

单词 远大理想

See also:

远大 adj

broad adj
greater than adj

大理 n

marble n
Dali n


an ideal
a dream

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 一次机会,可借以重新审视我们的政策,更新和改变 似乎已经僵化的范式,继续开展国际辩论,并为我们 作为全球社会树远大理想。
This is, therefore, an opportunity to reconsider our policies, to review and change
paradigms that seem to be frozen, to renew the international debate
[...] and to be ambitious in our aspirations as a global [...]
We expect vision, foresight and performance and reward them with profit/performance-based compensation.
[...] 香蕉等进口水果为常规经营品种,因此怀有复兴和发展国内 农业这远大理想而成 立的该事业公司,在业内备受关注。
Because the mainstays of trading companies’ fruit and vegetable operations are imported
fruit such as bananas, the launch of a
[...] company based on the ideal of helping revitalize [...]
and develop Japanese agriculture is
attracting attention in the trading industry.
[...] 具有全面性;经过全球协商;关注实效并且具 远大理想 ; 有意向非专业政 策制定者宣传;并且非常注重行动,这些都在其短期、中期和长期行动纲领 [...]
What makes this report distinctive is, hopefully, its timeliness; comprehensiveness; global consultative
reach; attention to pragmatic realities as
[...] well as ambitious ideals; intended accessibility [...]
to non-specialist policymakers;
and strong action orientation, reflected in the short, medium and longer term action agendas that bind together its specific policy proposals.
水晶石教育更加注重技术的交流及提升,为了听到行业内更多不同的声音,我们定期举办专家讲堂,邀请来自Pixar,Dreamworks、英国伦敦大学等国际知名动画公司和高校的专家们坐镇,让水晶石教育人有更大的提升空间、更广阔的视野、 远大 的 理想。
Crystal pay more attention to the technology exchange and upgrade, in order to hear the more different voices in CG industry, we organize experts regularly, invite the international experts from Pixar, Dreamworks, the London University and other well-known animation companies and colleges, to give Crystal
staff a larger development
[...] space, a broader vision, and a bigger dream, we hope that the crystal staff can go a step ahead!
作为纳 赛尔总统的忠实支持者,他认为萨达特总统的政策离他 理想 越 来 越 远。
As a true supporter of President Nasser, he felt that the President al-Sadat’s policies
[...] were slipping away from his ideals.
从我的心底,想谢谢您大老远地来 到我们 的国家,我们希望我们能够做更多的事情。
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for your great efforts to come all the way to my country and we hope that we can do so much more.
眾多國家中,土耳 其、菲律賓及比利時領先大部份 國家均錄 理想 回 報
From a country perspective, Turkey, the Philippines, and Belgium led the
[...] performance, with most countries posting positive returns.
多年实践让我们认识到,实现和平与安全 理想 也许仍然路途远,但 只要我们恪守《联合国宪章》 的宗旨和原则,铭记“发愤立志、同心协力、以竟厥 [...]
功”的庄严承诺,坚定信念,加强合作,定能朝着共 同安全、持久和平的目标不断迈进。
Through our experience over the years, we have come
to realize that, even as peace
[...] and security may seem a distant dream, if we all abide by the [...]
purposes and principles of the
United Nations Charter, keep in mind our solemn resolve to combine our efforts to accomplish those aims and strengthen our conviction and cooperation, we will move ever closer to the objective of common security and enduring peace for all humankind.
空 间对于学校而言是大问题,而瘦客户机让我们可以在 ICT 室 中安装更多台式机远超过我们想象 的 可以安装 PC 的数量。
Space in schools is a big
[...] issue and thin clients enabled us to install more desktops in the ICT suite than we had imagined possible with traditional PCs.
通过第一次非正式思考,得出了三位作家之间的 大 共 性主题:(i)教学在其作品中的 地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解理想方式
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
它将是广泛的电主轴轴承应用里 理想 浮 动 端轴承并将对未来的设 计产生大影响
It will be the ideal non-locating bearing for a wide range of motor spindle applications and will have a great impact on [...]
related future designs.
