

单词 要强

要强 noun ()

strong governance n

External sources (not reviewed)

世界和平理事会鼓励越南继续以其自己的方式追求 普世价值观,要强加有 许多限制的程式。
It encouraged the Vietnamese to pursue universal values in their own way and not to impose formulas that had many limitations.
在谈论秘书长的报告(S/2010/169)之前, 要强 调, 塞尔维亚民主政体的原则立场始终是坚定不移 [...]
Before turning to the Secretary-General’s report
[...] (S/2010/169), I want to emphasize that the principled [...]
position of Serbia’s democracy remains set in stone.
要强调指 出的是南部非洲警察局长 区域合作组织发挥的作用,该组织和国际刑事警察 [...]
He stressed in that regard [...]
the role of the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization, which cooperated
with the subregional bureau of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).
代表们所提到的需要进一步加强改善之处是:应当进一步降低人事费与计划费的比例,制定公 众宣传战略,有要强调争 取更多的预算外资金来实现各重大计划的主次目标,取消陈旧过时的项 [...]
Areas identified for further improvement and refinement were the need to reduce still further personnel costs in relation to programme costs, the
definition of a public information strategy,
[...] the need to highlight better the [...]
contribution of extrabudgetary funds to the
realization of principal and other objectives of each major programme, the elimination of superannuated projects and improvements in context mapping which would also help to identify the comparative advantages of the Organization vis-à-vis other actors.
Iceland will continue to
[...] emphasise the importance of the gender [...]
perspective of climate change, especially the principle
of equal participation, and that women are important stakeholders.
阿尔及利亚强调:(a) 必须准确了解水资源的共有程度、水量和质量;(b) 必
[...] 须通过妥善保护和真诚合作,将有关国家可持续发展的环境层面纳入考虑,以公 平和合理地使用含水层;(c) 需要强化国 家条例措施以及双边或次区域合作机 制,以确保有效保护含水层的水资源,使之不受各种形式的污染;(d) [...]
必须保护 共有含水层国家获得其发展所需的足够水量的权利;(e)
必须引进机制,以交流 关于共有水资源及其综合管理条件的信息和知识。
Algeria emphasized: (a) the importance of precise knowledge about the extent of shared water resources, their volume and their quality; (b) the importance of integrating the environmental dimension of sustainable development in the countries concerned, through appropriate protection and good-faith cooperation, for the equitable
and reasonable utilization of
[...] aquifers; (c) the need to strengthen national regulatory [...]
measures and bilateral or subregional
cooperation mechanisms in order to ensure the effective protection of aquifer water resources from all forms of pollution; (d) the importance of protecting the right of countries sharing aquifers to have access to sufficient quantities for their development needs; and (e) the importance of introducing mechanisms for exchanging information and knowledge about shared water resources and the conditions for their integrated management.
尽管不结盟运动注意到新 的裁武条约的结论,要强调, 减少部署和降低战备 状态不能取代不可逆转地裁减和彻底消除核武器。
While noting the conclusions of the New START
[...] treaty, the NAM stresses that reductions [...]
in deployments and in operational status
cannot substitute for irreversible cuts in and the total elimination of nuclear weapons.
就此而言,我们要强调指 出,在未来行动 中,应充分考虑到教科文组织政府间国际科学计划在海洋学、基础科学、地球学、淡水学、生态学、生 [...]
物多样性和社会变革等领域所取得的重大成果,进一步开展科研活动,使科学和政策有机结合,提升各 种能力,促进可持续发展,实现联合国千年发展目标和其他全球性共同发展目标。
In that context, we wish to underline the need to take [...]
fully into account for future action the considerable achievements
of UNESCO’s ISPs in the fields of the oceans, basic sciences, freshwater, ecological and earth sciences and biodiversity and social transformations, for the advancement of scientific research, science-policy linkages, the strengthening of capacities, sustainable development, and the achievement of the MDGs and other internationally agreed development goals.
鉴于局势的严重性,在再次确认各国在满足本 国平民人道主义需要方面负有主要责任的同时,我要强调, 必须加强联合国难民事务高级专员办事 处(难民署)的作用及其与其他相关联合国实体的协 调,例如,在开展人道主义行动时与人道主义事务 协调厅协调,在处理流离失所现象和暴力侵害平民 行为时与维持和平行动部协调,在处理与儿童有关 问题时与负责儿童与武装冲突问题秘书长特别代表 办公室协调等等。
Given the gravity of the situation, and while again confirming the primary responsibility of States in meeting the humanitarian needs of their respective civilian populations, we wish to emphasize that it is critical to enhance the role of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and its coordination with other relevant United Nations entities, such as the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in conducting humanitarian operations, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in addressing displacement and violence against civilians and the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict in tackling child-related issues, et cetera.
