单词 | 网布 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 网布 noun —mesh nnetting nExamples:温布尔登网球公开赛—Wimbledon lawn tennis championship 分布连结网络—distributed connectionist network 分布式网络—distributed network
编制并在内联网“布告 栏”登出一份月度会议安 排表,每两周调整更新一 次 unesdoc.unesco.org | Presentation and fortnightly updating of a monthly meeting [...] schedule on the Intranet under the link “Announcements”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
供应方措施主要指通过主动渗漏控制尽可能减少管网漏失, 包括使用 GIS 改进管网布局等。 wrdmap.org | Supply-side measures focus on minimising network losses through active leakage control including [...] improvements in network mapping through the [...]use of GIS. wrdmap.org |
位于加利福尼亚州的Jif-Pak制造公司,是为肉类和家禽产品生 产 网布 和 肠衣的领先制造商。 news.groz-beckert.com | Jif-Pak Manufacturing in Vista, California has become one of [...] the leaders in the knitted netting and casings [...]for meat and poultry products. news.groz-beckert.com |
卫生署1000-DNB /特色服装磁带的生产,如围巾,披肩,立方米的一致性,针 织 网布 和 技 术文章。 da-hu.com | DH 1000-DNB/C more characteristic in the production of garment tape such as scarves, shawls, [...] cubic consistency, knitted nettings and technical [...]articles. da-hu.com |
SCADA工具可以从使用标准以太网/局域 网布 线 的 远程站点获取所有Modbus数据。 netbiter.cn | The SCADA tools will be able to access any Modbus data at the remote site [...] using standard Ethernet LAN cabling. netbiter.com |
充满建筑线条美感的Elis Mini 手表,以缀有 744 颗迷你水晶的水晶网布表带 ,搭配金字塔形方面玫瑰金表壳,巧妙融合都市气息与闪亮风采。 brand.swarovski.com | With a wrist strap [...] of Crystal Mesh made from 744 mini-crystals and a rose-gold [...]square pyramidal case, the architectural [...]lines of the “Elis Mini Watch” combine an urban chic with sparkling luminosity. brand.swarovski.com |
这是福伊特历史上最大规模的收购,福伊特接管了英国思卡帕集团的造纸技术业务部门,成为造纸 业 网布 和 传 送带的领先供应商。 voith.com | In the largest acquisition in the company's history, Voith takes over the paper technology business of the British Scapa Group plc. and becomes a leading supplier of wires and felts for the paper industry. voith.com |
简单的局域网布线允 许轻松分布机箱靠近测量物体,消除复杂的布线,并降低传感器布线成本。 bksv.cn | Minimal cabling - Simple LAN cabling makes it easy to distribute the frames close to the measurement object, eliminating complex cabling bundles, and reducing transducer cabling cost. bksv.com |
Dur-X-Line®硫化橡胶包裹式张力轨能够与 筛 网布 紧 密配合,成为橡胶或乙烷筛面的绝佳补充,张力轨由钢材、橡胶包裹的钢材或乙烷包裹的钢材制成。 zs.weirminerals.com | Dur-X-Line® vulcanized rubber covered tension rails [...] work well with wire cloth as well as an excellent [...]complement to rubber or urethane [...]screen surfaces and are made of either steel, rubber coated steel, or urethane coated steel. weirminerals.com |
通过技术部门的研发,Jif-Pak公司能够根据客户的需求不断更 换 网布 和 肠 衣的形状,颜色,香味和图案等 – 从而生产出在外观和气味上同样令人信服的产品。 news.groz-beckert.com | Jif-Pak has a technical department that can accept almost any request for shape, color, flavor, and pattern and produce a product, which will be attractive as well as fragrant. news.groz-beckert.com |
您可选择时髦诱人,结合黑色小牛皮与熠熠生辉的水 晶 网布 的 In tervalle 手镯﹔揉合都市风格与粗犷质感,且融入黑色陶瓷元素、透明水晶和 Pointiage® 低温陶瓷技术的时尚扣环手链﹔又或是在金属尖刺装饰末端镶嵌了水晶的前卫手镯 Style。 brand.swarovski.com | For the wrist, there is the sleek black calfskin and glistening Crystal Mesh “Intervalle” bangle; the on-trend, urban-looking chunky chain bracelet with its black ceramic links and clear crystal Pointiage®; and the edgy appeal of the “Style” bangle’s crystal-tipped metallic points. brand.swarovski.com |
