

单词 联大



Commonwealth of Australia


United Nations General Assembly


United Kingdom

External sources (not reviewed)

经社会核可将第六次亚洲及太平洋人口大 会推迟至 2013 年召开的建议,以便使这次会议能成为上 联大 特 别 会议区 域筹备工作的一个政府间平台。
It endorsed the proposal to postpone the convening of the sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference to 2013 to enable the Conference to serve as
an intergovernmental platform for regional preparations for
[...] the above-mentioned special session of the General Assembly.
这些条 款包括:提及大会专门讨论裁军问题的第一届特别会 议(第一届裁军特联大)的最 后文件(S-10/2 号决 议);不结盟运动首脑会议的发言;国际法院的咨询 意见;在规定时限内实现消除核武器的目标;裁军谈 判会议的作用和工作,包括作为优先事项在裁军谈判 会议下设一个核裁军特设委员会;以及呼吁尽早召开 一次讨论核裁军各个方面的国际会议,以确定和处理 具体的核裁军措施。
Those provisions include the reference to the Final Document (resolution S-10/2) of the first special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament (SSOD-I); NAM summit statements; the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons within a specified framework of time; the role and work of the Conference on Disarmament, including the establishment of an ad hoc committee on nuclear disarmament in the Conference as a high priority; as well as the call to convene an international conference on nuclear disarmament in all its aspects at an early date to identify and deal with concrete measures of nuclear disarmament.
联合委员会至少每两年一次联大和 成 员组织提交一份附有其资产负债表的基金业 务活动报告,并联大就该报告采取的任何行动通知各成员组织”。
The Board shall
[...] present to the General Assembly and to the member organizations, at least once every two years, a report, including a balance sheet, on the operation of the Fund, and shall inform each member organization of any action taken by the General Assembly [...]
upon the report”.
因此,我们在联合国主导下本着耐心和真正妥协 的精神共同作出的共识决定具有永恒合法性,像专门 讨论裁军问题的大会第一届特别会议(第一届裁军特联大)的最后成果(第 S/10/2 号决议)这样具有里程 碑意义的文件就属这种情况。
That is why consensual decisions, forged together with patience and a spirit of genuine compromise under the aegis of the United Nations, enjoy timeless legitimacy, as is true of such landmark documents such as the Final Outcome (resolution S/10/2) of the first special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament (SSOD-I).
联大决议 (61/194、62/188、63/211 和 64/195)再 三呼吁以色列承担起责任,及时和充分地赔偿黎巴 [...]
嫩政府及阿拉伯叙利亚共和国等受本次浮油影响的 其他国家,但以色列仍未承认其责任,秘书长已在 其有关这一问题的最新报告(A/66/297)中对这一问 题表示严重关切。
Despite repeated General Assembly resolutions (61/194, [...]
62/188, 63/211 and 64/195) calling on Israel to assume its responsibility
for prompt and adequate compensation to the Government of Lebanon and other countries affected by the oil slick, such as the Syrian Arab Republic, Israel had yet to acknowledge its responsibilities, a matter regarding which the Secretary-General had expressed grave concern in his most recent report on the matter (A/66/297).
该厂有一个联大厅, 可容纳六 套级联,它被分隔为一个专用于生产铀-235 丰度达到 20%的低浓铀区和一个专门 进行研究与发展的区域。
It has a cascade hall that can accommodate six cascades, and is divided between an area designated for the production of LEU enriched up to 20% U-235 and an area designated for R&D.
由于摩洛哥在促进不扩散和裁军方面的努力和承诺,国际社会赋予摩洛 哥很多这方面的职责,特别是:摩洛哥当选国际原子能机构(原子能机
构)理事会成员[2006 年至 2008
[...] 年];《防止弹道导弹扩散海牙行为准则》 主席[2006 年至 2007 年];2005 年联大第六 委员会主席,在此期间摩 洛哥发挥了建设性的作用,促使达成一致,于 [...]
2005 年通过《制止核恐 怖主义行为国际公约》;裁军和国际安全委员会[第一委员会]副主席,
于 2005 年推动通过一项关于跟踪和标识轻武器的国际文书;裁军谈判 会议主席[1990 年和 2004 年]。
Morocco’s efforts and its undertaking to promote non-proliferation and disarmament have led the international community to assign many responsibilities to it in this field, namely, its election to the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors (2006-2008); its chairmanship of meetings on The Hague Code of Conduct (2006-2007); its
chairmanship of the Sixth Committee
[...] (Legal) of the United Nations General Assembly in [...]
2005, when it played a constructive