生成代码可读要强,要可以 编辑并且同步。
Stronger generated code readability , to edit and sync .
需要认真对待此次危机复兴阶段所出现的各种重大困难,其中一 些问题涉及要强化经济上的适应能力,对各太平洋岛国经济体而言尤其 要扩大其经济基础,并降低对来自发达国家出口需求的依赖性,其方法是 提高国内需求和区域内贸易,在资本流动再次动荡、以及粮食和燃料价格 再次回升的情况下设法保持金融和汇率的稳定。
Some of the challenges included the need to build economic resilience, particularly for Pacific island economies to broaden their economic base, to reduce dependence on export demand from developed countries by increasing domestic demand and intraregional trade, and managing financial and exchange rate stability with the return of volatile capital flows and rising food and fuel prices.
(g) 强调人口基金要强大的 政治支持和更多的财政支持以及可预见的核 心资金,以便加强对各国的援助,帮助它们将国际人口与发展会议议程充分纳入 [...]
(g) Emphasize that UNFPA needs strong political and [...]
increased financial support as well as predictable core funding in order
to enhance its assistance to countries to fully integrate the agenda of the International Conference on Population and Development into national development strategies and frameworks and achieve the internationally agreed development goals.
在通信和宣传工作方面, 一些国家要强大的 机构间伙伴关系,一些国家则依赖联合国的联合战略和计 划。
Communication and advocacy efforts in a number of countries relied on strong inter-agency partnerships, and in some cases were based on joint United Nations strategies and plans.
虽然我不想贬低目前在这方面 作出的努力,但要强调, 需加倍努力,针对原因解决回返人数少的问题,避免 [...]
While not wishing to detract from the efforts made in this field so
[...] far, I wish to stress that efforts [...]
need to be redoubled to address the reasons
behind the low number of returns and to avoid politicizing the plight of the displaced who wish to return home.
要强调指 出,尽管非洲联盟成员国承诺实施安全理事会第 1973(2011)号决 [...]
议——该决议的唯一目的是保护平民,但认为所有参与实施决议规定的方面都必 须全面遵守国际合法性的要求。
I would like to stress that while African [...]
Union member States are committed to the implementation of Security Council resolution
1973 (2011), whose sole purpose is the protection of the civilian population, they deem it fundamentally essential that all those who are involved in the implementation of its provisions fully comply with international legality.
在这方面,我要强调保 持多种能源选项很重要——有必要保持选项开放, 因为社会和企业以伙伴关系开展合作,努力谋求更加可持续性的流动选项。
In this regard, we wish to underscore the importance [...]
of keeping a diverse range of energy options open — the need to maintain
options open matters as society and business work in partnership to pursue more sustainable mobility options.
要强大的 政治动力来弥补执行差距,有人提到,非洲、最不发达国家、内 [...]
Strong political
[...] impetus was needed to bridge implementation [...]
gaps, and Africa, least developed countries, landlocked developing
countries and small island developing States were mentioned as deserving special attention and support.
关于报告中提到的制裁制度,要强 调 , 通过第 1988(2011)号和第 [...]
1989(2011)号决议是非常重要的 步骤,目的是进一步支持阿富汗的政治对话,同时打 击基地组织及其关联组织对国际和平与安全构成的 威胁,并且通过进一步加强公平和明确的程序,增进 定向制裁的成效。
With regard to the sanctions regimes mentioned in the report, I
[...] would like to highlight the adoption [...]
of resolutions 1988 (2011) and 1989 (2011)
as very important steps to further support political dialogue in Afghanistan, while countering the threat to international peace and security posed by Al-Qaida and its affiliates and strengthening the effectiveness of targeted sanctions by further enhancing fair and clear procedures.
回顾 2008 年 9 月 22 日关于非洲发展需求的高级别会议通过的《关于非洲发 展需求的政治宣言》,2 铭记非洲国家对其自身的经济和社会发展负有首要责任,国家政策和发展战
略的作用怎样强调也不为过,又铭记非洲国家的发展努力需要得到一个有利的国 际经济环境的支持,并为此回顾发展筹资问题国际会议对新伙伴关系的支持,3
[...] 强调有利于非洲增长和发展的国内和国际环境,对于新伙伴关系的执行工作 取得进展,至关要,4 强调指 出国际社会需要履行对非洲经济和社会发展作出的所有承诺
Recalling the political declaration on Africa’s development needs, adopted at the high-level meeting on Africa’s development needs on 22 September 2008,2 Bearing in mind that African countries have primary responsibility for their own economic and social development and that the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be overemphasized, and bearing in mind also the need for their development efforts to be supported by an enabling international economic environment, and in this regard recalling the support given by the International Conference on Financing for Development to the New Partnership,3 Emphasizing that a favourable national and international environment for Africa’s growth and development is important for
progress in the implementation of the New
