burns.
先,為 了回應「有工無人做,有人無工做」的錯配現象, 充分利用本地的勞動生產力,鼓勵就業,勞工處會推出為期兩年 的「就業導航試驗計劃」,向那些接受勞工處深入就業輔導及職位 選配服務後得月薪不 多於6,500元的全職工作,並持續工作滿三 勞工 個月的人士,發放合共5,000 元作為鼓勵。
Under this programme, a cash incentive of $5,000 will be offered to each job-seeker who has worked for a continuous period of three months in a job with monthly salary of not more than $6,500 after receiving LD’s intensive employment counselling and job matching services.
她表示,鑒近月發生 了數 宗 涉 及專利 巴士並且較為觸目的嚴重意外,引起市民對 專 利 巴士營運安全的關注,運輸署已 要 求所有專利 巴士 公司進行全面檢討,並於2004年 1月左右向運輸署提交詳 細報告,說明 在 保 障安全方 面所作出的安排,以及 可在 哪 些範疇進一步加強道路和乘客安全。
She said that in view of public concern about the safety of franchised bus operation arising from the occurrence of a few conspicuous serious accidents involving franchised buses in recent months, the Transport Department (TD) had requested all franchised bus operators to conduct a thorough review and submit a detailed report to TD around January 2004 on their safety arrangements and areas where further enhancement to road and passenger safety could be made.
满友公司每年开发新产品10多项,近几 年 先后引进意大利P4金属板材柔性多边折弯系统;德国L4050激光切割机;V320数控折弯机;5000冲切中心;大型龙门加工中心3000SD;750吨、250吨压铸机;王牌机械吹塑机;日本马扎克生产的车铣组合加工中心;保加利亚进口卧式镗加工中心;瑞士“GEMA”全自动喷涂 水 线 等国 际 先 进 的 加工设备以及高精度金切加工设备7 00 余 台 套 , 建立了高标准的生产车间,现已成为全国现代化的柔性医疗器械生产线。
Over 10 new products are developed every year in our company. in recent years, we imported some world-leading machining equipments from aboard, including P4 medical plate multi-bending soft machine system from Italy, L4050 laser cutting machine,V320 numerical control bending machine, 500R punching machine and 500R punching machine from Germany, 3000sd Long men machining center, 750-ton and 250-ton die-casting machine, Brand Wang blow molding machine, GEMA [...]
automatic painting line from Switzerland
etc. High-class-workshops have been built up.
此外,在月初啟用的葵涌海上 交通控制站,將可改善近水域的海上交通調控工作。
In addition, the Kwai Chung marine traffic
control station that came
[...] into operation last month has helped to improve marine traffic control in the Kwai Chung area.
在此之后的这段时间 内,根据执行局就此问题通过的十一项决定和大会的十项决议,巴勒斯坦权力机构借助以下 措施积极参加了联合国教科文组织的活动:1993 年 12 月成立了其职权是讨论合作开展共同先事项 的联合国教科文组织/巴勒斯坦权力机构联合委员会;1994年4月制定了"援助巴 勒斯坦人民计划"(PAPP),2000 年 4 月将其重新定名为"联合国教科文组织援助巴勒斯坦 计划"(UPP);1997年5月开设了联合国教科文组织哈马拉办事处,主要通过权力下放和 筹集追加资金,使该办事处的活动能力在本双年度期间再 得 到 了 实质性的加强;在加沙城 设立项目分部有助于本组织积极参与对因加沙地带 近 期 冲 突(2008 年 12 月-2009 1 月)所受影响提供人道主义应急行动。
Since then, in compliance with the 11 decisions of the Executive Board and ten resolutions of the General Conference in that regard, the Palestinian Authority has been closely associated with the activities of the Organization thanks to: the establishment in December 1993 of the Joint UNESCO/Palestinian Authority Committee, whose
mandate is to discuss
[...] joint cooperation priorities; the creation in April 1994 of the Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (PAPP), which became the UNESCO Programme for Palestine (UPP) in April 2000; the opening in May 1997 of a UNESCO Office in Ramallah whose capacity for action has been substantially reinforced during the current biennium, primarily by the decentralization and mobilization of additional funds and the setting up of a Project Antenna in Gaza City enabling the Organization to contribute actively to the humanitarian response following the recent conflict (December 2008January 2009) which has [...]
affected the Gaza Strip.
2002--2003 年双年度的工作规划考虑到了在丰特努瓦、米奥利斯和邦万大楼应进行的 紧急维修工程,这些工程主要是:更换可 水水 龙 头和 供 水 网 络,对预防大叶性肺炎系统进 行处理,翻修丰特努瓦大楼卫生设施(第三层和第四层);更换邦万大楼每层的配电盘和翻 新丰特努瓦楼的主要楼梯的台阶, 更换软百叶窗,为放映室安装现代化设备等。
The work plan for the 2002-2003 biennium takes into
account the urgent
[...] maintenance work to be carried out at the Fontenoy, Miollis and Bonvin sites. This includes replacement of the drinking fountains and water system, treatment of systems against legionnaire’s disease, renovation of sanitary facilities (3rd and 4th floors, [...]
