

单词 无影无踪

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External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 语言,但是,这些语言在教育系统、传媒、出版界和公共领域却常 无影无 踪。
Thousands of languages – though mastered by those
populations for whom it is the daily means of
[...] expression – are absent from education [...]
systems, the media, publishing and the public domain in general.
对《世界行动纲领》进行的第五次审查和评价以及对千年发展目标国家报告 (见 A/64/180,第 II-A 章)。进行的案头审查提供了喜忧参半的全景,即根据千年 发展目标,在把残疾问题纳入发展方面取得了一些进展,但也关切在许多国家的 发展优先事项中,残疾问题仍在很大程度上处于 无影无踪 ” 状 态。
The fifth review and appraisal of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons as well as the desk review of the Millennium Development Goals country reports (see A/64/180, chap. II.A) provided a mixed picture suggesting some progress in mainstreaming disability in development in the context of the Millennium Development Goals, but also raised concerns that disability remains largely “invisible” in the national development priorities.
此外,鉴于因特网页面所载大量信息常常变 无影无踪 , 还应研究采取一些可能的 措施来解决数字遗产保存这一日益紧迫的问题。
It also studied possible steps to deal with the increasingly urgent question of digital heritage preservation, as vast quantities of information contained on Internet pages daily disappear without a trace.
一些国家不能解决自己国内的腐败和管理不善 问题,任其公司肆意挥霍浪费数万亿美元,让一个可
[...] 骗取 500 亿美元的强盗投资者消失无影无踪( 这一数额超过整个加勒比共同体次区域一年预算开支的 [...]
总额),但却正是这些国家提出家长式解决危机方案, 让我们听来不无讽刺意味。
We note the irony of hearing these
paternalistic prescriptions from the same
[...] countries that are unable to stem corruption [...]
and mismanagement within their own borders,
where corporations recklessly squander trillions of dollars and a single buccaneer investor can make $50 billion — an amount greater than the combined annual budget expenditures of the entire Caribbean Community subregion — disappear into thin air.
因为它并不真实,因此常常如同工作、 住房、储蓄、投资等一样,消失 无影无踪。
I refer also to economic calamities such as the current recession, which has reminded us that much of the so-called wealth we have created is, in fact, illusory and that, being unreal, it often disappears without a trace, as have jobs, homes, savings, investments and more.
如最近结束影响指标跟踪试行 活动的各参与国所报告,数据和信息的 提供和获取仍然是一个至关重要的问题。
As reported by countries participating in the recently
[...] concluded pilot impact indicator tracking exercise, availability [...]
of and access to
data and information remains a critical issue.
这一做法 也揭示了性别内歧视和不平等的关键方面,然而在迄今为止的努力中不见踪 影,因 为应对暴力的举措将所有妇女都一视同仁 无 差 别
This approach also reveals critical aspects of intra-gender discrimination and inequality, which up until now have been invisible in efforts to treat all women homogenously in the responses to violence.
(或) 虐待、绑架(引渡) 、强迫失踪,并尤其包 括秘密拘留。其目的始终只有一个:产生威慑效应,让被拘留者消失 无踪无 影,对其下落或命运不提供任何信息。
The aim is always the same: to have a deterrent effect, to ensure that detainees would vanish without a trace, and that no information would be given with regard to their whereabouts or fate.
他们从非洲消无踪,但 欧洲去“疯狂”亚历克斯,马蒂,梅尔曼和格洛丽亚回报令人捧腹的新 影 评 论 家都呼吁,“迷人的和非常有趣的!”随着名气的爱好朱利安国王得充电企鹅凑凑热闹,整个剧组加入马戏团逃跑船长杜波依斯的动物管制。
With the fame-loving King Julien and the take-charge Penguins along for the ride, the whole crew joins the circus to escape Captain Dubois of Animal Control.
它们虽然是 在表示同意受条约约束时作出的一种承诺,但对条约 无影 响 ,且可随时作出, 而不会更改其法律效果。
Admittedly, they are undertakings that were entered into at the time of expression of
consent to be bound by the treaty
[...] but have no effect on the treaty, and could have been formulated [...]
at any time without resulting
in a modification of their legal effects.
该系统将踪联检组向各参加组织提出的报告、说明和信函或建议的接 受、执行影响状 况;管理立法机构审议联检组报告的工作;并提供关于报告、 说明和信函所载联检组建议的接受、执行和影响类别的统计资料,这些资料最终 在联检组年度报告中提出。
The system will track the status of acceptance, implementation and impact achieved of reports, notes and letters or recommendations [...]
addressed by JIU
to the participating organizations; manage the consideration of JIU reports by legislative bodies; and provide statistical information in terms of categories of acceptance, implementation and impact achieved of JIU recommendations contained in reports, notes and letters, which are eventually presented in the JIU annual report.
(c) 应当澄清的是,在使用独特的身份识别号码来对设保人加以识别的制 度中,变更设保人的姓名对确定设保人的身份识别特征 无影 响。
(c) It should be clarified that, in systems where a unique identity
number was used to identify the grantor, a change of the
[...] grantor name had no impact on the identification [...]
of the grantor.
当时,Facebook才刚刚在美国以外的国家兴起,Twitter仍旧是科技爱好者使用的新玩意,新浪微博更 无 觅 踪影 , 而 移动网络也是羽翼未丰。
Back then, Facebook was just starting to gather steam outside of the US, Twitter was still a curiosity reserved for tech-enthusiasts,SinaWeibo did not even exist and the mobile web had yet to truly take off.
