

单词 亦步亦趋

External sources (not reviewed)

一 个显著的发趋势是 同行审评出版物中科学刊物的数量 步 增 加
A visible development is the steady increase in the number of scientific publications [...]
in peer-reviewed journals.
檢討的結果應公佈週知,讓市民發表意見,並且作出修改,務使 這些服務不但能與時代步,亦可維 持高效率的服務水平。
Such a review should be published for public comment and changes made to bring these systems up-to-date whilst retaining a higher level of efficiency.
根据预测,这一步上扬趋势将持续到 2011 年,贸易量将扩大 5.9%(见附件表 A.1)。
This gradual upward trend is forecast to continue in 2011, with trade volumes expanding by 5.9 per cent (see annex, table A.1).
虽然鲣鱼产量到2009年一直保持增趋 势 , 但进 步扩 大 产量应受到严格监测,因为这可能会给大目和黄鳍金枪鱼带来负面影响(多品 [...]
Although skipjack tuna continued its
[...] increasing trend up to 2009, further expansion should be [...]
closely monitored, as it may negatively
affect bigeye and yellowfin tunas (multispecies fisheries).
/ 艾滋病流传呈上趋势的现状,亦 成 为 法律的一个极为重要的 问题。
This is a very important aspect of the law especially given the HIV/AIDS epidemic in PNG is on the rise.
10] 本系列題目的調查頻率各有不同,與特首民望調 亦 不 一 樣, 步 變 化 應以同步週期的數字比較。
10] The frequency of this series of questions is different for different questions, and also different from that of CE popularity ratings.
在政改 方面, 行 政長官領導的特區政 府 , 多 年 來 表 現 得 兜兜轉轉, 缺乏 方向,步 亦 很 慢,但 我們仍 有兩三 年 的 時 間,如果政 府可以用與爭取 CEPA 一 樣 的決心行事,以對待 中央政府 般 的 尊 重和謙 和的態度面對香港市 民 和各 方不同 的 意見, 我相信不 難 在 2007 年 之前, 完 成 這個偉 大的歷史任 務,為 特區政 府 在 後回歸的歷史上 ,劃上 美 麗 的 句號。
If the Government is able to proceed with determination in a manner similar to their fight for CEPA, and if they face up to the people of Hong Kong and the various opinions from different quarters with the same respect and modesty shown to the Central Government, it is, I believe, not difficult to accomplish this grand historical mission before 2007 and thus, place a nice full stop in history for the SAR Government in the post-reunification era.
In addition Non Communicable diseases (NCD) are observed to be on the increase in the country.
减少了 1 212 500 美元,是因为调出 4 个员额(1 个 P-5 和 3 个 P-3),这是因为 千年发展目标/最不发达国家科及其活动由次级方案 10(社会发展)调往次级方案 1(宏观经济分 析、财政和经济发展),以便通过相关工作领域的衔接及在各单位之间加强协同关系、一致性 和互补性,便利专题问题和部门优先事项的进 步趋 同。
The decrease of $1,212,500 results from the outward redeployment of 4 posts (1 P-5 and 3 P-3) due to the movement of the Millennium Development Goals/least developed countries section and its activities from subprogramme 10, Social development, to subprogramme 1, Macroeconomic analysis, finance and economic development, in order to facilitate further convergence of thematic issues and sectoral priorities, through linking the related areas of work and developing enhanced synergies, coherence and complementarities between the respective units.
此外,中国政府关于能源安 全的理亦有进步的迹 象,从最初的重商主义行 为,即不信任国际市场并渴望实际控制石油资 源,逐步演变为有益于国际能源市场及合作的开 放做法。
Furthermore, Beijing’s idea of energy security is showing signs of evolving from a mercantilist approach based on distrust of international markets, and therefore a desire for physical control of oil supplies, to a more open approach favouring international energy markets and cooperation.
法 院 然 後 可 下 令 尌 此 事 進 行步 聆 訊,但 法亦 可 容 許 主 審 法 官 決 定 如 何 [...]
處 理 有 關 問 題 。
The Court may then order a preliminary hearing on the matter, [...]
although it is open to the Court to allow the trial judge to decide the issue.
亦應進一步研究 內部網絡轉用互聯網規約 版本 6(IPv6)能帶來的效益。
The benefits arising from the
[...] Government’s migration towards an Internet [...]
Protocol version 6 (IPv6) network should also be further examined.
现时的问题是市场何时才能找到支持位所 在, 理应在每安士1,425与1,435美元的区域, 而支持界线亦已逐步建立起来。
Technically this should be in the region between $ 1,425 – $ 1,435 an ounce, where a support-line has built up.
随着新加坡的发展,亦逐步加强 了对人权的保护,特别是对妇女、儿 童、移徙工人和残疾人等特殊群体权利的保护。
16. As Singapore
[...] developed, it has progressively enhanced the [...]
protection of human rights, particularly the rights of specific
groups such as women, children, migrant workers and the disabled.
我们遵循绿色环保理念,不仅因为环保 趋 势 , 亦 因 为 环保理念有助推动良好的经营意识。
We follow these green philosophies because they make good business sense, not just because it's politically correct
而且趋严重,其亦包括收入和 社会步方面的不平等,这更引起了各方的高度关注。
As the region continues to be impacted by the crisis, the serious and growing inequalities between and within countries of the region, both in terms of income and social progress, are a cause of even greater concern.
开发计划署 表示,可以以用于计量吸入器生产的氟氯化碳使用量增加为依据,说明印度的氟氯化碳计 量吸入器产量呈步增长的趋势。
