单词 | 新潮的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 新潮的 adjective—flash adjSee also:新潮 adj—trendy adj • modern adj 新潮—fashionable 新的 adj—new adj • renewed past-p • emerging adj 潮 adj—current adj
对于男士Bagheera 拥有从保守的时尚,新潮的腐朽 的多重选 择。 enviefashion.com | For the gentlemen, Bagheera offers everything from [...] stylish-conservative, to trendy-decadent. enviefashion.com |
这个项目最为令人激动部分之一 是我们如何将较新潮的织物设计融入其经航海传统中。 glenraven.com | One of the most exciting parts of the project was how we incorporated newer fabric designs still consistent with her nautical traditions. glenraven.com |
从蜜粉刷、腮红刷、眼影刷等基本用具, 到 新潮的 多 功能眼影刷、眉刷等,都能让您感受到熊野化妆刷「Mizuho [...] Brush」对刷毛的讲究之处。 jshoppers.com | Items that let you experience the high [...] standards of Kumano Makeup "Mizuho Brushes," from basic brushes such as face, cheek [...]and shadow brushes to types such as the multi-shadow and eyebrow brush that have a whole new feel. jshoppers.com |
有趣的旋转钻石、新潮的棕色皮革表带或运动风格钢制链式表带,白色或珍珠母表盘及钢制表壳的搭配营造出一种低调的奢华气息。 hautehorlogerie.org | Playful spinning diamonds, an ultra-chic brown leather strap or a sporty steel bracelet, a white or mother-of-pearl dial and a steel case combine to create an aura of understated luxury. hautehorlogerie.org |
我们拥有泳衣行业最新潮的印染产品。 interfiliere.com | Presenting the most creative prints for the swimwear industry. interfiliere.com |
hybris最近被Forrester Research最新潮的B2C电 子商务报告命名为世界领先B2C电子商务套装软件供应商。 hybris.com | hybris, named as a leading B2C commerce suite vendor in Forrester Research’s latest Wave report on B2C Commerce, provides the tools that enable organizations to meet current [...] demand by deploying [...]the market’s first fully integrated, truly multichannel commerce solution from the start. hybris.com |
至於本系列產品的外觀,我們刻意採用精心設計,配備大型滾輪、堅固的握把 和 新潮的 顏 色。 philips.com.tw | For the exterior of our range, the focus is on purposeful design with big [...] wheels, sturdy handles and new colors. philips.com.my |
從亮麗的大型購物商場,到無奇不有的露天市場,從時尚精品店,到中國古玩店及主題購物區,商品五花八門,應有盡有,您可找到 最 新潮的 設 計 師品牌服飾、時下最流行的電子產品,乃至物超所值的骨董及收藏品。 seagate.com | From glitzy malls to funky street markets, and trendy boutiques to traditional Chinese product stores and themed shopping districts, you can find everything from the latest designer fashions and electronic gadgets to best-value antiques and collectibles. seagate.com |
目前捷信合作的商户覆盖了各种各样的商品,从最新型的iPhone手机、Thinkpad电脑到 最 新潮的 摩 托 车、LED电视,应有尽有,顾客可以轻松找到自己的最心仪的商品。 homecredit.cn | Currently Home Credit cooperated retailers provides various goods, from the latest model of iPhone, ThinkPad computer to the most popular motorbikes and LED TV, customers can find their favorite goods easily in the shops with Home Credit installment service. homecredit.cn |
想為心愛的數碼產品配置合適又 新潮的 配 件 ?配件專區絕對可以幫到您,由iPhone/iPad配件以至各類型耳筒等都應有盡有。 sogo.com.hk | Meanwhile, if you would like to look for some suitable yet stylish accessories for your digital goods, the Accessories zone is the right place that gives a broad assortment of appropriate choices e.g. Headphones, iPhone/iPad Cases, etc. sogo.com.hk |
