

单词 增殖反应堆

See also:

增殖 n

proliferation n
growth n

增殖 v

increase v

增殖 adj

proliferative adj

External sources (not reviewed)

至于后处理厂从军用转为民用,国际经验 显示,为压水堆所用铀―钚混合燃料 增 值 反应堆 所 用 钚燃料生产钚成本高,而 且往往不可靠。
As for converting from military to civilian reprocessing, international experience shows that producing plutonium for
use as mixed uraniumplutonium (MOX) fuel in PWRs and plutonium
[...] fuel for breeder reactors is costly and often [...]
为了促进扩大该论坛的影响,教科文组织将尽力广泛传播有关论坛目标与活动的信 息,并使其在国际上产生最大增殖 效 应。
In order to add to the Forum’s impact, UNESCO shall endeavour to ensure the broad dissemination of information
on the objectives and activities of the Forum and to give them the
[...] greatest possible multiplier effect internationally.
随着此项 AP1000 核反应堆自动 化技术供应协议的签订,加之核能市场的日 增 长 , 我们期待能在不远的将来与西屋电气公司合作开展更多的核能项目。
With our agreement to
[...] provide technology for automating AP1000 nuclear reactors and the growing market for nuclear power, we look [...]
to working with Westinghouse on additional installations in the near future.
增加的情况反映了 在国际和国家一级数据收集和报 告情况的改善,以及新物种的殖, 包 括杂交种。
The increase reflects improvements in data collection and reporting at the international and national levels, as well as the farming [...]
of new species, including hybrids.
阿根廷 已成功减少了核研反应堆使用 的高浓缩铀,由此 成为第一个完全依靠低浓缩铀生产全部放射性同位 [...]
Argentina had successfully reduced the
use of highly enriched uranium in its
[...] nuclear research reactors, thus becoming [...]
the first country to rely entirely on low-enriched
uranium for its total production of radioisotopes.
伊朗上次于 2007 年向原子能机构提供了有关 IR-40 反应堆的一些更新资料, 但自 2006 年以来一直没有提供该设施的《设计资料调查表》。
Iran last provided the Agency with some updated information on the IR-40 Reactor in 2007, but has not provided a DIQ for the facility since 2006.
本研究结果进一步提示,BS可能主要通过激活IL-6基因的表达和促进脾脏淋巴细胞 增殖反应 , 从 而发挥其体液免疫增强作用 [动物学报52(1):170–174,2006 ]。
These data suggest that bursin
[...] exerts its stimulatory effect on humoral immune response mainly by [...]
promoting expression of IL-6
and proliferation of chicken splenic lymphocytes [Acta Zoologica Sinica 52(1):  170–174,2006].
第 36 C/DR.32 号决议草案(埃及)力图修正
[...] 36 C/5 之第 02000 2 (b)(14)段,在“对海 洋和沿海地区进行保护和可持续利用”后 增 加 以 下文字:“尤其是防止 反应堆 放 射 性泄 漏的负面影响”。
Draft resolution 36 C/DR.32 (Egypt) seeks to amend paragraph 02000 2(b)(14) of document 36 C/5 by inserting after the words “Oceans and costal
zones protected”, the following words:
[...] “in particular from the negative impact of radioactive leaks from nuclear reactors”.
长期使用抗生素有许多潜在的副作用,其中包括日光敏感、过 反应 、 耐 药菌 殖 引 起肠道菌群变化、酵母菌感染,以 增 加 难 辨梭菌结肠炎的患病风险。
Prolonged use of antibiotics has numerous potential side
effects, including
[...] sun sensitivity, allergic reactions, altered intestinal flora with colonization of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, [...]
yeast infections
and the risk of C. Difficile colitis.
注意到俄罗斯联邦与美利坚合众国加强合作,应对国际安全面临的严重挑 战,这尤其体现在两国共同努力执行安全理事会 2004 年
[...] 4 月 28 日第 1540(2004) 号决议,发起打击核恐怖主义全球倡议并切实执行这一倡议,同 增 强 第 三国的 核安全和转换其研反应堆
Noting the growing cooperation between the Russian Federation and the United States of America with respect to countering serious challenges to international security, which was demonstrated, in particular, by their joint efforts to implement Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) of 28 April 2004, to launch and give substance to the Global
Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism, and to
[...] enhance nuclear security and convert research reactors in third countries
