单词 | 断背 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 断背 —homosexual, cf Ang Lee's Brokeback MountainExamples:断背山—Brokeback Mountain, film by Ang Lee See also:背—learn by heart • be burdened • turn one's back • unlucky (slang) • hide something from • carry on the back or shoulder • recite from memory • the back of a body or object • hard of hearing
否则,在精神和物质层面,人类的进步与文明的发展都将 不 断背 离人 类的最大努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Otherwise the betterment of humankind and the advancement of civilization in both its spiritual and material dimensions will continue to elude humanity’s best efforts. daccess-ods.un.org |
此处的报废必须采用使之 不 能 再 次 使 用 的 方 式( 比 如 切 断 背 带 ,适 当 方 式 丢 弃 )。 avanti-online.com | The replacement must be made in such a way that reusing the gear will not occur (e.g. cut straps, discard properly). avanti-online.com |
Kuraib,一个子解说员说认为“阿卜杜拉阿巴斯从Al [...] -法德勒叙述,”安拉的使者(永存) 不 断背 诵 Ta lbiya(在旅途中),直到他达到Jamra。 mb-soft.com | Kuraib, (a sub-narrator) said that 'Abdullah bin Abbas [...] narrated from Al-Fadl, "Allah's Apostle [...] (pbuh) kept on reciting Talbiya (during the [...]journey) till he reached the Jamra. mb-soft.com |
先知AL - Faql骑在他身后,法德勒告知,他(先知) 不 断背 诵 , 直到他的Jamra拉米Talbiya。 mb-soft.com | The Prophet made Al-Faql ride behind him, and Al-Fadl informed that he (the Prophet ) kept on reciting Talbiya till he did the Rami of the Jamra. mb-soft.com |
第二,为了应对 以色列断言背后的 深层次暗示,我要指出,1948 年以 前的非以色列领土今天依然是非以色列领土。 daccess-ods.un.org | Secondly, to cover the deeper implications behind [...] this Israeli assertion, I wish to state [...]that what was non-Israeli territory [...]prior to 1948 remains non-Israeli territory today. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据底页上的记录,这份手稿的最终完成时间是在伊斯兰历 1047 年 10 月(称为 Shawal 或 Shaval)18 日,地点在有“信众城”之称的卡尚市 (Kashan),采用伊朗断续背离书法 (Shikastah) 书写。 wdl.org | The colophon states that the manuscript was finalized on the 18th of the month of Shawal (Shaval) in the year 1047 AH at Dar al-Muminin of Kashan, in the Shikastah calligraphic style. wdl.org |
我们也认识到,以色列军事行动的目的不是 针对巴勒斯坦居民,而且应该看到哈马斯威胁 不 断的 背景,哈马斯不承认以色列有权生存,并且扩大了对 以色列南部居民袭击的范围和密度。 daccess-ods.un.org | We also understand that the Israeli military operations are not aimed at the Palestinian population, but should be seen in the context of the continuing threat coming from Hamas, which denies Israel’s right to exist and has intensified the scope and frequency of its attacks on the population of southern Israel. daccess-ods.un.org |
在美国驻伊拉克 部队安全与后勤支助不断缩编的背景 下 ,这将对联合 国如何能够组织自己以顺应未来对其存在与方案的 [...] 需求产生引人注目的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Against the backdrop of the drawdown of the [...] United States Forces in Iraq security and logistical support, there will be [...]considerable implications for the way that the United Nations can organize itself to respond to future demand for presence and programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
在人道 主义需求不断增加的背景下 ,常常需要动用军事和民防资源来支持和补充救济 工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a context of growing humanitarian needs, MCDA are often called upon to support and complement relief efforts. daccess-ods.un.org |
这 次评估将考虑到各国面临的不断变化 的发 展 背 景 , 包括近期的冲击和危机,以及 由于气候变化而逐步升级的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | This will take into account the [...] changing development context faced by countries, [...]including the exposure to recent shocks [...]and crises, and the escalating challenges due to climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,关于世界和平与中东,我要强调,虽然我 们了解出于安全会产生各种需要,但是若能阻止伊朗 局势向冲突发展,则对该地区和全世界都更好,因为 [...] 这种冲突会对世界造成非常不幸的影响,对世界和平 来说可能会像谚语中说的那样成为压 断 骆 驼 背 的最 后一根稻草。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, in the context of world peace and the Middle East, I would like to stress that while we understand all sorts of needs arising on security, it would be better for that region and the whole world if the situation of Iran could be stopped from moving towards conflict, because it will be the sort of conflict that might have a very [...] unfortunate impact on the world and that might be the proverbial [...] last straw that breaks the camel’s back on world peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