不同寻常的赛马、欢腾的人群、 新的潮 流 、 难以忘怀的气氛和世界上最为美丽的布景共同组成了春季的基拉尼四日节(Killarney four-day festival)该节日以其美景闻名,因为赛马场位于小镇和美丽的基拉尼湖(Killarney lakes)之间。 discoverireland.com | Exceptional racing, colourful characters, high style, an unforgettable atmosphere and some of the most picturesque settings in the world – the Killarney four-day Festival in Springtime is particularly renowned for its scenery as the course is beautifully placed between the town and the shimmering Killarney lakes. discoverireland.com |
集團新的潮流分 部的首批七月份產品系列已派送到指定的歐洲零售店舖,而首個「China for China」系列已在集團位於亞洲的店舖推出。 stock.pingan.com.hk | The first collections for July 2012 from the Group’s new Trend Division were [...] delivered to selected retail stores in Europe [...]while the Group’s first “China for China” range was launched throughout the Group’s stores in Asia. stock.pingan.com.hk |
Mistral后来演变成了Ghibli,这股汽车 新潮 流 的 强 大魅力甚至感染了亨利•福特二世,他曾驾驶一辆玛莎拉蒂敞篷车出现在底特律。 maserati.com.cn | The Mistral morphed into the Ghibli and [...] the strength of the new motoring currents [...]affected even Henry Ford II who took to [...]driving around Detroit in a Maserati Spyder. maserati.com.au |
同時,這些樣 辦亦為買家及設計師提供了一個集來季 最 新的潮 流 、 顏色及布料的概覽。 interfiliere.com | They are representative samples of the major colors set to drive the season’s key looks. interfiliere.com |
空间探索和计算机发展飞速进步,Pulsar 手表迎合这一激动人心的创新潮流, 推出新 颖 的 手 表 系列。 hk.ashford.com | Space exploration and computer advancements were progressing in leaps and bounds, and Pulsar Watches rode this wave of exciting novelty with their innovative line of watches. ashford.com |
新潮而且舒适的新设计 的酒店意味着贝尔法斯特有着时髦而且实惠的住宿环境,另外众多的美食也确立了这座城市在欧洲美食版图中的坚实位置。 discoverireland.com | Cool and comfortable new design hotels mean [...] Belfast is now a stylish and affordable place to stay, while a glut of excellent [...]gastro delights have placed the city firmly on the culinary map of Europe. discoverireland.com |
集現代新潮與古 老傳統於一身的東京,一方面樂於提供 最 新的 文 化 與科技潮流,一方面又相當重視其歷史傳承。 seagate.com | Both a modern and an ancient city both, Tokyo willingly offers the latest trends in culture and [...] technology while holding on strongly to its past. seagate.com |
此滑鼠擁有新潮外型,橡膠塗層飾面 的 捉 握設計使雙手皆可適用,讓玩家即使與對手長期抗戰依然輕鬆舒適。 geniusnetusa.com | Its sleek ambidextrous design and rubber coated grip conforms to either hand as you battle your opponents for hours on end. geniusnetusa.com |
配合夏日派對的品牌日概念,媒體場與客戶場皆規劃別開生面的戶外蒙古烤肉餐飲搭配精緻賽事風點心及特調飲品,同時聆聽揉合古典與現代曲 風 的新潮 樂 團「太妃堂」帶來的聽覺饗宴,來賓賞車之餘,也對主辦單位的用心印象深刻!晚上於客戶場並安排與Cayenne GTS一同入畫的現場電腦人像繪畫以及針對車款特性的趣味問答,除了增加與來賓的互動,也能加深其對保時捷車系有更多的認識,皆獲得熱烈迴響。 pap.porsche.com | At the same time, they were entertained by performances by TOFFEE, a band that mixes classical music with modern style. pap.porsche.com |
Eugene 和 Alice 的孙子 Pierre-Alain Blum 跟随他们新潮时尚的远见 ,作为“时间的设计师”推出了 新的 Ebel 手表,加强了品牌作为精密手表开创者、注重独特设计的形象。 hk.ashford.com | Pierre-Alain Blum, grandson of [...] Eugene and Alice, [...] shared their futuristic vision and introduced the new identity of Ebel Watches as “Architects of Time” [...]which reinforced the [...]brands heritage as creators of precision watches with an emphasis on unique design. ashford.com |