开展了国家试办项目, 并取得增殖效果,特别是在乌克兰的“教育中的远程 教学方法应用”,在哈萨克斯坦的“乡村学校远程学 习”,以及在吉尔吉斯斯坦的“教育系统中的远程学 习”等项目。
National pilot projects
[...] in the field were launched and have had a multiplier effect, namely Application of Distance Teaching/Learning [...]
Methods in Education
in Ukraine, Distance Learning for Rural Schools in Kazakhstan and Distance Learning in Educational System in Kyrgyzstan.
同时,我们的 GGP 养殖户要求适应能力强,他们分 析并记录特增长数 字并实施新的育种方法。
On same time, great adaptation capacity is required from our GGP farmers who have to measure and record increasing number of characters [...]
and to implement new breeding methods.
由奥克兰儿童医院和研究中心资深科学家茱莉亚D.萨巴(Julie D. Saba)医学博士带领的研究表明,脂质信号分子―鞘氨醇-1-磷酸或“S1P”可引发炎 反应 , 刺 激 肌肉干细 增殖 , 并 协 助肌肉修复。
The study, led by Julie D. Saba, MD, PhD, senior scientist at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI), shows that a lipid signaling molecule called sphingosine-1-phosphate or
“S1P” can trigger an
[...] inflammatory response that stimulates the muscle stem cells to proliferate and assist in [...]
muscle repair.
反映在《联合国生物 多样性公约》(CBD)的承诺相一致,在特定区域/生态系统内依赖利用自然资源 的每个经济领域(包括采矿、旅游、沿海开发、渔业和水产 殖 ) 应 当 采 用生态 系统办法。
Consistent with
[...] the commitments reflected in the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), each economic sector (including, mining, tourism, coastal development, fisheries and aquaculture) relying on the use of natural resources within a given region/ecosystem should adopt an ecosystem [...]
加拿大 的全面、多元方法重点关注前苏联各国四个主要领域的活动:(a) 加强对武器
[...] 用核材料和设施的实物保护;(b) 通过关闭俄罗斯最后一个钚生 反应堆 ,支 持国际努力处置 34 吨武器用钚,从而消除钚的使用;(c) [...]
移走并保障高活度放 射源,加强放射安保;以及(d) 加强边境安保,预防非法贩运核材料及其他放 射性材料。
Canada’s holistic, multifaceted approach focuses on four main areas of activity in countries of the former Soviet Union: (a) strengthening the physical security of weapons-grade nuclear materials and facilities; (b) eliminating the use of plutonium
through the shut down of the last
[...] plutonium-producing reactor in Russia and supporting [...]
international efforts to dispose of 34
tons of weapons-grade plutonium; (c) removing and securing highly radioactive sources to improve radiological security; and (d) improving border security to prevent the illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radiological materials.
由于 粮农组织正在制定评估私人计划是否遵守这些准则的基准,可能需要考虑修改海 洋准则,以便明确处理资增殖和物 种引进问题。
Because FAO is developing benchmarks to assess whether private schemes comply with these guidelines, consideration may need to be given to
revising the Marine Guidelines in order to address explicitly the
[...] issues of stock enhancement and species introductions.
安全理事会鼓励所有国家进行负责任的 管理,在技术和经济上可以做到的范围内,把用 于民用用途的高浓缩铀减少到最低限度,包括努
[...] 力转用低浓缩铀燃料,并在考虑到需要保证医用 同位素的供应的同时,重点注意研究性 反应堆 和放射性同位素生产过程。
The Security Council encourages all States to manage responsibly and minimize to the greatest extent that is technically and economically feasible the use of highly enriched uranium for civilian purposes, including by working to convert
to the use of low-enriched uranium fuels
[...] and targets research reactors and radioisotope [...]
production processes taking into
account the need for assured supplies of medical isotopes.
原子能机构总干事昨天发言时说,原子能机构最 后得出了以下结论:2007
[...] 年在 Dair Alzour 工地遭摧 毁的建筑很可能内藏本应向原子能机构申报的反 应堆。
In his statement yesterday, the Director General of the IAEA said that the Agency had finally come to the conclusion that it was very likely that the
building destroyed at the Dair Alzour site in 2007
