

单词 进食

进食 ()

take a meal


进小食 n

refreshment n

(动物)进食 v

feed v

External sources (not reviewed)

进食品系 统的政策和经济管理体系,提高食品系统生产力和可持续性。
the political and economic
[...] governance of the food system is improved [...]
to increase the productivity and sustainability of food systems.
Life is about overeating, indigestion and [...]
尽管只是暂时的,但多余的输入会减弱,我们会从过 进食 中 解 放出来,尽管同时我们的历史已离得太远而无法给与这些释放的精神以支持。
The excessive input weakens us down, be
it is temporary, and we find ourselves
[...] liberated from overeating, although at the [...]
same time our history is already too
far gone to give enough support to the now unleashed spirits.
它整合了“零饥 饿”方案,后者的目的是保证获得适足食品的权利, 进食 品 和营养保障,帮助 人口中的饥饿人群享受公民权利。
It integrates the “Zero Hunger” programme, the
aim of which is to ensure the
[...] right to proper food, promoting guaranteed food and nutrients [...]
and helping the population most
vulnerable to hunger to achieve citizenship.
食典委进一步 指出,对于食用橄榄油,修订也将确保与国际橄榄油理事会最近 更新的食用橄榄油标准相一致,从而 进食 典 和 其他相关的国际标准化组织的合作。
The Commission further noted that, in the case of table olives, the revision would also ensure harmonization with the recently updated standard for table olives developed by the International Olive Council and thus promote cooperation between Codex and other relevant [...]
international standardization organizations.
2000年4月,Diane的人生遭逢巨变,她诞下的第二个孩子Philippe患有严重的先天障碍——痉挛性四肢麻痹,而且永远无法走路、说话及自 进食 , 一辈子都需要依赖其他人的照顾。
In April 2000, Diane's life changed dramatically when she gave birth to her second child, Philippe. Philippe was born with a severe handicap – he was diagnosed with spastic
quadriparesis and told he would never walk, talk,
[...] or be able to feed himself and that [...]
he would be dependent on others all his life.
溃疡会引起各种症状抑或根本没有症状,但是最常见的溃疡症状包括:疼痛或不适、肿胀 进食 少 量 食物后即有饱腹感、缺少胃口、恶心或呕吐,或者是粪便颜色变深。
Ulcers can cause a variety of symptoms or no symptoms at all, but the most common ulcer symptoms include: pain
or discomfort, bloating, feeling
[...] full after eating a small amount of food, lack of appetite, [...]
nausea or vomiting, or a dark stool color.
不足60分钟的训练或比赛:不需 进食 来 补 充能量。
Events or practices shorter than 60 minutes: It is
[...] not necessary to eat to maintain your energy.
巴西代表团认为,食典结构非常复杂,主要由发达国家任东道国的众多委员会在 世界各地召开会议;发展中国家由于缺乏财务和人力资源,难以有效参与会议、 进食 典工作;因此,这一严重问题应得到紧急处理以确保过程具有参与性、透明和民主。
The Delegation of Brazil expressed the view that the structure of Codex was very complex and that many committees, mainly hosted by developed countries, were held in different locations worldwide, with the result that it was very
difficult for developing
[...] countries to follow Codex work and to participate effectively in meetings, due to lack of financial and human resources, [...]
and therefore
this serious problem should be addressed urgently in order to ensure a participatory, transparent and democratic process.
独特的“连续鉴定运算法则”对整个饲料量在一天内进行分配,促进奶牛频繁前往饲喂站,养成本能、没有压力 进食 模 式
The unique “continuous qualification algorithm” which provides for the full feed allocation to
be apportioned throughout the day, promotes frequent visits to the feed station and
[...] natural, stress-free eating patterns.
加拿大在提交经济、社会和文化权 利委员会的定期报告中介绍了其为 进食 物 权 所做 的努力,并且很高兴就该决议草案达成共识。
It reported on its efforts to promote the right to food in the context of its periodic reports to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and had been pleased to join the consensus with regard to the draft resolution.
鼓励特别报告员继续与有关国际组织和联合国各机构、方案和基金合 作,尤其是总部设在罗马的组织,包括联合国粮食及农业组织、国际农业发展基
[...] 金和联合国粮食计划署,以促进确保这些组织按照其各自的任务,进一步 进食 物权,包括促进发展中国家和最不发达国家的小农户和农业工人的发展
Also encourages the Special Rapporteur to continue his collaboration with relevant international organizations and United Nations agencies, programmes and funds, in particular the Rome-based ones, including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Food
Programme, in order to contribute to ensuring
[...] that the right to food is promoted further [...]
within these organizations, in accordance
with their respective mandates, including for the advancement of smallholders and agricultural workers in both developing and least developed countries
饲料站通过以天生进食速度 分配新鲜饲料,来促进精料摄入量 - 浪费非常少。
The feed station stimulates concentrate intake by dispensing
[...] fresh feed at natural eating speed – and very [...]
little is wasted.
[...] 及提高化肥利用效率;对作物和牲畜生产系统作出改进;加强动物疾病诊断和控 制;食品内沾染物的可追溯性; 进食 品 的 保质期和安全,并以无害环境的方式 防治病虫害。
Examples include improved crop varieties; effective soil and water management and more efficient fertilizer use; improvements to crop and livestock production systems; enhanced animal disease diagnoses and
control; traceability of
[...] contaminants in food; improved shelf-life and safety of food; and the environmentally [...]
friendly control of insect pests.
Adopting a vegetarian, low-fat diet or one that mimics the traditional Japanese diet may lower risk.