政府 联邦、州和当地政府及其管制部门的作 用,在于针对互联网布署、 互联网使用等多方 面问题制定相关政策。 internetsociety.org | Governmental Regional Organizations Governmental regional organizations include, but are not limited to, the African Union, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity, the Caribbean Telecommunication Union (CTU), the Commonwealth of Nations, the European Union (EU), and the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL). internetsociety.org |
公司主要生产全棉、CVC、T/C、T/R、人棉、涤纶、莫代尔、竹纤维、天丝……原料的汗布、氨纶汗布、鱼鳞布、氨纶鱼 鳞 布 、 珠 地 网 眼 、单面小提花、双面平布、空气层、健康布、罗 马 布 、 网 眼 布 、 华 夫格、法式罗文、斜纹布、氨纶空气层、氨纶平布、粗细针、小提花布、罗纹布、毛巾布、天鹅鹅绒、摇粒绒、蚂蚁布、不倒绒、金光绒、珊瑚绒、羊羔绒、长毛绒......其产品远销北美、欧洲、中东、东南亚等30多个国家。 lizhongda.com | The company mainly produces cotton, CVC, T / C, T / R, were cotton, polyester, modal, [...] bamboo fiber, Tencel [...] ... ... raw material cloth, spandex cloth, scale cloth, spandex Ichthyosis cloth, beads to the mesh, one-sided small jacquard, two-sided [...]plain cloth, [...]air layer, health cloth,Rome cloth, mesh cloth, Howard Lattice, French Luo, twill cloth, spandex air layer, spandex plain cloth, needle size, small jacquard fabrics, rib fabrics, towel cloth, swan goose, polar fleece, ant cloth, will not be brought down velvet, golden velvet, coral velvet, lamb, plush ...... its products are exported to North America, Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia more than 30 countries. lizhongda.com |
联合国系统各组织的行政首长应通过各自组织的旅行事务管理人员积极参 [...] 加和出席机构间旅行事务网络年度会议,来支持该网络的活动,并鼓励 颁 布网络 章程,阐明其宗旨、目标和程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | The executive heads of United Nations system organizations should support the activities of the Inter-Agency Travel Network through the attendance and active participation of their respective travel managers [...] at its annual meetings and encourage the [...] adoption of the Network statutes stating [...]its goals, objectives and procedures. daccess-ods.un.org |
发布含点击箭头的导航PDF图表 为网站及内联网发布HTML格式图表 预定发布网站、 内联网、共享驱动器或电子邮件格式文件 altula.cn | Publish charts in navigable PDF with clickable arrows Publish Charts in HTML for websites and intranet Scheduled Publishing to Web, intranet, shared drive or email altula.com |
介绍无纺布,非织造布,无纺布网站 , 非织 造 布网 站 , 纺粘无纺布。 business-china.com | Introduces not spins cloth, supatex fabric, not spins cloth website, supatex fabric website, spins sticks not spins cloth. business-china.com |
状态更新可以是自然摄影师的旅行以及自然摄影有关的状态 发 布 , 网 站 链接发布应该是与自然或自然生态摄影相关的内容。 whytake.net | Status Updates can be travel or nature photography related, Wall link Posts and profile content should be related to Nature or Nature Photography, only whytake.net |
在不考虑网络容量的前提下,低频段 布网 的 整 体成本(包括站址、 设备、基建)较高频段低。 tdia.cn | On the premise of not considering network capacity, the overall cost of network deployment with LF (including website, equipment, and infrastructure) is lower than that with HF. tdia.cn |
一位发言 [...] 者提议设立一个超国家的机构负责跨界司法协调,发挥联络中心的作用,收集 并向国家司法机构发布网络犯 罪威胁的数据和司法协助请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | One speaker proposed the creation of a supranational institution for cross-border judicial coordination which would function as [...] a focal point for collecting and [...] distributing data on cybercrime threats and [...]judicial assistance requests to national judicial institutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