[...] housed a nuclear reactor that should have been declared [...]
to the Agency.
然而,我们将支持任何倡议,促进为实现这些目的,尤其是为海上军事目 的使用低浓缩铀,我们将赞同逐步消除为舰 反应堆 生 产 的裂变材料。
However, we would support any initiative to promote the use of LEU for these purposes, especially for
naval military purposes, and would be in favor of a progressive elimination of fissile
[...] material produced for naval reactors.
瞭望台曾作为新年日出的观景点被推广,我们在这里能够看见 第 4 反应堆 冒 出的黑烟,还有大量被污染的废水泄漏流入太平洋。
From the top of the lookout, which is promoted for the New Year’s sunrise spectacle, we could view black smoke rising from the reactor 4 and the Pacific Ocean into which a vast amount of contaminated water was leaking.
[...] 能是《条约》的重要支柱,大韩民国对于核燃料循 环和创新反应堆的多 边办法尤感兴趣。
The peaceful use of nuclear energy was an important pillar of the Treaty and the Republic of
Korea was particularly interested in multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel
[...] cycle and innovative nuclear reactors.
高度专业化的计算机代码,如CASMO/模拟,DYN3D,SCALE或MCNP是用来检查并确定核设计,确定研究堆燃料组件和轻水核心配置, 反应堆 研 究 的安全运行。
Highly specialised computer codes such as CASMO/SIMULATE, DYN3D, SCALE or MCNP are used to examine and
determine the nuclear design and safe operation of fuel
[...] assemblies and core configuration for light water and research reactors.
比起开发 强度,一些其它因素,如生境数量及质量 增殖 式 水 产养殖和对淡水的竞争等, 在更大程度上影响着多数内陆渔业资源的状况。
Other drivers such as habitat quantity and quality, aquaculture in the form of stocking and competition for freshwater, influence the state of the majority of inland fishery resources much more than exploitation rates do.
由於哨兵雞全都位於各排籠子的末 端,而這些籠子的末端全部朝向 9 號禽舍的側門,一旦有一隻 哨兵雞受到感染,病毒可能會迅速複製及大 增殖 , 並 傳染給 其他哨兵雞。
As the sentinels were all placed at the ends of each row of cages and the ends of these cages all face the side entrance of shed no. 9, once a sentinel was infected, the virus load could have quickly amplified and spread to other sentinels.
[...] 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民 应 对 殖 民 主 义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 [...]
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all
forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and
[...] democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination [...]
and political, economic, social
and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
[...] 在编拟本国监管文件,例如关于核推进系统安全问题的一般条例、关于无人驾 驶航天器机载核动反应堆设施 核安全问题的条例以及关于空间核动力源辐射 安全问题的条例,在编拟时将适当顾及外层空间核动力源应用安全框架的规 [...]
试、制造、处理和运输都将在地面核设施与活动相关国家和国际标准中予以处 理。
In connection with the development of the transport energy module and in accordance with the provisions of the relevant international documents, national regulatory documents such as the General Regulations Governing the Safety of Nuclear Propulsion Systems, the
Regulations Governing the Nuclear Safety of
[...] Nuclear Power Reactor Facilities aboard Unmanned Spacecraft [...]
and the Regulations Governing
the Radiation Safety of Nuclear Power Sources in Space are currently being prepared in the Russian Federation with due regard to the provision of the Safety Framework for Nuclear Power Source Applications in Outer Space that states that activities occurring during the terrestrial phase of space nuclear power source applications, such as development, testing, manufacturing, handling and transportation, are addressed in national and international standards relating to terrestrial nuclear installations and activities.




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