

单词 金融时报指数

See also:

金融 adj

financial adj
monetary adj

金融 n

finance n
banking n


"Times" (newspaper, e.g. New York Times)

External sources (not reviewed)

印度东部奥里萨邦的Dongria Kondh部落 确信,只要英金融时报 100 指数公司 之一韦丹塔公司开始合法开采其圣地 [...]
The Dongria Kondh in Orissa, eastern India, are
certain that their way of life
[...] will be destroyed when the British FTSE 100 company, Vedanta, [...]
will start to legally exploit
their sacred Nyamgiri mountain for bauxite.
Firefly提供专家课堂教学、先进的远程实验室访问服务、专业的服务以及战略技术咨询,曾为众多财富500强 金融时报 2 5 0 指数 公 司 开发并交付过各种类型的创新型解决方案。
Offering expert–led classroom instruction, state–of–the art remote lab access, professional services, and strategic
technology consulting, Firefly has developed and delivered innovative solutions
[...] for numerous Fortune 500 and FTSE 250 companies.
报告并 不按照具体承诺去衡量实际表现,但会对其主要经济 金融指 标做出评估,并与国际货币基金组织的世界经济展望 时 发 表
Although it
[...] does not measure performance against specific commitments, the report assesses key economic and financial indicators and is produced in conjunction with the IMF World Economic Outlook.
根 据金融时报》(FT )数据, 在新建项目的吸引力方面, 波兰排在欧洲第六位、中东欧地区第二位(仅在俄罗斯之 [...]
According to the Financial Times (FT), Poland held sixth [...]
place in Europe and second in the CEE region (after Russia) in
terms of attractiveness for such projects.
黄金不仅是全球股票市场竞相追逐的核心热点,同时也是时尚名表的流行趋势” 金融时报 》 (Financial Times) 在近期一篇文章的开篇指出。
Gold is not only a trend on the
[...] world’s stock markets but also for watches” stated a recent article in the Financial Times.
秘书长关于汇率和通货膨胀率变动对卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前 南斯拉夫问题国际法庭 2010-2011 两年期拟议预算的影报告(A /64/570) 中所述重计费用反映了实际通货膨胀的最 数 据 、 薪 金 调 查 结果、年度 生活费调整、2009 年工作地点差价调指数变动,以及 2009 年业务汇率 变化的影响。
The recosting reflected in the report of the Secretary-General on the effect of changes in rates of exchange and inflation on the proposed budgets of both the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for the biennium
2010–2011 (A/64/570)
[...] reflects the impact of the latest data on actual inflation, the outcome of salary surveys, the annual cost-of-living adjustments, the movement of post adjustment indices in 2009 and the effect of [...]
the evolution of operational rates of exchange in 2009.
在审议了秘书长的报告(A/62/538 和 Add.1 及
[...] 2)以及咨询委员会的相关报告 (A/62/7/Add.36)之后,大会在其第 62/547 号决定中决定从 2008 年 4 月 1 日起, 法院法官以及两法庭法官和审案法官的年净基薪定为 158 000 美元,加上一个相 应的工作地点差价调整数,其中工作地点差价调整数由相当于净基薪一个百分点指数点酌 情乘以适用于荷兰或坦桑尼亚联合共和国的工作地点差价调 数乘 数得出,同时考虑到秘书报告(A /62/538)第 77 段所提议的调整机制。
By decision 62/547, the General Assembly, having considered the report of the Secretary-General (A/62/538 and Add.1-2), and the related report of the Advisory Committee (A/62/7/Add.36), decided to set, effective 1 April 2008, the annual net base salary of the members of the Court and the judges and ad litem judges of the two Tribunals at US$ 158,000, with the
corresponding post adjustment per multiplier point equal to 1 per cent of the net base salary, to which would be applied the
[...] post adjustment multiplier for the Netherlands or the United Republic of Tanzania, as appropriate, taking into account the adjustment mechanism as proposed by the Secretary-General in paragraph 77 of his report (A/62/538).