UNDP indicated that the increase in CFC use for MDI manufacturing could be used as the basis for showing a growing trend in CFC-MDI production in India.
[...] 列采取行动,进一步消除部分障碍,以支持这 趋 势:步放宽 对于通过胡瓦拉检查站出入纳布卢斯的 限制、增加进入伯利恒的游客人数,及提高西岸其他 [...]
地区生产的肉类和奶制品对东耶路撒冷的供应的可 预测性。
Economic activity is on the rise and we note positively
[...] Israel’s removal of some further obstacles to support [...]
this trend: easier access to Nablus
via the Huwwara checkpoint; increased tourist access to Bethlehem; and more predictable access for meat and dairy products into East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank.
这一趋势破坏了最近几年价格步下 降 的 趋 势 , 预 计将导致增加地面种植(更大的面积),并最终在 [...]
2011 年使无鸦片省份数量减少 一个或数个。
This trend undoes the steady decline of prices [...]
over the most recent years and is expected to result in increased surface
planting (higher acreage) and eventually the loss of one or more opium-free provinces in 2011.
国家卫生方面的预算开支呈步增长 趋 势。
Expenditure under the national budget for health
[...] care has been growing steadily.
[...] 实现充分的生产性就业和所有人享有体面工作,但遏 制目前失趋势的步伐异常缓慢,这一趋势正在影响 各国,无论其发展水平如何。
Despite our commitment under the MDGs to achieve full and productive
employment and decent work for all, the
[...] current unemployment trends that are affecting [...]
all countries irrespective of their level
of development are being contained at an exceptionally slow pace.
今后的报告将进步分析这些趋势 的可能原因和影响。
Future reports would contain further analysis of the possible causes and implications of those trends.
In the report, EOC has made a number of recommendations on how accessibility of Government
[...] facilities and buildings can be further improved.
此外,牙亦應採取合步驟, 以確保該等材料不會直接或間接用於為任何牙科或健康相關 產品或服務作商業推廣。
He should also take reasonable steps to ensure that the [...]
materials are not used directly or indirectly for the commercial
promotion of any dental or health related products or services.
自 2004
[...] 年以来,美国提出在与滚珠和火箭引擎推进剂储罐、热电池和若干 弹道导弹推进剂成分有关的领域增加导弹技术管制制度附件中的控制,以协助该 制度与技术发展和扩散采趋势保持 同 步 , 导弹技术管制制度采纳了这一提议。
Since 2004, the United States has proposed and the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) has adopted the addition of MTCR Annex controls in areas relating to ball bearings and propellant tanks for rocket engines, thermal batteries, and several ballistic
missile propellant components to help the
[...] Regime keep pace with technology developments and proliferation procurement trends.
2006 财年末,按照预算,人们注意到,根据前期价 趋 势 进行 初 步 成 本核算的结果表 明,1999 年制定贝尔蒙计划时估计工程造价将增加 [...]
3.5%的数字低于法国建筑成本的实际增 长趋势。
At the end of the 2006 financial period, it was noted,
with reference to the budget, that
[...] the initial recosting, based on price trends in the preceding [...]
period, of 3.5% of the work
cost increases that had been estimated when the Belmont Plan was first drawn up in 1999, was lower than the actual trend in construction costs in France.
有将近十亿人营养不足3 ,鉴于全球金融危机、居高不下的失业率、食
物价格波动加剧、食物短缺以及旱灾和水灾预测会进一步扩大,这个数字甚至还 会进一步增加。4 油价上升,运输成本增加( 结果农产品交货价上升) ,更多的作
[...] 物诸如玉米和大豆等转而用来生产生物燃料,使牲畜和人类消费供应进 步趋 紧,从而导致食品费用增加。
Nearly 1 billion people are undernourished3 and this number may increase even further as a result of the global financial crisis, sustained high levels of unemployment, increased food price volatility, shortages and predictions of further widespread droughts and floods.4 Higher oil prices are increasing the cost of food by increasing shipping costs (resulting in higher delivered prices of agricultural products) and diverting more
crops such as corn and soybeans to
[...] biofuel production, further tightening supplies for [...]
livestock and human consumption.5
Higher food prices also threaten peace and security.
截 至 最 後 實 際
[...] 可 行 日 期 , 撫 順 上亦 已 就 初 步 安 全 評 估 及 環 境 評 估 [...]
獲 得 審 批 , 且 已 於 二 零 一二年 八 月 初 開 始 試 運 營 , 目 前 正 在 獲 取 最 終 評 估 。
Fushun Shangma has also obtained
[...] approval in respect of preliminary safety evaluation [...]
and environmental evaluation as of the
Latest Practicable Date, and is in the process of obtaining the final evaluation as trial operations have commenced in early August 2012.
除 加強升降機的檢驗工作外,我亦已 逐 步 落 實 一系列提高升降機安全水平的 措施,包括 強化升降機工程實務守則、公布升降機承建商的表現評級, 以及加強有關升降機安全的宣傳和公眾教育。
In addition to stepping up lift inspection, we have gradually put in place a series of lift safety enhancement measures, including the enhancement of the Code of Practice for Lift Works, disclosure of lift contractors’ performance, and strengthening of publicity and public education on lift safety.




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