consensusbuilding role in the adoption of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism; its vice-chairmanship of the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) in 2005, when it worked towards the adoption of an international instrument to enable States to identify and trace light weapons; and its presidency of the Conference on Disarmament in 1990 and 2004.
联大第 6 6/71 号决议,科学和技术小组委员会作为一项单独讨论议题/ [...]
项目审议了议程项目 15“在不妨碍国际电信联盟作用的情况下,审查地球静止 轨道的物理性质和技术特征及其利用和应用,包括在空间通信领域的利用和应 用,以及与空间通信发展有关的其他问题,特别考虑到发展中国家的需要和利 益”。
In accordance with General Assembly resolution [...]
66/71, the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee considered agenda item 15,
“Examination of the physical nature and technical attributes of the geostationary orbit and its utilization and applications, including in the field of space communications, as well as other questions relating to developments in space communications, taking particular account of the needs and interests of developing countries, without prejudice to the role of the International Telecommunication Union”, as a single issue/item for discussion.
在该决议中联大注意 到秘书长关于第十二届联合国预防犯 罪和刑事司法大会的后续行动和第十三届联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大会的筹 [...]
备工作的报告(E/CN.15/2011/15),并再次请各国政府在拟订法规和政策指示时 考虑到《关于应对全球挑战的综合战略:预防犯罪和刑事司法系统及其在变化
世界中的发展的萨尔瓦多宣言》1 以及第十二届大会通过的建议,并且视情尽一 切努力在顾及各国经济、社会、法律和文化具体情况的前提下执行宣言和建议 所载各项原则。
In the resolution,
[...] the General Assembly took note of the report [...]
of the Secretary-General on the follow-up to the Twelfth
United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and preparations for the Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (E/CN.15/2011/15) and reiterated its invitation to Governments to take into consideration the Salvador Declaration on Comprehensive Strategies for Global Challenges: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Systems and Their Development in a Changing World,1 and the recommendations adopted by the Twelfth Congress when formulating legislation and policy directives, and to make all efforts, where appropriate, to implement the principles contained therein, taking into account the economic, social, legal and cultural specificities of their respective States.
2005 年初,加拿大向大规模毁灭性武器委员会提交了一份关于大规模毁灭性
[...] 武器核查和遵守情况的重要研究报告,该报告作为委员会的系列论文和研究报告 公布,并可在以下网址查阅:http://www.wmdcommission.org。加 大 在 联大第 六十二届会议上提出了一项题为“核查的一切方面,包括联合国在核查领域的作 用”的决议(第 62/21 号决议),该决议以协商一致方式获得通过。
In early 2005, Canada submitted a major study on weapons of mass destruction verification and compliance to the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, which has been published as part of the Commission’s series of papers and studies and is available at
[...] [...] http://www.wmdcommission.org. Canada also tabled a resolution entitled “Verification in all its aspects, including the role of the United Nations in the field [...]
of verification” (resolution
62/21) at the sixty-second session of the General Assembly, which was adopted by consensus.
一些国家对这一举措持怀疑态度,其主要考虑到以 往的特联大的结果、召开第四届特 联大 所 需的时间以及采取紧急行动的必要 性。
Some are sceptical of this initiative, bearing in mind the results of previous special sessions or the time required to convene a fourth special session, as well as the need for urgent action.
该 决议还请科技促委会主席建立一个工作组,以便“急救、汇编和审查所有成员国 和所有其他利害相关方”就改进互联网治理论坛的问题提供的投入,并于 2011 年通过经济及社会理事会向委员会第十四届会议 联大 提 交 报告。
The same resolution also asked the Chair of the CSTD to set up a working group to “seek, compile and review inputs from all Member States and all other stakeholders” on improvements to the Internet Governance Forum, and report to the Commission at its fourteenth session and the GA, through Economic and Social Council in 2011.
依照大会议事规则,联合国全体会员国、作为观察国的罗马教廷、作为观察 员的巴勒斯坦和作为观察员的欧洲联盟,以及接 联大 长 期 邀请、可以作为观察 员参加联大主持召开的所有国际会议届会和工作的政府间组织和其他实体,均 可以参加大会,包括全体会议和非正式会议。
The Conference, including the plenary and informal meetings, will be open to participation by all States Members of the United Nations, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, Palestine, in its
capacity as observer, and the
