单词 | 无忧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 无忧 adjective —carefree adjExamples:无忧无虑—carefree and without worries [idiom.] 人无远虑,必有近忧—He who gives no thought far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby (idiom, from Analects). • Smug concentration on the here and now will lead future sorrow. See also:忧—worry • sorrow • grievous • concern oneself with • inconvenienced by being orphaned • a parent's funeral • relaxed 忧 n—worries pl • anxiety n
这些简单明 了的解决方案提供了安装光缆过程中准确测量信号衰减所需的工 具,令您后顾无忧。 exfo.com | These worry-free, straightforward solutions provide the tools you need to accurately measure signal attenuation during fiberoptic cable installation. exfo.com |
无论在何处,Interroll 产品都能根据客户特定要 求提供量身定做的最佳解决方案,令客户放 心 无忧。 interroll.com | But no matter where Interroll products are deployed, customers can always rest assured that they will receive a premiumquality solution tailored to their individual requirements. interroll.com |
她的农产品生意不错,挣来的钱能够让她过上舒适的生活,不仅衣 食 无忧 , 而且还足够让孩子们上学,并负担他们的医疗费用。 unicef.org | Her produce business does well, and she’s able to make a comfortable living that pays for food, good clothes, school fees and medicine for her children. unicef.org |
与 Jabra 合作可以让您安心无忧,因 为您知道我们会和您一起遵守保护地球、成为有责任感的国际社会成员的承诺。 jabra.cn | Working with Jabra gives you peace of mind, as you know we share your commitment to protect our planet, and to be responsible members of the global community. jabra.com |
衣食无忧的人是华尔街 上的那些精英。 daccess-ods.un.org | The people doing well were those on Wall Street. daccess-ods.un.org |
最小化“读取-修改-写入”情况的发生及其频率是顺 利 无忧 过 渡到 4K 扇区的重要因素。 seagate.com | Minimising the probability and frequency [...] of read-modify-write instances is the most important aspect of making the transition [...] to 4K sectors smooth and painless. seagate.com |
因此,参政和行使个人权利对于移徙者来说是个 难题,重要的是要找到方法,确保移徙者能够公开谴 责剥削,并且能像普通民众那样,这么做时感到安全 无忧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, the issue of political participation and exercising one’s rights was difficult for migrants, and it was important to find ways to ensure that migrants denounced exploitation and felt secure enough to do that, as regular citizens would do. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,在线系统还提供日常备份以及异地信息和媒体存储,使海湾村市能够高 枕 无忧。 emerson.com | The city also benefits from the peace of mind that the online system offers in daily backups and off site information and media storage. emerson.com |
格林纳达人民还重申,人的理想应当是,创造人人可以享有经济、社 会、政治、公民和文化权利的条件, 无忧无 虑 、 享有以最佳办法获得的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | (iii) That the people also reiterate that the ideal of free men enjoying freedom from fear and what can be best achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his economic, social and political, civil and cultural rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为一个母亲,我希望我的孩子有一 个 无忧无 虑 的 美好未来。 unicef.org | As a mother, I want my children to have a secure and carefree future,” says Amina. unicef.org |
又回顾指出,在上述定义的启发之下,食物权已被定义为:消费者能够经常、 [...] 永久且不受限 制 地 直 接或通过购买获得 质量适当和 数 量 足 够 的、合乎 其民族 文化 传统的食物的权利,确 保 享 [...] 有一种身心两方 面 个人和集 体 都毫无忧虑 、 心 满意足 而有尊严的生活(A/HRC/7/5, [...]第 17 段) daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling further that, inspired by the above-mentioned definition, the right to food has been defined as the right to have regular, permanent and unrestricted access, either directly or by means of financial purchases, to quantitatively and qualitatively adequate and sufficient food corresponding to the cultural traditions of the people to which the consumer belongs, and which [...] ensures a physical and mental, individual and collective, fulfilling and [...] dignified life free of fear (A/HRC/7/5, [...]para. 17) daccess-ods.un.org |
集成的工具如联想系统恢复软件,通过加快和简化数据恢复及先进的杀毒技术,为用户提供 了 无忧 的 体 验。 tipschina.gov.cn | Integrated tools such as Lenovo Rescue System provide users a worry-free experience by enabling quick and easy data recovery and advanced antivirus technology. tipschina.gov.cn |
我们可提供安全无忧的网 站以处理您的各种信息并采取适当的措施以保护您的隐私安全。 fairmont.cn | We offer a secure website to process your information and take steps to maintain your privacy. fairmont.com |
随着无忧无虑的 夏季逐渐结束,另一个新学年即将开始,我们的生活似乎又将变得更有条理。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | As the carefree days of summer [...] come to an end, another school year begins and our lives seem to become more structured again. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
