

单词 树高千丈,叶落归根

See also:


in old age, an expatriate returns home
fig. all things go back their source eventually
lit. a falling leaf returns the roots [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

归根结底 ,教科文组织的性能、公信力和影响力取决于它是否能及时地 高 质 量 地分析研 究、制定战略和响应会员国需求。
Ultimately, UNESCO’s performance, credibility and visibility
will rest on its
[...] ability to analyse, develop strategies and respond to Member States’ needs in a timely manner and with high quality.
但是,诸如规 定过丈夫的土地归儿子 而不是寡妇所有的法律和社会习俗依然存在,尽管这会 公然侵犯妇女的权利。
However, there remain laws and social
customs such as those ensuring that the
[...] land of a deceased husband belongs to his sons, [...]
not to his widow, despite the flagrant
violation of women’s rights to which this leads.
所以,如果現在還遵循之前被視為取高 SERP 的「內行門道」,將只會造成反效果,讓你的搜尋引擎排名 落千丈。
Therefore, applying the
[...] stratagems previously lauded as the “inside track” to high SERPs are now actually counter-productive to the point where [...]
they will
diminish your search engine ranking position!
千年 发 展目标 7,确保环境的稳定,值得一提的是,三月的国际协调理事会批准了由主席团提名 的 16 个新的生物圈保留地,共计约 54,000,000 公顷,分为以下类别:森林 (包括叶林、 落叶林、亚热带草原和热带潮湿林)、 淡水系统、山地森林湿地和树科/海 洋。
For Millennium Development Goal 7, ensuring environmental stability, it is worth mentioning that 16 new biosphere reserves, covering some 54,000,000 hectares, in the following categories: forest (including coniferous, deciduous, savannah and tropical humid), freshwater systems, montane wetlands and mangrove/marine, designated by the Bureau, were agreed at [...]
the ICC meeting in March.
非常感谢 Blackstone 和伯顿根基金 会带来他们的专业知识和资源,帮助在 叶树 之 州快速​​培养新一代的企业家。
Thanks to Blackstone and the Burton Morgan Foundation for bringing their expertise and resources [...]
to help jumpstart a new generation of entrepreneurs in the Buckeye State.
分析顯示,回歸初期數高企的 「繁榮」指標,五年半來可謂 落千丈 , 「 安定」指標亦下跌不少,「民主」指標則一向平平無奇,反而一向被認為是香港支柱的「自由」和「法治」,在巿民的心目中仍然評價甚高,分別有7.20和6.66分,似乎優勢尚在。
According to
[...] our analysis, "prosperity" which once stood high after the handover has plunged almost into [...]
vanity after five-and-a-half
years, "stability" also declined, while "democracy" remained unattractive as ever. It thus seems that only "freedom" and "the rule of law", long regarded by the people as two pillars of Hong Kong, have remained strong in the heart of the people.
This beautiful, tall tree with green and bronze leaves and fruit that resembles [...]
large, perfectly round apples, is often used for decorative purposes.
排在第三的田地规模失衡的是铁萎 黄病,存在落叶水果 、柑橘、土豆、花生、鹰嘴豆、观赏植物、棉花和许 树 木。
The third field-scale disorder
is of Fe chlorosis and
[...] is exhibited in deciduous fruits, citrus, potato, peanut, chickpea, ornamentals, cotton, and many tree species.
这是一个受到摧残的少数族群,现在只剩下 千 人 , 在该国北部 Saysomboune 地区的丛林里靠树根和树叶”生 存,既不能从事农业种植,也不能建立永久住 房,怕被军队发现遭到迫害。
The Joint Submission notes that the Government continues to perpetrate acts of violence against Hmong people, on the grounds that their parents or grandparents fought alongside the United States of
America during the Viet
[...] Nam War.61 CWHP made a similar observation.62 The Hmong are a decimated people, now reduced to a few thousand individuals, who try to survive on “shoots and leaves” in the jungle, in the [...]
region of Saysomboune,
