

单词 增薪


增薪点 n

increment n

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

增薪亦已 被 新機制取 代,此後薪酬 調 整的幅 度,會根據每兩年對有關教學㆟員表現的評審而決 定。
Automatic award of salary increment(s) has also been [...]
replaced by a system of review for merit salary increase which will
be conducted at two-yearly intervals.
在其後十年,委員會職權範圍內的職位薪 酬下限(以金額計算)不時修訂,以配合公務員 的整增薪。
In the following decade, the salary threshold (based on
monetary amount) for PSC posts was revised from time to time to
[...] conform with the general increase in civil service pay.
(a) 按增薪額(就員工的生活費作 出調整除外,但所調整的比率應 適用於公務員隊伍並與其相 若
(a) annual salary increment, except cost [...]
of living adjustment at a rate comparable with and applicable to civil service
員工薪酬乃按工作性質和市況而釐定,並於年增薪評估 內設有表現評估部分,以獎勵及推動個人工作表現。
Employees are
[...] remunerated according to nature of the job and market trend, with a built-in merit component incorporated in the annual increment to reward and motivate [...]
individual performance.
特別一次過撥款」於2007/08年度結餘之一百七十餘萬元已在限期前全數用於職員培訓、認可資助職位定影員工 增薪 補 貼 及員工獎勵計劃等。
The $1.7 million unspent Special One-off Grant brought forward from 2007/08
was fully utilized on staff training
[...] and development, salary increment for above mid-point [...]
snapshot staff and staff recognition scheme before its expiry.
薪酬 B: 新薪級表中的一個支薪點,以使該員往後所得的薪酬,在 計及按年遞加增薪及任 何跳薪點之後,不低於該員在實 施日期當日,以新聘人員身分加入有關職級,並在往後按 薪級表領取更高薪酬,以及賺取按年遞 增薪 和 跳 薪點所 得的薪酬。
Salary B: A pay point on the new pay scale such
[...] that his salary in the subsequent years, after taking into account annual increment and any incremental jump(s), would not be worse off than the case if he joined the rank as a new recruit on the implementation date and moved up the pay scale in the subsequent years, earning annual increment and incremental jump(s) along [...]
the way.
(a) 為推行項目而聘用的員工的按增薪額( 在客席研究員產業研 究計劃7 下聘請的客席研究員除 [...]
外 ),惟就員工的生活費用作出的 調整則不受此限,但所調整的比 率應適用於公務員隊伍並與其 相若。
(a) annual salary increment for any staff [...]
recruited for implementing the project (except for the chairholder under the Industrial
Research Chair Scheme7 ) other than cost of living adjustment at a rate comparable with and applicable to the civil service.
这一调整 将遵照不增不减的原则,即通过降低服务地点差价调整额来抵消 薪增 加 额,净薪额则保持 不变。
This would be introduced on a no loss, no
[...] gain basis: increases in the net salary scale would be offset by a reduction in post adjustment, leaving net salaries unchanged.
由 於推行持續節省成本的方案令集團節省約 2 億美
[...] 元,加上嚴控成本、縮減重組架構及其他相關成 本,我們得以抵銷通脹壓力、工會協定 增薪幅 度 、按交易量計算的交易稅,以及在墨西哥涉及 [...]
反洗錢事宜的罰款,故支出水平與 2011 年大致相 若。
Costs were broadly in line with 2011, as a result of sustainable cost savings initiatives which saved some US$200m, cost control and lower restructuring and other related
costs which offset inflationary
[...] pressures, union-agreed salary increases, volume-driven [...]
transactional taxes and a fine relating
to anti-money laundering in Mexico.
營業支出大致維持不變, 是因集團在區內全面嚴控成本及推行節省支出的 方案,使平均職員人數縮減 7%,成本效益比率亦 有所改善,所以巴西及阿根廷的工會協 增薪幅 度以至區內的通脹壓力大致被抵銷。
Operating expenses remained largely unchanged as union-agreed wage increases in Brazil and Argentina and inflationary pressures were broadly offset by cost control and cost savings initiatives across the region, which resulted in a reduction in average staff numbers of 7% and an improved cost efficiency ratio.
