

单词 在此后



after this

在此之后 adv

afterwards adv

See also:

在此 adv

hereby adv



在后 adv

behind adv

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 要求缔约方在计划出口本国领土内禁用或严格限用的化学品时在首次 发货之前,在此后每年首次出口之前,向进口缔约方发出出口通知。
(c) The requirement for a party which plans to export a chemical that is banned or severely restricted for use within its
territory to inform the importing party that such export will take place, prior to
[...] the first shipment and annually thereafter.
在此后的 2 3 年时间里,公司在他的领导下成为日本领先的电磁兼容性 (EMC) 评估和申请代理服务提供商。
Over the next 23 years, he helped to build the [...]
company into Japan's leading provider of electromagnetic compatibility evaluation
and application agent services.
当来函提交时的若干相关情在此后 一 段 时间内发生变化时,委员会决定暂缓审议这 [...]
If a number of circumstances that were relevant
when the communication was submitted have
[...] changed in the meantime, the Committee [...]
has decided to suspend consideration of
the communication in its present formulation.
小组委员会要求提供资料,说明采取哪些措 在此后 期 阶段促进关于通过 法律和制定国家防范机制的公开辩论。
The SPT requests information concerning steps taken to foster public debate at this later stage about the adoption of the legislation and the development of the NPM.
1954年INOAC在日本首次引进聚氨酯技术, 在此后 成 为聚氨酯业界的先驱,致力于开发新产品及新技术。
Since INOAC introduced polyurethane foam in 1954 for the first time in Japan, we have continuously tried to develop new products and technologies as a pioneer in the foam field.
如果在CCPR两届会议之间提供某种化合物已不再得到支持的情况,这一情况在 此后召开的第一届会议期间分享(t=0)。
If information is delivered between two sessions of CCPR, that a certain compound is no longer supported, this information will be shared during the first coming session (t=0).
特别顾问办公室按照安全理事会的要求,对全系统行动计划执行工作进行 了两次审查,在 2006 年和 2007 年秘书长向安全理事会提交的报告(S/2006/770 和
[...] S/2007/567)中介绍了审查情况, 在此后 决 定 加强 2008-2009 年全系统行动 [...]
As requested by the Security Council, the Office of the Special Adviser undertook two reviews of the implementation of that Systemwide Action Plan, which were presented to the Security Council by the SecretaryGeneral
in reports in 2006 and 2007 (S/2006/770
[...] and S/2007/567), after which a decision [...]
was made to strengthen the System-wide Action Plan for 2008-2009.
但是,如果乙在此后的任 何时间要求甲方归还乙方的账户余额给乙方,甲方将会照做(如果乙方 [...]
However, if at any point after this time, [...]
you ask us to return your account balance to you, we will do so if your account balance is in credit.
法鲁尔也是棉兰人,2001 年到 2006 年在国民大学学 习信息技术,在此后成为 该校的讲师。
Fahrul was also a Medan native who came
to Bandung to study information
[...] technology at Universitas Kebangsaan from 2001 to 2006 and then became a lecturer there.
大会第 63/232 号决议请秘书长在其关于第 62/208 号决议的执行情况的年度 报告中报告就第 63/232 号决议第 16 段所采取的措施,同时要铭记该决议的各项
[...] 业务活动全面政策审查的周期从三年改为四年,以便更好地向联合国各基金和方 案及专门机构提供政策指导;为此决定在 2012 年举行其下一次全面政策审查,在此后每四年举行审查。
Report of the High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation on its seventeenth session (3 and 22-25 May 2012) (A/66/39)1 The General Assembly, in its resolution 63/232, requested the Secretary-General to report, in the context of his annual report on the implementation of resolution 62/208, on measures taken in response to paragraph 16 of resolution 63/232, bearing in mind the provisions of that resolution, and including feedback from Member States on ways to achieve the aims contained therein, and decided to change the comprehensive policy review of operational activities from a triennial to a quadrennial cycle in order to better provide policy guidance to the United Nations funds and programmes and the specialized agencies, and in
that regard decided to hold its next comprehensive policy
[...] review in 2012 and subsequent reviews on a quadrennial basis.
在此后的 13 年时间里,A-Pex 在 EMC 业务方面发展为日本的领头羊。
In the 13 years since its inception, the A-Pex EMC operation has grown to become Japan's largest.
如果认缴参加国已交存了限制性承诺文件, 在此后 通 知受托人分期款项或部分分期款项在 到期日之后是非限制性的,那么则 在 此 项 通知后的30 天之内支付此分期款项或部分分期 款项。