Fontenoy), replacement
of the electrical substations on the various floors at Bonvin and renovation of the main staircase at Fontenoy, replacement of window blinds and modernization of projection equipment.
关于上述水层翻新问题,考虑到目前的恶劣天气,为避免翻修过的地方出现渗漏,决先修 I 号楼的平顶,初始工程已于 2003 年 1 月开始
With regard to
[...] the renewal of waterproofing mentioned above, in view of the inclement weather at this time of the year and to avoid water leakage into areas that have already been renovated, it was decided that priority would be given to the terrace of Building I where initial work began in January 2003.
網播科技(VCAST)是一間開發串流媒體廣播 台 之 領 先 科 技公司,致力提供全方位多媒體互動廣播方案,透過電腦網絡或無線網絡,應用於網上廣播、網上學習、視像點播、網絡電視、流動電視、多媒體互動廣播展示等。
VCAST is a leading streaming solution provider who provides video broadcasting service & solutions via any IP-based network (e.g. Internet, Intranet, wireless) with virtually no limitation to anyone, anytime and anywhere.
区域和国家之间水产 品总消费量以及食用鱼供应量中的物种构成不同,反映了水产品和其他食品的可得性的不同水平,包括在近水域 对渔业资源的可 得 性 以 及若干社会-经济和 文化因素的相互作用。
The total amount of fish consumed and the species composition of the food fish supply vary according to regions and countries, reflecting the
different levels of availability of fish and other foods, including
[...] the accessibility of fishery resources in adjacent waters as well as the interaction of several socio-economic [...]
and cultural factors.
[...] 汗援助团(联阿援助团)的报告(S/2011/120* )将很大 的注意力集中在向阿富汗全面主导安全事项的过渡近月来取得某些 势头的更广泛的喀布尔进程。
The Secretary-General’s report on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) (S/2011/120*) before the Council today devotes a good deal of attention to the transition to full
Afghan leadership regarding security and to the broader Kabul
[...] process, which has gained some momentum in recent months.
(2) 除港鐵公司的職員或人員之外,任何人不得登上 或離開或企圖登上或離開任何行駛中或(意外或其他緊急情 況時除外)在兩站之間的列車,亦得 在 列車並非與指定供 乘客登上或離開月台鄰接 的一邊登上或離開或企圖登上或 離開列車。
(2) No person except a member of the staff of the Corporation or an official shall enter or leave or attempt to enter or leave any train whilst it is in motion or (except in case of accident or other emergency) between
stations or otherwise
[...] than at the side of the train adjoining the platform appointed for passengers to enter or leave [...]
the train.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表向会议通报了在伊朗领海、专属经济区及 近水 域不 得不面 临的各项挑战以及为监测和评估海洋环境正在采取的方法。
The representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran informed the meeting about the challenges that had to be faced in the Iranian
territorial sea and exclusive
[...] economic zone and in adjacent waters and the approaches [...]
that were being undertaken to monitor
and assess the marine environment.
技術性獎近洞獎 及遠距獎則分別由張明煜先生及蔡政 先 生 獲 得台 北 西 華飯店提供的 Toscana 義大利餐廳乾式熟成和牛丁骨36oz 餐券兩張以及 HONMA贊助的 "New ATHPORT" +AQ62 1號木桿一只。
The technical
[...] awards for making shots and range were won by Mr. Ming-yu Zhang and Mr. Zheng-hong Tsai respectively, with each [...]
two 36 Oz dry-aged Wagyu T-bone steak vouchers at the Toscana Italian restaurant from the Sherwood Taipei and one "New ATHPORT" +AQ62 1 Wood sponsored by HONMA.
當局須制訂標準,以界定哪類地址證明會獲選 舉登記主任接受,例如在某時段內(如過去三 月 ) 水、 電 、煤費用帳單及由政府及銀行發出的信件等。
The Administration will need to lay down a standard as to what kind of address proofs would be accepted by the ERO, such as utility bills, and Government and bank correspondence issued within a certain period of time (say, the last three months).
刪除“鑒於台灣”,並以“近,台 灣 政 權和平移交,二度政黨輪替, 推動了當地的民主發展,由於”代替;在“並在”之後加上“政治、 文化、”;在“入境安排等方面,”之後加上“加強雙方在各層面的 交流,分享公民社會和民主發展的經驗,並”; 在“積極措施,” 之後加上“包括安排更多港台從政人士及文化界的互訪,”;及在 [...]