他又谈到秘书长关于前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭 2010-2011 两年期预算订正估数的报告(A/65/183), 并回顾说,秘书长在关于该法庭 2010-2011 两年期金筹措情况报告(A/64/476)第 5 段中表示,由于该 法庭无法控制的因素,审判的完成工作日期将受到影 响,如果审判时间表相差很大,则将会重新摊派经费, 并在编制订正估数时处理有关变化。
Turning to the report of the Secretary-General on the revised estimates for the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/65/183), he recalled that, in
paragraph 5 of the report
[...] on the financing of the Tribunal for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/64/476), the Secretary-General had indicated that factors beyond the Tribunal’s control would affect the completion dates of trials and that, should the trial schedule vary significantly, the requirements would be reassessed and relevant changes would be addressed in the context of revised estimates.
同第一项《国家养恤金保险法》相比,现在养 金 已 经 指数 化 ,养 老 金实 行 推迟发放,遗属养恤金比率已经修订,有资格享受遗属养恤金的人员的范 围已经扩大,国家养恤金和提前退休养老金在养恤金领取人继续工 时 ,也 发给他们。
As compared to the first State Pension Insurance
[...] Act, pensions are now indexed, a deferred old-age pension has been introduced, the rate of the survivor’s pension has been revised and the range of persons entitled to the survivor’s pension has been extended, and the national pension and the early-retirement pension is paid to pensioners also when they continue to work.
指示金融机构确保在业务中遵守安理会第 1970(2011)号决议关于提供 金融服务、进行金融资产和资源交易以及与阿拉伯利比亚民众国金融机构和银行 关系的第 17 段;如发现任何决议所涉的金融交易,必须向官员 报 , 并 报 告采 取的措施。
Financial organizations have been instructed to ensure that their operations comply with paragraph 17 of Security Council resolution 1970 (2011) in relation to the provision of financial services, transactions involving financial assets and resources, and relations with financial institutions and banks in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, and to inform officials of [...]
any financial transactions
they may detect that fall under the resolution and of the measures taken.
(c) 具体规定高级专员所应提供的金数 额 , 规定支付的货币以及在适时指明使用资金的目的; (d) 具体规定方案或项目的结束日期
(c) specify
[...] the amount of moneys to be made available by the High Commissioner, the currency in which it will be paid and, when applicable, [...]
the purposes for which it is to be used
委员会时还指出,目前金融危机 着重表明,利用各种有效 的贸易金融机制来抵御危机对出口商所产生的冲击十分重要,并为此建 [...]
Noting that the current financial crisis had highlighted the importance [...]
of effective trade finance mechanisms to cushion
the impact of the crisis on exporters, the Committee recommended that such mechanisms be strengthened, in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
前,高 层倡导项⽬、政策指导⽅针,以及包括“减灾教 育资料金图书馆”在内的具体⼯具和⽅法,已经陆续 开发、实施指导教育政策的制定者将减灾纳入国家教 育议程、学校课程设置和高等教育, 时融 入 学 校安全 项⽬的实施过程。
High level advocacy initiatives,
[...] policy guidelines as well as specific tools and methodologies including a Golden Library on Disaster Risk Education Materials have been developed to guide education policy-makers in integrating disaster risk reduction into [...]
the national education
agenda, school curricula and higher education, and in implementing school safety initiatives.
时报”:金融危机 压垮中国的经济增长 - Invertia - 三十年来, [...]
中国 推动其显着的经济崛起,并成为世界的工厂,以低廉的价格出口的浪潮,导致。
NYT': financial crisis overwhelms Chinese [...]
growth - Invertia - For three decades, China has fueled its remarkable economic
rise and becoming the factory of the world, which resulted in a tidal wave of exports at low prices.