在新的信息和传播技术不断出现的背 景 下,新闻记 者应当保持警惕,不 能认为所有新闻来源都⾜以采信。 求证和调查必须继续作为新闻实践的核心内容。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the advent of new information and communication technologies, journalists may be cautioned not to assume that all news sources are adequately reliable and that verification and investigation must continue to be a core journalistic practice. unesdoc.unesco.org |
以色列在加 沙的暴力行为不断升级,在这一背景 下 ,特别报告员分析了以色列定点清除的政 策和做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Amid escalating violence by Israel in Gaza, the Special [...] Rapporteur examines Israel’s policy and practice of targeted killings. daccess-ods.un.org |
19.4 在这种不断变化的背景下 ,亚太经社会将支持会员国进行适当的战略分析,政策选择和技术合 [...] 作,以解决关键的发展挑战,并应用创新解决方案,促进全区域的经济繁荣、社会进步和环境 可持续性。 daccess-ods.un.org | 19.4 In the context of this evolving landscape, ESCAP [...] will support member States with sound strategic analysis, policy options [...]and technical cooperation to address key development challenges and to apply innovative solutions that will contribute to region-wide economic prosperity, social progress and environmental sustainability. daccess-ods.un.org |
该计划认可各种伙伴关系和参与性进程是在迅速城市化和城 市中不平等不断扩大的背景下 在两性平等方面取得进展的核心。 daccess-ods.un.org | The plan recognizes that partnerships and participatory processes are central to making progress towards gender equality within the context of rapid urbanization and widening inequalities in cities. daccess-ods.un.org |
该委员会指出,宣称其中一种权利不在法院的管辖之内,将是“ 武 断 的, 而且违背两组权利不可分割和相互依赖的原则”。51 实际上,正是因为这两类权利不可分 [...] 割的特质,使得在实践中,在法院适当角色的问题上,不可能把二分法下的角色制度化。 socialrights.ca | The Committee states that to declare this one category of rights to be beyond the reach of courts [...] would be “arbitrary and incompatible [...] with the principle that the two sets of rights are [...]indivisible and interdependent”.51 [...]The indivisibility of the two categories of rights, in fact, makes it a practical impossibility to institutionalise a bifurcation with respect to the appropriate role of courts. socialrights.ca |
第四,新的世界秩序正在冲突不断增 加 的 背 景下 形成。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fourthly, the new world order is taking [...] shape against the backdrop of increasing conflicts. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,在阿拉伯叙利亚共和国危机不 断 升 级 的背 景下 ,执行第 1559(2004)号决议尚未执行的规定方面又没有任何具体进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, against the background of the escalating [...] crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic there has been yet again no concrete [...]progress towards the implementation of the outstanding provisions of resolution 1559 (2004). daccess-ods.un.org |
在理事会的指导 下,统计所正在查明本区域的培训需求和资源,以确保其培训在 不断 变化的区域背景下具有关联性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Guided by its Governing Council, the Institute is [...] mapping training needs and resources of the region to ensure relevance [...] of its training in the evolving regional context. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这一不断发展的背景下 ,全球方案为开发署提供 平台,以围绕扶贫、性别平等、气候变化和环境之间至关重要的关系及在上述各 [...] 领域的深入的政策领导和可信性展开全球宣传工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this evolving context, the Global Programme [...] provides the platform for UNDP global advocacy around the crucial nexus between [...]poverty, gender, climate change and the environment, as well as in-depth policy leadership and credibility in each of these areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
在局势不断演变的背景下 ,我要向安理会通报我 国的最新形势,并就和平进程的总体走向提出我们的 [...] 看法。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the context of the consistent evolution of the [...] situation, I would like to inform the Council on the latest situation [...]in the country and provide our perspective on the overall course of the peace process. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管削减核武 库非常重要,但削减本身并不构成裁军努力,应在 更广泛、持续不断地削减的背景下 ,审议新的双边 条约,从而最终扩大范围以列入所有核武器国家, 彻底消除其武库。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since the reduction of arsenals, though certainly important, did not in and of itself constitute an effort to disarm, the new bilateral treaty should be considered in the context of a broader, ongoing process of consistent reduction that would ultimately expand to include all nuclearweapon States, with a view to the total elimination of their arsenals. daccess-ods.un.org |