大规格尺寸的围油栅能起到一个“标志水 [...] 线”的作用,支撑各种灯、标志和水上通用物理安全分隔物、障碍物及 水下布网系统。 desmi.com | The larger sizes are able to provide an imposing “line-in-the-water”, and can support all sorts of lights, [...] signs and conventional physical security barrier elements above the surface, [...] and barriers or netting systems sub-surface. desmi.com |
除了您自己的用户内容以外,您不得在任何互联网、内联网或外联网站点上再 发 布网 站 内 容,也不得将本网站信息添加到任何其他数据库或编辑作品中,无论该作品是否出版发行。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | Except for your own User Content, you may not republish Site Content on any Internet, Intranet or Extranet site or incorporate the information in any other database or compilation, whether published or unpublished. beyondtheshock.com |
今天通过重新发布网站的 形式开始启用Ubee名称,该名称将在未来几个月内应用到公司所有材料和设备上。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Ubee name was introduced today via a website re-launch and will spread throughout the company's materials and products in the coming months. tipschina.gov.cn |
此外,联合国秘书处经济和社会事务部发展筹资办公室与其他利益 攸关方合作,继续组织讲习班、多方利益攸关方协商、小组讨论会和其他活动,旨 在更好地使成员国履行其在《蒙特雷共识》和《发展筹资问题多哈宣言》商定的承 诺。关于这些活动的信息定期在网站上 发 布 , 网 址 是 :www.un.org/esa/ffd。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Financing for Development Office of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Untied Nations Secretariat continued to organize, in collaboration with other stakeholders, workshops, multi-stakeholder consultations, panel discussions and other activities aimed at better enabling member countries to implement their commitments as agreed in the Monterrey Consensus and the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development. daccess-ods.un.org |
还发展并推出了 IDAMS 1.1 版和新 的 CDS/ISIS 工具;CenISIS--一个 CDS/ISIS 数据库公布(网络和 只读光盘)的开放源 (OS)软件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A webbased self-training material for IDAMS has been prepared and it is expected to be accessible from July 2003 on the website of Angers University (France). unesdoc.unesco.org |
对于 Web 和Basic型号的摄像机,则不会公布网 络 设置,因为这些型号没有音频功能。 remote.stpius.org:8085 | Note: For Web and Basic camera [...] models, the network settings are not announced since these models [...]do not have an audio feature. remote.stpius.org:8085 |
依赖美通社的专业经验和发布网络, 美通社(亚洲)可以快捷、高效地将客户的新闻稿用40种语言发送至170个国家和地区的24,000家媒体和数千万投资人,帮助客户在全球范围内提高品牌知名度,树立品牌形象,吸引潜在客户、商务合作伙伴和投资者。 ece-china.com | Utilizing PR [...] Newswire's global distribution network, PR Newswire Asia [...]will send clients' press releases to 24,000 media [...]points in 170 countries in 40 languages, as well as to millions of investors worldwide, helping companies generate exposure, build brand awareness and attract potential clients, business partners and investors. ece-china.com |
您承认并同意,任何违反使用条款、隐私政策和/或附加条款的,与泄露、使用、拷贝、分发传播、展示、 发 布网 站 上 的信息和/或材料(包括但不限于加盟商区域材料)和对本网站使用有关的行为都可能对Edible [...] Arrangements产生无法补救的伤害和损失,而这些损失可能并不能完全由金钱补救,也再法律上没有充分足够的补救赔偿办法。 ediblearrangements.com.cn | You acknowledge and agree that any violation of the Terms, the Privacy Policy and/or the Additional Terms relating to [...] the disclosure, use, copying, [...] distribution, display or publishing of the information [...]and/or materials on the Website (including [...]without limitation, the Franchisee Area Materials) and use of the Website may result in irreparable injury and damage to Edible Arrangements that may not be adequately compensable in money damages, and for which Edible Arrangements will have no adequate remedy at law. ediblearrangements.ae |