

单词 近水楼台



the pavilion closest the water enjoys moonlight first [idiom.]
benefit from intimacy with an influential person

See also:


high building (esp. in poetry)

楼台 n

tower n

External sources (not reviewed)

大剧近水楼台,如 同漂浮在长江之上的巨轮。
With its close proximity to the water, the “Grand Theater” [...]
seems to hover above the River Yangtze.
现在,我们在全世界各地安装近 200 台 福伊特水泵水轮机,总输出功率超过 25 000 MW。
Today, nearly 200 Voith pump-turbines have been installed [...]
worldwide with a combined output of over 25 000 MW.
民意研究計劃總監鍾庭耀分析:「最新調查顯示,對比半個月前,特首曾蔭權的支持度和支持率都明顯上升, 近 發 表 施政報告時 水 平。
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, observed, "Our latest survey shows that compared to two weeks ago, both the support rating and approval rate of CE
Donald Tsang have significantly
[...] increased, and getting close to the level registered during [...]
his delivery of this year's policy address.
水務署認可由我們研發的「台雙水 缸 系 統」,能夠在屋邨大廈的 台水 缸 進行定期清洗時,為住戶維持無間斷的食水供應。
Our new twin roof tank system to provide
[...] uninterrupted water supply during periodic cleansing of roof tanks has obtained the Water Supplies Department's [...]
楊孝華議員:主席女士,隨着資訊年代的到臨,市民對資訊網絡等服務的需 求日增,加上收費電台近年來 蓬勃發展,由此而引發的服務投訴亦時有所聞。
Together with the vibrant development of pay
[...] television companies in recent years, the complaints [...]
against their services as a result
of these trends are also heard from time to time.
除非法定圖則另有規定,一般是指已平整可供發展地盤的平均水平,而 建築物高度是從建築物座立的“平均地盤平整水平”計算至主 台水 平為 止。
In general, it means the average formed level of a site ready for development, and the height of buildings is measured from the "mean site formation level" on which a building stands up to the main roof level, unless otherwise specified in the statutory plans.
离这一残暴杀戮现场不远处,以色列将炮火对准加沙市府 楼 和 附近 的水果市 场,前来采购的平民中四人被炸死,其他 [...]
40 人受伤。
Not far from the scene of that brutal killing, Israeli
artillery fire targeted the Gaza
[...] Municipality building and the nearby fruit market, killing [...]
four civilians and injuring
40 others as they shopped for basic necessities.
笔者走访伦敦当地实际观察,在著名的观光景点-伦敦眼、议会大厦和大笨钟 近 , 有一家「Namco Station」游乐场,内部共有三层楼,一楼设有屏幕类游戏以及奖赏类 台 , 二 楼 设 有 屏幕类游戏、奖赏类 台 、 水 果 盘、现金机台、保龄球、碰碰车、奖品兑换台, 楼 则 是 设有屏幕类游戏、水果盘、现金机台、保龄球 酒吧、咖啡吧等设备,吸引众多观光客游玩。
The 3-story amusement center
[...] operated video games and prize machines on the first floor. The second floor was occupied by video games, prize machines, fruit games, cash games, bowling alley, bumper cars and the prize exchange counter and the third floor housed video games, fruit games, cash games, bowling [...]
facilities, bar and cafe.
刪除“鑒於台灣”,並以“近,台 灣 政 權和平移交,二度政黨輪替, 推動了當地的民主發展,由於”代替;在“並在”之後加上“政治、 文化、”;在“入境安排等方面,”之後加上“加強雙方在各層面的 交流,分享公民社會和民主發展的經驗,並”; 在“積極措施,” 之後加上“包括安排更多港台從政人士及文化界的互訪,”;及在 [...]
To add "recently the peaceful handover of government administration and the change in the ruling party for the second time in Taiwan have given impetus [...]
to its democratic
development, and" after "That,"; to delete "in Taiwan" after "political situation"; to delete "as well as study and implement various proactive measures in respect of" after "between Hong Kong and Taiwan," and substitute with "enhance exchanges at various levels between the two places in respect of politics, culture,"; to add "and their sharing of experience on civil society and democratic development, as well as study and implement various proactive measures, including arranging more mutual visits for politicians and the cultural sectors in Hong Kong and Taiwan," after "immigration arrangements, etc,"; to delete "facilitating" after "Hong Kong's competitiveness and" and substitute with "enabling"; and to add "strive for building a democratic China and" after "both sides of the Strait to".
2002--2003 年双年度的工作规划考虑到了在丰特努瓦、米奥利斯和邦万大楼应进行的 紧急维修工程,这些工程主要是:更换可 水水 龙 头和 供 水 网 络,对预防大叶性肺炎系统进 行处理,翻修丰特努瓦大楼卫生设施(第三层和第四层);更换邦万大楼每层的配电盘和翻 新丰特努瓦楼的主要楼梯的台阶, 更换软百叶窗,为放映室安装现代化设备等。
The work plan for the 2002-2003 biennium takes into
account the urgent
[...] maintenance work to be carried out at the Fontenoy, Miollis and Bonvin sites. This includes replacement of the drinking fountains and water system, treatment of systems against legionnaire’s disease, renovation of sanitary facilities (3rd and 4th floors, [...]
