

单词 普陀区

See also:


general adj
universal adj



everywhere adv

steep bank

External sources (not reviewed)

比利时接替 加拿大担任联络小组协调员,呼吁缔约国在自己 区 域 内倡 导 普 遍 加 入。
Belgium replaced Canada as coordinator of the
Contact Group and called upon States Parties to become
[...] champions of universalization in their own regions of the world.
不要忘记参观著名的普陀寺或 在园内玩一场高尔夫的休闲游戏。
Don’t forget to visit
[...] the famous North Putuo Temple or play [...]
a relaxing game of golf at the Park.
会议 还同意考虑在直布陀和坎普与环 境非政府组织建立定期对话。
The Forum further agreed to consider ways to establish regular dialogue with environmental non-governmental
[...] organizations in Gibraltar and in the Campo.
已在亚太地区的吉隆坡和非洲区的比勒陀利亚 召开了两次这类会议。
Two such meetings have already taken place in Kuala Lumpur for the Asia-Pacific
[...] region and in Pretoria for the Africa region.
本核心活动旨在达到两个预期目标,一是为发展而改善传播与信息的普及,提高使用 技能,二是为发展而提高区普及交换信息的能力。
The activities carried out under this main line of action were designed to reach the twin expected results of improved community access to and skills for communication and
information for development as well as reinforced
[...] capacities of communities to access and [...]
exchange information for development.
红十字委员 会驻比陀利勒区域办 事处发表了研讨会会议 记录供广泛分发。
The ICRC regional office in Pretoria has published [...]
the proceedings of the Seminar for wide distribution.
南部非洲业务的净减少主要是由于以下预算减少:比 陀 利 亚 区 域 办 事处 (570 万美元) 和津巴布韦(280 万美元) ,以及其他业务的增加,主要是在赞比亚 (380 万美元) 和博茨瓦纳(170 万美元) 的增加,目的是为了满足安哥拉人和卢旺达 人的融入需求以及食品的采购。
The net decrease in the Southern Africa Operation (SAO) is mainly due to budgetary decreases for RO Pretoria ($5.7 million) and Zimbabwe ($2.8 million) and increases in all other operations, most significantly in Zambia ($3.8 million) and Botswana ($1.7 million) so as to address the integration needs of Angolans and Rwandans, and for the procurement of food.
此外,就出境管制 而言,联合王国(因此也包括直布陀 ) 不 属 于申 区。
Moreover, the United Kingdom (and
[...] thus Gibraltar) does not belong to the Schengen area for external borders [...]
control purposes.
委员会还表 示关切的是,由于该区普遍陷入极度贫困,可持续重返社会仍是一个难题,因 此许多儿童在复员后重又自愿加入武装团体。
It also expresses its concern that sustainable
reintegration remains a
[...] challenge due to widespread and extreme poverty in the region, as a consequence [...]
of which many children,
once demobilized, voluntarily return to join armed groups.
上述 2009 年 7 月论坛第三次部长级会议的 公报表示,与会方商定努力确保在直布 陀 以 及整 个 区 域 , 特别是直布 陀 坎坡 实现高水平的环境保护,为此拟议在防治海上活动和交通、船舶加油活动、工业 [...]
通信和安全问题上的合作意愿,并探讨方式进一步便利直布罗陀的摩洛哥裔人过 境西班牙出入直布罗陀和摩洛哥进行探亲旅行。
According to the aforementioned July 2009 communiqué of the Forum’s third ministerial meeting, the participants agreed to seek to ensure a high level
of environmental
[...] protection in Gibraltar and the whole region, especially the Campo de Gibraltar, by proposing [...]
cooperation in such
areas as pollution from maritime activity and traffic, bunkering operations, industrial emissions and water discharges, waste disposal and land reclamations; to take forward their desire to cooperate in maritime communications and safety issues; and to seek ways of further facilitating the Moroccan community in Gibraltar to transit Spain en route to and from Gibraltar and Morocco on family visits.
会议审议了下列问题:(a) 世 界人口持续、快速城市化的影响,特别是对发展中国家的影响;(b) 下列事实对
