

单词 在此之后

在此之后 adverb ()

afterwards adv

See also:




after this
from then on



之后 adv

later adv
beyond adv

External sources (not reviewed)

正是大在此之后请联合国所有相 关机构加强它们的努力,以便考虑气候变化问题的方 方面面,包括它对安全可能产生的影响。
It was the General Assembly that then invited all the [...]
relevant organs of the United Nations to intensify their efforts in
order to consider all aspects of climate change, including its possible security implications.
只能允许两名赞成重新审议的委员和两名反对重新审议的委员就要 求重新审议的动议进行发言 在此之后 应 立 即将此项动议付诸表决。
Permission to speak on a motion to reconsider shall be accorded only to two
speakers in favour of the motion and two speakers
[...] opposing the motion, after which it shall immediately [...]
be put to the vote.
在此之后的这 段时间 内,根据执行局就此问题通过的十一项决定和大会的十项决议,巴勒斯坦权力机构借助以下 [...]
措施积极参加了联合国教科文组织的活动:1993 年 12 月成立了其职权是讨论合作开展共同 优先事项的联合国教科文组织/巴勒斯坦权力机构联合委员会;1994年4月制定了"援助巴
勒斯坦人民计划"(PAPP),2000 年 4 月将其重新定名为"联合国教科文组织援助巴勒斯坦 计划"(UPP);1997年5月开设了联合国教科文组织哈马拉办事处,主要通过权力下放和 筹集追加资金,使该办事处的活动能力在本双年度期间再次得到了实质性的加强;在加沙城 设立项目分部有助于本组织积极参与对因加沙地带的近期冲突(2008 年 12 月-2009 年 1 月)所受影响提供人道主义应急行动。
Since then, in compliance [...]
with the 11 decisions of the Executive Board and ten resolutions of the General Conference in
that regard, the Palestinian Authority has been closely associated with the activities of the Organization thanks to: the establishment in December 1993 of the Joint UNESCO/Palestinian Authority Committee, whose mandate is to discuss joint cooperation priorities; the creation in April 1994 of the Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (PAPP), which became the UNESCO Programme for Palestine (UPP) in April 2000; the opening in May 1997 of a UNESCO Office in Ramallah whose capacity for action has been substantially reinforced during the current biennium, primarily by the decentralization and mobilization of additional funds and the setting up of a Project Antenna in Gaza City enabling the Organization to contribute actively to the humanitarian response following the recent conflict (December 2008January 2009) which has affected the Gaza Strip.
在此之后,生 育率缓慢上 升,直到达到更替水平,并从那时维持在更替水平,直到 2300 年。
After that period, fertility increases slowly until it reaches replacement [...]
level and is then maintained at replacement level from that point until 2300.
在利比亚,一些城市发生了射杀参加群众抗议集会的和平示威者事件,有人 以使人联想到卢旺达胡图种族灭绝极端分子的语言威胁要除掉政治反对派 在此 之后,安 理会一致表决把在利比亚发生的局势转交国际刑事法院审理,以阻止该 国可能发生的大规模屠杀。
In Libya, after the shooting of peaceful demonstrators attending mass protest rallies in several cities, and threats to eliminate political opponents reminiscent of language used by Rwanda’s genocidal Hutu extremists, the Council unanimously voted to refer the unfolding situation in Libya to ICC to deter the potential for widespread slaughter there.
在此之后,为 促成丽贝卡的蜕变,她还将参观兵马俑复制工厂,这里还将制作她的面部、身体和四肢的铸件,并组装成一尊现代兵马俑。
Following this and to complete [...]
Rebekkah’s transformation she will be taken to a factory where reproductions of terracotta
warriors are fabricated and casts will be made of her face, body and limbs to be assembled into modern day versions of terracotta warriors.
[...] 演一个重要的角色,它可以规定一个合理的最后期限,如 在此之后 仍 没 有任何进展的话, 美国政府将插手实施技术标准,防止著作权作品受到非法利用。
The US government has an important role to play, by
[...] setting a reasonable deadline after which, if [...]
no progress has been made, it will step
in to mandate technological standards to protect copyrighted works from unlawful exploitation.
做出正确选择并不容易,因为激进变革必然导致组织经历一段时期的“混乱无序” 在此之后 , 新 的稳定状态才能被发现和定义下来。
But the choice is not straightforward since radical change will inevitably result in a period of 'Chaos', while the ‘new’ stability is found and defined.
[...] 构管辖之前发生的行为或疏忽具有管辖权的保留的解释不得阻碍当事在 此之后为继 续发生的强迫失踪承担责任。
In the same spirit, reservations that exclude the competence of such a body for acts or omissions that occurred before the entry into force of the relevant legal instrument or the acceptance of the institution’s competence should be
