

单词 功不可没

See also:

不可 adj

unacceptable adj

External sources (not reviewed)

他在设立位于拉贾斯坦邦焦特普尔的国际法协会拉贾斯坦 邦分会方功不可没。
He was instrumental in setting up the International Law Association Rajasthan Chapter at Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
他在马哈拉施特拉邦和果阿邦各地设立调停 与和解中心方功不可没。
He was instrumental in setting up mediation and conciliation centres all over the states of Maharashtra and Goa.
我 们深切感谢安理会通过两项历史性决议,它们对保护 成千上万无辜平民的生命显 功不可没。
We are very grateful for the Council’s adoption of two historic resolutions, which have clearly contributed to the protection of the lives of thousands of innocent civilians.
该国政府自2007 年来在实施一系列重要改革以解决这些问题方 功不可 没。
The Government deserves significant credit for implementing a number of important reforms since 2007 to address these issues.
神谷茂先生作为日本最早援助中国经济和技术发展的专家,自1992年开始的十多年间,他曾三十多次访问中国,期间,参观指导了光源、灯用材料制造工厂、研究所、中国照明学会等等机构,对中国照明和光源工业有着深刻而全面的认识,对我国照明科技的研发提供了无私的指导与帮助,对促进我国照明事业的长足发展可谓 功不可没。
Mr. Shen Gumao visited China and looked around many organs such as illuminant and light materials manufacturing factories, institutes, China Illuminating Engineering Society, etc. These date back to 1992, and vividly show Mr. Shen Guamo in the light of the specialist who first helped China’s economic and technological development, offered selfless guidance and aid for China’s research and development in the lighting technology and made great contributions to China’s continuous development of the lighting cause.
Scrum 在欧洲、南非和巴西成为敏捷软件开发的事实标准,他在其 功不可没。
He has had his fare share in making Scrum the de facto standard of agile software development in Europe, South Africa, and Brazil.
我欢迎中非共和国、乍得和苏丹继续进行富有成效的合作,也欢迎中部非洲 国家经济共同体各国元首表达的区域承诺,这对安全形势出现改 功不可没。
I applaud the continuing fruitful collaboration between the Central African Republic, Chad and the Sudan, in addition to the regional commitment expressed by the Heads
of State of the Economic Community of Central African
[...] States, which have contributed to the improved [...]
security situation.
此外,重新把重点放在预防上,其政 功不可 没。
Moreover, his Administration has been credited with placing renewed focus on HIV prevention.
自2007年加入Epsilon,担任亚洲区副总裁起,云先生积极进取,大幅拓展在该区的销售和客户层,于主要市场建立牢固的业务,尤其在拓展印度和日本市场上,更 功不可没。
Since joining Epsilon in 2007 as vice president of Asia region, Adrian has solidly built up the business operations in the region, covering Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and India.
以30名为一组的朗诵队伍获得评审团的高度赞誉,他们的表演远远超出了评审团的期望,其努力与团队合作获得表扬,老师的无私奉献 功不可没。
The team of 30 students surpassed even the expectations of the panel of judges thus earning high praises from the organising
committee for not only their commitment, hard work and
[...] discipline, but also for the dedication [...]
shown by their teachers.
因此,福伊特在实现都市现代化的交通 功不可没 , 与 此同时还将对生态环境的影响降到最低。
Voith therefore makes a significant contribution to modern, safe and eco-friendly mobility of people and goods.
富士通能够帮助客户通过采用简化的容量规划过程来精确预测扩容需求,艾默生网络能源的这些解决方 功不可没。
These solutions provide Fujitsu with
[...] the capability to provide accurate [...]
anticipation of customers' expansion needs with
simplified and streamlined capacity planning.
这件作品的优势在于它的稀缺性和无可挑剔的出处(它曾在1977年 作为该艺术家展品中的一分子出现在巴黎Claude Bernard画廊举办的展览 上),它的主题同功不可没,因 为该作品的主人公是培根的情人兼主要模特 George Dyer。
The assets of this work – lying fifth in the list of Bacon’s records – are not only its rarity and impeccable provenance (it featured in the artist’s 1977 exhibition at the Claude Bernard gallery in Paris, and had been kept by its owners ever since) but also its subject, as it represents George Dyer, the artist’s lover and iconic model.
用Sentrino CGM系统监护我的危重症患者将提醒我注意随时可能发生的低血糖症或高血糖症,在更好地维持血糖控制方 功不可没。
Using the Sentrino CGM System for my intensive care patients will alert me to impending hypo or hyperglycemia, and will be invaluable in better maintaining glucose control.
欧小姐自1987年开始便一直在LJ国际工作,是位忠诚、尽心尽力、有上进心的员工;LJ国际能取得今时今日的成就,欧小姐可 功不可没。
Ms. Au has been with the company since its inception in 1987 and is an excellent
example of the kind of dedicated, loyal and enterprising self-starters who
[...] help make LJI the success story it is today.
中国的这 场经济腾飞,两大动功不可没:一 是高水平的投资,二是强大的出口导向型制造 业—受惠于农村人口向沿海城市迁移而产生的数亿劳动力大军。
At the heart of this transformation has been a massive wave of investment and an unprecedented migration from countryside to city in support of export-led manufacturing.
各国议会联盟对安排组织世界重大会议的议会层 功不可没 , 而 且已被证明 具有重要意义。
