单词 | 网景 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 网景 —Netscape
它也处在计算机技术和互联网背景下 , 我们一直在谈论开源,一直在谈论开放平台。 embassyusa.cn | It’s also in the context of [...] computing and the internet, we’re talking [...]about open source all the time, talking about open platforms all the time. eng.embassyusa.cn |
您也可以对您的网络浏览器进行设置(例如,微软 IE 浏览器或网景浏览 器),这样您可以知道 cookie [...] 的存放要求,您也可以选择接受 cookie 或完全拒绝对它的使用。 home.agilent.com | You may also set your web browser [...] (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer or [...]Netscape Navigator) to notify you of cookie placement [...]requests, to ask for permission to accept them, or to decline cookies completely. home.agilent.com |
要使用要求网络服务的应用程序,必须设 置 网 络 情 景模 式。 sonimtech.com | To use the [...] applications requiring internet service, the network profile [...]must be set. sonimtech.com |
全球光纤基础设施的发展,提供了前所未有的全球分享数据通 信网络的前景。 daccess-ods.un.org | The development of the global fibre infrastructure provides [...] unprecedented prospects for the global reach of data communication networks. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个称为机构间业务咨询小组的空间机构联盟确定了未来空间 互联网的远景,并 将其限定为太阳系互联网。 daccess-ods.un.org | A consortium of space agencies known as the Interagency Operations [...] Advisory Group (IOAG) has [...] defined a vision of future space internetworking and framed it as the solar system Internet (SSI). daccess-ods.un.org |
经重振的机构间安保管理网支持这一 愿 景 , 该 部非常 成功地把这一愿景纳入了其核心价值观和联合国全球安保实体的价值观。 daccess-ods.un.org | A reinvigorated Inter-Agency [...] Security Management Network supported that vision, and [...]the Department has been highly successful [...]in incorporating the vision into its core values and those of United Nations security entities worldwide. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了解决这一难题,澳大利亚政府制定了国家宽 带 网络 (NBN) 愿景与战 略,以期为澳大利亚国民提供高效、可靠的互联网访问。 emerson.com | To address this challenge, the [...] Australian government [...] developed a vision and strategy for a National Broadband Network (NBN), with [...]the goal of providing access to all Australians. emerson.com |
设置网络情景模式,选择菜单 > 连接 > 数据账户并创建 新的数据账户。 sonimtech.com | To set the network profile, select [...] Menu > Connectivity > Data account and create a new data account. sonimtech.com |
在拉丁美洲和加勒比与粮农组织和拉加经委会建立了伙伴关系,以编制案例 [...] 研究和政策建议,增强农村妇女的权能,而在机构间妇女和性别平 等 网 络 背 景 下, 妇女署帮助编制关于农村妇女和千年发展目标的资料以及提交妇女地位委员会 [...]第五十六届会议的联合国系统声明。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Latin America and the Caribbean, a partnership was established with FAO and ECLAC to develop case studies and policy recommendations to [...] empower women in rural areas, while in [...] the context of the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender [...]Equality, UN-Women helped [...]to produce information on rural women and the Millennium Development Goals and a joint United Nations system statement for the fifty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如联合国中亚地区预防性外交中心开 [...] 始是作为联合国驻塔吉克斯坦建设和平办事处的后续存在而提议设立 的,为期一年,后来又在建立区域网 络 的 背 景 下 作 为一个特别政治任务 而设立。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, for example, which was first proposed as a follow-on presence to the United Nations Tajikistan Office of Peacebuilding for a duration of [...] one year, was subsequently established as a special political mission in the [...] context of establishing regional networks. daccess-ods.un.org |
调查内容包括被访者是否上网,被 访者 背 景 信 息 , 网 民 的 上 网 行 为 、上网深 度、上网体验等。 apira.org | The survey content includes whether [...] respondents access the Internet, [...] respondents’ background, Internet users’ online behaviors, Internet depth, Internet [...]experience, etc. apira.org |
为网格的背景色,图标,边框以及字体设计了极具艺术感的颜色主题。 evget.com | Artistically designed color [...] schemes for the grid's backgrounds, icons, borders [...]and fonts. evget.com |
具有超过20种不同的图表类型,可定制的图例,所见即所得的调色板,多条且可定制的轴,每个标记的属性 , 网 格 线, 背 景 图 像 以及延边界对象,Chart FX使得您在几分钟内创建一些最棒的可视化图表。 evget.com | With over 20 different chart types, customizable legends, ready-to-use color palettes, [...] multiple and customizable axes, per-marker [...] attributes, gridlines, background images and border [...]objects, Chart FX allows you to [...]create some of the most visually appealing charts in just minutes. evget.com |
31 2007 年,粮食计划署、世界银 行和埃塞俄比 亚政府着手在生产安全网 方 案背 景 下, 制定一个更广泛的旱涝风险管理框架。 daccess-ods.un.org | 31 In 2007, WFP, the World Bank and the Government of Ethiopia began work on developing a broader risk-management framework for droughts and floods in the context of the Productive Safety Net Programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为中国信息社会重要的基础设施建设者、运行者和管理者,中国互联网络信息中心 (CNNIC )以“世界一流互联网络信 息中心”为 愿 景 , 积 极推 进 网 络 基 础资源各项工作开展, 维护网民权益和公众福利,切实将“为国之责、民之益、人之和而奋力前行”的社会责任 观融入组织日常运营与员工日常工作,积极与利益相关方进行沟通,树立了负责任的品牌 形象。 cnnic.net | As an important infrastructure builder, operator and manager of China information society, and with the vision of developing into a “world-class network information center”, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) has established a responsible image by pushing forward each aspect of network fundamental resources, protecting users’ interests and public welfare, implementing the concept of social responsibility of “Responsibility to the Country, Benefits to the Society and Harmony among People” into daily operation and daily work, and communicating actively with stakeholders. cnnic.net |