但是以家庭为基础的方法在泰国得到了广泛利用,因为该国没有足够的社会工作人员 无 法 跟 踪 每 个 儿童的家庭,为其设计单独的解决方案,或者进行后续访问。
But family-based approaches are not widely used in Thailand because there are not enough social workers to trace children’s families, design individual solutions or conduct follow-up visits.
据说,漂亮的海百合源自土耳其沿海地区,今天在欧洲各地的沙滩上都可以发现它 踪影。
Probably originating from Asia Minor, the beautiful Sea Lily can today be found on the sandy shores of Europe.
归根结底,Zallq/Žac 村局势可以被看作是科索 沃人道主义和经济挑战的一个影: 失 踪 人 员问题悬 而未决,缺乏和解,经济状况困难,安全和财产问题, 以及所有这些问题对回返进程产生的综合影响。
Ultimately, the situation in Zallq/Žac
[...] can be seen as a microcosm of Kosovo’s humanitarian and economic challenges: the unresolved missing persons issues, [...]
the related lack
of reconciliation, the difficult economic circumstances, security and property issues, and the cumulative effect of all these issues on the returns process.
人际交往通常会持续更长时间,却也更 无影无 形 、 难以 把握;它也对您的事业具有重要的意义。
Networking on the other hand, is something that usually lasts much longer and is much less tangible, but is also essential for your career.
为了使第 1907(2009)号决议能获得通过玩弄了各种政治和外交花招,对厄立 特里亚的指责全都是含沙影、无中 生 有和含糊不清的“证据”。
In the political and diplomatic manoeuvrings conducted to solicit the adoption of resolution 1907 (2009), the accusations levelled against Eritrea were invariably characterized by innuendos, fabrications and murky “evidence”.
水柱神奇地以大弧线射入空中后消失,来 无踪 – J umping Jet 跳泉系统在休闲公园和娱乐公园中、在迪厅、商业演出、展览会和其他活动中都别具魅力。
Water jets magically shoot through the air
in broad arcs and disappear, just as
[...] unexpectedly as they appeared – Jumping Jet [...]
systems are the attraction in leisure parks
and amusement parks, in discotheques, at trade shows, exhibitions, and other events.
居住着几亿人的黑海区域正经历着社会经济、人口和地球 物理等方面的快速变化,若不能有效利用空间技术特别是地球观测, 便 无 法研 究和踪这一区域的环境变化。
The environmental changes in the Black Sea region, which is home to hundreds of millions of inhabitants and subject to rapid changes in all of its socio-economic, demographic and geophysical parameters, is impossible to study and follow without the effective use of space technology, especially Earth observation.
至于反兴奋剂计划,总干事指出,根据公约第 32.3
[...] 条,由正常预算为秘书处提供的资 金严格遵守最低水平,对生物伦理的预算 无影 响。
As concerns the anti-doping programme, the Director-General observes that, in accordance with the Convention’s Article 32.3, the financing of
the Secretariat from the regular budget is on a strictly minimal
[...] basis and does not impact available funds [...]
for bioethics.
这使得时常是不踪影的武 器贩子和 各种使用方变化多端,从小罪犯到装扮成为夺取权力 的革命者和人权卫士的冒险家,还有劫匪路霸等。
This enriches traffickers who are frequently invisible and users of all sorts, from petty criminals to adventurers posing as revolutionaries and defenders of human rights to seize power, as well as road blockers and other highway bandits.
用摘要的方式记录发送投标邀请的过 程,其中列明供应商的名称和发送邀请的日期和手段,将有助于使斯堪斯卡公司踪无回音的承包商,并能增加招标流程的透明度。
Keeping track of the transmission of invitations to bid with a summary indicating the name of the vendor and the date and means of transmission would assist Skanska to follow up on non-responsive contractors, as well as adding transparency to the bidding process.
虽然教科文组织对踪“影响” 的评估工作投入不足,但大量投入以影响为导向 的评估工作,在实现资金价值方面也有局限性。
Although UNESCO has underinvested in evaluations
[...] that are capable of tracking “impacts” there are limits [...]
to the likely value for money
of a very large investment in impact-oriented evaluation approaches.
奥地利欢迎厄立特里亚批准几项核心国际人权公约,但对强迫 踪 、 无端 逮 捕、酷刑和有些拘留期间死亡事件表示关注。
Austria welcomed the ratification by Eritrea of several core international human rights conventions,
but expressed concerns regarding, inter
[...] alia, enforced disappearances, arrest without [...]
charges, torture and sometimes death in detention.
城市内部也有一些与视频影无关的 照明 灯具,突出表现建筑物本身的文化和历史 价值:比如,为教堂后殿和正立面设计的 强化照明。
Inside the city there are also lighting features separate from the video-projections which underline the cultural and historic value of the buildings: lighting that emphasises the architecture was designed both for the facade and the apse of the church.
但是,法院拒绝邀请 Komzarov 先生,而后者本可以作证说明本案主要罪犯是ZAZ 车辆的驾驶员,此人从犯罪 现场逃逸后不踪影。
However the court refused to invite Mr. Komzarov, who could have testified that the main guilty person of the accident was the driver of the vehicle ZAZ, who ran away from the crime scene and could not be found.
2008 年 9 月,本协会发表题为“纳米比亚的强迫 踪 : ‘ 无 名 ’ 塚的发现”的主 题报告,以及一盘关于在安哥拉和纳米比亚边境发现的万人坑证据的录像报告, [...]
In September 2008, the Society released
a thematic report entitled
[...] “Namibia enforced disappearances: discovery of ‘no name’ gravesites”, [...]
together with a video
report on the evidence of mass graves discovered along the Angolan-Namibian border, which was submitted to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
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