To add "recently the peaceful handover of government administration and the change in the ruling party for the second time in Taiwan have given impetus [...]
to its democratic
development, and" after "That,"; to delete "in Taiwan" after "political situation"; to delete "as well as study and implement various proactive measures in respect of" after "between Hong Kong and Taiwan," and substitute with "enhance exchanges at various levels between the two places in respect of politics, culture,"; to add "and their sharing of experience on civil society and democratic development, as well as study and implement various proactive measures, including arranging more mutual visits for politicians and the cultural sectors in Hong Kong and Taiwan," after "immigration arrangements, etc,"; to delete "facilitating" after "Hong Kong's competitiveness and" and substitute with "enabling"; and to add "strive for building a democratic China and" after "both sides of the Strait to".
(b) 如本協議任何一方書面要求檢討最近一次 獲批准的發展計劃的主要成分(詳情見本附 表 A 部第(3)段),將先前最近一次 獲批 准的發展計劃內涵蓋的當年度和隨後年度 的該等成分進行檢討
(b) at the written request of any party hereto to review the major components of the latest approved Development Plan, as detailed in paragraph (3) of Section A, the said components will be reviewed for the then current and following Years covered by the latest approved Development Plan
不過,根據筆者歷年觀察得,台灣 各 大民調中心在選舉前一樣繼續進行調查,只是沒有把結果公開發表。
However, according to the author's observations over the past years, major pollsters are still conducting public opinion polls before various elections, only that they have not released the result openly.
总部委员会在其第一六 0 届(2006 年 2 月 15 日 )会议上审议总干事就教科文组织楼房 管理情况给执行局第一七四届会议的报告(174 EX/30)时了解到,米奥利斯/邦万楼区的安 保措施不断完善,同时也注意到,由于缺少预算资金无法全面实施贝尔 先 生 为 该 楼 区 所做 建议。
At its 160th session (15 February 2006), during its consideration of the report of the DirectorGeneral to the Executive Board at its 174th session on managing the UNESCO complex (174 EX/30), the Headquarters Committee was informed of the gradual improvement of security at the Miollis/Bonvin site, while noting that lack of budgetary resources ruled out the full implementation of Mr Belmont’s recommendations [...]
for the site.
获奖情况:2003年3月获首届“中国科学院创新文化建 先 进 个 人”光荣称号;2003年9月获中央组织部、人事部、中央宣传部、教育部、中央统战部和科学技术部授予的“留学回国人员成就奖”;2003 年 1 2 月 “ 水 稻 基 因组第四号染色体测序及分析”项目 得 上 海 市科学技术进步奖一等奖,排名第一;2004年1月荣获上海市优秀留学回国人才称号;2004年4月被评为2001-2003年度上海市劳动模范;2004年10月荣获“中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师”称号;2006年被列入“上海市领军人才培养计划”;2007年12月获国家自然科学二等奖。
Dr.Han was awarded 8 prizes, like the 1st prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress, Outstanding Talents, Shanghai Labor Model, Outstanding Graduate Supervisor in CAS, Second Prize of National Natural Science,etc.
近年來 ,廣東省城鄉規劃行業勇於解放思想,銳意改革創新,諸多理念和實踐都處於國內 先水 平 , 其中珠三角城鎮群協調發展規劃獲國家金獎,珠三角綠道網被住房和城鄉建設部授予中國人居環境範例獎,並獲2012年度“迪拜國際改善居住環境最佳範例獎”全球百佳範例稱號。
Subsequent to the reform and innovation under way, most of the
concepts and
[...] practices in Guangdong Province are already above the national level. Mr. Cai played a positive role in the Coordinated Planning of City Clusters [...]
of the
Pearl River Delta being awarded the “National Gold Medal” and the Greenway in the Pearl River Delta being awarded the “China Human Habitat Environment Prize”, by the Ministry of Construction, and received the “2012 Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment”.
先生,近年来 ,在阿富汗政府的领导下和国 际社会的帮助下,经过阿富汗人民的不懈努力,阿富 汗和平重建得了积极进展。
In recent years, thanks to the leadership of the Afghan Government, the help of the international community and the untiring efforts of the Afghans themselves, reconstruction in the country has made headway.
如氨肥工业中应用的 U G I水煤气 发生炉就达4000余台;生产工业燃气的气化发生 近 5 00 0 台 , 其 中还 包括近年来引进的两段气化炉和生产城市煤气和化肥的Lurgi炉。
For example,
[...] in ammonia-fertilizer industries, the number of UGI water-coal gasifier exceeds 4000 UGI; more than 5000 gasifiers [...]
including two phases gasifier
and Lurgi gasifier are used for producing industrial fuel gas.
年7月,台湾辜 振家族旗下和信企业集团的昆仲投资基金(Crimson Asia Capital) 向天时投近一亿 港元的直接投资,天时遂成为 得 海 外 著名投资集团投入巨资的首间本地软件公司。
July 1997, Crimson Asia Capital, the investment arm under the Koo Chen-fu family, directly injected close to HK$100million into Timeless, making Timeless the first local software company [...]
to receive renowned investment from overseas.




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