[...] 长,而不是通常认为的农村向城市的移徙;(c) 城市和农村地区之间的经济联系; (d) 农村区普遍存在贫困的问题;(e) 城市穷人人数迅速增长的问题;(f) 城 市化对环境的影响;以及(g) [...]
The Meeting considered the following issues: (a) the effects of the sustained and rapid urbanization of the world population, particularly for developing countries; (b) the policy implications of the fact that, in the majority of developing countries, urban population growth is driven mostly by natural increase and not, as is usually thought, by rural-urban migration; (c) the economic
linkages between urban
[...] and rural areas; (d) the high prevalence of poverty in rural areas; (e) the [...]
rapidly increasing numbers
of urban poor; (f) the impact of urbanization on the environment; and (g) ways of improving the living conditions of both urban and rural dwellers.
安全研究所是一个泛非应用政策研究所,总部设在比 陀 利 亚 ,在 普 敦、 内罗毕和亚德斯亚贝巴设有办事处。
The Institute for Security of Studies is a pan-African applied policy research institute headquartered in Pretoria, with offices in Cape Town, Nairobi and Addis Ababa.
(10) 二零零七年一月: 本集團、和記黃埔集團及一獨立第三方成功競投位於內地 上海巿普陀區真 如副中心(A3 – A6)一幅面積約 177,262 平方米之土地,並 將成立由本集團、和記黃埔集團及該獨立第三方各佔 49.2%、50.4%及 0.4% 實益股權之中外合資企業,以持有及發展該土地為商業及住宅物業。
(10) January 2007: The Group, the Hutchison Whampoa Group and an independent third party were successful in bidding for a piece of land with an area of approximately 177,262 sq. m. at Zhen Ru Fu Zhong Xin (A3-A6), Putuo District, Shanghai, the Mainland.
对话论坛第三次部长级会议发表的公报指出,与会方认为促进教育和文化理 解并在直布陀和该区域鼓 励双语教学、增进教育交流及机会意义重大、极具价 值,并确定了通过谈判提升这一议程的具体领域。
According to the communiqué resulting from the aforementioned third ministerial meeting of the Forum of Dialogue, the participants agreed on the importance and value of the promotion of educational and cultural understanding, and of encouraging bilingualism and educational exchanges and opportunities in Gibraltar and the region, and identified concrete areas for negotiation to enhance this agenda.
帮助当地区、普通公 众和潜水人员提高保护遗址的认识。
Help create conservation awareness amongst the local community, general public and divers.
为了方便提 供这些设施而由国家提供的适当措施将取决于当地情况,可能包括采取使住区的 法律地位正式化的步骤,为保证人们不会被强行驱逐,提供财务保证,并在某些
情况下,只要人权标准获得尊重,就重新安置到其他地区。35 在使用权问题尚
[...] 未解决的情形下,各国应至少采取下文中进一步介绍的措施,以确保往往在这些区普遍存 在的由非正规部门提供的服务符合起码的人权标准,如同下文进一步 [...]
Appropriate measures by the State to facilitate provision will depend on the local context and might include steps to formalize the legal status of settlements, guarantees that people will not be forcibly evicted, the provision of financial assurances, and, in some circumstances, resettlement to an alternative area as long as human rights standards are respected.35 Where the issue of the lack of security of tenure has not yet been resolved, States should at least take measures
to ensure that the informal service
[...] provision that often prevails in such areas [...]
meets minimum human rights standards, as
further outlined below, or that innovative solutions to providing formal services are implemented.
水资源领域,尤其是水收集领域专业人员短缺不仅是苏丹,而且是整个非洲和 阿拉伯区普遍存在的问题。
There is limited human capacity not only in Sudan but throughout the
[...] African and Arab regions with regard to [...]
professionals on water resources in general
and water harvesting in particular.
例如,特别报告员在对白俄罗斯进行的国家访 问中发现,俄罗斯联邦境内特别为从事强迫劳动而遭贩运的男性受害者在得到救 助回国时,拒绝或非常不愿意接受为受害者复原和重返社会提供的心理社会支 助,因为区普遍认 为被贩运的人声名狼藉。
