

单词 网民



grassroots netizens

External sources (not reviewed)

Statements were made by the representatives of the Africa
[...] Development Interchange Network (civil society) and the [...]
International Chamber of Commerce (business sector).
包括许多发展中国家在内的 118 个国家网民下载了在线音频节目。
Website users from 118 countries, including many developing countries, downloaded online audio clips.
通过在Gnip平台上提供新浪微博的公共会话,可以帮助我们的客户便利地分析这个全球最 网民 群 体的社交媒体交流。
By making public conversations from Sina Weibo available through the Gnip platform, we're
making it easy for our customers to analyze social media
[...] conversations from the largest Internet population in the world.
网民在网上的 分享行为较为活跃,由于低 网民 在 网 络 互 助行为上更加积极,随网民的成 长,未来网络空间的分享行为和互助行为将更为普遍。
Young Internet users are active in Internet share, as low-age users are more active in online mutual help, as they grow up, the behavior of Internet share and online [...]
mutual help will be more prevalent in the future.
微博已成为这个全球最大网民群体 的支柱,是传播新闻与信息以及分享内容的受欢迎的方式。
Weibos have become a mainstay to the
[...] world's largest Internet population, and are a [...]
popular method of disseminating news
and gossip and sharing content.
阿克拉协议》还在第 206 段中规定,“委员会会议将收到以下材料作为
[...] 对会议的投入:秘书处编写的实质性文件,此种文件在秘书处所作研究和分析的 基础上,提出秘书处的看法和建议;专家会议报告;发展问题智囊团全 网 、民 间社 会及私营部门的投入;秘书处活动报告。
Paragraph 206 of the Accra Accord also provided that “commission meetings will have as their inputs: substantive documentation prepared by the secretariat, providing secretariat views and recommendations based on secretariat research and analysis; reports
of expert meetings;
[...] inputs from the Global Network of Development Think Tanks, civil society and the [...]
private sector; and secretariat activity reports.
西班牙的图书馆中有 36 000 多个公共电脑查询点, 其中大部分查询点提供免费上网服务,这就意味着西班牙有 10%的网民可以通过 图书馆接入因特网。
The libraries have more than 36,000 computers available for public
use, most of them with free
[...] access to the Internet, which enables 10 per cent of Internet users to [...]
use the libraries to go online.
3.制约使用手机上网的因素 对非手网民的调查发现,37.5%的 网民 不 使 用手机上网最重要的原因是“不会使用”网民对手 机上网不甚了解成为制约手机上网的首要因素;“不需要”位 网民 不 使 用手机上 网第二位的原因;除了没有手机和手机不支持等硬件设备阻碍外,不了解手机上网和费用太 高也是制网民使用手机上网的因素。
According to
[...] the survey to non-mobile Internet users, the main reason of 37.5% for not accessing the Internet by mobile phone is “no idea of how to use”, Internet users’ little understanding of mobile access becomes the primary restraining factor for mobile access; “no need” is the second reason for not accessing the Internet by mobile phone; besides hardware barriers like “no mobile phone” and “mobile nonsupport”, “no idea of mobile access” and “high fee” are also restraining [...]
factors for mobile access.
在 2012 年 7 月发布的《第 30
[...] 次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》中明确指出,手机 已超过台式电脑成为中网民第一 大上网终端,第一次从数据上向全社会证实和宣告了中 [...]
According to the 30th Statistical Report on the Development Status of China’s Internet published in July 2012,
mobile phone had overtaken desktop computer
[...] to be the top 1 Internet terminal in China, [...]
which confirmed and announced to the
public the advent of the mobile Internet era in China, and encouraged and assured those enterprises that invested in and attached great importance to the mobile Internet and the government departments that strengthened the management and service of mobile Internet.
作为中国信息社会重要的基础设施建设者、运行者和管理者,中国互联网络信息中心 (CNNIC
[...] )以“世界一流互联网络信息中心”为愿景,积极推进网络基础资源各项工作开展, 维网民权益 和公众福利,切实将“为国之责、民之益、人之和而奋力前行”的社会责任 [...]
观融入组织日常运营与员工日常工作,积极与利益相关方进行沟通,树立了负责任的品牌 形象。
As an important infrastructure builder, operator and manager of China information society, and with the vision of developing into a “world-class network information center”, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) has
established a responsible image by pushing forward
[...] each aspect of network fundamental resources, [...]
protecting users’ interests and