[...] European Union, in its capacity as observer, as well as intergovernmental organizations and other entities having received a [...]
standing invitation from
the General Assembly to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of all international conferences convened under its auspices, in accordance with the rules of procedure of the Conference.
2006 年联大根据三委的一份报告, 通过了第 61/159 号决议,其联大就解 决人权高专办工作人员地域失衡问题提出 了若干具体措施,包括设立一个临时机制,招聘预算外 P-2 一级员额,而且不局限 于国家竞争性考试的上榜候选人群体。
In 2006, the General Assembly, on the basis of a report of the Third Committee, adopted resolution 61/159, [...]
in which it proposed
a number of concrete measures to redress the geographical imbalance of the staff of OHCHR, including the establishment of a temporary mechanism whereby recruitment for extrabudgetary posts at the P-2 level would not be restricted to successful candidates from the national competitive examination.
我赞赏地注意到,各国显示愿意讨论他们关切的问题;根 联大第 63/72 号 决议执行段落第 12 [...]
段,我请他们确定第四次双年度会议期间需要讨论的有关优 先议题或主题,尤其是在执行《行动纲领》过程中出现的问题和机会,以及任何 与第三次双年度会议有关的可能的后续行动。
I note with appreciation the willingness shown by States to discuss their
concerns and, in compliance with operative
[...] paragraph 12 of General Assembly resolution [...]
63/72, I have requested them to identify
priority issues or topics of relevance to be addressed during the Fourth Biennial Meeting, in particular, the problems and opportunities arising from the implementation of the Programme of Action, as well as any possible follow-up action to the Third Biennial Meeting.
在这方面,不结盟运动强调,核裁军作为第一届 裁军特联大确定 的最高优先事项和作为一项多边 法律义务,不应当以建立信任措施或其他裁军努力为 条件。
In this context, NAM stresses that nuclear disarmament, as the highest priority established by SSOD-I and as a multilateral legal obligation, should not be made conditional on confidence-building measures or other disarmament efforts.
2005–2015年兵库行动框架(HFA) 联大 第 60/195号决议认可国家和社区 提高应对灾害的适应力。
The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005–2015: Building
[...] the Resilience of Nations and Communities [...]
to Disasters was endorsed by the UNGA in Resolution 60/195.
最近, 根据 2009 年 11 月在莫斯科召开的首次全球道路安全问题部长级会议:到 了采取行动的时候7 的提议联大在其 第 64/255 号决议中宣布将 2011 2020 年定为“道路安全行动十年”,其目标是通过加强国家、区域和全球 层面的各项工作稳定并随之减少道路交通事故预测死亡人数。
More recently, as proposed by the First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety: Time for Action,7 held in Moscow in November 2009, the General Assembly, in its resolution 64/255, proclaimed the period 2011–2020 as the Decade of Action for Road Safety, with the goal of stabilizing and then reducing the forecast level of road traffic fatalities around the world by increasing activities conducted at the national, regional and global levels.
联合国大会确认有权作为观察员参 联大 届 会 及工作 联大 主 持 下 召开的一切国际会议以及联合国其他机构主持下召开的一切国际会议的任何民族 解放组织18 ,均可向会议秘书长申请成为观察员,并经会议作出决定后取得观察 员地位。
(b) Any national liberation organization entitled by the General Assembly of the United Nations18 to participate as an Observer in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly, all international conferences convened under the auspices of the General Assembly, and all international conferences convened under the auspices of other organs of the United Nations, may apply to the Secretary-General of the Conference for Observer status, which will be accorded on the decision of the Conference.
[...] 期间所面临的挑战,为《十年》安排一个行动计划并将其提供给消除种族歧视委 员会、反对种族主义问题特别报告员、整个人权事务高级专员办事处,并将其提 交人权理事会联大批准
It should analyse challenges faced during the International Year and organize a plan of activities for the decade and extend it to CERD, the Special Rapporteur against racism, the Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights as a whole and
[...] to present it to the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly for approval.
第 64/50 号决议执行段落第 7 段已经确定了第四项主题联大在该段落中回 顾到,第四次双年度会议应审议《使各国能够及时和可靠地识别和追查非法小武 器和轻武器的国际文书》的执行情况。