我挑了一个最靠近司机的位子,这样我才可以把前景和旁边 的 景 色 一 网 打 尽。 4tern.com | I picked a nearest seat to the bus driver, so that I would able [...] to view the front and rear scenery. 4tern.com |
在 8 月 29 [...] 日第 5 次会议上,审查大会听取了来自加蓬的国际禁止小武器行 动网、射击运动前景世界论坛、体育运动枪械及弹药制造商协会、全国枪支协会、 第二修正案基金会和军用小武器咨询委员会代表的发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its 5th meeting, on 29 August, the Conference heard statements by [...] representatives of the [...] International Action Network on Small Arms from Gabon, the World Forum on [...]the Future of Sport Shooting [...]Activities, the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute, the National Firearms Association, the Second Amendment Foundation and the Defense Small Arms Advisory Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议文件和背景资料可从网站 www.poa-iss.org/MGE 上查得。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other meeting documents and background information are available [...] at www.poa-iss.org/MGE. daccess-ods.un.org |
新的场景和网格样 例(连同 UV)可帮助您拆解 ICE 建模技术,同时为各种角色和对象的建模提供 [...] 了快速入手点。 images.autodesk.com | New sample scenes and meshes—complete with UVs—help [...] you deconstruct ICE modeling techniques and provide quick starting points [...]for modeling various characters and objects. wam.autodesk.com |
吴峻是众所周知的有远见卓识的IT人才,并被广泛认为是中国互 联 网 企 业 家中 背 景 完 美 无瑕的的先驱之一,曾参与了Sendit, [...] 英斯克和掌上灵通等三个创业公司的建立。 spli-t.com | Jun is a well-known IT visionary and is widely regarded as one [...] of China’s leading Internet entrepreneurs with an [...]impeccable track record having been [...]involved in three startups – Sendit, Intrinsic and Linktone. spli-t.com |
粮食署还借调一位工作人员给在纽约 [...] 的联合国全系统脆弱性监测和预警机制——全球脉动,并积极参与关于通过针对 特定背景的安全网工具 实施社会保护最低标准的联合倡议和关于绿色经济和可 [...]持续发展的联合倡议。 daccess-ods.un.org | WFP has also seconded a staff member to the United Nations system-wide vulnerability monitoring and alert mechanism, Global Pulse, in New York, and is active in the joint initiatives on [...] the social protection floor through [...] context-specific safety net tools, and on the green [...]economy and sustainable development. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011年,公司加入了Gesi(全球电子可持续发展推进协会)和GreenTouch [...] (绿色沟通联盟)两大绿色组 织,与全球领先的合作伙伴共享可持续发展的 愿 景 , 为 信息 和 网 络 技 术的可持续发展不懈努力。 zte.com.cn | In 2011, the company joined GeSI (Global e-Sustainability Initiative) and GreenTouch to share the vision of sustainable development with the partners [...] leading the world and make unremitting endeavors for the sustainable [...] development of information and network technology. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
信息传播技术在想办法解决日益扩大的“数字鸿沟”-因技术、基础设施、信息内容、性别、商业、经济以及社会等方面的差异而加剧——所产生 的各种问题的同时,又在提供和加强教育方面开辟了新的 前 景 : “ 网 络 化 学习”和“远程教 育”已成为国际和各国教育论述中的新内容,并有望获得重要的发展成果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While grappling with different aspects of a growing digital divide – accentuated by technological, infrastructure, content, gender, commercial, economic and social disparities – they have opened particular new perspectives for delivering and enhancing education: e-learning and distance education have become new dimensions of the international and national educational discourse and promise to underpin the attainment of significant development outcomes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
信息及高科技行业在传统电信与新兴信息产业竞相发展、高科技行业方兴未艾的 背 景 下 , 在互 联 网 及 移 动互 联 网 需 求 升级和关键技术加速突破的推动下,已经呈现出产业链不断整合、新兴产业领域不断衍生、市场机会不断变化的发展特点。 rolandberger.com.cn | Through the process, the telecom and high-technology industry have presented features and characteristics such as the continuous integration of industry chain, the unstopping derivation of new industry and the continuous change of market opportunity. rolandberger.com.cn |
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家; [...] (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 [...] 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的 願 景。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of [...] funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent [...] need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon [...]Culture District project. legco.gov.hk |
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的 背 景 下 , 推广普及使用信息传播技术。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在该背景下, 有人建议,缔约国 和更广泛的执行群体应确保满足上述要求,不应局限于如何确保女孩、男孩、妇 女和男子平等获得为执行《公约》提供的资源的一般性讨论,而应询问为什么这 方面的进展一直如此缓慢。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, it was suggested that both States Parties and the broader implementation community need to make sure that this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to ensure that girls, boys, women and men have equal access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why progress has been so slow. daccess-ods.un.org |