与此同时,研究所始终十分依赖蒙特利 大 学 电子基础设施系统,由它 负责研究所网络包括外部服务器的安全保障,并 理远 程 使 用研究所外部资源的接 口。
It is nevertheless highly dependent on the
electronic infrastructure of the
[...] University of Montreal, which ensures the security of its networks, including external servers, and manages remote access to UIS external resources.
从更长远考虑,面远非理想的现 实情况,应该明确的是,虽然要坚持强调非集中化 战略的基本概念和原则,但应把实现一些初级目标看作是一个渐进的过程。
Taking the longer-term view, and in the face of a
[...] situation that is far from ideal, it is clear that [...]
while retaining the underlying concepts
and principles of the decentralization strategy, the attainment of some of the initial ideas and objectives has to be viewed as a gradual process.
我们知道,如果能够采用更好的管理软 件就可以跳过这一步进而考虑下一步措施,并通 远 程 管 理 设备 极大地节 省工程师往返现场和维护的时间”。
We knew that with better management software we could take
[...] it one step further and remote manage the devices, drastically [...]
reducing our engineers’ visits and maintenance time.
教科文组织必须理智的雄心,做出战略性的选择,具有前瞻性的 想 , 永 远 以 国际 合作具有明确利益的观点作为动力。
UNESCO must be intellectually ambitious, strategic in its choices, forward-looking in its thinking and for ever driven by the idea that there are clear benefits in international cooperation.
本次区域的大多数经济体仍然面临着大 的发展挑战,而由于人口规模小、 理 位 置 偏 远 和 极 容易受到外部的冲击(如 自然灾害和粮价和燃料价格的波动等)造成的脆弱性又使这些挑战进一步加 剧。
Most economies in the subregion continued to face significant development challenges, which were
compounded by
[...] vulnerability due to small populations, geographical remoteness and extreme susceptibility to external shocks, [...]
such as natural
disasters and volatile food and fuel prices.
Chuck还显示LEM地球轨道,宇宙是如 远远大 于 Lem的明星,有没 想 过 , 这是明星在一个宇宙1,000的英里长的有500的。
Chuck also shows Lem the star that Earth
orbits and how the
[...] universe is much bigger than Lem had thought, which was that there were 1,000 [...]
stars in a universe 500 miles long.
又确认国际社会开展了关于道路安全的若干其他重要活动,包括经济合作与 发展组织国际运输论坛编写的题为“实现零事故 远大 道 路安全目标及安全系统 办法”的报告、2009 年 2 月 16 日至 18 日在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿举行的工作场所 道路安全问题国际会议、2009 年 6 月 15 日在都柏林举行的主题为“工作场所道 路安全问题”的国际会议,该会议着重指出了车队安全的重要性以及私营部门在理各自 机构工作人员对于驾驶行为的关切方面所起的重要作用
Acknowledging also a number of other important international efforts on road safety, including the report of the International Transport Forum of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development entitled Towards Zero: Ambitious Road Safety Targets and the Safe System Approach, the International Conference on Road Safety at Work, held in Washington, D.C., from 16 to 18 February 2009, and the conference on the theme “Road Safety at Work”, held in Dublin on 15 June 2009, which highlighted the importance of fleet safety and the important role of the private sector in addressing driving behaviour concerns among their workers
同他的弟弟康斯坦丁一起,惠更斯建造了一 大 倍 数的 望 远 镜 , 通过它 想 揭 开 土星不同寻常的外观的秘密。
With his brother Constantijn, Huygens built a powerful telescope with which he hoped to unravel the mystery of Saturn’s unusual appearance.
俄罗斯联邦外交部长与联合王国外交事 大 臣 一 致同意合力促进和支持奥 林匹克休战理想,以建立一个更美好的世界并使来自不同国家的多样化的人们 共同在和平的环境中通过体育而进行竞赛。
The Minister for
[...] Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom agreed to work together to promote and support the ideals of the Olympic Truce [...]
to build a better
world and bring people from different nations and diversities together to enjoy competition through sport in a peaceful environment.
这一职能根据妇女署的任务规定远 期 构 想 界 定妇女署的战略 方向,为整个组织提供有效、透明和负责的领导,并使 理 人 员 能够领导其工作 人员取得各自部门商定的成果,同时在妇女署的统筹行政指导下彼此就这些成果 问责。