10 同样,欧洲理事会还将大众 传媒指导委员会改名为传媒和新的传播服务指导委员会,将它的职权范围扩大,以便于“考 虑到在与大众传播手段及其运作和管理有关的技术、法律、政策和经济方面的变化,特别是 在全球化和信息社会传播服务不断发 展 的 背 景 下 的这些变化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 10 Similarly, the Council of Europe has renamed its Steering Committee on the Mass Media into the Steering Committee on the Media and New Communication Services, extending its terms of reference to “take account of technological, legal, political and economic changes which concern means of public communication, their operation and governance, in particular in the context of globalization and the evolution of communication services in the information society”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
事实上,必须强调的是,在全球化进程 不 断 深入 发展的背景下,法治在当今国际社会中的重要性正在 迅速上升。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, it must be emphasized that the importance of the rule of law in the contemporary international community is growing rapidly, against the backdrop of the deepening process of globalization. daccess-ods.un.org |
在国 际经济和金融危机产生的后果不断显 现 的 背 景 下,如 同世界其他地区的人民一样,中东北非地区人民也有 着寻求变革和维护自身利益的诉求。 daccess-ods.un.org | At a time when the consequences of the international economic and financial crisis are still being felt, the people of the Middle East and North Africa, like the people of other regions of the world, also have demands for change and for the safeguarding of their self-interests. daccess-ods.un.org |
在喷涂机背面,断开电 磁阀的电气连接。 graco.com | Disconnect electrical connection from solenoid valve at the rear of the sprayer. graco.com |
在这次视频采访中,Hemmerle对关于在中国的人才管理的许多经典假设提出了质疑,并就如何发现经验丰富的本地人才、确定薪酬标准,以及如何了解中国高管 不 断 变 化 的资 历 背 景 和求职愿望与大家分享了他的洞见。 csi.mckinsey.com | In this video interview, Hemmerle challenges many of the classic assumptions about talent management in China and shares his insights on finding expert [...] local talent, setting compensation levels, [...] and understanding the evolving credentials and desires [...]of Chinese executives. csi.mckinsey.com |
相应地,如果一个国家的国 [...] 内法不认为专业或其他服务构成经营业务(在一些国家好像是这样),第 7 条则不 适用,除非税务当局或者法院断定 条约 的 背 景 要求“营业”一词在用于条约目的 时必须包含比国内法更广泛的含义。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, if professional or other services are considered not to constitute the carrying on of a business under the domestic law of a State (which appears to be the case in some countries), article 7 [...] would not apply unless the tax [...] authorities or the courts conclude that the context of the [...]treaty requires that the term “business” [...]for the purposes of the treaty should have a broader meaning than under domestic law. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,尽管一些资金来源曾经单独和集体做出承诺(特别是在 2005 年《关于援 助实效的巴黎宣言》的背景下 ),愿意 不 断 简 化 和统一援助程序,提高援助效率 和降低交易成本,但教科文组织的大多数资金来源都继续采用它们自己喜欢的方 [...] 法和程序,从而大大增加了处理这些捐款的行政负担。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, in spite of individual and collective commitments by funding sources, notably in the context [...] of the 2005 Paris Declaration on [...] Aid Effectiveness, to increased simplification and harmonization [...]of aid procedures to enhance [...]effectiveness and reduce transaction costs, most of UNESCO’s funding sources continue to favour their own modalities and procedures, thereby greatly increasing the administrative burden flowing from the processing of the contributions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
方案 5 各缔约国可在第四条第 7 款所定义的文化政策方面, [在符合国际义务的情况下],根据自己 的特殊情况和需求,采取[或应当采取]措施,特别是监管和财政措施来保护和促进其境内文 化表现形式的多样性,尤其是按客观标准衡量 [或依据其特殊的社会文 化 背 景 判 断 ] , 这 些文 化表现形式标准受到威胁或处于脆弱状态时。 unesdoc.unesco.org | OPTION 5 Within the framework of its cultural policies as defined in Article 4.7, [consistent with international obligations], and taking into account its own particular circumstances and needs, each State Party adopts [or shall adopt] measures, especially regulatory and financial measures, aimed at protecting and promoting the diversity of cultural expressions within its territory, particularly in cases where such expressions are threatened or in a situation of vulnerability as measured against objective criteria [or having regard to its particular sociocultural context]. unesdoc.unesco.org |