

单词 这政策

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需要查明并分析确实有效的成功案例 政策 , 这 也 应 当包括努力确 定如何在不同的情况下采取最佳方式适用并实 这 些 政策 , 以 及如何推 广 这 些政 策。
Success stories and policies that had worked needed to be identified and analysed, and this should include efforts to determine how best those policies fitted and could [...]
be implemented in different
contexts and how they could be scaled up.
他还说,环境规划署正在通过一项会 政策 , 这 项 政策 要 求 环境规划署设立呆账准备 5 金这一政策还也 适用于多边基金的账户。
He also said that UNEP was adopting
[...] an accounting policy that required it to make provision for doubtful debts and that the policy would also be applied [...]
to the accounts of the Multilateral Fund.
峰会主要大力推动落实东南非共市 的知识产权和文化权政策,这项 政策 奠 定 了该区促进创新和提高创造性的总体 框架。
The summit pushed, inter alia, for the
[...] implementation of the COMESA Policy on Intellectual Property [...]
and Cultural Rights, which lays
out the overall framework to promote innovation and creativity in the region.
文莱达鲁萨兰国代表团指出,关照本国人民的福利是苏丹陛下政府的一项 简单而基本政策,这项政策包括 提供和平的环境、一流的卫生制度、顶级的教 育制度、适足的住房、照顾生活贫困者、处理贫穷问题、确保粮食安全、为人民 [...]
The delegation stated that looking after the
welfare of his people is a simple
[...] and fundamental policy of His Majesty’s government, including [...]
provision of a peaceful environment,
a first-class health system, a top class educational system, adequate housing, providing for people in need, addressing poverty, ensuring food security, and jobs for the people.
广大国际社会应团结一致,商定一整 政策 , 这 些 政策 视 在危机局势中,特 别是在非洲使用预防性外交为理所当然。
It is in the interests of the international community at large to
[...] unite around a set of policies which would see preventive [...]
diplomacy employed as a matter
of course in crisis situations, particularly in Africa.
此外,全球经济体系改革还应该提供必要的政策空间,使发展中 国家能够奉行自主、综合的发政策 , 这 种 政策 反 过 来将会促成更有效的全球发 展伙伴关系。
Moreover, the reform of the global economic
system should also provide the policy space necessary for developing countries to pursue nationally owned and
[...] integrated development policies that will, in turn, [...]
lead to a more effective
global partnership for development.
阿富汗政府承诺制定和执行将提交喀布尔会议的国家安 政策 , 这 项政 策将说 明安全基础结构以及不同的安全机构的作用和责任。
The Government of Afghanistan’s commitment to devise and
[...] implement a national security policy, which is to be presented [...]
at the Kabul Conference and which
outlines the security infrastructure and roles and responsibilities of the different security agencies.
[...] 助最弱势人口的社会政策以及促进平等和打击歧视 政策 , 这 些 政策 考 虑到在以 下文书所作的承诺:千年发展目标;北京宣言和行动纲要;消除对妇女一切形式 [...]
歧视公约(1984 年批准);美洲防止、惩处和消除对妇女暴力公约(贝伦杜帕拉公
约,1995 年批准);防止、制止和惩处贩卖人口、特别是妇女和儿童附加议定书(巴 勒莫议定书,2004 年批准)。
These policies include commitments made with respect to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action; the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women, which Brazil
[...] ratified in 1984; the Inter-American Convention on [...]
the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication
of Violence against Women (Convention of Belém do Pará), which Brazil ratified in 1995; and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Palermo Protocol), which Brazil ratified in 2004.
继在斯德哥尔摩举行的《伊拉克国际契约》第一 次年度审查会议之后,伊拉克政府采取了许多步骤来 加强和支持通过 2008 年的《联合监测情况汇总》满 足所有要求政策——这些政策确定 了行政和财政 改革进程的必要步骤。
Following the first annual review of the International Compact with Iraq held in Stockholm, the Iraqi Government has
taken many steps to
[...] enhance and support policies to accomplish all requirements through the Joint Monitoring Matrix of 2008, in which the necessary steps to launch the administrative and financial [...]
reform process were determined.
[...] 配,在其他目标中,可能需要引导资源来应对 气候变化的影响或促进减政策,这 些 政策可 能 开始时较为昂贵,如采用一些可再生能源技 术。
On the one hand, because resources otherwise needed to alleviate poverty or enhance income distribution, among other goals may need to be channelled to
address climate change impacts or to
[...] facilitate mitigation policies that may be initially [...]
be more expensive such as, the deployment
of the some renewable energies technologies.
这一目标植根于若干政策,包括儿童基金会的两性均等和平 政策 ,1 这一 政策制订 了增加妇女在各级的参与(尤其侧重高级职等)、关爱家庭政策(包括“灵 活工作安排和育儿假”)以及本组织表示承诺到 [...]