[...] Partnership,4 Stressing the need to implement [...]
all commitments by the international
community regarding the economic and social development of Africa
这一条款的实际后果是,对于那些很可能最 要强 制 许可的国家,也就是最贫穷的国家, 有关的条款却没有什么实际意义。
The practical effect of this provision is to render the compulsory licensing provisions practically worthless for the very countries which are likely to need it most – namely the poorest.
[...] 重要的是要采取具体措施支持所有经济部门的创造性、革新性和创新性的活 动,包括大学和研究机构的参与,而 要强 调 研 究成果商品化的必要性。
In order to address the development challenges facing the Asia-Pacific least developed countries, it is vital to take specific measures to support creative, inventive and innovative activities across all economic sectors, including the
involvement of universities and research
[...] institutions, and to emphasize the need for [...]
the commercialization of research outputs.
最后还要强调 的 是,索菲亚王后博物馆正在主持开展一个名为“统一档案”的项目:该项目由来 自西班牙、欧洲和拉丁美洲的合作者共同参与,旨在通过共同的文件和材料系 统,让更多人共享这些资料,从而打破目前对各机构的限制。
Finally, it should be noted that the MNCARS is spearheading a project entitled “Universal Archive”, which incorporates partners from Spain, Europe and Latin America, aimed at creating mechanisms for shared access to a documentary corpus and material previously restricted to each institution.
该框架计划中的干预适于具要强化 的 内容以 及特定国家或区域的需要,以需求-模式对应的方式提供。
Interventions under the Framework Programme are tailored to the specific strengths and needs of a country or region and delivered in a demand- and modularresponsive manner.
需要在国家、区域 和国际一级制定有益的政策和机制,从而促进建立 一个有利的贸易和发展环境,尤 要强 调 多 边贸易 体系中的公平。
An enabling environment for trade and development, facilitated by conducive policies and mechanisms at the national, regional and international levels was needed, with a particular emphasis on equity in the multilateral trading system.
要强调的是,这不只是个分析或采样问题,而是一个管理问题,该问题已作为分析部 [...]
门近期活动的结果被突出强调,最显著的是制定报告分析结果时使用回收因素的国际 准则以及准备的处理测定不确定性的各种指导。
It is stressed that this is not [...]
an analysis or sampling problem as such but an administrative problem which has been highlighted
as the result of recent activities in the analytical sector, most notably the development of International Guidelines on the Use of Recovery Factors when Reporting Analytical Results and various Guides prepared dealing with Measurement Uncertainty.
第一要素,受到保留影响的权利和义务的相互依存关 要强 调 在全球实现 一项条约的目标和宗旨和着眼于防止拆除其义务,那就是把它们解体成捆绑的义 [...]
(7) The first element, the interdependence of the
rights and obligations affected by the
[...] reservation, lays emphasis on the goal of [...]
achieving global realization of the object
and purpose of a treaty and aims at preventing the dismantling of its obligations, that is, their disintegration into a bundle of obligations, the individual, separate realization of which would not achieve the realization of the object of the treaty as a whole.
岛145-148,SV学院),所以在这里 要强 调 只有在这些事件奠定在两所学校和教师是在与原产地和两个Talmudim最后节录连接尤其值得注意的历史。
The chief data regarding the academies of Palestine and Babylon, whose activity resulted in the Talmud, have been set forth elsewhere (see Jew. Encyc. i. 145-148, sv Academies), so that here stress need be laid only on those events in the history of the two schools and of their teachers which are especially noteworthy in connection with the origin and the final redaction of the two Talmudim.
常设论坛成员商定要强调该 主题的后半部分,办法是将重点放在重新界定土著 与国家的关系,作为一个同样重要的角度,通过它来理解发现学说,以便制定一 [...]
Forum members agreed to emphasize the latter part [...]
of the theme by including a focus on redefining indigenous and State relationships
as an equally important lens through which to understand the Doctrine of Discovery in order to develop a vision of the future for reconciliation, peace and justice.
为了使我们能够更好地应对世界面临的多层面和相互关联的挑战和威胁,为 了在和平与安全、发展以及人权领域取得进展,我们重申按照国际法建立一个有 效的多边体系极其要,要强调联合国的中央作用,我们决意通过贯彻执行联合 国的决定和决议来促进并加强联合国的效力。
We reaffirm the vital importance of an effective multilateral system, in accordance with international law, in order to better address the multifaceted and interconnected challenges and threats confronting our world and to achieve progress in the areas of peace and
security, development
[...] and human rights, underlining the central role of the United Nations, and commit ourselves to promoting and strengthening [...]
the effectiveness of
the Organization through the implementation of its decisions and resolutions.




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