

单词 无征不信

See also:


none lacking
everything is there
none missing
everyone without exception


not without

External sources (not reviewed)

我们应承认,老年人彼此不相同 ,各有所需,各有强处,而非因老龄无 个人特征可言的一个群体。
And let us recognize that older people are all
[...] individuals, with individual needs and strengths, not a group that are all the same because of their age.
2)个信息的收集,确认 在这个网站,我不征得客 户同意,不会收集客户的个 信 息。
(2) Collection and confirmation of personal information In this website, we never collect personal information of a customer without the customer's agreement.
缔约国应加强所有的可能措施,预防儿童被非法武装集 征 募 , 并 无 论 如何 都不 应将儿童涉入情报活动或旨在将平民人口军事化的公民军事行为中。
The State party should strengthen all possible measures to prevent the recruitment of children by illegal armed groups and should by no means involve children in intelligence activities or in military civic acts aimed at militarizing the civilian population.
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资料 中说,合规检查团的一条经验教训是 无 论 合规督察干事的个人专业才干如何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主任打交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇报情况 时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实地经验不 足 以 取 信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional
competence of the individual
[...] compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
秘书长在其报告(A/64/380)第 63 段中提供了关于在联合国秘书处和 各特派团内与企业资源规划同时执行的几个相关举措 信 息 ,其中包 括:《公共部门会计准则》的实施,人才管理系 统 ( 征 聘 和 人员配置), 精益六西格玛(非系统程序改进),企业内容管理和客户关系管理,以及 为维持和平职能服务的燃料管理系统和口粮管理系统。
In paragraph 63 of his report (A/64/380), the Secretary-General provides information on a number of related initiatives being implemented concurrently with ERP within the United Nations Secretariat and missions, including: IPSAS implementation, the talent management system (recruitment and staffing), Lean Six Sigma (non-systems process improvement), enterprise content management and customer relationship management, as well as a fuel management system and a rations management system for peacekeeping functions.
(b) 在无法事先征得当 事人在自愿和知情的情况下明确表示的同意时,或在有关数据 与可识别个人不可复 原地切断关联的情况下,可按照国内法律,或按照第 6(b) 条的规定使用人类基因数据。
(b) When the prior, free, informed and express consent cannot be obtained or in the case of data irretrievably unlinked to an identifiable person, human genetic data may be used in accordance with domestic law or in accordance with the provisions of Article 6(b).
美国将不停止支持人权,因为我们 信无 论 在 哪里都可能发生的为人类尊严和公正而进行的根本斗争。
The United States will never stop supporting human rights because we believe in the fundamental [...]
struggle for human dignity
and justice wherever it may occur.
在这种情况无法征收 税款,不能对 商品转让进行任何监测。
This situation does not allow for the collection of taxes [...]
nor for any kind of monitoring of the transfer of goods.
因此,缔约国认为,在承认出于良心拒 服兵役并实行替代役安排之前,应当先采取一系列的措施,例如保持稳定和充足 的预备役军人;实不同信仰的 人员之间以及 信 仰 者 和 无信 仰 者 之间的平等; 对承认免服兵役的明确而具体的标准进行深入研究;并取得一般公众对这一问题 的共识。
Thus, for the State party, the recognition of conscientious objection and the introduction of alternative service arrangements should be preceded by a series of measures: stable and sufficient provisions of military manpower; equality between people of different religions as well as with those without; in-depth studies on clear and specific criteria for recognition of an exemption and consensus on the issue among the general public.
这可能包括向您索要某些据以识别身份的信息,尽管这些信息未经您同 不 会 被添 加征信机构的信息库中。
This may involve asking you for certain identification details, although
[...] these cannot be added to the credit reporter’s database without [...]
your consent.
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到:(a)第 1 款意在体现第 54 条(c)项;(b) 《登记处指南》草案的评注将会解释,例如,第 1 款(c)项提及《示范条例》草 案第 10 条第(1)款(b)项,该项规定,通知或查询请求中 信 息 必须易懂、易读或 在其他方面符合《示范条例》草案的要求;及(c)第 2 款列入了在实践中得到普 遍使用的用户协议其他要素,并且与建议 54(c)项无不符之处。