2010 年在各级实现联合国全系统 两性均等目标。
This objective is anchored in
[...] a number of policies, including the UNICEF Gender Parity and Equality Policy,1 which sets [...]
goals for an increase
in the participation of women at all levels (with a special focus on senior levels); familyfriendly policies (including “Flexible Working Arrangements and Parental Leave”); and the stated commitment of the organization to achieve the United Nations system-wide goal of gender parity at all levels of staff by 2010.
该区域的许多国家执行了反周期 政策 , 这 些 政策 使 它 们不仅能够部分抵消 大部分国内需求的缩减,而且能加快复苏进程,一些国家 2009 年第二季度出现 复苏,第三季度时几乎所有国家都出现复苏。
Many countries in the region were able to implement
[...] countercyclical policies that allowed them not only to at least partially offset the negative evolution of most of [...]
the components of domestic
demand, but also to speed up the recovery process, which took hold in some countries as of the second quarter and in nearly all by the third quarter of 2009.
[...] 列总理内塔尼亚胡直接挑战国际法和国际社会的言论所一再表明,包括他最近所 做的令人厌恶之至的言论:“我们对耶路撒冷的政策是所有以色列政府在过去 42 年内的同政策,这一政策多年 来并没有改变。
This is illustrated again and again by the remarks made by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in direct challenge to international law and the international community, including his latest
such repugnant remark
[...] that “Our policy towards Jerusalem is the same policy of all Israeli Governments in the past [...]
42 years and it has not changed.
拉脱维亚提到一项 2007-2013 年国政策,这项政策为 与 被剥夺自由的少年进行接触的专业人员提供指导方针,并且符合国际儿童司 [...]
Latvia made
[...] reference to its national policy for the period 2007-2013, [...]
which provides guidelines for professionals dealing
with juveniles deprived of their liberty and complies with principles established in international standards and norms in child justice.
发展和改善优质基础教育(正规和非正规)、支持中等教育(普通、计划和专 业)、实施高等教育和科学技术研究发展长 政策 , 这 些 是 这些国 政 策 文 件的优先 干预领域,落实这些文件需要国内(公共和私人)和国际的所有参与者之间协同行 动。
Development and improvement of access to quality basic formal and non-formal education, support for general, technical and vocational education at the secondary
level, and implementation
[...] of a long-term policy for the development of higher education and scientific and technological research are defined as priority areas for action in the national policy documents, [...]
the implementation of
which requires a synergy of actions among all national public and private partners and international partners.
委员会鼓励缔约国加倍努力,制定和实行一项全面的移民正常 政策 ,这 一政策要适 用于所有处于不正常情况的所有移徙工人及其家庭成员,并符合不歧 [...]
The Committee encourages the State party to redouble its efforts to
establish and implement a comprehensive
[...] migrant regularization policy that is accessible to [...]
all migrant workers and members of
their families in an irregular situation and satisfies the principle of non-discrimination.
尤其必要的是,扩大国际合作努力,加强发展中国家和领土的机构,制定和执行 促进社会融合的公政策,这种政策 以 提 供普遍享有保健服务的教育为中心,把 降低婴儿和产妇死亡率列为优先事项。
It is basic to extend the efforts of international cooperation for the institutional strengthening of the developing countries
and territories, as well as design
[...] and implement public policies for social inclusion, [...]
centered in education that provides
universal access to health services, prioritizing the rates reduction of infant and maternal mortality.
关于如何适这类政策的规则应当对采购实体施 加适当的限制,特别是禁止采购实体依载量权决定临时适 这 类 政策 ; 这 类政 策易导致滥用和舞弊,例如有所偏袒。
Rules on the
[...] application of such policies should impose appropriate constraints on procuring entities, in particular by prohibiting the ad hoc adoption of policies at the discretion of the procuring entity; such policies are open to [...]
misuse and abuse, such as through favouritism.
(d) 财务报表附注2 中概述的本组织会政策;这些会计 政 策 与 以往财政 年度一样予以适用。
(d) The accounting policies of the organisation, as [...]
summarised in Note 2 to the financial statements and these accounting policies have been applied on
a basis consistent with the preceding financial periods.
随着时间的推移这些政策有助 于提高知识水平和技术转让水平,并创造 必要的技能,从而建立起一支具有竞争力的劳动力队伍。
Over time, these policies have helped to increase [...]
the level of knowledge, transfer of technology and create the necessary
skills, to establish a competitive workforce.
政策这一挑 战将更为重大,因为人们正加大努力创造低碳的未来,为 此,关注特定部门的政策――特别是能源、交通和采掘业――至关重要。
The challenge of industrial policy is likely to take [...]
on even more importance as efforts step up to create a low-carbon future
for which policies focused on specific sectors – particularly energy, transport and extractive industries – will be critical.
颁布或修订的其他政策包括 互动协作接受政策和客户定政策, 这 两 个 政 策 都 把重点放在项目厅能够可靠地 对成果作出贡献并实现机遇与风险之间平衡的领域中的互动协作。
Among the other policies issued or revised were the Engagement Acceptance Policy and the Client Pricing Policy, both of which focus engagements in areas where UNOPS can reliably contribute to results, balancing opportunity as well as risk.