interpreted so not to create an obstacle to hold a State responsible for an enforced
[...] disappearance that continues after this.
在此之后,GB F爆炸成黄色液体,和Benson涉及到咖啡厅,给末底改和里格比他们的付款支票。
After this, GBF explodes into [...]
a yellow liquid, and Benson comes to the coffee shop to give Mordecai and Rigby their payment in a check.
在此之后,制 定了航空手册,确定了对相关流程的更改,后勤支助司也开发了应对实行 ISO 9001 国际标准方面各种挑战的基本能力,因此,该司将继续进行核查和认证。
Given that the aviation manual and changes to related processes have since been established and that the Division has developed basic capabilities to handle the challenges of implementing the ISO 9001 standards, the Division would advance with the verification and certification.
正如现在摆在安理会面前的秘书长报告 (S/2010/127)也注意到的情况,那就是在加强采取军 事行动之际,我们面临着忙碌不堪的政治活动,其中 包括订于 9
[...] 月举行的国民议会选举、卡尔扎伊总统刚 在一个多月前宣布的和平支尔格以及当 在此之后 举行的喀布尔会议。
As also noted in the Secretary-General’s report now before the Council(S/2010/127), in the midst of heightened military operations, we face a crowded political calendar, including in light of the planned National
Assembly elections in September, the Peace Jirga announced by President Karzai in just over a month, and, of
[...] course, the Kabul Conference after that.
在此之后,2009年3 月,刚果政府和全国保卫人民大会达成 了和平协议。
Furthermore, in March 2009, a peace agreement between the DRC government [...]
and the CNDP was reached.
族裔间冲突于 2009 年 10 月 29 日在 Dongo 地区开始出现,并在 2009 年 11 月-12 月进一步升级和蔓延在此之后,刚 果民主共和国武装力量和刚果国家警 察在联刚特派团支持下,成功地重新夺回了对赤道省安全局势的控制权。
Following the intercommunal clashes which began on 29 October 2009 in the Dongo area, and which escalated and spread in November-December 2009, FARDC and the Police nationale congolaise successfully regained control of the security situation in Equateur Province with support from MONUC.
对 非洲来说,从 2010 年到 2080
[...] 年,即时更替假设预测的人口老化过程比中度假设 更迅速,在此之后,老 化速度将慢于中度假设,直到两者的中位年龄在 2240 年左右汇合。
For Africa, the instant-replacement scenario produces a more rapid ageing of the population
than the medium scenario from
[...] 2010 to 2080, after that date, however, it produces slower ageing [...]
than the medium scenario
until the median ages of both converge around 2240.
在此 之后,委 员会如有时间,将审议关于指导承包者评估勘探“区域”内多金属硫化 [...]
Thereafter, if time allowed, it would [...]
consider the recommendations for the guidance of the contractors for the assessment
of the possible environmental impacts arising from exploration for polymetallic sulphides in the Area as well as other items on the agenda.
尽管这些问题性质艰难,但联合 国应当在 2009 年 1 月 1 日在此之后尽快实施可运 作的内部司法系统。
Despite the challenging nature of those issues, a functional system of
internal justice should be implemented at the United Nations either by 1 January
[...] 2009 or as soon as possible afterwards.
该书于 1561 年在维也纳出版,因此可以推断藏书标签 在此之后 的 某个时间设计的。
It was published in Vienna in 1561, indicating that the
[...] bookplate was designed some time after that.
原始地球的岩浆海时代形成的超高密度岩浆 在此之后 的 四 十多亿年的地球历史中被认为有重力性、且稳定地存在于地幔底部。
The ultra-high-density magma formed in the early Earth is considered to have remained gravitationally stable at the bottom of the mantle for approximately 4,000 million years.
在此之后,携 带电子设备的各种火箭发射进入低地球轨道。
Following this, various rockets carrying electronic equipment are launched [...]
into low earth orbit.
如果认缴参加国已交存了合格的承诺文件,并 在此之后 通 知 受托人在到期日期之后分期款 项或部分分期款项是无限制条件的,那么即应在此通知日期之后的30 天之内支付此分期款项 或部分分项款项。
(d) If a Contributing Participant has deposited a
Qualified Instrument of
[...] Commitment and thereafter notifies the Trustee that an installment, or part thereof, is unqualified after the date [...]
when it was due, then
payment of such installment, or part thereof, shall be made within 30 days of such notification.
在此之后,您将通过电子邮件收到 PDF 格式的标签。
After that, you will receive [...]
the label in PDF format per email.
在此之后,茨万吉拉伊要求美国“为 津巴布韦取得的适度进步给予适度的奖励”。尽管对改 革是否能实现持怀疑态度,美国大使馆还是表示“改变 现状会要求每个人都承担一定的风险”(《茨万吉拉伊 向西方求助》,电报,引用如前)。