Note to the Working Group: The Working Group may wish to note that: (a) paragraph 1 is intended to reflect recommendation 54, subparagraph (c); (b) the commentary of the draft Registry Guide will explain that subparagraph 1 (c) refers, for example, to article 10, subparagraph (1) (b) of the draft Model
Regulations according to
[...] which the information in a notice or search request has to be comprehensible, legible and otherwise comply with the requirements of the draft Model Regulations; and (c) paragraph 2 includes the additional element of a user agreement, as it is widely used in practice and is not inconsistent [...]
with recommendation 54, subparagraph (c).
征状都无法以 任何其他客观因素和精神状况来解释,亦与儿童的智力发展或发育 成不相符,一般认为这些征状是与脑部运作有关。
These symptoms cannot be explained by any other objective factors and psychiatric conditions and are not meeting with the standards expected [...]
for a child’s intellectual ability or stage development.
不仅如 此,这种复杂 性还因为这些数据可能构成涉及一个人的兄弟姐妹、子孙后代血缘亲系,及至他所从属的那 个人种群体的征信息。
Its complexity also has to do with the fact that it constitutes potential information about siblings (brothers and sisters), descendants and, in a general way, the group to which the individual belongs.
工作组还似宜考虑本建议或相关评注是否应当明确指 出,有不止一个设保人的,一个设保人的身份识别特征发生差 不 会 造 成通知 对身份识别征准确无误的 其他一个(多个)设保人无效。
The Working Group may also wish to consider whether this recommendation or the relevant commentary should make it clear that, in the case of more than one grantor,
an error in the
[...] identifier of one grantor does not render the notice ineffective with respect to the other [...]
grantor(s) identified correctly.
发展必须以人为本。2 一个可持续的世界不具备 至少以下三个征,那是无法想 象的:它是一个没有贫穷的世界;它是一个人口 不再增长的世界;它是一个我们不会增加自然资源承载的净压力的世界。
Its focus must be people.2 A sustainable world cannot be imagined without at least three characteristics: it is a world without poverty, it is a world in which the population is not growing, and it is a world in which we do not increase the net pressure on natural resources.
奥巴马总统再次承诺开展多边外交及其实无 大规 模毁灭性武器世界的愿景,这有助于消除过去 几年中对于不扩散制度不信任, 鉴于俄罗斯总统 已做出积极回应,因而有理由对大会取得成功的前 景表示乐观。
President Obama’s renewed commitment
to multilateral diplomacy and his vision of a
[...] world free of weapons of mass destruction had helped to dispel the mistrust surrounding the non-proliferation regime in past years, and, in [...]
view of the positive response of his Russian counterpart, there was cause for optimism about the Conference’s prospects for success.
打开一个专用IP地址和个人网络端口 征 得 客 户同意),服务中心能够通过EasyLED软件或者网页将问题发送给投影仪,投影仪将用包括序列号,固件类型,LED寿命以及投影仪状态(包括开启,空白,静止 无信 号 )的参数来回答,现时挑选出来的输入以及分辨率,图像设置状态(例如亮度,反差系数)等等。
Opening a dedicated IP address and a port of a private network (to be agreed with the customer) the service center can send
queries through
[...] either EasyLED software and Web Pages to the projector which will answer with a parameter list including Serial Number, Firmware version, LEDs life hours, projector’s status (e.g. ON, blank, freeze, no signal), current selected input and resolution, image [...]
settings’ status (e.g. brightness, gamma) and so on.
这是因为矿物追查程序不监测 武装团体的非征税,从而无从显示。
This is because mineral traceability
[...] processes do not monitor and thus do not reveal the collection of illegal taxes by armed groups.
我们信,征聘和部署的灵敏度不是工 作取得成效的 充分条件。
We firmly believe that the nimbleness of recruitment and deployment is not a sufficient [...]
condition for performance delivery.
他又 说,宗教信仰自由并不保护宗教 信 仰 本身 ; 但 这并不是说保护宗教 的征不 受 污辱和 诋毁不 属 于宗教自由的范围。
He added that freedom of
[...] religion or belief did not protect religions or beliefs per se; however, this was not to suggest that the protection of religious symbols from insult and denigration did not fall within [...]
the scope of freedom of religion.
