

单词 在泳池

See also:


swimming n



pool n
pond n

External sources (not reviewed)

享受Auera Spa中心的双人按摩服务在泳池边的 啜饮中放松身心,与爱人共进浪漫晚宴并在星空下相拥起舞。
Pamper yourself with a couples massage in our MSC Aurea
[...] Spa, take a drink and relax by the pool, savour a [...]
romantic dinner together and dance under the stars.
此外, 亦
[...] 會一如以往 ,安排 香 港 拯 溺 總 會的義 務 救 生在泳池當 值
Moreover, arrangements will also be made just
as in the past for inviting honorary lifeguards from the Hong Kong Life Saving
[...] Society to be on duty at swimming pools.
我们可以开始期在泳池边消 磨时光或是与家人一起在海滩上野餐的悠闲日子。
We can start to look forward to lazy days
[...] relaxing next to the pool or enjoying a day [...]
picnicking on the beach with family.
在泳池開放 期間,天文台發出 8 號 颱風信號預報時,泳池職員會立刻通知泳客,並勸諭他們盡快離去;當值的 [...]
When Typhoon Signal No.
[...] 8 forecast is issued by the Hong Kong [...]
Observatory during the opening hours of swimming pools, pool
staff will immediately notify swimmers of the forecast and advise them to leave the pools as quickly as possible.
专业配方SPF15,方便的喷雾乳液为户外运动迷提供温和防护——无论去海滩、打球还 在泳池 边 徜 徉休憩。
Formulated with SPF 15, this convenient spray lotion offers
moderate protection for skin worshipers who like to play outdoors
[...] - whether at the beach, playing sports or lounging poolside.
該署在有需要時亦會作出安排,邀請拯溺總會 的義務救生在泳池當值
Where necessary, arrangements would also be made for inviting honorary lifeguards from the Hong Kong Life Saving Society
[...] to be on duty at swimming pools.
冬天,可以在舒適的壁爐前放鬆身心,夏季,能 在泳池 畔 或 眾多天然泉眼旁消磨時光。
In winter relax in front of a cosy fireplace and in summer
[...] laze by the swimming pool or one of the [...]
many natural waterholes.
除了初級潛水訓練開始時因安全理由而 在泳池 進 行外, 消防處初級及高級潛水訓練往往須在外海水域進行。
With the exception of the beginning of the initial course which must be
[...] conducted in a swimming pool for safety reasons, [...]
FSD always has to conduct initial
and advanced diving training in the open sea.
UL 在泳池和水 療池安全認證方面領先全球,擁有當今最先進的泳池和水療池測試設備,技術人員的經驗也極為豐富。
UL is a global leader in pool and spa safety [...]
certification, with state-of-the art pool and spa testing equipment and a highly experienced technical staff.
在公眾游池方面,員工除在泳池 開 放 時段內進行恆常清 潔外,於中午及黃昏期間的1小時暫停開放時段,會清潔泳 池池底、池邊及四周地方。
For public swimming pools, apart from the routine cleansing operation during the opening hours, there is a one-hour [...]
session break each at
noon and in the evening for cleaning the bottom, sidewalls and surrounding areas of the pools.
我工作時常在泳池為病 人做水療, 所以濕疹帶給我最大困擾就是皮膚色素, 令我很難面對病人, 尷尬得很。
Because I need to perform hydrotherapy for patients, it does cause embarrassments.
不会游泳却带着救生圈的孩在泳池 里 或 许会误以为自己泳技绝佳,从而跃跃欲试地想要扔掉救生圈独立游泳。
An unskilled child with a floatie in the pool may feel invincible and be tempted to swim without it.
(一 ) 《提供 市 政 服 務 ( 重 組 ) 條例》(第 552 章 )的條文在 2000 年1 月 生 效前, 前區域市 政局管 轄 範圍內 的 所有持 牌池, 如果在日 落 後開放 , 均須符合平 均 照 度不低 於 200 勒克司的照 明規定在 泳池水 面 水 平 線 量 度)。
(a) Before the Provision of Municipal Services (Reorganization) Ordinance (Cap. 552) came into
effect in January 2000,
[...] licensed swimming pools under the jurisdiction of the former Regional Council that operated after sunset were required to fulfil an average illumination requirement of not less than 200 lux (measured horizontally at pool water surface).