in the north of the country, since they cannot farm or build permanent housing, for fear of being detected and persecuted by the Army.
政 府 、 財政司司長及庫務局局長均 承 認 , 直 接 稅和間接稅的收 入已因 此 而落 千 丈 , 出現了今天我們 財高 企 的 局 面 。
The Government, the Financial Secretary and the Secretary for the Treasury have all admitted that the revenue from both direct and indirect taxes have thus dropped drastically, leading to the present problem of huge fiscal deficit.
归根结底,实千年发 展目标不仅是为数百万人 建立更美好生活所必需的,而且也是国际和平与安全 的根本条件。
Ultimately, the realization of the MDGs is not only [...]
necessary for building a better life for millions of people but is also
essential for international peace and security.
根据千年发 展目标和全民教育目标,从现在开始,工作重点将完全放在学前、初 等和中等教育子部门上,当然,为改 高 等 教 育子部门,目前正 落 实 大 量创新 做法,力求将毛里求斯打造成一个知识中心。
In line with the Millennium Development Goals and the Education for All goals, from here onwards, focus will be placed exclusively on the pre-primary, primary and secondary subsectors while, admittedly, a great [...]
number of innovations
are currently afoot to revamp the higher education subsector in a bid to transform Mauritius into a knowledge hub.
这应是我们大家 感到关切的问题,因归根结底,实 千 年 发 展目标 不仅对于世界各地千百万人民过上更美好、更健康和 [...]
That should be a matter of concern to all of us because,
[...] ultimately, achieving the MDGs is essential not only to [...]
a better, healthier and more comfortable
life for millions of people around the world, but also to international peace and security.
80(c) 条提出的要求。提交人也不否认,布拉格市法院和 高 法 院 都建 议提交人丈夫根据适用法,即第
Neither does the author dispute the fact that both the Municipal Court of
Prague and the Supreme Court
[...] advised the author’s husband to pursue his claims under the appropriate [...]
law - Act No. 87/1991.
If this experience is any guide, we would be going down the slippery slope very fast indeed.
贮点生境主要有8种: 林缘(路边)、保护区周围空阔地、人 落叶 松 林 、人工臭冷杉林、人工红松林、人工红皮云杉林、天然更新的杨桦林和天然原始红松 叶 林 ( 母 树 林 )。
Cache sites mainly are found at 8 types of habitats: roadside (forest
edge), open area around protecting station, Larix plantation, Abies plantation, Pinus koraiensis plantation, Picea plantation, Populus Betula natural regeneration and natural Korean pine hard wood.
我反而較擔心以正宗日本食品來貨作為賣點的食肆及零售 店,它們的生意近日已經落千丈。
I am somehow worried about those restaurants and retail outlets which selling points are focused on food imported from Japan, for their turnover have plunged substantially these days.
回报的看涨趋势,下降的形式校正的时刻,是健康的,但我认为今年我们的主要指标要求再次逼近该地区的 的 7 0 千 点 ,顶部附近的这家历史悠久的2008约73.900坏了,我们会看到一个强势 归 的 高 和 广 泛的兴奋entre2004 a2007的看法,公布了一系列的IPO(首次公开募股)。
With the return of the bullish trend, moments of falling in the form of correction are healthy, but I think this year, our main index
seek again approaching
[...] the region of 70 thousand points, near the top of this historic 2008 about 73.900 that is broken, we will see a strong return of high and widespread [...]
euphoria entre2004 a2007
view, with the announcement of a series of IPOs (initial public offering).
根据风 险评估,在 80 个小额赠款方案国家方案中,每一个方案的风险是 按“非高”、“高”、 “中等”或“低” 归 类 的 ,其中有 39 个国家方案于 2009 年接受审计。
On the basis of risk assessment, each of the 80 Small Grants Programme country programmes was categorized as either “very high”, “high”, “medium” or “low” risk and 39 of the [...]