284 系列精密电位计 - CTS 284 系列精密电位计具有诸多特性,可确保客户应 用 无忧 运 行 ,例如长使用寿命、密封结构、严格的线性度和宽工作温度范围等。 digikey.cn | 284 Series Precision Potentiometers - The CTS 284 Series Precision Potentiometers offer customers many features for worry free operation, such as long life, sealed construction, tight linearity, and a wide operating temperature range. digikey.ca |
为了方便起见,我们还针对所有 Zodiac 手表提供三十天的退款保证以及两年 的 无忧 保 修 服务。 hk.ashford.com | For your convenience we also offer a thirty [...] day money back guarantee on all our Zodiac watches along with a two year worry free warranty. ashford.com |
简明 - 单击式操作、插入式油墨罐、4 行图形显示、所 [...] 见即所得打印预览以及直观的国际型界面等特征可确保 操作无忧。 markem-imaje.com.cn | Simplicity – One click, plug-in ink [...] cartridge, 4-line graphic display, WYSIWYG print preview and intuitive, international interface [...] for trouble-free operations. markem-imaje.com |
在“文档检查器”对话框中单击“检查”按钮,就会把检查出的文档的批注、修订、版本和注释,文档属性和个人信息,隐藏文字等多方面的内容中可能引起个人隐私泄露的小项用感叹号标记出来,我们接着点“全部删除”按钮就可以高 枕 无忧 的 去 睡大觉了。 oapdf.com | in the "Document Inspector" dialog box, click the "Check" button, the document will be to check out the comments, tracked changes, versions and annotations, document properties and personal information, hidden text and other aspects of the content may leakage of personal privacy caused small term marked with an exclamation point, we then point "delete all" button to sit back and relax in sleep a great feel. oapdf.com |
我们采用先进的安全加密服务(RSA [...] 128位SSL)以保障信用卡交易的安全,并确保您的购买过程安 全 无忧。 zs.jointcommissi...nternational.org | We use modern security and encryption [...] services (RSA 128 bit SSL) to secure credit card transactions and ensure that your shopping [...] experience is safe and worry free. jointcommissioninternational.org |
动感十足却又不失典雅,“辉煌号”是我们舰队中最夺目的成员之一,让您在真正的航行中体 验 无忧 的 天 堂。 msccruises.com.cn | Futuristic, yet retaining Italian style and elegance, MSC Splendida is one of our most stunning ships yet. She is a cruise ship that acts as a blissful haven for her guests, enabling lucky passengers to ‘voyage’ rather than simply ‘travel’! msccruises.com.eg |
希捷 Barracuda Green 台式机硬盘将提供足够的空间和数年无故障运行,让您可以高 枕 无忧。 seagate.com | Rest easy knowing that your Barracuda Green desktop hard drive will provide ample space and years of worry-free operation. seagate.com |
我们将在软管支撑、清洗奶牛平台、地基内布管或者挤奶厅照明方面提供力支持;令您安 心 无忧。 delaval.cn | You don’t have to worry about how you’ll support the hoses, clean the cow platform, route the hoses into the basement or light your parlour. delaval.it |
从船长到工作人员将安全作为重中之重,使您 在 无忧 中 享受愉快的旅程。 msccruises.com.cn | The Captain and all shipboard officers place your safety as their priority, ensuring your cruise is enjoyed in total confidence. msccruises.com.eg |
Friedrich Voith终于能够享受一次无忧无虑的 旅行。 voith.com | At last Friedrich Voith is able to enjoy a trouble-free pleasure trip. voith.com |
全球快捷备件服务保证您可无忧无滤 享受潜水的乐趣。 bauergroup.com | Rapid spare parts supply and service guarantee a sucessful diving season - globally. bauergroup.com |
依托于领先的维修设备与技术力量及不断完善的物流网络,结合严格的培训认证机制,梅赛德斯-奔驰致力于为您提供顶级水准的售后维修服务,使您安 心 无忧。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | Equipped with advanced maintenance systems, technical skills, continuous improvements to the logistics network and strict training and certification mechanisms, Mercedes-Benz is dedicated to providing you with the highest standards of after-sales maintenance services. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
支持网络遍布全球,可向世界各地的 Fluke Biomedical 客户提供快捷的服务,确保安枕无忧。 zh.flukebiomedical.com | Global support network delivering prompt service and peace of mind to Fluke Biomedical customers worldwide flukebiomedical.com |
我们的宗旨是让大家高枕无忧,” 他告诉与会代表们,随后解释说我们已经做了多项重大投资来彻底翻新我们 [...] 的基础设施和运行中心,包括在瑞士建一个新的世界一流的运行中心。 swift.com | Our mission is to [...] give you peace of mind,” he told delegates, [...]and went on to explain a number of the investments that have [...]been made to completely overhaul our infrastructure and operating centres – including the construction of a new, state-ofthe-art Operating Centre in Switzerland – and ensure that SWIFT’s reliability and resiliency are always kept at the highest levels. swift.com |
制造商同样可以通过一个点对点的编程功能创建他自己的零件程序,并且在此工具的帮助 下 无忧 的 确 保程序将会在相应的火焰锁口机器上运行。 ficepgroup.com | The fabricator has also the possibility to create his own part programs using a point to point programming feature and make sure with this tool that the program will run accordingly on the robotic coper without concerns. ficepgroup.com |