确定一般事务人员薪金的方法提供了在两次全面薪金调查之间年份调整薪酬的机制; 这种时涨薪 是根据法国劳动、就业、职业培训和社会对话部发布的两次 金指数 中 的 变化 确定的。
The methodology for setting GS salaries provides a mechanism for adjusting pay in the years
[...] comprehensive salary surveys; such interim increases are based on the changes in two salary indices produced by the Ministère français [...]
du Travail, de l'Emploi,
de la Formation professionnelle et du Dialogue social.
农作物也逐渐进口,当地土地密集的种植业无法与之竞爭,原来种植农作物的 土地就让给了出口业和园藝溫室,其中大 数 的 工 作也是由妇女完成 金融时报, 2005 年 12 月)。
Since grains are increasingly imported and outcompete local land-intensive crop production, the traditional plots for grain give way
to horticulture for exports and greenhouses,
[...] where most of the work is done by women (Financial Times, 9 December 2005).
您可在金融时报》网 站主页上查看相关视频,见 此处。
You can view the video on the
[...] homepage of the Financial Times website here.
在 5 月份发布并向主要国际统计报告提前提供了 2008 年的参考数据以及地区 平均数据,如:《世界发展指标报告》(世界银行)、《人类发展报告》《人类发 指数报 告》 的教育部分(开发计划署)、《世界儿童状况报告》(儿童 金 会 ) 等。
Relevant reference data for 2008 and regional averages were released in May and provided in advance to key international statistical reports
such as the World Development
[...] Indicators report (World Bank), the Human Development Report and the education component of the Human Development Index (UNDP), the State [...]
of the World’s Children report (UNICEF) and others.
此外,对于那些似乎通过使巴勒斯坦方面的人员死亡看似较不重要或较不 严重来贬低巴勒斯坦人生命价值的措辞,我们深表担忧,例如, 报 告第 7 段 的一句话指出,“……估计在冲突中丧生的巴勒斯坦人有 1 300 人,5 300 人受 伤”,同一句在提到以色列的死亡 数时指 出 , “……14 名以色列人被杀,530 多人受伤”。
Moreover, we are deeply troubled by the choice of terminology that appears to devalue the lives of Palestinians by making the deaths on the Palestinian side seem less important or
serious. For example, a sentence
[...] in paragraph 7 of the report states, “… an estimated 1,300 Palestinians lost their lives and 5,300 were injured in the conflict”, and in the same sentence, in reference to Israeli deaths, states, “… and 14 [...]
Israelis were killed, and more than 530 injured”.
可以使用预测金融数据( DCF 模型中的现 金流),可比数据(可比市场数据,例如部 指 数 和 行业平均值),或是历史数据(股票价 格,或是油价和电价)。
You can use forecast financial data (cash flows from a DCF model), comparable data (comparable market data such as sector indexes and industry averages), [...]
or historical
data (stock prices or price of oil and electricity).
陆恭蕙作出的卓越成就有目共睹,她在2007年10月被《时代》杂志封为“环保英雄”, 在2007年被伦敦的Ethical
[...] Corporation出版公司评为当年度15位“民族领袖”之一,2009年在苏格兰皇家顾资私人银 行 / 金融时报 共 同设立的亚洲女性奖中被评为“最具影响力女性”。
Loh has been widely recognized for her achievements, including as one of the “Heroes of the Environment” by TIME in October 2007, named as one of fifteen “Ethnical Leaders of 2007” by the London-based
publication Ethical Corporation, and ‘Woman Who Makes A Difference’ in
[...] 2009 by RBS Coutts/Financial Times’ Women in Asia Awards.
应该 提到的是,尽管目前金融危机,少 数 民 族的教育和文化方案依然在顺利的执 行。
It should be mentioned that
[...] notwithstanding the crisis, the educational and cultural programs for national minorities continue to [...]
be smoothly implemented.
报告指出,海盗行为在高风险地区继续发生,其 袭击日益猖獗,暴力手段更加强硬,索取的 金数额 也在激增。
The report indicates that piracy continues in the high-risk area and is seen through increasingly ambitious attacks, a hardening of violence and an upsurge in the amounts of ransom demanded.
这些数据被一些 国际统计报告和指数报告援引,如:《世界发展指标》(世界银行)、《人类发 指数报 告》(开发计划署)、《世界儿童的状况》(儿童 金 会 )以及联合国千年发展目标报告和 许多其他报告。