The fourth topic has already been identified in operative paragraph 7 of resolution 64/50, in which the General Assembly recalled that the Fourth Biennial Meeting should consider the implementation of the International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace, in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons.
根据《国防和紧急拨款法》于 2002 财政年度授权(PL
[...] 107-117)的国务 院生物业界举措致力于对前联大型 生 物生产设施进行有针对性的转 型以及协助前武器科学家转业,以加速研制药品和疫苗,尤其是治疗公 [...]
The Department of State’s BioIndustry Initiative, authorized in fiscal year 2002 (PL 107-117) under the Defense and Emergency Appropriations Act,
is dedicated to the targeted
[...] transformation of former Soviet large-scale biological [...]
production facilities and assisting
and redirecting former weapons scientists, to accelerate drug and vaccine development, particularly for public health diseases.
联大第六 十四届会议上,加拿大是题为“再次下决心彻底消 除核武器”的决议(第 [...]
64/47 号决议)的共同提案国,其中强调在实现核裁军过程 中必须做到不可逆转和可以核查,并提高透明度。
At the sixty-fourth
[...] session of the General Assembly, Canada [...]
co-sponsored the resolution entitled “Renewed determination
towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons” (resolution 64/47), which emphasized the importance of applying irreversibility and verifiability, as well as increased transparency in the process of working towards nuclear disarmament.
联大高级 别全体会议关于千年发展目标的成果文件中,成员国要求秘书长就千年发展目标的实施情况做出年度报告并就推进2015年后联合国发展议程的步骤提出建议。
In the outcome
[...] document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly [...]
on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),
Member States requested the Secretary-General to report annually on progress in the implementation of the MDGs and to make recommendations for further steps to advance the UN development agenda beyond 2015.
全世界各地的领导人都表示支持巴勒斯坦领导人在这一关键节点上所作出 的种种努力,并且再一次在神圣 联大 主 席 台上重申,对巴勒斯坦人民的自主权 和根据 1967 年前的边界建立独立国家的努力表示支持。
Leaders from all corners of the globe have expressed their support for the efforts of the Palestinian leadership at this critical juncture and, once more, from the podium of the august Assembly, repeatedly reaffirmed support for the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and their independent State on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.
它就此回顾到联大第 4 6/152 号决议确定犯罪问题大会的主要任务是: [...]
就犯罪问题方案范围内的今后工作提出建议、找出国际社会所关切的新型问题、就 指导前后历届大会间五年内委员会的工作提供一个政治框架。
In that regard, it was
[...] recalled that the General Assembly, in [...]
its resolution 46/152, identified as main tasks of the crime
congresses the provision of suggestions for future work within the crime programme, the identification of emerging issues of concern to the world community and the provision of a political framework to guide the work of the Commission in the five years between successive congresses.
河内,2012年11月 —— 在越南,移动电话和互联网的使用人群快速 大 , 联 合 国 儿童基金会及其合作伙伴正在关注数字化技术广泛使用对该国儿童的影响。
November 2012, Hanoi -- As Viet Nam experiences rapid growth in access to mobile phones and the Internet, UNICEF and partners are focusing attention on the impact of this digital expansion on children in the country.
安全理事会第 1868(2009)号决议第 6 段强调必须加强和大联阿 援助团及联合国其他机构、基金和方案在各省的存在,鼓励秘书长继续 [...]
开展当前各种努力,以采取必要措施解决与加强和扩大此种存在有关的 安全问题。
In paragraph 6 of its resolution 1868 (2009), the Security Council stressed the
importance of strengthening and
[...] expanding the presence of UNAMA and other United Nations agencies, [...]
funds and programmes in the
provinces, and encouraged the Secretary-General to continue his current efforts to take measures necessary to address the security issues associated with such strengthening and expansion.
[...] 联服务的重点放在年轻人身上(本报告第四节中详细说明),还将 大联 合 国 对公 众的外联工作,在世界范围提高对联合国的认识和支持。
These efforts targeted to the research and learning communities reflect the particular focus of the Department’s outreach services on youth, detailed in section IV of the present report, which will also broaden the
Organization’s outreach to the public, increasing awareness of, and
[...] support for, the United Nations throughout [...]
the world.




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