单词 | 跌份 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 跌份—(coll.) lose faceSee also:跌v—dropv fallv fellv
由於期内投资者态度审慎并追捧抗跌类股份,我们的投资策略成效欠佳。 aia.com.hk | Our investment strategy struggled during the period as investors were cautious and as a result, bid up defensive sectors. aia.com.hk |
如果检查 的样品数量跌落到每年 1500份以下,则世界反兴奋剂机构将按照第 6.4.8 节规定中 止或取消实验室的认证资格。 unesdoc.unesco.org | If the number of Samples falls below 1500 per year, WADA [...] Laboratory accreditation will be suspended or revoked in accordance with Section 6.4.8. unesdoc.unesco.org |
毛 利 率下跌主要由 於部份产品价 格 调 整 及APA板 级 产 品 业 务 下 降 所 致。 evoc.cn | The decrease in gross profit margin was mainly due to products selling [...] price adjustment in APA products and total turnover [...]declined in board-type APA business. evoc.cn |
假如布鲁塞尔峰会 承诺的措施得以顺利推行并取得理想进展,那抗跌类股份比重便必减无疑。 aia.com.hk | This will be incumbent upon seeing meaningful progress in implemented the pledges made at the Brussels Summit. aia.com.hk |
民望效应方面,曾俊华在发表预算案後支持度显着上升,但支持率就轻微下跌,与第一份预算案的结果相去很远。 hkupop.hku.hk | In terms of personal popularity, the support rating of John Tsang has significantly increased after his Budget talk, while his support rate has slightlydropped,very different from his first Budget. hkupop.hku.hk |
数据显示,来港不足7年的新移民对董建华的评分,一直高於50分的水平,但有关评分已由2002年初接近70分辗转下跌至上月份的50.4分。 hkupop.hku.hk | For new immigrants who have settled in Hong Kong for less than 7 years, our data shows that they have never given Tung a less than 50 rating. hkupop.hku.hk |
本港商品整体出口及进口货值继2月份录得16.9%及18.3%的按年跌幅後,3月份显着回升,分别增长11.2%及11.3%。 news.gov.hk | The values of Hong Kong's total goods exports and imports rose 11.2% and 11.3% year-on-year in March, the Census & Statistics Department announced today. news.gov.hk |
但在1994–2000年期间,世界海水对 虾养殖受到亚洲和南美洲病害爆发的冲击,咸水产量份额下跌到6%。 fao.org | However, in the period 1994– 2000, world marine shrimp [...] farming was hit by disease outbreaks in Asia and South America, and the share of [...] brackish-water production fell to 6 percent. fao.org |
在最新调查中,仍然认为2012年是合适年份者跌至四至五成,但连同认为可以推迟一届者,合计比率就有八成左右。 hkupop.hku.hk | In our latest survey, those who chose 2012 has droppedto 40% to 50%, but when combined with those who chose one session later, the accumulative percentage is about 80%. hkupop.hku.hk |
此消彼长,选择『中国人』身份者就下跌5个百分比至不足两成半,是2000年9月以来的新低。 hkupop.hku.hk | The lever effect is that people choosing "Chinese citizens" drop 5 percentage points to below 25%, which is record low since September 2000. hkupop.hku.hk |
最後,具小学程度的被访者对对董建华的评分亦於2003年3月跌至47.5分,低於50分警戒线,四月份更进一步下跌至46.7分。 hkupop.hku.hk | Finally, for those with primary education, their rating of Tung was above 50 until March 2003, when it dropped to 47.5 marks. hkupop.hku.hk |
由於年内应占中集 集团利润跌幅较大,令本集团 2012 年利润有所下跌,然而,2012 年码头业务及集装箱租赁业务均 录得同比增长,抵销了部份跌幅。 coscopac.com.hk | The Group recorded a decrease in profit in 2012 due to a relatively significant decline in the share of profit of CIMC during the year. The decrease was partly offset by growths in the terminal business and container leasing business in 2012 compared with last year. coscopac.com.hk |
相对於客运业务,三月份的货运量微跌4.4%,为六万五千五百二十四吨。 swirepacific.com | In contrast to passenger operations, the amount of cargo carried in March declined by 4.4% to 65,524 tonnes. swirepacific.com |
本集团於二零零一年下半年出售一间附属公司,加上位於缅甸之生产厂房於二零零二年初停产, 成为期内营业额下跌之主要原因,惟本集团旗下一项物业发展项目之销售於二零零二年上半年确 认入帐,因而抵销部份跌幅。 wingtaiproperties.com | The drop in turnover was mainly due to the disposal of a subsidiary in the second half of 2001 coupled with the suspension of our Myanmar production plant in early 2002. wingtaiproperties.com |
但是,当市场转向时,这些公司的股份大幅下跌,至今都远低于他们的价格 发射由于未来利润增长的前景已经嵌入的价格时,他们对该股的首次亮相。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | But when the [...] market turned, the shares of these companies fell sharply and [...]so far are well below their offering price, because [...]the prospect of future growth in profits was already built into the price when they debuted on the stock. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
即使本集团并无受到疫症直接影响,爆发禽流感、甲型H1N1流感或非 典型肺炎或另一种疫症或严重疾病再次爆发亦可能减慢、干扰或限制本集团经营所在 [...] 市场的整体经济活动,进而对本集团的业务、财务状况及经营业绩造成不利影响,导 致本集团股份的市价下跌。cre8ir.com | Even where the Group is not directly affected by the epidemic, an outbreak of avian influenza, H1N1 influenza A or recurrence of SARS or another epidemic or serious diseases could slow down, disrupt or restrict the level of economic activity generally in the markets where the Group operates, which could adversely [...] affect the Group’s business, financial condition and result of operations and cause the [...] market price ofthe Sharesto drop. cre8ir.com |
我不相信, 它不可能改变事在世界上, 到月亮的"假的旅行" [...] 是只金字塔的一个岩石(被倒置) 谎言, 是足够离开它, 剩余部份惨败跌倒从一个高地方。 showdalua.com | I do not believe that it is impossible to change the things in the world, the "false trip to the Moon" is only one rock of the [...] pyramid (inverted) of lies, is enough to take off it that the [...] remaining portion fallsdown disastrously [...]from a high place. showdalua.com |
石油 年初的即月布兰特价格为每桶107美元,而二零一二年六月份则下跌至每桶95美元,价格介乎每桶89美元至126美元,而平均布兰特价格由二 [...] 零一一年上半年的每桶111美元微升至二零一二年上半年的每桶114美元。 glencore.com | Brent front month prices started the year at [...] $ 107 per barreland fell to$ 95 per barrel [...]at June 2012 with a range of $ 89 to $ 126 [...]per barrel and average Brent price increasing slightly from $ 111 in H1 2011 to $ 114 per barrel in H2 2012. glencore.com |
每当股份价格下跌,本集团之自营买卖组合之价值亦会受 到影响。 htisec.com | The Group has put in place monitoring system to ensure that it maintains adequate liquid capital to fund its businesscommitments and to comply with the relevant Financial Resources Rules. htisec.com |