It has enriched the proceedings and allowed parliamentary views and concerns to be reflected in the proceedings and outcomes.
然 而  ,古 尔 斯 基 的 作 品 在 当 代 摄 影 领
域 仍 然 保 持 着 拍 卖 价 格 的 领 跑 位 置 (  针 对 2 0 0 9 年 7 月 至 2 0 1 0 年 6 月 这 段 时 间  )
[...]  ,其 作 品 《  麦 当 娜 I  》 所 起 的 作功 不 可 没  。
Andreas Gursky’s market has also lost steam: after 6 results above the $1m line between May 2006 and February 2008 – including £1.5m (nearly $3m) on 7 February 2007 at Sotheby’s for his famous 99 cent II – his works offered at above $100,000 during 2009 sold rather timidly and at best within their estimated price ranges: on 25 June 2009, his Dubai World II fetched £370,000 (below its estimate) at Sotheby’s. Posting a sharp slowdown over the last year and a half and a 49% contraction of his price index between January 2009 and July 2010, Gursky has nevertheless managed to maintain his leader position (in terms of total
auction revenue between July 2009 and June 2010) in the Contemporary
[...] photography segment, largely due to his Madonna I.
各代表团在全体会议 和圆桌会议上的建设性发言,对本次会议的成 功不 可没。
Their constructive statements in the plenary meetings and round tables have greatly
[...] contributed to the success of this gathering.
这项通过协作促进雇员健康,优化医疗保健服务质量的计划,对所投资公司吸引及挽留人才,控制主要成本因素更 功不可没。
By collaborating to improve the health of their employees and the quality of care that they receive, our
portfolio companies also
[...] strengthen their ability to attract and retain talent and gain control over a major cost factor.
CRN 将 Famularo 称为“渠道舵手,CA
[...] Technologies 的存储业务今天能实现以渠道为中心的模式, 功不可没。
CRN described Famularo as “a channel
turnaround specialist, having turned CA Technologies storage business into the very much
[...] channel-centric business it is today.
简便易用、异常强大、满载你至爱的功能,Mac 之所以是 Mac,功不可没。
Easy to use, powerful, and packed with features you’ll love, [...]
it’s what makes a Mac a Mac.
伯爵之所以成为创意无限的高级钟表典范,其推陈出新、工艺精湛的品牌风 功不可没。
Perhaps more than any other company, Piaget has risen to this challenge by pushing back the limits of watchmaking expertise toward new horizons marked by boldness and innovation.
德马尔科主席和谢哈比主席引导联合国渡过了 那些最初不确定时刻,迎来了多边主义与国际合作的 新曙光功不可没。
Presidents De Marco and Shihabi were instrumental in guiding the United Nations through those first uncertain moments and in ushering in a new dawn in multilateralism and international cooperation.
在我们开发产品过程中,软件部门同 功不可没 , 因 为他们一直在为完善每一台数控机床的应用程序,以及客户工厂整个生产环节的管理程序而不懈努力。
Among our development activities, the work of the software department should not be forgotten, committed as it is to the constant effort of perfecting the application programmes for managing every single CNC machine and the entire productive cycle of the client.
(e) 企业无法在失灵的社会中取得功; 没 有 企 业提供解决方案,没有政 府提供一致和持续的政策环境,社会 不可 能 实现可持续发展。
(e) Business cannot succeed in a society that fails, and society cannot achieve sustainability without business providing solutions and [...]
without governments providing consistent
and enduring policy environments.
关于高等教育,必须着重指出,有效支持设立玛雅大学及其运作的努 没有 成功,这个大学可成为 一个研究土著人民语言和文化的特殊学术实体 不 仅让 土著有机会认识上述各方面,也可让所有其他愿意研究的人认识土著人民的文 化。
Where higher education is concerned,
[...] greater efforts are needed to effectively support the creation and operation of the Mayan university, which would be a specific academic body for the study of the language and culture of indigenous peoples, where not only they, [...]
but all those who wish
to learn about their culture, would have the opportunity to study.
尽管“网络附加存储功能使得在没 有 您的 许 可 情 况 下,任何人都无权通过互联网访问您的文件,但希 不 保 证 其他 不 能 访 问您的文件。
Although the “Network
[...] Attached Storage” feature is designed so that no one can access your files over the Internet without your permission, Seagate cannot guarantee or warrant that others will not be able to access [...]
your files.
几个代表团指出,私营标准在他们国家对进出口和经济有负面影响,特别是小规 模的生产商;实施困难;没有科学基础;制定标 不 公 开 透明 没 有 解决标准争议的程 序;声称这些标准比公共标准安可 能 会 误导消费者。
Several delegations pointed out that private standards had a negative impact on export and economies in their countries, especially on small scale producers; they were
difficult to implement; they were not based on science; their
[...] development was not open and transparent; there was no dispute settlement procedure for these standards; and claims stating that these standards were safer than public standards [...]
might mislead consumers.




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