

单词 诲淫



stir up lust and covetousness
promote sex and violence



See also:


teach v


obscene n
defamatory n


pornographic adj
libelous adj


External sources (not reviewed)

外交部长邀请年轻的外交官和未来的外交官们了解并参与公正与真相进程, 并称“真相给我们以诲,让 我们团结在一起”。
The Minister of Foreign Relations invited the youth and future
diplomats to learn about and participate in the process of justice and truth, stating that
[...] “the truth teaches us, unites us”.
作为每一个在一个学校的校长塔纳,然而,有,如上所述,他自己在其中的mishnaic收集与前教师halakot以及他们的争论是不同的阐述,在教学中统一其中的mishnah曾渴望的编纂并几乎已经达到再次落空,因为有许多不同的 诲 , 因 为有米示拿的集合。
As every tanna at the head of a school, however, had, as stated above, his own mishnaic collection in which the halakot of preceding teachers as well as their controversies were differently expounded, the uniformity in teaching which the redactors of the Mishnah had desired and
which had almost been attained was again lost; for there were as
[...] many different teachings as there were Mishnah [...]
过去两年来,议会批准了 7 份国际人权条约,即:《旨在废除死刑的公民及
[...] 防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》、《儿童权利公约 关于买卖儿童、儿童淫和儿 童色情制品问题的任择议定书》、《儿童权利公约关 于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》、《联合国反腐败公约》、国际劳工组织 [...] [...]
(劳工组织)《准予就业最低年龄公约》以及劳工组织《禁止和立即行动消除最恶 劣形式的童工劳动公约》。
Over the past two years, Parliament has ratified the following seven international human rights treaties: the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty; the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime; the Optional Protocol to the
Convention on the Rights of the
[...] Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child [...]
pornography; the Optional Protocol
to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict; the United Nations Convention against Corruption; the Minimum Age Convention of the International Labour Organization (ILO); and the ILO Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour.
1、Cross.tv是一个宗教性质的全球化多语言多媒体社区,提供布道和 诲 的 视 频及点播电视,以及其他视频、博客和音乐。
Cross.tv is a faith based global,
multilingual, multimedia community offering a video portal and on demand web TV
[...] with sermons, teaching, videos, blogs [...]
and music.
除了恢复和维护的halakic学说的统一性和教师为他们提供了一个实用的目的决定的权威性,犹太公顷,纳西有纯粹的理论中的另一个对象,即古人的 诲 保 存 ,除了那些他认为相对不重要或他认为这已在他的收藏在一些其他地方保存。
In addition to the practical purpose of restoring and preserving uniformity of halakic doctrine and of providing for teachers an authority for their decisions, Judah ha-Nasi had another purely
theoretical object in view; namely, the
[...] preservation of the teachings of the ancients, [...]
except those which he regarded as relatively
unimportant or which he considered to have been preserved in some other place in his collection.
特里尼达和多巴哥也赞赏圭亚那采取审慎的 态度,以对话和协商一致意见来取代冲突和争议;审查需要承担刑事责任的年
[...] 龄;发展全面的实证研究,以评估在中学系统中出现的 淫 现 象 ;拟定和实施干 预战略,以减少和消除对所有儿童的性剥削。
Trinidad and Tobago also appreciated the prudent approach taken to supplant conflict and contention with conversation and consensus; the review of the age of criminal responsibility; the development of
comprehensive empirical studies to
[...] assess the incidence of prostitution within the secondary [...]
school system; and the design and
implementation of intervention strategies to reduce and eliminate the sexual exploitation of all children.
(f) 擔任電影、報刊及物品管理副專員,以協助總監(
[...] 身分為電影、報 刊及物品管理專員) 執行淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》( 下稱「該條 [...]
例」)(第 390 章 ) ;監督有關該條例的公眾教育工作;協助相關的 決策局檢討該條例和其他執法工作,包括檢查所有在本港上映的
電影和執行《電影檢查條例》( 第 392 章 ) 。
(f) acting as Deputy Director of Films, Newspapers and Articles Administration to assist the DG Com (acting in the capacity of Director of Films, Newspapers and