(三 ) 現 時 適 用於作康 樂 用 途 的 泳池的 照 明規定,是按照一個國 際 專 業 團 體所建議的指引( 即 平
[...] 均 照 度不低 於 200 勒克司在泳池水 面 水 平 線 量 度))而制 [...]
訂 的 。
(c) The current lighting requirement for swimming pools for recreational use were drawn up having regard to guidelines recommended by an international
professional body, that is, average illumination of not less than 200 lux measured
[...] horizontally at the pool water surface.
我們會根據初步環境審查的結果,全面和妥善實施紓減措施,包 括為公園內各種用途的布局擬定合適設計 在 游 泳池 建 築 物適當使用 固定外牆和固定玻璃窗,並在合適位置引入新鮮空氣,以免干諾道西 和游泳池建築物西南面其他道路上的車輛可能對空氣質素造成影響。
We will fully and properly implement the mitigation measures according to the PER findings, including suitable layout design for various uses within the Park, suitable use of fixed external wall, fixed glass window and appropriate location for the fresh air intake of the swimming pool building to avoid potential air quality impact from vehicles travelling on Connaught Road West and other roads to the southwest of the swimming pool building.
You can take lessons from
[...] a certified instructor at many local swimming pools.
10 时,一个武装恐怖团在 Salihin 区的 Rabi'游泳池附近安置一个爆炸 装置;军方工兵拆除了该装置的引信。
At 1000 hours, an armed terrorist group planted an explosive device in the Salihin district, near the Rabi' swimming pool; the device [...]
was defused by military engineers.
Maria 将 Stephanie 抱在怀里,走泳池中央 并向她保证她是绝对安全的,从而帮助她战胜了恐惧。
Maria helped Stephanie conquer her
fear, gathering Stephanie in her arms
[...] and wading into the middle of the pool, assuring her [...]
daughter that she would be safe.
Kaltern 的 South Tyrolean
[...] 镇拥有一座最不同寻常的建筑:日光甲板“盘旋”在六个特殊形状的支撑核心筒之上, 泳池在 中 间 下沉。
The South Tyrolean town of Kaltern is home to a most unusual structure:
The sun-deck "hovers" on six idiosyncratically shaped supporting cores,
[...] with the swimming pool sunk into the middle of it.
此外泳池在每晚 關閉後亦會進 行清潔工作,並加強池水消毒,以確保泳池池水清潔及衞 生。
In addition, another cleansing operation, enhanced with the disinfection of pool water, is conducted [...]
every night when the
pools are closed to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of pool water.
而在二零零七年至二零零九年期間,康文署轄 泳池在 旺 季 和非 旺季分別再增加 33 名和 38 名救生員。
The manpower at LCSD swimming pools for the peak and [...]
non-peak seasons was further increased by 33 and 38 lifeguards respectively during the period from 2007 to 2009.
全港 室內暖水泳池在 冬季每月平 均 有 超過 35 000 入場人 次 [...]
, 相信沙田區居民對室內暖水游 泳池的需求亦非常殷切。
The average monthly attendance of indoor
[...] heated swimming pools in winter stood [...]
constantly over 35 000, there is a great demand for indoor heated swimming pool in Sha Tin.
部份主席和副主席關注泳池在繁 忙 時間或會過於擠擁,因此提議當局增設非繁忙時間月票, [...]
Some DC Chairmen and Vice-chairmen were concerned about possible
[...] over-crowding of pools during peak days [...]
and suggested that we also introduce a non-peak
monthly ticket so as to encourage swimmers to swim at non-peak days.
審計署提出了多項建議,包括康文署應(a)確保 聘用的核心救生員總人數接近最理想數目( 即是在游泳旺季救生
員人手總需求的一半);(b)維持個別水上活動場地全年的核心與非 核心救生員比例不少於1︰ 1;
[...] (c)按泳館的泳客人數詳細檢討救生 員數目,並作出適當調整;及(d)確保大部分泳灘 泳池在 冬 季 關 閉時善用過剩的救生員(2004年 3 月的《審計署署長第四十二號報 告書》第7章:"提供水上康樂及體育設施")。