country programmes were audited in 2009.
转桨式水轮机和灯泡贯流式水轮机都具有在各种水头下实 高 效 运行的特点,这 归 功 于 活动 叶 和 转 轮浆叶片的可调节性。
The outstanding feature of Kaplan and Bulb
[...] turbines is their high efficiency in a wide head range thanks to adjustability of wicket gates and runner blades.
归根究底 ,只要配备齐全、培训完备、信 息 掌 握充分,媒体就能够高人们 的意识、促成改变。
In the final analysis, the media can catalyse awareness and change when adequately equipped, trained and informed.
如果銀行再用這種冷漠、冷血的態度來對待這羣苦主的話,只會令 更多人支持他們,而銀行業界的聲望除了在中下階層會 落千丈 之 外, 我相信對於國際社會、對於甚至是身為專業人士的我們,會覺得銀行現 時的表現絕對是令人失望的。
I believe the international community and professionals like us would consider the current performance of banks disappointing.
在医学领域,高兰常被用来抗痢疾 叶 子 和 根 则 具 有利尿和护眼的功能。
In the medical field, Crowberry is
traditionally used for its
[...] anti-diarrhea action while its leaves and roots are used for their diuretic [...]
and ophthalmic virtues.
除 此以外 , 在 成交額落 千 丈 的 今 天 , 有關方面仍然 準備推出 多 項 或 會 增 加中小型證 券 商 經 營 成 本 的 措施,大大降 低 中小型證 券 商 與 財 雄 勢 大 的 銀 行 集 團 競 爭 的 本 錢 。
relevant authorities are still prepared to take a myriad of measures that may increase the operational costs of small and medium-sized securities dealers, and this would substantially reduce the capital of these small and medium-sized dealers in competing with banks which are financially strong and powerful.
(f) 阿拉伯住房和建筑部长理事会与各成员国合作,努力通过提供廉价社会 住房和建设新城镇落实特 别是关于改善贫民窟居民生活 根 除 贫 民区 千 年发 展目标 7 具体目标 d。
(f) The efforts exerted by the Council of Arab Ministers of Housing and Construction, in cooperation with member States, to implement Millennium Development Goal 7, target d., particularly with respect to improving the lives of slum dwellers and eradicating slum areas by providing low-cost social housing and building new towns.
原告认为这些钵体栽植土壤与双 方事先的约定(每立方米含“40 千克 B araclay”)不符,从而要求被告赔偿那 些因使用上述钵体栽植土壤而受到损害的 叶树。
The appellant claimed that the potting soil did
not conform to what
[...] was agreed (40 kg of clay per cubic metre) and claimed damages for the conifers that were destroyed after being grown in the potting soil.
然而,2005年第一季度令人失望的业绩(与前一年相比,销售额仅增加了3% ,远低于许多行业分析师预计的6%)使IBM的股价 落千丈 , 跌 至自Sam Palmisano于2002年3月出任首席执行官以来的最低点。
Nonetheless, followed by the disappointing financial results in the first quarter of 2005 (sales increased by merely 3% from the previous year, far lower than many industry analysts¡¦ forecast of a 6% increase), IBM's stock price plummeted and hit the lowest point since Sam Palmisano took over as chief executive officer (CEO) in March 2002.
豪(狄龍飾)與Mark(周潤發飾)情如手足,一次偽鈔交易中,豪在台灣遭手下成出賣被捕,父親被殺;Mark為豪報仇時中槍變成子,從此在幫會地位 落千丈。
As the sidekick to his former gang brother Tse-ho (Ti Lung, Blood Brothers), Mark finds himself out of favour when his
[...] boss is sent to the slammer.
由于这高性能扫描仪归档刻 录机解决方案和柯达服务与支持一直以来的出色表现,柯达过去两年里在世界各地参与了许多人口普查工作,其中包括 根 廷 ( 2010 年)、澳大利亚(2011 年)、印度(2010 年)以及今年开展的孟加拉国人口普查。
Given the
[...] track record of its high performance scanner, archive writer solutions and service and support, Kodak has been involved in numerous censuses carried out internationally over the past two years including Argentina (2010), Australia [...]
(2011), India
(2010),with the Bangladeshi census happening this year.




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