Articles Administration) in enforcement of the
[...] Control of Obscene and Indecent [...]
Articles Ordinance (COIAO) (Cap. 390), overseeing
the public education work on COIAO, assisting the relevant policy bureau to review COIAO and other enforcement work, including censorship for all films exhibited in Hong Kong and enforcement of the Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap. 392).
我们敦促各会员国慷慨解囊,为迅速向这些兄 弟姐妹提供救援并为他们的迅速复原提供捐款,他们
[...] 在这神圣的斋月中期盼我们的帮助,斋月 诲 我 们体 谅和分担他人的痛苦。
We urge Member States to make generous contributions towards the speedy relief and rehabilitation of those brothers and
sisters who await our help in this holy month of Ramadan, a time
[...] which teaches us to feel and share [...]
the pain of others.
一个世界联邦主义的政府和一个新的世界语言的理想也是他们的 诲 的 一 部分。
The ideals of a world federalist government and a new world language are
[...] also a part of their teachings.
圣贾斯汀的罗马,烈士,反对犹太人在他与Tryphon(章80-1)在一个千年的宗旨对话,并声称,他和基督徒的信仰是在每一点上,正确的认识将有一复活的身体,而新建和扩建耶路撒冷将持续了一千多年的空间,但他补充说,有很多谁,但坚持基督的纯洁和虔诚的 诲 , 不 相信它。
St. Justin of Rome, the martyr, opposes to the Jews in his Dialogue with Tryphon (ch. 80-1) the tenet of a millennium and asserts that he and the Christians whose belief is correct in every point know that there will be a resurrection of the body and that the newly built and enlarged Jerusalem will last for the space of a thousand
years, but he adds that there are many who, though adhering to the
[...] pure and pious teachings of Christ, do [...]
not believe in it.
同样的,某些 GRUB 和 LILO 的较诲的功能也可以用来启动 Linux 系统,即便其配置不符合我们的条例。
Likewise, some of GRUB and LILO's more esoteric features may be used to get a Linux system started, even if the configuration does not meet our guidelines.
非洲预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所、日本律师协会联合会、职 业妇女福利互助会国际协会、大同协会、天主教 诲 师 关 怀囚犯国际委员会、 美国刑事辩护律师协会、国际科学和专业咨询理事会、国际反贪局联合会和国 际刑法改革和刑事司法政策中心的观察员也作了发言。
Statements were also made by the observers for the African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, Soroptimist International, Pax Romana, the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council and the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities.
S埃芬迪,巴哈欧拉的世界秩序(1974);,巴哈伊教西医米勒:它的历史和 诲 ( 19 74)。
S Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah (1974); WM Miller, The Baha'i Faith:
[...] Its History and Teachings (1974).
当我们考虑这 项义务时,我想起一篇教导我们记住上帝在伊甸园对 亚当所说的话的犹太教古文中的诲 : “ 注意不要损 毁我的世界,因为如果你这样做,不会有任何人在你 之后修复它”。
As we consider that obligation, I am reminded of a lesson from an ancient Jewish text that teaches us to remember that God said to Adam in the Garden of Eden: “See to it that you do not spoil and destroy my world; for if you do, there will be no one to repair it after you”.
71. 然而,这种分析无论多么清晰(无人否认这一点),若不分析所谓万国法“奠 基人”的诲,也是不完整的。
Yet, however clarifying an analysis of the kind may be (no one would deny it), it would
remain incomplete if not accompanied by an
[...] examination of the teachings of the so-called [...]
“founding fathers” of the law of nations (le droit des gens).
下列组织的观察员也作了发言: 联合国系统学术委员会、天主教诲 师 关 怀囚犯国际委员会和公谊会世界协商 委员会。
Statements were also made by the observers for the Academic Council on the United Nations System, the International Commission for Catholic Prison Pastoral Care and the Friends World Committee for Consultation.
这种指责是根据在第三世纪发出停职,其中禁止任何人以犯传统的 诲 , 以 书面或使用在讲课的这种性格手稿(见混帐60A;。
This censure was based on an interdiction issued in
the third century, which forbade any
[...] one to commit the teachings of tradition to [...]
writing or to use a manuscript of such
a character in lecturing (see Giṭ. 60a; Tem. 14b).
宪法》在第1 条中肯定这一事实,明确保障每一个 人均享有良心自由和宗教教义自由权,此外,还享有伴随而来通过崇拜、 诲或 仪 式宣扬其宗教或教义并加以传播的权利,以及举行宗教礼拜仪式的权利。