public welfare, implementing the concept of social responsibility of “Responsibility to the Country, Benefits to the Society and Harmony among People” into daily operation and daily work, and communicating actively with stakeholders.
同时精准地域在戴尔所有开店城市中,依据不同城市对个人电脑产品感兴趣 网民 人 数 ,选择top20的1-3级城市与4-6级城市进行投放。
At the same time, we accurately
identified the target regions.
[...] According to the number of netizens of different cities [...]
who are interested in different personal
computers, we selected top 20 cities in layers 1-3 and 4-6 where Dell shops are located to release our advertisement.
Mainstream social media platforms, such as Micro-blogs and SNS have already become a part of
[...] daily life for many internet users.
首先,这次活动为我们提供了一个机会,回顾QQ作为一名网络商业模型的无声革新者的发展历程:腾讯公司(即此即时通讯工具的母公司)通过QQ创造了一种创新的服务,支持这一服务的产品一直以来为中 网民 的 需求及有限的科技环境背景量身定。
First of all, this campaign is an occasion to look back at QQ’s history as a silent innovator in web business models: with QQ, Tencent (the parent company behind the IM tool) created an innovative service supported by a product that
was and remains specifically tailored to the
[...] needs of Chinese web users and the constraints [...]
of the technical environment.
上海青少年研究中心表示,许多年 网民 改 用 微博,取代因为中国的一胎化政策而使他们无法获得的兄弟姐妹关系。
The Shanghai Teenage Research Centre has
[...] said that many young netizens turn to Weibo to [...]
replace the companionship of the brothers
and sisters denied to them by China's one-child policy.
这一切都刺激了对ICT产品更强劲的需求,而目前中国互 网 ( 2 0 08 年 网民 达 2. 98亿)、移动电话(2009年用户达7.47亿)和固定电话(2009年达3.1368亿)用户高居世界之首。
This has all led to a stronger demand for ICT,
and currently China is the nation with
[...] the highest number of internet users (298 million [...]
in 2008), mobile phones (747 million,
2009) and telephone lines in use (313.68 million, 2009).
通过发布到Flash视频格式,98%以上 网民 可 以 在浏览器上看到您的视频:codec [...]
By publishing to Flash Video
[...] format, over 98% of internet users will be able [...]
to see your video in their web browsers: codec hell is a thing of the past.
委员会建议向广大公民,包括( 但不仅限于) 通过因网、民众社 会组织、青 年群体、专业群体、包括社会工作者,媒体和儿童,散发缔约国提交的初次报告 和书面答复以及委员会通过的有关结论性意见,以引发人们对《任择议定书》及 其执行与监督的广泛讨论和认识。
The Committee recommends that the initial report and written replies submitted by the State party and the related concluding observations adopted by the Committee be made widely available to the public at large, including (but not exclusively) through the Internet, civil society organizations, youth groups, professional groups, including social workers, the media and children, in order to generate debate and awareness of the Optional Protocol, its implementation and monitoring.
302 大多数民族主义学者网民坚定 支持九 段线主权最大化的看法,号召“不要放弃三百万平 方公里的中国海洋疆土”,并认为“中国的疆土总 面积应该是 1,260 万而不是 960 万平方公里”。
These agencies often issue public statements criticising other countries’ aggression in the South China Sea as a way to pressure the central government for greater resources – both to pursue economic activities and to acquire more law enforcement patrol vessels.
中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)刚刚公布的数据显示,手机首次超越台式电脑成为中 网民 第 一 大上网终端,这符合全球性趋势,并对长期主导个人电脑(PC)市场的英特尔和微软构成冲击,这些企业面临移动市场的挑战。
A government agency has just released data
[...] showing that mobile Internet users in China [...]
have passed traditional desktop users for
the first time, posing an interesting challenge for all players that have typically designed their products for people who surf the web from fixed-line PCs at home and in Internet cafes.
2、营销资源掌控与整合:网络广告资源挖掘、整合;媒体资源的深度挖掘及整合运用,策 划和计划各类媒体活动;
[...] 3、合理选择线上互动活动等营销方法,帮助客户与消费者间建立良好有效的客户关系;为客户提供互联网营销方案撰写及提案; 4、熟网民特性 ,精确捕捉适合客户线上营销的目标受众群体; 5、能挖掘新创意,达到线上营销目的,并有较强的数据分析能力,对广告效果进行客观的评估。
In 1, the network marketing plan: according to the market and product analysis, competitor analysis, marketing strategy formulation of line, as well as the concrete implementation plan, ensure the plan and product marketing strategy; 2, marketing resources to integrate and control: web advertising resources mining, the integration of media resources; the depth of excavation and integrate, planning various types of media and program activities; 3, a reasonable choice of online interactive activities such as marketing methods, to help customers and consumers to establish a good and