(d) If a Contributing Participant has
deposited a
[...] Qualified Instrument of Commitment and thereafter notifies the Trustee that an installment, or part thereof, is unqualified after the date when [...]
it was due, then payment of
such installment, or part thereof, shall be made within 30 days of such notification.
[...] 队派遣国同意在一案件转交给它后 120 天内通报秘书长,说明它根据本国法律采 取的措施,在此后每隔 120 天向秘书长通报进展情况,直到结案为止。
The model memorandum of understanding also ought to require the troop -contributing country to agree to inform the Secretary -General within 120 days after a case has been referred to it of measures it has
taken under its national law and
[...] to inform him of progress achieved every 120 days thereafter until the [...]
case is finalized.
(d) 视需要制定准则,以协助执行上文规定的措施; (e) 在三十天内向安全理事会报告工作(第一次报告), 在此后在 委 员 会认 为必要时提交报告
(e) To report within thirty days to the Security Council on its work for the first
[...] report and thereafter to report as deemed necessary by the Committee
这些财务报表在 2011 年应根据《联合国系统会计准则》编制, 在此后根 据 《国际公共部门会计准则》(《公共部门会计准则》)或执行局批准的其他方式 编制。
These financial statements shall be prepared in accordance with the United Nations system accounting standards for the year 2011 and in accordance to the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) thereafter, or as otherwise approved by the Executive Board.
1974 年《世界人口行动计划》通过之后,人口司开始监测 各国人口政策,在此后定期进行。
The Population Division started monitoring national population policies after the
adoption of the World Population Plan of Action in 1974 and has been carrying out
[...] this exercise periodically since then.
核准的体制 加强项目第一阶段通常为三年 在此后 每 个 后续阶段的更新期为两年,并需提交更新请求 和上一阶段的最终报告。
The first phase of an IS project is normally approved for three years, after which each succeeding phase is renewed for two years thereafter, upon submission of a request for renewal and a terminal report on the previous phase.
[...] 请这两个组织向缔约方会议第十七届缔约方会议和酌情向其附属机构,在 此后定期 向这些会议报告已出台或正制定的有关活动、政策方针和措施、排放量 [...]
To invite these Organizations to report to the Conference of the Parties, at its seventeenth session, and to its
subsidiary bodies as appropriate, and at
[...] regular intervals thereafter, on relevant [...]
activities, policy approaches and measures
established and under development, emission estimates and achievements in this respect.
在此后的一 百年里,外国列强纷纷入侵上海,使上海成了帝国主义对中国进行政治、经济、文化侵略的主要据点。
During one hundred
[...] years, western powers successively invaded different [...]
districts of Shanghai. From this, the city acquired
a fundamental and strategic position for imperialist countries, which began to enter intrusively in Chinese politics, economy and culture.
在这次大会期间,国家科学院—乌克兰国家空间局空间研究所 L’viv 中心副 主任 Valery Korepanov 与日本宇宙航空研究开发机构 Selena-2 项目主任举行了会
[...] 议,讨论了乌克兰参加该飞行任务的可能性,以及 L’viv 中在此后开发超轻型 空间磁强计的工作。
Also during the Congress, Valery Korepanov, Deputy Director of the L’viv Centre of the National Academy of Sciences-NSAU Institute of Space Research, held a meeting with the director of the Selena-2 project of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency and discussed the possibility
of the participation of Ukraine in that
[...] mission and the subsequent development by the [...]
L’viv Centre of an ultralightweight space magnetometer.
一组会员国注意到大会第 63/285 号决议认可的关于部队费用和有关津贴补
[...] 偿标准确定方法的审查,并建议大会邀请工作组在当前进程结束时 在此后 每三 年一次检查定期调查的结果,以便向第五委员会提供技术指导。
Noting the review of the methodology for reimbursement rates for troop costs and related allowances endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 63/285, one group of Member States recommended that the Assembly should invite the Working Group to examine the results of the
periodic surveys at the end of the
[...] current process and thereafter on a triennial [...]
basis in order to provide technical guidance to the Fifth Committee.
任何根据本款宣布不接受业已通过的修正案的缔约方 在此后任 何 时候向联合国秘书长交存对该修正案的接受书。