(i) 項目款項一般可用以支付根據相關研發中心及指定本地公 營科研機構既定機制所訂的項目員工薪酬,包括強制性公 積金(強積金)僱主供款、約滿酬金、周年薪酬調 整 ( 增薪和 晉 升除外),以及一般附帶福利(如醫療)。
(i) Project funding can generally be used to cover the salary of project staff, including employer's mandatory contribution to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), contract gratuities, annual salary adjustment (excluding increments and promotion) and general fringe benefits (e.g. medical) in accordance with the established mechanism of the relevant R&D Centres and designated local public research institutes.
[...] 2007/2008兩年期間用於職員培訓、認可資助職位定影員工高於中 薪 級 之 增薪 及 員 工獎賞制度。
The purposes of SOG are mainly for staff training and
[...] development, salary increment for above mid-point [...]
snapshot staff and staff recognition
scheme for the two years 2006/07 to 2007/08.
(a) 按增薪額(就員工的生活費作 出調整除外,但所調整的比率應 適用於公務員隊伍並與其相 [...]
(b) 除強制性公積金僱主供款以外的 酬金、附帶福利及津貼;以及
(a) annual salary increment, except cost [...]
of living adjustment at a rate comparable with and applicable to civil service
缅甸还进行 了一系列社会经济改革,其中包增 加 薪 俸 ,整顿 公共医疗和社会保障,提高教育和健康水平,修正 [...]
新闻法,促进环境保护和加强应对自然灾害的措施 等。
A series of socio-economic reforms had been undertaken
[...] that included increasing salaries, overhauling public [...]
health care and social security,
raising education and health standards, amending press laws, promoting environmental conservation and enhancing measures to respond to natural disasters.
The increase was due mainly to an increase in headcount and salary revisions, and [...]
provisions for performance bonus, leave
compensation and long-term incentives.
(d) 特别职位津贴的数额应相当于工作人员如晋升至其下一较高职等所增领的薪金(包 括工作地点差价调整数和任何扶养津贴)。
(d) The amount of the special post allowance shall be
[...] equivalent to the salary increase (including post [...]
adjustment and dependency allowances, if
any) which the staff member would have received had the staff member been promoted to the next higher level.
新薪 酬制度在预算部门的执行确保了员工收入的实际增加4 。因此,与 2006 年相比, 2007 年国民经济每名工作人员的平均 薪增 加了 21.5%。
The implementation of the new system of remuneration in the budgetary sector ensured a real increase of employees’
income.4 Thus, in 2007
[...] the average monthly salary of an employee of the national economy increased compared to 2006 [...]
with 21.5%.
本集團在考慮僱員個人晉升、薪及 增 發 花 紅時亦 會看重僱員在該計劃的表現。
Performance in the program is an important consideration in evaluating an individual employee’s
[...] performance for advancement, salary and bonus.
(a) 对于工作地点差价调整数偏低、净薪如不调整将低于新定基薪/底薪水 平、并可能无法匀支薪增幅的 工作地点,不涉及任何费用
(a) None for duty stations with a low post adjustment where net
salaries would otherwise fall below the level of the new base/floor and might not be
[...] able to absorb a base salary increase
(b) 給予本公司任何董事、主管人員或受僱人在任何特定業務或交易或參與當中的利潤 或本公司的一般利潤中的權益,並可透過額 增 加 或代 替 薪 金 或 其他報酬之方式給 (c) 在公司法條文規限下,議決本公司取消在開曼群島註冊及在開曼群島以外的指名司 法管轄區存續。
(b) to give to any Directors, officers or servants of the Company an interest in any particular business or transaction or participation in the profits thereof or in the general profits of the Company either in addition to or in substitution for a salary or other remuneration; and
总体而言,平均薪增加 5.5 倍,平均退休金增加了 4 倍。
[...] an average monthly salary increased by 5.5 [...]
times and the average pension increased fourfold.