重申信无核武器区在加强不扩散 制度和扩大世界无核武器地区方面的 重要作用,并特别提及核武器国家的责任,吁请所有国家支持核裁军进程,为彻 [...]
Reaffirming its conviction of the important role of nuclear-weapon-free [...]
zones in strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation
regime and in extending the areas of the world that are nuclear-weapon-free, and, with particular reference to the responsibilities of the nuclear-weapon States, calling upon all States to support the process of nuclear disarmament and to work for the total elimination of all nuclear weapons
一款用于统一通信应用的终极耳麦,让您能够轻松地 信 , 无 论 是 在办公室还是在路上。
The ultimate headset for Unified Communications that allows you to communicate easily, both in the office and on the go.
农工机械中心将继续争取获得更多的资金,包括来自成员国 的有助于调动资源、用于技术项目的种子资金,并设 征 聘 无 偿 借 调的专家和 助理专家,但同时经社会不妨鼓 励成员国和准成员国在增加财政捐助和专业 知识方面向亚太农工机械中心提供支持。
While the Centre will continue working towards securing more funding, including seed money from member countries for technical projects to help mobilize resources, and seek to engage non-reimbursable loan experts and associate experts, the Commission may wish to encourage member and associate member States to provide support to UNAPCAEM in terms of increased financial contributions and expertise.
目前正在进行采购,寻找一个主要承包 商负责土地核无雷, 和一个排雷方案办公室提供质量控制和保证及社区建信 任措施。
Procurement processes are now under way for a main contractor to undertake this land release and a
[...] Demining Programme Office to provide quality control and assurance, and community confidence building measures.
我们在基于信原则,认为有必要的情况下,可能 不征 求 您 的同意而披露您的特 信 息 , 这些情况包括 (i) 保护或捍卫我们或我们的员工、代理商和承包商的合法权利或财产(包括执行我们的协议);(ii) 保障安全和保护本网站或本网站的用户或公众的安全,包括在紧急情况下采取行动;(iii) [...]
(iv) 遵从法律或法规程序。
We may disclose specific information about you without providing you a choice if, based on our good faith belief, it is necessary [...]
to do so to (i) protect
or defend our legal rights or property or our employees, agents and contractors (including enforcement of our agreements); (ii) protect the safety and security of this Site or Users of this Site or members of the public including acting in urgent circumstances; (iii) protect against fraud or for risk management purposes; or (iv) comply with the law or legal process.
在智利,人口基金与卫生部在 2008 年开展的合作包括:提供支助以培训保 健中心的工作人员认不同文 化间的问题,以及在其必填记录中提供种族 征信 息的重要意义。
In Chile, the collaboration of UNFPA with the Ministry of Health in 2008 included support for the training of staff at
health centres on
[...] intercultural issues and the importance of providing information on ethnicity in the records that they must complete.
与此同时,特定法域内小额金融机构间分享信用信息似 乎成了一种日益普遍的现象,特别是 不 存 在正 规 征信 机 构或建立正规征信机 构代价太高的情况下。
Meanwhile, credit information sharing by agreement among MFIs in a given jurisdiction appears to be a growing phenomenon, particularly where formal credit bureaus may not exist or may be too expensive to establish.
精神的冬天,杰克弗罗斯特(克里斯·派恩),描述了他是如何走过来的几百年前的人在月球深处的一个冰冻的池塘,解除,一直以来,因为人 不 相 信无 形 的 在他身上。
The spirit of winter, Jack Frost (Chris Pine), describes how he came to be hundreds of years ago, lifted from the depths of a frozen pond by the Man in the Moon, and has been invisible ever since because people don’t believe in him. 300 years later At the North Pole, Nicholas St. North, better known as Santa
Claus (Alec Baldwin), is alerted that Pitch the Bogeyman
[...] (Jude Law) has returned and is threatening childhood with fear.
信无论其 动机如何,恐怖主义行径都是毫无道理的,还注意到对他人 不 了解和对世界丰富多彩的文化不宽容是一切形式的极端主义的起因之一
Affirms that while acts of terrorism can never be justified whatever the motives and also notes that one of the causes of any form of extremism lies in the lack of knowledge of others and intolerance towards the rich diversity of the world’s cultures




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