Audit recommended, among others, that LCSD should (a) ensure that the overall number of core lifeguards employed was kept close to the optimal size (i.e. at half of the full manpower requirement for lifeguards during the peak swimming months); (b) maintain a core to non-core lifeguard ratio of no less than 1:1 at individual aquatic venues throughout the year; (c) critically review the provision of lifeguards at the swimming pool complexes on the basis of patronage level and make the necessary adjustments; and (d) ensure that surplus lifeguards
were gainfully
[...] employed during the winter months when most of the beaches and swimming pools were closed (Chapter [...]
7 on "Provision of aquatic
recreational and sports facilities" of the Director of Audit's Report No. 42, March 2004).
您可以选择以下设施(根据您在的邮轮)来度过您的上午时光,例如 泳池 ( 分 成 人和儿 泳池 ) 、 水上公园、健身房、保龄球、迷你高尔夫、游戏厅、4D电影院、图书馆阅览、咖啡馆上网,在MSC水疗中心享受,或者参与到我们为大众开放的常规免费项目。
Choose to spend your morning in one of the many
onboard facilities,
[...] such as (depending on your ship) swimming (adults-only and kids-only pools available), aqua park, gym, bowling, mini-golf, [...]
the games
arcade, 4D cinema, browsing in the library, catching up in the Internet café, a moment in the MSC Aurea Spa, or joining in one of our general activities which are free and open to all.
其他有趣的城市,缪拉在那里 走来走去的中世纪街道和城墙是非常愉快,圣面粉,一个中世纪小镇,有一定的重要性,足以媲美欧里亚克部门的资本,但也Chaudes-艾格,温泉镇的温泉用于治疗风湿和地板下的供暖系统的房子和 泳池。
Others interesting cities are; Murat, where walking around
its medieval streets and
[...] ramparts is very pleasant, St Flour, a medieval town of some importance, rivalling Aurillac as the capital of the department but also Chaudes–Aigues, a spa town where the hot springs are used to treat rheumatism and provide an under floor heating system for most of the houses and the swimming pool.
在住宿的房子裡索契春季收集幾乎一切所需的休閒旅遊客源市場: Aquapark 每 1000、 保齡球、 舞廳、 電影院、 酒吧、 餐廳、 強壯的海岸線完整的海上娛樂正在自己的專業服務、 足球場、 高爾夫、
[...] 網球、 客人的酒店優秀早餐自助餐,會令人羡慕的任何世界 Spa,桌球室,自己的醫療預防基地所有食肆獨特體育場館健身房、泳池和其他浴缸,當然,按摩、 紀念品商店和旅遊商品在從索 契的遊客,因為他們知道有完全是最好的。
In the lodging house Spring in Sochi collected almost everything you need for leisure tourists: Aquapark per 1000, Bowling, a nightclub, Cinema, bars, restaurants, Well-groomed coastline full of entertainment at sea Are rolling your own professional service, football field, golf, tennis, restaurant for guests of hotel excellent breakfast buffet, which will be envied by any world Spa, billiard room, own medical-prophylactic
baseUnique sports complex with gym, swimming pool and other baths, and, of course, massage, souvenir shops and tourist goods, in which tourists from Sochi, because they know that there's exactly is the best.
整 體上,除了網球場、羽毛球場、標準草地足球場及 泳池在 市 區 的繁忙 時間收費較新界區為廉宜外,市區的主要康體設施收費一般都高於新界 區同類設施。
Overall speaking, except for the fees and charges for tennis courts, badminton
courts, natural turf
[...] pitches and swimming pools in the urban areas during peak hours, which are lower than [...]
those in the New Territories,
the fees and charges for major recreational and sports facilities in the urban areas are generally higher than those for the same types of facilities in the New Territories.




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