The U.S. embassy, though sceptical that reforms would result, noted that “changing the status quo here will require some risk taking on everyone’s part”.
[...] 确定现行国际安全援助部队抗暴政策规定,在军事行动中拘留人员的时间限制为 96 小时在此之后,要 求国际安全援助部队或将被拘留者释放或将其移交阿富 [...]
Current ISAF counterinsurgency policies as set down in the 2006 ISAF Standard Operating Procedure on Detention of Non-ISAF Personnel, prescribes a 96-hour time
limit for detaining persons in
[...] the conduct of military operations, after which time ISAF [...]
forces are required to either release
or transfer detainees to Afghan authorities.
在提交氟氯烃淘汰管理计划之前,AGM 公司与执行机构进行了多次延期讨论在 此之后, A GM 公司同意在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段中将其 2 条中等规模单体空调产 品生产线转用 HFC-410A,这么做将会淘汰 100.1 公吨 HCFC-22。
After prolonged discussions with the implementing agencies prior to the submission of the HPMP, AGM has agreed, in stage I of the HPMP, to convert its two manufacturing lines for medium-sized unitary air conditioning products to HFC-410A, which will phase out 100.1 mt of HCFC-22.
第 15 节还规定,在某人的 许可证或证书被注销之后,在发表声 之后 , 在 与 此 人 有 关或发给此人的居住证 有效期之后,或在此人接 到关于依照本法规定注销与他有关或发给他的居住证 的通之后,此人就 不得在马来西亚逗留,除非依照本法他以其他方式获准在马 来西亚逗留。
Besides that, section 15 provides that a person shall not remain in Malaysia after the cancellation of any permit or certificate, after the making of a declaration, after the expiration of the period of any pass relating to or issued to him, or after the notification to him, in such manner as may be prescribed, of the cancellation, under any regulations made under this Act, of any pass relating to or issued to him, unless he is otherwise authorized to remain in Malaysia under this Act.
此,在强迫失踪发在文书 生效之前,或者在具体国家接受主管机 构管辖之前的情况下,失踪事件在生效或接受管 之后 继 续发生的这一事 实,使机构具备在相关法律文书生效或接受管辖之后,将强迫失踪行为作 为整体,而不只是对归咎于国家的行为或疏忽进行审议的主管权和管辖 权。
Thus, when an enforced disappearance began before the entry into force of an instrument or before the specific State accepted the jurisdiction of the competent body, the fact that the disappearance continues after the entry into force or the acceptance of the jurisdiction gives the institution [...]
the competence and
jurisdiction to consider the act of enforced disappearance as a whole, and not only acts or omissions imputable to the State that followed the entry into force of the relevant legal instrument or the acceptance of the jurisdiction.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是此造成 的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人作自我辩护,所需的时间非常之长;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别在判决书翻之后(主要 是有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals support.
以色列与巴勒斯坦权力机之间的 直接和平谈 判由于美国政府做了大量努力而一度得以恢复,但不 久便告中断此后一直 未能恢复,尽管这种谈判是达 成一项将导致根据安全理事会相关决议、“路线图” 和“阿拉伯和平倡议”,以及 2010 年 3 月和 9 月与 2011 年 2 月中东问题四方声明建立一在政治 上和经济上 有生存能力的巴勒斯坦国的全面、持久和可为双方共 同接受的解决办法的最佳途径。
After a brief resumption resulting from the considerable efforts undertaken by the United States Government, it has not been possible to resume direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, despite the fact that they represent the best option for achieving a comprehensive, lasting and mutually acceptable solution that would lead to the establishment of a political and economically viable Palestinian State, in accordance with the relevant Security Council resolutions, the Road Map and the Arab Peace Initiative, as well as the Quartet statements of March and September 2010 and February 2011.
执行秘书在演讲中首先提请经社会回顾第二次世界大战结 后 出 现 的 重大过渡时期,并指出在这一过渡时期内具有远见卓识的亚太领导人和决策 者汇聚一堂,努在彼此之间建 立起团结、合作和友谊的新纽带。
The Executive Secretary commenced her statement by reminding the
Commission that, in the period
[...] of great transition following the Second World War, Asia-Pacific leaders and policymakers of vision and foresight had come together to forge new ties of solidarity, cooperation [...]
and friendship.




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