This data was featured in major international statistical reports and indices, namely: the World Development Indicators (World Bank); the Human Development Index and Report (UNDP); State of the World’s Children (UNICEF); the United Nation’s official MDG report and many others.
最后报告强 调大会需要为工程处提供充足的 财务支持,方式包括,若要更加灵活、有效地安排 工作人员,需确定可用以支付遣散费用的潜在经费 来源;审查当前联合国经常预算用于满足当前工程 处时期管理需求的金数额和 范围,特别是在遵 守大会授权的与会计和安全标准、内部司法改革和 购置所需数据管理系统有关的举措方面。
Lastly, the report highlighted the need for the General Assembly to provide the Agency with adequate financial support, by identifying potential sources of funding that could be used to finance severance payments should it need greater flexibility in the efficient use of staff; reviewing the adequacy of the current level and scope of funding from the United Nations [...]
regular budget to
meet contemporary demands on the Agency’s management, including in particular compliance with General Assembly-mandated initiatives relating to accounting and security standards, the reform of internal justice and the acquisition of a needed data-management system.
全球已有大约450个MBA项目接受了GRE General Test,包括美国新闻与世界报道评选的前100个美国项目中将近一半的项目 金融时报 评 选 的全球十大MBA项目中的7个项目。
About 450 MBA programs worldwide now accept the GRE General Test, including almost half of the U.SNews & World Report's top 100 U.Sprograms and seven of the top 10 Financial Times' global MBA programs, including the highly respected INSEAD, which recently announced it
would accept GRE test
[...] scoresBecause of the significant increase in the number of business schools accepting the GRE test, the yearly survey of business schools conducted by U.SNews & World Report for the first time [...]
collected GRE test data
全面审查了统计研究所收集的所有数据的性别方面的情况,并且提交了关于 监测全民教育性别目指数的报告,作为《2003 年全民教育全球监测报告》的内容。
A comprehensive review of the gender aspects of all
data collected by UIS has been
[...] completed, and a report on indicators for monitoring the [...]
gender goal of EFA has been submitted
as a contribution to the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2003.
更重要的是,本年度的金融时报全球未来自由贸易区报告 指 出 , 波兰有五个经济 特区(卡托维兹、罗兹、瓦乌布日赫、波美拉尼亚和斯塔拉 霍维采)位列欧洲七大最佳以及世界40 [...]
What’s more,
[...] this year’s FT report Global Free Zones of the Future pointed out five Polish SEZs [...]
(Katowice, Łódź, Wałbrzych,
Pomeranian and Starachowice) among the seven best in Europe and 40 best in the world.
表 明 金 融 資 產 發 生 減 值 的 客 觀 證 據,指 金 融 資 產 初 始 確 認 後 實 際 發 生 的、對 該 金 融 資 產 的 預 計 未 來 現 金 流 量 有 影 [...]
響,且 企 業 能 夠 對 該 影 響 進 行 可 靠 計 量 的 事 項。
The objective evidence which indicates impairment of
[...] financial assets represents events actually occurring after initial recognition of financial assets which [...]
have an impact on financial
assets’ estimated future cash flows, and such impact can be reliably measured.
不过,关于我们现在所审议的问题,我们 指 出,在签署和平协议之后,用于本地区的发展资金并没有 象当初为针对我们人民的战争提供 金时 那 样 迅速 地提供给我们,金数量也 没有后者那么多。
However, and with regard to the issue before us, we
should like to point out that, after
[...] the signing of the peace accords, the development funds earmarked for our region were not channelled to us as quickly or in the amounts reserved as had been the funds provided for the war against our people.




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