effective customer relations;
[...] to provide Internet marketing plan writing and proposal; 4, familiar with the Internet properties, accurately [...]
capture for customers
of Online marketing target audience; 5, able to tap the new ideas, to achieve online marketing purposes, and has the strong ability of data analysis, the effects of advertisement objective assessment.
[...] 我们发现,微博以其显著的“媒体属性”和日渐彰显的“社交属性”,日益成 网民 新 的 互联网入口。
Reviewing the progression from social media to social business, by observing the landscape’s changing features during this
period of microblog development, we witness the
[...] birth of a new Internet portal thanks [...]
to both its “Social” and “Media” focused attributes.
新闻部中文网站股对其目标地区最流行的社交媒体网络进行评估后,于2010 年 9
[...] 月在被视为中文版 Twitter 的新浪微博上推出了一个频道,在中国一个重点 新网站——人民网微博 上推出了另一个频道。
After an assessment of the most popular social media networks in its target region, in September 2010 the Department’s Chinese website unit launched a channel on Sina
T-blog, regarded as the Chinese version of Twitter, and another
[...] channel on People Micro-blog, a key news website in China.
两个国家领导人通常更多地依靠外国政府和 民网络 而 不是自己国家的人民来提供政治和经济支持。
Leaders in both countries often depend more heavily on political
and economic support from foreign Governments
[...] and diaspora networks than from the populations within their [...]
own borders.
目前,北京广播网拥有26个频道,200多个二级页面,日点击量超过500万人次,据Alexa权威调查统计,2008年上半年北京广播网世界网站的平均排名在3300名左右,其间最好排名达到过2881名;北京广播网在与新 网 、 人 民网 、 凤凰网、CCTV、北青网等全国18家较有影响力的媒体网站所进行的比较中,广播网排名在八至十位,在全国广播媒体网站中始终名列第一。
The click rate of it is more than 5 million every day. According to authoritative research and survey of Alexa, in the first half of 2008, the averageranking of RBC.cn was around 3,300 in the world, and the best ranking reached 2,881; compared to the 18
comparatively influential media websites, such
[...] as Xinhuanet.com, People's Daily Online, Ifeng.com, [...]
CCTV.com, YNET.com, RBC.cn ranked
eight to ten, and has always be the best one of the broadcast media websites.
那慕尔的 这一教席是与非政府学术组织大学间研究和联系为发
展服务计划(PRELUDE)联合设立的,是为包括全 世界四十二所大学在内的姊妹大学一大学间研究和联 系为发展服务计划网服务的;通过在摩洛哥卡萨布兰
[...] 卡--艾因绍克大学创建第一个教科文组织移民与人权 教席,加强了在这一非常复杂领域的研究能力;埃及 开罗美国大学扩大了姊妹大学被迫 民网。
The Namur Chair is a joint venture with academic NGO PRELUDE (Programme d’Etudes et de Liaison Universitaire pour le Développement) and is serving the UNITWINPRELUDE Network including 42 universities worldwide; Capacity-strengthening in highly complex study areas through the launching of the first UNESCO Chair in Migration and Human Rights at the University of
Casablanca-Aïnchock, Morocco; Enlargement of the
[...] UNITWIN Forced Migration Network by the American [...]
University of Cairo, Egypt.
在 2007 年 4 月论坛的上一届会议,来自 土著民网络的 代表积极参与讨论,并参加多方利益攸关者对话会议,突出介绍 [...]
国际人权和当地依靠森林为生人民的权利,强调砍伐森林和森林退化的根本原 因,以及软弱无力的森林治理问题。
At the last session of the Forum, in April 2007, representatives
[...] from indigenous peoples networks actively contributed [...]
to deliberations and participated
in the multi-stakeholder dialogue sessions, highlighting international human rights and the rights of local forest-dependent peoples, stressing underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation and weak forest governance issues.
[...] 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固 网 络 数 据库和机 网 络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 [...]
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the
General Directorate of
[...] Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database [...]
(FIND/MIND) to check
passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.




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