Fontenoy), replacement
of the electrical substations on the various floors at Bonvin and renovation of the main staircase at Fontenoy, replacement of window blinds and modernization of projection equipment.
凭借先进技术及行业经验,过程管理 近 获 得 了为乌克兰 100 台水力涡 轮发电机提供自动化解决方案的金额高达 2800 万美元的合同。
Based on Process Management’s advanced
technologies and industry
[...] expertise, it was recently awarded a $28 million automation contract to modernize 100 hydroelectric turbine generators [...]
in Ukraine.
年會上,趨勢科技也展示了與近發 表的 IBM Tivoli Endpoint Management 平台整合 之惡意程式防護,提供業界唯一完全整合的端點管理與安全解決方案。
During the show, Trend Micro is highlighting
its anti-malware
[...] integration into IBM's recently announced Tivoli Endpoint Management platform, delivering the [...]
industry's only fully
integrated endpoint management and security solution.
如氨肥工业中应用的 U G I水煤气 发生炉就达4000余台;生产工业燃气的气化发生 近 5 00 0 台 , 其 中还 包括近年来引进的两段气化炉和生产城市煤气和化肥的Lurgi炉。
For example,
[...] in ammonia-fertilizer industries, the number of UGI water-coal gasifier exceeds 4000 UGI; more than 5000 gasifiers [...]
including two phases gasifier
and Lurgi gasifier are used for producing industrial fuel gas.
小组委员会承认,近出台的工 作方法可能需要根据经验进 一步改善,以进一步提高其效力。
The Subcommittee recognizes that
[...] the working methods recently put in place may need [...]
to be further improved in the light
of experience, in order to further enhance their effectiveness.
[...] 發售該等股份或任何該等股份(無論按面值或溢價)予任何類別股份的所有現有持股 人,發售比例按近該等持股人分別持有有關類別股份的數目,或作出任何撥備以發 [...]
The Company may by ordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, determine that the same, or any of them, shall be offered in the first instance, and either at par or at a premium, to all the
existing holders of any class of
[...] shares in proportion as nearly as may be to the number [...]
of shares of such class held by
them respectively, or make any provisions as to the issue and allotment of such shares, but in default of any such determination or so far as the same shall not extend, such shares may be dealt with as if they formed part of the capital of the Company existing prior to the issue of the same.
此外,还视空位情况在大会堂要人区 A(最多 15 个)、三楼楼座区和楼露台为代 表团的客人保留数目有限的座位。
In addition, depending on availability, a limited number of seats will be reserved for guests of
delegations in VIP section A (up to 15 seats), the 3rd floor gallery
[...] and the 4th floor balcony of the General [...]
Assembly Hall.
多年来,虽然拉斯维加斯谷水区已解决了许多后勤难题,但有一个特殊的问题长期未能解决,并直到 近 才 攻 克难关:这就是如何 水 从 城 市的主管道输送至住 楼 宇 ,而 供 水 管 道不会出现问题。
While the Las Vegas Valley Water District has solved many logistic challenges over the years, one
specific problem had
[...] long gone unresolved until recently: how to transfer water from city main lines to residential buildings without the service [...]
line piping failing.
[...] Architekten of Stuttgart公司所 做的设计方案包括一个冷却系统,使用的水源为近的莱蒙湖水,大楼约1, 400平米的楼顶因泥 土和植物的遮挡而使之免受酷暑的炎热。
Its design, by Behnisch Architekten of Stuttgart,
Germany, includes a
[...] cooling system using water from nearby Lake Léman, and about 1,400 m2 of the roof surface is being [...]
insulated from summer heat by earth and vegetation.
由於漁民沒法接觸台下的水域, 這些地方 的漁業資源(已成長或未成長的魚類和甲殼類動物)會得以保存,因此 會有利於近水域。
As fishers would not be
[...] able to access the waters under the platform, the fisheries resources (either mature or juvenile fishes and crustaceans) underneath it may be preserved to a certain extent, and may contribute to nearby waters.
占地20000平方米的豫园古典宏伟,包括 台楼 阁 、假山回廊、大厅以及长江以南地区最大的假山。
These includes pavilions, rockeries, cloisters, halls and the largest rockery in the southern region of the Yangtze River.
我们测定了13头条纹原海豚的控制区全序列,初步分析中 台 湾 海 峡及其 近水 域 条 纹原海豚的序列变异及种群结构, 以期为其保护和管理提供必要的种群遗传学资料。
The haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity of striped dolphins were higher than those found in the sympatric finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) populations, and also higher than
those of other cetacean species
[...] reported previously in other waters, including some species [...]
having high level of genetic diversity,
e.g. harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) etc. This suggested that the striped dolphins had a relatively higher genetic diversity.