For example, the Special Rapporteur discovered during her country visit to Belarus that male victims trafficked especially for forced labour in the Russian Federation refused or were very reluctant on their rescue and return to take advantage of psychosocial support designed for the recovery and reintegration of victims owing to the prevailing severe stigmatization in the community of persons who have been trafficked.
医疗急救服务有限;血液供应不可靠并且对输血不安全;药品稀缺,往往是过期 的,在大多数区普遍没有供应。
Medical emergency services are limited; blood supply is unreliable
and unsafe for transfusion; medicines are scarce, often beyond expiration dates, and
[...] generally unavailable in most areas.
根据随后发表的公报,与会方重申致力于为直布陀 和整个区域,尤其是直布陀坎坡 的福祉和繁荣,营造一种相互信任与合作的建 设性氛围,并对合作与相互信任常态化的概念表示赞同。
According to the resulting communiqué, the participants reconfirmed their commitment to the creation of a constructive
atmosphere of mutual confidence
[...] and cooperation for the benefit and prosperity of Gibraltar and the whole [...]
region, in particular the
Campo de Gibraltar, and endorsed the notion that cooperation and mutual trust should become the norm.
Conducted by CODISSIA - an ISO 9001:2000 organization, INTEC is an ITPO (India Trade Promotion Organization) approved trade fair, with due support from the Central & State Governments.
行动方式包括:在埃塞俄比亚的学校中广泛 地发放了用阿姆哈拉语制作的关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的一系列录象带;举办了如何制作只读
[...] 韦);将关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的电子图书馆译成法文和葡萄牙文;支持了苏丹科技大学 (SUST)和比陀利亚 大学为教育学硕士开展的利用教育信息传播技术的联合计划。
Modalities of action have included: a series of videos on HIV/AIDS in Amharic, widely distributed in Ethiopian schools; workshops on how to make CD-ROMs and websites (Ethiopia and Niger) and advanced courses in IT training for education (Uganda and Zimbabwe); the Electronic Library on HIV/AIDS translated into French and Portuguese; and support to
the Sudan University of Science and Technology
[...] (SUST) and Pretoria University [...]
joint programme for the M.Ed in the Use of ICTs for Education.
[...] 方面存在困难,而该地区难民营的地理位置太靠近苏丹边界,以及土匪活动导致 该区普遍具 有不安全性,乍得政府核准把达哈营地的难民人口迁往距离边界 [...]
35 公里处的莫约营地。
In view, however, of the difficulty of accessing refugees in the Salamat region, the location of the refugee camps there, in too close proximity to
the border with the Sudan and the general
[...] insecurity in the area owing to banditry, [...]
the Government of Chad authorized the
relocation of the refugee population from the Daha camp to the Moyo camp, which is located 35 km from the border.
(b) 为向落后区普及经 济一体化的益处实现本区域的无缝有 形连接,其方法是利用交通运输、能源、信息和通信技术上的联系, 采用贸易和交通运输便利化方面的最佳做法
(b) Seamless physical connectivity
[...] across the region to spread the benefits of economic integration to lagging regions through transport, [...]
energy and information
and communications technology (ICT) links and the adoption of best practices in trade and transport facilitation
从国内生产总值来 看,斯里兰卡全国平均增长 8%,而其北部当地经济 增长了 22%,这表明在刚刚结束了冲突的区 ,普 遍存 在着积极进取的精神和万象更新的景象。
The gross domestic product of the local economy in the north of the country had risen by 22 per cent, compared to the national average of 8 per cent, which demonstrated the spirit of enterprise and renewal that pervaded in the newly conflict-free areas.




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