The Constitution affirms this fact in article 1 and clearly guarantees to every individual the right of freedom of conscience and religious creed, in addition to the associated right of manifesting his religion or creed and disseminating it through worship, teaching or practice, and the right to perform religious ceremonies or rites.
父母的诲是他 迈向成功的基石,在他迈向成功的路上,他从不松懈并且事事要求尽善尽美,一步步的攀爬到成功的顶峰。
Their guidance is his pillar for success. During his journey, he strived for the best and worked hard to climb the corporate ladder.
当今文明世界共享的人类价值和道德规范来自联合国的抱负和经验,以及作 为本区域我们人民共同点的伟大的伊斯兰 诲。
The shared human values and ethics of today’s civilized world, which are derived from the aspirations and the experience of the United Nations as well as the great teachings of Islam as the common ground of our people in the region, make us wary of the atrocities happening in Bahrain.
演讲,大量的观众,他都在世界上的这些地方综合巴哈和系统化他父亲的 诲。
Lecturing to large audiences, he both consolidated Baha'ism in these parts of the world and
[...] systematised his father's teachings.
在纽伦堡它得到了上述雷格蒙塔努斯,历史学家,哈特曼Schedel和西格蒙德Meisterlein,也可以由Willibald Pirkheimer(1470年至1528年),谁曾在意大利接受教育,并在古籍和历史领域 诲 人 不 倦的工人。
In Nuremberg it was supported by the above-mentioned Regiomontanus, the historians, Hartmann Schedel and Sigmund Meisterlein, and also by Willibald Pirkheimer (1470-1528), who had been educated in Italy, and was an indefatigable worker in the antiquarian and historical field.
但 是,对于此次的诲,我 们可以毫无疑问地说门徒们是认真聆听的,因为它正是解决他们刚刚经 历之失败的良方。
But, there can be no doubt that the disciples listened intently to this lesson since it was the remedy to the failure they had just experienced.
这些诲本质 上体现了的人文主义观点,这是我 一直赞同的观点。
This latter is remarkable by its essentially humanist outlook, - which is the one I have always espoused.
阿托克对与会者说,他们 有机会将达尔沃的诲运用到现实中。
Atok told the participants that they had a chance to
[...] put Darwo’s teachings into practice.
忆及《世界人权宣言》确定的“所有人民和所有国家努力实现的共同标准, 以期每一个人和社会机构经常铭念本宣言,努力通过 诲 和 教 育促进对权利和自 由的尊重,并通过国家的和国际的渐进措施,使这些权利和自由……得到普遍和 有效的承认和遵行”, 基于《世界人权宣言》第二十六条第一款申明“ 人人都有受教育的权 利”,并在第二款规定“教育的目的在于充分发展人的个性并加强对人权和基本 自由的尊重
Recalling the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which sets “a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance
其可疑行径违背伊斯兰教的崇高诲 , 该 国先前不止一次轻视阿拉伯和穆斯林国 家的权利,这次也不例外。
Its questionable behaviour goes
[...] against the noble teachings of Islam, and [...]
is in line with previous positions that have disrespected
the rights of Arabs and Muslims on more than one occasion.
约瑟夫Tkach甚至发表了一份共同的教会代表广泛的道歉,就在不正确和误导的 诲 过 去 的错误。
Joseph Tkach has even issued a broad apology on behalf of the Church collectively, regarding past errors in
[...] incorrect and misleading teachings.
丹麦政府认为,依照文莱达鲁萨兰国宪法以及伊斯兰教 诲 和 箴 言提具 的笼统保留,范围无限且性质不定,因此不符合《儿童权利公约》的目的和 宗旨,从国际法角度看是不可接受和不具效果的。
The Government of Denmark finds that the general reservation with reference to the Constitution of Brunei Darussalam and to the beliefs and principles of Islamic law is of unlimited scope and undefined character. Consequently, the Government of Denmark considers the said reservation as being incompatible with the object and purposes of the Convention and accordingly inadmissible and without effect under international law.
[...] 国际组织的促进下,在新时代框架内万国法重新得到重视,忠实于万国法“奠基 人”的诲的人文主义愿景又得到复苏(比照下文)。
In this sense, international organizations have contributed to a return to the droit des gens, in the framework of the new times,
and to a revival of its humanist vision,
[...] faithful to the teachings of the “founding [...]
fathers” of the law of nations (cf. infra).




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