在列入议程的 12 个关键优先事项中,已 经查明 6
[...] 权利;通过水促进合作与和平;通过水资源综合管理对多种用途进行平衡;通过 水的最佳利用进食品安 全;改善水资源和生态系统的质量;以及在一个不断城 [...]
Of the 12 key priorities on the agenda, 6 have been identified as the most significant for the Central Asian region: guaranteeing access to water for all and right to water; contributing to cooperation and peace through
water; balancing multiple uses through
[...] IWRM; contributing to food security by optimal [...]
use of water; improving the quality of
water resources and ecosystems; and responding to climate and global changes in an urbanizing world.
在紧急情况下,食物缺乏,为了家庭的其他成员,妇 女和女孩通常会减少自己进食,以 此作为一种解 决办法。
Identify a person (e.g. school teacher, NGO representative, female or male translator as appropriate) who could coordinate consultations with women, girls, boys and men directly affected.
在此次网络研讨会中进食行为和饱腹研究专家 Adam Drewnowski 博士及注册营养师 Robyn Flipse 共同讨论了影响消费者食品选择 进食 行 为的因素,及二者如何与体重控制挑战相关联,还讨论了低热量和无热量甜味剂在 体重控制中的作用。
In this webinar, Dr. Adam
[...] Drewnowski, an expert in eating behaviour and satiety research, and registered dietitian Robyn Flipse discusses factors that impact consumers’ food choices and eating behaviour and [...]
how each relates to
weight management challenges, and the role of low- and no-kilojoule sweeteners in weight management.
发言人称,虽然现时世界卫生组织没有就六个月以下婴儿蛋白质及钾的每日最高摄取量订下标准,而一般来说,健康成年人和儿 进食 较 高钾含量或蛋白质的食物对健康影响不大,但是对于肾脏功能未完全发育的婴儿,过量摄入钾或蛋白质可能加重婴儿的肾脏负荷,对健康造成风险。
A CFS spokesman said, although currently no international standards have been set by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the maximum daily intake of potassium or protein for infants below six months old, and in general adverse health effects
are not found in healthy adults and children
[...] from consumption of food containing relatively [...]
high level of potassium or protein,
excessive intake of potassium and protein may increase the renal load of infants, posing a health risk to them as their kidney function is not fully developed.
她的论文“吃困扰的儿童和青少年的识别和管理描述了她是如何教导父母和他们的孩子 进食 障 碍 ,如贪食和anorexoria的如何打破这常常很恶毒的行为,有时甚至是致命的周期。
Her paper ‘Identifying and managing eating distress in children and teenagers’ described how she
teaches parents and their children
[...] suffering from eating disorders such as bulimia and [...]
anorexoria how to break this often vicious
and sometimes fatal cycle of behaviour.
这可能造成极端减肥行为,比如做超负荷锻炼、禁止食用他们认为会让自己发胖 食 物 、 进食 后 呕 吐、服用泻药或利尿药,以便使体重下降,并且抑制自己的食欲,等等。
This may result in extreme weight loss behaviors such as doing
excessive amounts of
[...] exercise, avoiding food that they think will make them fat, vomiting after meals, taking laxatives [...]
or diuretic
“water pills” to keep their weight down and taking appetite suppressants.
两名被拘留者——27 岁的 Bilal Diab 和 33 岁的 Thaer Halahla——的健 康尤其堪忧,他们自
[...] 2012 年 2 月 29 日至今已有 72 天没进食,并且在以色列 最高法院驳回他们关于停止对其的非法拘留的上诉之后,继续绝食。
The health of two detainees — Bilal Diab, age 27, and Thaer Halahla, age 33 —
is of particularly grave concern as
[...] they have been without food for 72 days now, since [...]
29 February 2012, and continue their
hunger strike following Israel’s Supreme Court’s rejection of their appeals to end their unlawful detention.
据报道,政府继续限制人员进入清真寺,拘留拥有未获授权宗教读物的公民,关押参与被认为是“极端”宗教活动的公民,强迫在斋月期间实行斋戒的穆斯 进食 , 没 收穆斯林的护照以加强对穆斯林朝圣的控制。
The government reportedly continued to limit access to mosques, detain citizens for possession of unauthorized religious texts, imprison citizens for religious activities
determined to be "extremist," force Muslims
[...] who were fasting to eat during Ramadan, [...]
and confiscate Muslims' passports in an
effort to strengthen control over Muslim pilgrimages.
各代表团指出,只有付出这些配套努力,农业才能 发挥创收和提供营养的潜力,也才能降低国家对 食进 口 的 依赖,减少受国际粮 食价格动荡的影响。
Delegations underlined that these complimentary efforts were all required to enable agriculture to live up to its potential to raise incomes and
access to nutrition, and also reduce national
[...] dependency on food imports and exposure to international food price volatility.
农业商品价格剧烈波动带来的影响令人关切,同样令人关切 的是,供应不足可能导致贫困的 食进 口 国 粮食安全情况恶化,这些国家未来仍 可能遭受危机。
Concern was expressed about the effects of highly volatile prices for agricultural commodities, and about the
possibility that short supply could
[...] worsen the food security situation in poor food-importing countries, [...]
which remained vulnerable to a future crisis.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括: ( a) 进行关于食品安 全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 [...]
能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c)
设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building
(training courses,
[...] projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of [...]
risk analyses and developing
base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.




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