咨询委员会获悉,所设想的主要项目包括:( a) E 楼的维修、水和绝缘;(b) 更换 A 楼大会堂的玻璃天花板;(c) 更换大会楼的 两部乘客电梯。
The Advisory Committee was informed that main projects
envisaged included:
[...] (a) repairs, waterproofing and insulation for building E; (b) the replacement of the glass roof ceiling superstructure [...]
of the Assembly
Hall in building A; and (c) the replacement of the twin passenger elevators in the Assembly building.
此 乃主要 由 於 毛 利 貢 獻 減 少 , 儘 管
[...] 一 般 及 行 政 以 及 其 他 營 運 開 支 仍 控 制 於 二 零零九 年 同 期 之近 水 平 。
These were mainly attributable to the drop in gross profit contributions while general
and administrative and other operating expenses were controlled
[...] at similar level as for the corresponding periods of 2009.
与暴雨和风暴引起的水流有关,沙门氏菌出 现在河流和海洋环境中,病原体 近水 产 养 殖场所或在沿海水域污染鱼。
The presence of Salmonella in rivers and the marine environment has been related to torrential
rains and storm-generated flows, and the pathogen could thus reach aquaculture sites or
[...] contaminate fish in coastal waters.
通过现状和需求调研,联信永益公司明确本项目实施范围和实施要求,即为红塔集团总部建设核心网络核心交换区域、核心数据中心区域、INTERNET区域、昆明销售营销中心局域网及建设昆明销售营销中心到集团专线、物流四科、物流一科、技术中心、老科 楼 、 电 视 台 、 职 工教培中心。
Based on the current network conditions and demand survey, Surekam clearly defines the coverage and requirements of project, i.e. to build the core zone, core data center zone and INTERNET zone for the group’s head office, LAN for Kunming Sales and Marketing Center, private line from Kunming Sales and Marketing Center to the head office, revamp the No. 4 Logistics
Department, No. 1 Logistics Department, technology center,
[...] original technology building, TV station and employee training center.
此外,在上月初啟用的葵涌海上 交通控制站,將可改善近水域的海上交通調控工作。
In addition, the Kwai Chung marine traffic
control station that came into operation last month has helped to improve marine
[...] traffic control in the Kwai Chung area.
郭家麒議員表示,在 深圳近發 現一宗人 感染H5N1禽流感確 診 個案後, 食物安全及環境衞 [...]
生 事 務委員會和衞 生 事 務委員會曾於2006年 6 月 17日 舉 行 聯 席會議,討 論 政府當局為防止禽流感在 香 港 蔓 延所採取的措施,
以及政府當局對有關行業提供 援 助 的事宜。
44. Dr KWOK Ka-ki said
[...] that following the recent confirmed case of human [...]
infection of H5N1 in Shenzhen, a joint meeting
of the Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene and the Panel on Health Services was held on 17 June 2006 to discuss the actions taken by the Administration to prevent the spread of avian influenza in Hong Kong, and the assistance provided by the Administration to the trades concerned.
同 時,國際民用航空組織已 呼籲各國政府「採取所需措施,確 保航空 及航空運輸 服務不致受到影響,並
[...] 支援航空公司以及視乎情況所需支 援 其他各有關方面,就因近發生 的事件而不受 保的危險事故為他們 提供意外賠償保障 [...]
, 直至保險市 場 穩 定下來 為止。
The International Civil Aviation Organisation have also appealed to governments “to take such measures, as necessary, to ensure that aviation and air transport services are not disrupted and to support the airline operators and, as required, the other parties, by
providing a commitment to cover the
[...] risks left open by the recent developments, until [...]
such time as the insurance markets stabilise.
在总部楼房维修和正常运作范围内完成的其它紧急工程主要有:VI 号楼变压器漏机油
[...] 修理工程,紧急修理电话继电器(自动交换机)出现的渗漏现象,更换厨房的油槽,更换 V 号和 VI 号楼雨水管, 改善丰特努瓦大楼内银行分理处(会客室)的空间和环境。
Other urgent work relating to the maintenance and smooth functioning of the Headquarters buildings was carried out, including the repair of pyralene leaks from the transformers in Building VI, emergency repairs of leaks in the telephone system (automatic switchboard), replacement of
the grease traps in the kitchens,
[...] replacement of the drainpipes in Buildings V and VI, [...]
improvement and adaptation to the available
space and surroundings of the reception area at the Fontenoy site.
[...] 品总消费量以及食用鱼供应量中的物种构成不同,反映了水产品和其他食品的可 获得性的不同水平,包括在近水域 对 渔业资源的可获得性以及若干社会-经济和 文化因素的相互作用。
The total amount of fish consumed and the species composition of the food fish supply vary according to regions and countries, reflecting the different levels of availability of fish and other foods,
including the accessibility of
[...] fishery resources in adjacent waters as well as the [...]
interaction of several socio-economic and cultural factors.




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