产生这一差异的主要原因是安保、法治和支 助等组成部门引起的增人力 资源费用,以 薪 金费 用增加,其中包括因订薪金表和执行大会关于人力 资源管理的第 63/250 号决议引起的工作地点差价调 整数和一般人事费。
The main causes of the variance were additional human resources costs associated with security,
rule-of-law and support
[...] components and increased salary costs including post-adjustment and common staff costs in connection with revised salary scales and the [...]
implementation of General
Assembly resolution 63/250 on human resources management.
最能体现上海国际MBA价值的是,在2009年《金融时报》排名中,上海国际MBA学员平均 薪增 长 率 达到102%,在所有参与排名的95所院校中位居第二。
What can most manifest the value of SMBA is that the
[...] average annual growth rate of SIMBA [...]
students has achieved 102 percent and ranked
in the second among 95 schools in the rankings of "Financial Times" in the year of 2009.
委员会提议,根据 2009--2010 年美国联邦政府可参照公务薪金的 增 加 额 ,将联合国 专业人员及以上职类工作人员的净 薪增加 1.37% ,自 2011 年 1 月 1 日起生效。
Based on pay increases received by comparable United States federal staff in the period 2009-2010, the Commission recommended a 1.37% increase in the net base salary scale of United [...]
Nations Professional and
higher categories, with effect 1 January 2011.
2007-08 年度的預算為 11.975 億元,較 2006-07 年度的修訂預算 10.99 億元增加
[...] 9,850 萬元,主要由於須應付現有員工薪 酬 遞 增 、 20 06-07 年度所填補職位空缺 的全年撥款、開設 [...]
21 個職位以加強支援土地行政工作及未撥用與未批租政府土
地上人造斜坡的保養工作,以及主要由於為政府所持有的樓宇或其內單位進行維 修及保養工作及支援鐵路工程項目的發展而增加運作開支所致。
The estimate of $1,197.5 million for 2007-08 is $98.5 million higher than the revised estimate of
$1,099.0 million for 2006-07. The increase is mainly
[...] to cater for salary increments for existing [...]
staff, full-year effect of
vacancies filled in 2006-07, creation of 21 posts for strengthening support for land administration work as well as maintenance of man-made slopes on unallocated and unleased government land, and increased operating expenses primarily for repair and maintenance works for the buildings or units therein held by the Administration and supporting development of railway projects.
(b) 給 予 任 何 董 事 、 本 公 司 高 級 人 員
或 受 僱 人 士 在 任 何 特 定 業 務 或 交 易 中 的 權 益 , 或 參 與 當 中 的 利 潤 或
[...] 本 公 司 的 一 般 利 潤 , 以 上 所 述 可薪 金 的增 加 或 代 替 或 其 他 報 酬 。
(b) To give to any Directors, officers or servants of the Company an interest in any particular business or transaction or participation in the profits
thereof or in the general profits of the Company either
[...] in addition to or in substitution for a salary or other remuneration.
基金组织指出,预算包括 的公务员薪部分使政府薪金费 用总 增加 2 7%,这在该地区造成不和谐,违 反了基金组织协定,而且人们担心,这可能对科索沃经济产生不利后果。
According to IMF, the salary raise for the public sector included in the budget results in a 27 per cent increase of the government’s [...]
total wage bill,
which is dissonant in the region, violates the IMF agreement and, it is feared, may have negative consequences on Kosovo’s economy.
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本公司或本公司擁有權益 之任何其他公司之職務或薪職位 (包括委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董事分別提呈決議案,而每名有關董事均可就各項決議案投票(及 計入法定人數),惟有關其本身委任(或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之職務或 薪 職 位 )該董事連同 其任何聯繫人士擁有百分之五(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何類別股本之已發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之投票權。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.




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