费尔蒙酒店及度假村可通过各种方式为宾客提供 EMI 唱片公司歌手的畅销歌曲,例如为您健身时准备并录有 [...] 500 首歌曲的费尔蒙 MP3 播放列表、网上费尔蒙音乐商店提供的独享发布和下载折扣,以及在全球指定酒店提 供 新潮 现 场表 演 的 全 新 “ 费尔蒙之声”计划。 fairmont.cn | Fairmont Hotels & Resorts has access to bestselling EMI artists through a variety of outlets; through Fairmont’s 500-song MP3 play list during your workouts, to exclusive releases and download discounts at the online [...] Fairmont Music Store, [...] to the exciting new Sounds of Fairmont program featuring new and emerging [...]live performances at select properties around the world. fairmont.com |
這位音樂監制於1980年代後期積極將西方國家的Sub Culture帶到東京,透過其個人雜誌專欄,把這些 嶄 新潮 流 元 素介紹給當 時 的 年 青 讀者。 think-silly.com | Working as a music producer at the time, he actively introduced various sub-cultures to the Japanese youth, bringing these otherwise deserted cultures from the west to Tokyo through his column in magazine. think-silly.com |
该品牌由 Eugène Blum 和 Alice [...] Lévy 于 1911 年创立,不断开创新的潮流, 特有六角形单体表壳,还有“波浪手链”式的表带,绕在手腕上,仿佛是佩戴者的第二层肌肤。 hk.ashford.com | Founded in 1911 by Eugène Blum and Alice Lévy, the brand [...] consistently pioneers new trends, evidenced [...]by such features as a hexagonal monohull [...]case and the “wave bracelet” that wraps itself around the wrist like a second skin. ashford.com |
線上學習已逐漸成為企業訓練員工 的新潮 流 ;企業主可藉由線上學習的方式快速讓員工強化知識、熟習本分亦或學習新技能,線上學習平台尤其對高度依賴網路的國際性企業更是一大利多。 solutions.avermedia.com | E-Learning, especially for international corporates, gradually becomes a trend to enhance staff’s knowledge and familiarity with their principle duties, required skills or even advanced abilities. solutions.avermedia.com |
从苏活区的新潮时尚 市区街道,到熙熙攘攘的时代广场、到华丽典雅的大都会艺术博物馆、到中央公园午后的和平宁静,纽约是一座拥有无穷无尽可能性的城市。 cosme-de.com | I Heart NYC is a shot of pure energy with its crisp fruity floral notes, it is DKNY's iconic Be Delicious fragrance that is defined by our delicious apple essence. cosme-de.com |
沿着有着“黑色百老汇”之称的U街,走访街 旁 的新潮 服 装 与家具精品店,探索城市的爵士风情,现在,大部分街边的老酒吧与老剧院都被装修一新,以纪念当地早期的爵士音乐家,包括传奇人物艾灵顿公爵等人。 capitalregionusa.org | Trace the origins of the city’s jazz scene as you stroll through the funky clothing and furniture boutiques of U Street, which was once known as “Black Broadway. capitalregionusa.org |
安全技術與安全產品已成為世界的最 新潮 流 , 對其之投入與成效將是企業的一項重要指標;隨著ISO 9001管理體系取得國際認證,繼續提昇企業的自主管理,致力改進安全健康設施,為降低安全衛生風險、預防與減少職業災害,持續改進安全衛生績效,展現安全衛生的承諾;為此,推行職業安全健康管理體系OHSAS 18001是社會文明進步的需要,也是"澳門自來水"不斷努力的目標------"安全第一、預防為主、人人有責、合乎法規、持續改善"的方針,其最終目的就是在"澳門自來水"塑造主動積極的安全文化,安全衛生績效不斷積累而成為持續改善、企業不斷發展的原動力。 saam.com.mo | With the implementation of ISO 9001 and the need of continuous improvement in all health and safety related subjects, the implementation of OHSAS18001 will become a must; which is also one of the major targets that Macao Water is now working on. saam.com.mo |
南共体对由于各种冲突导致的流离失所问题和 国际保护所遭遇的困难感到十分担忧,尤其是在各 种选举后危机出现之后,某些冲突的 重 新 升 级 和流 向城市的混合移民潮的上涨 都造成了整个大洲的流 离失所问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Conflict-induced displacement and the challenge of international protection, especially after the emergence of several post-electoral crises, renewed conflicts and mixed migration flows to urban areas, which had been causing population displacement across the continent, were all matters of grave concern to SADC. daccess-ods.un.org |