Any Party that has declared that it does not accept an amendment adopted in accordance with this paragraph may at any time thereafter deposit an instrument of acceptance of such amendment with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
在此后的15年中,帕森斯看好高增长市场并丰富了公司的业务范围,在其任职期间共对包括威诺、热敏碟、美国电气电机(U.S. [...]
Electrical Motors)、里奇工具和 爱适易等 36 家公司进行了收购。
Over the next 15 years, Persons [...]
targets high-growth markets and diversifies the company’s business portfolio, acquiring
36 companies during his tenure, including White-Rodgers, Therm-O-Disc, U.S. Electrical Motors, Ridge Tool, and InSinkErator.
在此方面,一个代表团强调指出了在防灾、备灾和 后 重 建 方面进行的 政府间进程和合作的重要性。
In that regard, one delegation stressed the importance of intergovernmental processes and
[...] cooperation in connection with prevention, preparedness and post-disaster reconstruction.
强 化后的企业风险管理框架在 2008 年获得核准并予以执行此后,在审 计咨询委 员会的有益指导下并借鉴来自审计和调查处的经验,对这一框架进行了定期更新 [...]
An enhanced enterprise risk management
framework was approved in 2008 and
[...] implemented, and has been regularly up-dated and refined [...]
since with helpful guidance from the
Audit Advisory Committee and lessons from the Office of Audit and Investigations.
正如其外交部长在该会议上所宣布的塞尔维亚有意在最近将来通过 和批准第五号议定书,并期此后能 在 安 全 和人道主义方面为国际社会带来它的 贡献。
As the Minister for Foreign Affairs had announced at the conference, Serbia intended to adopt and ratify Protocol V in the near future and looked forward to being in a position to contribute further to human security.
示范战略和实际措施》增订本认识到有些特殊的妇女群体特别容易遭受暴 力行为,无论是由于其国籍、族裔、宗教和语言,还是由于其属于土著群体、移
[...] 或拘留、身有残疾、是老年妇女、寡妇或生活在冲突、冲 后 和 灾 害局势中,此,在制定 针对暴力侵害妇女行为的预防犯罪和刑事司法对策时,需要对她们予 [...]
The updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures recognize that some special groups of women are particularly vulnerable to violence, either because of their nationality, ethnicity, religion or language, or because they belong to an indigenous group, are migrants, are stateless, are refugees, live in underdeveloped, rural or remote communities, are homeless, are in institutions or in
detention, have disabilities,
[...] are elderly, are widowed or live in conflict, post-conflict or disaster [...]
situations, and as such
they require special attention, intervention and protection in the development of crime prevention and criminal justice responses to violence against women.
此,在强迫 失踪发生在文书生效之前,或者在具体国家接受主管机 构管辖之前的情况下,失踪事件在生效或接受管辖 后 继 续发生的这一事 实,使机构具备在相关法律文书生效或接受管辖之后,将强迫失踪行为作 为整体,而不只是对归咎于国家的行为或疏忽进行审议的主管权和管辖 权。
Thus, when an enforced disappearance began before the entry into force of an instrument or before the specific State accepted the jurisdiction of the competent body, the fact that the disappearance continues after the entry into [...]
force or the acceptance
of the jurisdiction gives the institution the competence and jurisdiction to consider the act of enforced disappearance as a whole, and not only acts or omissions imputable to the State that followed the entry into force of the relevant legal instrument or the acceptance of the jurisdiction.
此,在 2008 -2009 两年期拟议 方案预算中,秘书长曾请设七个经常预算员额,包括由一个 D-2 担任该股股长此后大会 核准设立该股人员配置表所列的四个专业人员员额(见第 63/263 号决 议)。
Accordingly, in the context of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2008-2009, the Secretary-General had submitted a request for seven regular budget posts, including a D-2 for the Head of Unit, and the General Assembly had subsequently approved the establishment [...]
of the four
Professional posts that were reflected in the Unit’s staffing table (see resolution 63/263).
在此过程 中,执行支助股如商定的任务中 所指出的,继续根据个别缔约国的需要,开展《公约》下非正式会议的 后 续活 动”。
In doing so, the ISU continued to respond to individual States Parties needs and acted, as is noted in the agreed mandate, to “carry out follow-up activities” from formal [...]
meetings under the Convention.




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