主要因素之一是,尽管已经实施了旨在提高竞争 政策 , 以解 决这 些定价和可用性问题,并产生了积极影响,但还是有遗留的瓶颈问题。
One of the major
[...] factors is that, while policies aimed at improving competition [...]
have been implemented with a view to addressing
these pricing and availability issues and have had a positive impact, there are remaining bottlenecks.
以色列在继续非法、不人道和无耻地封锁加沙地带,给困在那里的 150 万平 民造成无法计量的痛苦和创伤之外,继 这 种 非法 的 政策 和 做法 , 这 进 一 步构成 了无可辩驳的证据,说明占领国卑鄙地无视国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法, 而且拒绝给予巴勒斯坦人民在自己的国土上行使自决和自由这些合法的、不可分 割的和国际公认的权利。
Israel’s continuation of such illegal policies and practices, in addition to its continuing illegal, inhumane and shameful blockade of the Gaza Strip and the immeasurable suffering and trauma it is inflicting on the 1.5 million civilians imprisoned there, constitutes yet further irrefutable evidence of the occupying Power’s abject disregard for international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, as well as its rejection of the legitimate, inalienable and internationally recognized rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and freedom in their homeland.
[...] 美国坚持贯彻其国际法律义务,并且在国家安 政策这 个 重 要领域内 促进问责制和透明度。
These measures cumulatively seek to reaffirm the importance of compliance with the rule of law in U.S. detention practices, to ensure U.S. adherence to its
international legal obligations, and to promote accountability and transparency in this
[...] important area of national security policy.
在这方面,他谈到了科学和创 新政策,并强调必须探讨创新如何能够引导我们开展新的投资回合的问题,如果
[...] 采取各种形式的可持续性政策,例如关于环境、气候变化和生物多样性的可持续政策,这种新 的投资回合是应该能够发生的。
In that respect, he referred to science and innovation policies and highlighted the need to explore how innovation could lead us to embark upon new rounds of investment which were
supposed to be generated by all forms of
[...] sustainability policies related, for instance, [...]
to environment, climate change and biodiversity.
[...] 促进充分、自由选择的生产性就业和人人有体面工作的战略 政策 , 这 些 应 该成 为相关的国家政策和国际政策以及包括减贫战略在内国家发展战略的基本组成 [...]
Affirming its strong support for fair globalization and the need to translate growth into
eradication of poverty and commitment
[...] to strategies and policies that aim to promote [...]
full, freely chosen and productive
employment and decent work for all and that these should constitute a fundamental component of relevant national and international policies as well as national development strategies, including poverty reduction strategies, and reaffirming that employment creation and decent work should be incorporated into macroeconomic policies, taking fully into account the impact and social dimension of globalization, the benefits and costs of which are often unevenly shared and distributed
2011年9月 举行了第二届受害者援助/ 残疾人问题国家研讨会,相关部委的各级代表在研讨
会上汇聚一堂,开展了形势分析,并针对受害者援助的六个方面制定了 SMART 目标,这六个方面分别是:应急和持续的医疗保健;身体机能康复;社会心理融
[...] 合;融入社会和经济生活;数据收集和立法 政策 , 这 些 目 标有待纳入第一份有 关受害者援助和残疾人问题的国家计划。
In addition, Iraq reported that in September 2011, the second national workshop on victim assistance/disability was held bringing together representatives from relevant ministries at various levels to conduct a situational analysis and to develop SMART objectives in six areas of victim assistance – emergency and continuing medical care, physical rehabilitation, psychological reintegration, socio-economic
reintegration, data collection
[...] and legislation and policies – for inclusion [...]
into the first national plan on victim assistance and disability.
对于知识产权利益攸关者,这就意味着将冲突管理纳入商业流程(例如,开发新技 术)、合同实践和广义上的执政策 , 所 有 这 些 都 需要意识到争议解决的风险与机遇。
For IP stakeholders, this translates into a need to integrate conflict management into business processes (for example, the development of new
technologies), contracting practices, and
[...] broader enforcement policies, all of which require [...]
awareness of dispute resolution risks and opportunities.
这 12 个员额包括行政领导和管理项下的一个 P-2 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案 1(与全球经济的联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 2(生 产和创新)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 3(宏观经政策和增长)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 5(社会发展与平等)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 12(墨西哥和 中美洲的次区域活动)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比次区域活动)下的 1 个当地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个 P-4 临时员额、一个 P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。
These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive direction and management; one P-2 post under subprogramme 1, Linkages with the global economy, regional integration and cooperation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies and growth; one [...]
P-2 post under subprogramme
5, Social development and equality; one P-2 post under subprogramme 12, Subregional activities in Mexico and Central America; one Local level post under subprogramme 13, Subregional activities in the Caribbean; and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 post and three Local level posts under programme support.




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