This function defines strategic direction for UN-Women, based on its mandate and long-term vision, provides effective, transparent and accountable leadership to the organization as a whole, and enables managers to lead their staff to achieve agreed unit-specific results, while holding each other accountable for those results within the overall executive direction of UN-Women.
不过,最终还是需要所 有会员国以及区域组织、国际金融机构、民间社会组织,以及最主要的是刚刚摆 脱冲突的国家的政府和人民——的协调一致的行动,才能确保第 1325(2000)号决 议所载的各项大理想能够全面实现。
It also has civil society representation. In the end, however, it is coordinated action by all Member States, as well as regional organizations, international financial institutions, civil society organizations and, most importantly, the Governments and people of countries emerging from conflict that will ensure that the ambitions of resolution 1325 (2000) are fully achieved.
他亲自 参与谋求永久解决刚果民主共和国某段时间发生的
[...] 损害和平与国际安全的局势,不遗余力地使本世界性 组织能帮助年轻的刚果民主体制茁壮成长,并帮助刚 果人民实现其政治和社会经理想, 对 此我们 远感 激不尽。
We shall never be able to thank him enough for his personal involvement in seeking a lasting solution to the disruption of peace and international security that, at a certain point in time, prevailed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and for having spared no effort to enable the universal Organization to help the
young Congolese democracy to blossom and the Congolese people to
[...] attain their political and socio-economic aspirations.
他写道: “本案清楚地说明:在现 实中,宪法对人人皆有尊严人人平等的承诺,对很多人来说只是 远 的 梦 想 ” 。 32 法院进 行司法审查的意愿与能力不仅取决于对他们对明确的宪法权利 理 解 ,更取决于对宪法核 心价值和尊严与平等原则的理解。
He writes: “The case brings home the harsh reality that the Constitution’s promise of dignity and equality for all remains for many a distant dream”.32 The ability and willingness of the Court to engage in meaningful review of government decisions in these areas is largely dependent on an understanding of how they engage not only explicit constitutional rights, but also central constitutional values and principles of dignity and equality.
代 理主席,民主是一種 價 值 ,是現 代 政 治 文明所 確 立的大 理 想 之 一, 是 很 多不同 民 族 和 國家在現代 史 中 追 求 的 價 值 目標。
Madam Deputy, democracy is a set of value, one of the noble philosophies established under the modern political civilization, the ultimate goal pursued by many other nations and countries in the modern history.
如果我們同意有需要作出公共投資來改善香港的基建,以及接納㆒種高增長的策 略,我們便要接受㆒些大理想但卻 難免要承擔的代價。
If we accept the need for public investment in improving Hong Kong's infrastructure and accept a high growth strategy, we have to accept some of the undesirable and yet inevitable costs which we will have to bear.
各组织继续认为,会员国颁布 国内立法并对供资协定提出相关条件,限制被列为恐怖组织的非国家武装团体进 行参与,其造成的供资障远远大于 安 全 理 事 会第 1916(2010)号决议提出的关 切。
Organizations continue to suggest that Member States’ domestic legislation, and related conditions imposed in funding agreements that inhibit engagement with non-State armed groups considered to be
[...] organizations, are a far greater impediment to funding than any concerns that might have arisen because [...]
of Security Council resolution 1916 (2010).
道德操守办公室是道德操 守与合规风险领域的主要负责机构,也是下列领域的共同负责机构:(a) 组织战 略、使命远景构想;(b) 变革能力;(c) 治理和问责制;(d) 奖惩。
The Ethics Office is the main owner of the risk area on ethics and compliance and a joint owner of the areas of (a) organizational strategy, mission and vision; (b) ability to change; (c) governance and accountability; and (d) rewards and sanctions.
近年有一項令人開心的新發展,便是更多社會人士熱心向本地 的教育事業作出大量捐贈,這種懷抱 大理想 的 高 尚行為,理所當然應得到 普遍讚賞。
We are delighted to see that in recent years generous donations for local education have been made by an increasing number of benefactors. Their lofty and visionary deeds have won wide acclaim in our community, and deservedly so.




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