

单词 公路局

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

儘管如此,公路局 所 述 ,在這樣的 情況下,A1(M)高速公路有可能 可以就 損 失 的收入,公路局 索 償
[...] according to the Highways Agency, the A1(M) could possibly make a claim against the Highways Agency for loss of revenue in such a situation.
公 路 局 並 無 披露有關A1(M)高速公路指數掛鈎方程式組 [...]
合的進 一 步 詳情, 因 為該局認為 此 屬 商業敏感的資料。
The Highways Agency has not disclosed [...]
further details on the composition of the indexation formula for the A1(M) as it considers
this information commercially sensitive.
[...] 務 (彼 得 伯 勒 )有限公司公路局 簽 訂 的合約協 議 並沒有條文禁止興建與A1(M)高速公路並行的免費公路。
There is no clause in the contract agreement
[...] between RMS and the Highways Agency which prohibits [...]
the building of a parallel free highway alongside the A1(M).
公路局 所 述 ,道路基建的"設計、建造、融資及營 運 "合約在衡 工量值方面平均可達到節省15%的幅度。
According to the Highways Agency, the DBFO contracts for road infrastructures [...]
have delivered an average value-for-money saving of 15%.
公 路 局 向 A1(M)高速公路經營商就 每輛車 每 公 里 支 付的影子收費實際 [...]
款 額 則 欠缺資料。
The actual payment per trip or per
[...] km made by the Highways Agency to the [...]
A1(M) operator is not available.
因此, 透過訂公路局 可 能 要求更改的範圍, 以及訂明若有關更改改變了私人財團的成本或道路交通流 [...]
量,便會修 訂 影子收費,從 而在此 方面取得平 衡 。
Therefore, a balance is struck by
specifying the scope of possible changes
[...] required by the Highways Agency and where [...]
such a change alters the private consortium's
costs or the traffic flow on the road, the shadow tolls are revised.
3.6 公路局 預 計 , 就價值而 言 , 約 有 25%的 現 [...]
有及新主要道路計 劃 會 根據私 人 融資合約(包括"設計、建造、融資及營運"合約)推 行。
3.6 The Highways Agency expects that [...]
around 25% of current and new major road schemes in terms of value will be procured
using private finance contracts, including DBFO contracts.
根 據 該 "設計、建造、融資及營運"合約,經營A1(M)高速公 路的私人財團,以影子收費形式,向英 公路局 收 取款項,而款 額主 要 根 據 道路的使用率計算 。
Under the DBFO contract, the private consortium which operates
A1(M) receives
[...] payments from the Highways Agency of the UK in the form of shadow tolls, calculated primarily on the basis of road usage.
2010 年,领土的国公路局重新 铺设了开曼布拉克岛北部沿海公路 19 公里的路 面和 90 [...]
In 2010, the
[...] Territory’s National Roads Authority resurfaced approximately [...]
19 kilometres of the north coast road in Cayman Brac and 90 district roads.
公 路 局將"設計、建造、 融資及營運"的 概念描 述 為用者自付收費道路的先 [...]
驅 或 過 渡 期,當中 由私營機構承擔建造、營運及維修 保 養 道路或指 定改善計劃 的 責任。
The Highways Agency describes the [...]
DBFO concept as a precursor or transition to user-paid toll roads, with the private sector
assuming the responsibility for building, operating and maintenance of roads or specified improvement schemes.
5.1.11 在公路局評估A1(M)高速公路項目時 ,公營機構比較數據的 計 算 所 得 [...]
的 結果是 2億 400萬 英 鎊 (29億港元),而道路管理服 務 (彼 得 伯 勒 ) 有限公司 的 " 設計、建造、融資及營運" 合約投 標 價
, 預 期的成本 約為1億 540萬 英 鎊 (22億港元)。
5.1.11 During the Highways Agency's assessment [...]
of the A1(M) project, the public sector comparator was calculated to be £204
million (HK$2.9 billion), while the DBFO contract bid by RMS was expected to cost around £154 million (HK$2.2 billion).
公路局 使用淨 現值來評估興建及經營A1(M)高速公路 的 投 標 價。
When the Highways Agency of the UK [...]
assessed the bids for developing and operating the A1(M), it used the net present value measure.
在合 約期屆滿後, 後 者 須將狀 況 良 好 的道路交公路局 。
RMS is required to return the road in good
[...] condition to the Highways Agency at the [...]
end of the contract period.
每 年所 支 付的收費額 設有上限,這意味 著 當交通流 量
[...] 增 長至為最高級別設定 的水平時公 路 局 不 會 就 超 出該水平的交通流 量 支 [...]
付 任何費用。
The total annual toll payment is capped, which means that when the traffic
volume has grown to the level set for
[...] the top band, the Highways Agency does not [...]
pay any tolls for the traffic above that level.
7.10.5 至於A1(M)高公路,若 公路局要求對合約條款作出的更 改,導 致私人財團的成本或有關道路的交通流 [...]
量有所改變,便會根 據 商定的機制調整影子收費或提供補 償。
7.10.5 For the A1(M), where a change in the contract
[...] terms required by the Highways Agency alters the private [...]
consortium's costs or the traffic
flow on the project road, the shadow tolls are revised or compensation is provided in accordance with a specified mechanism.
7.6.4 英公路局亦為 A1(M)高速公路採用一套 達致公共目標的收 [...]
7.6.4 The Highways Agency of the UK [...]
has also adopted a toll policy for achieving public objectives for the A1(M).
5.2.1 公路局 主 要 根 據 道路的使用率向A1(M)高速公路經營商支 [...]
付 影子收費,另加為 加強安全而 支 付的獎 賞,以 及 就 關 閉行車 線 徵 收費 用。
5.2.1 The Highways Agency pays shadow [...]
tolls to the operator of the A1(M), primarily according to the usage of the road,
plus bonus payments for safety enhancements and charges for lane closures.
公路局 主 要 以 根 據 道路使用率計算 的 "影子收費" 形式,向道路管理服 [...]
務 (彼 得 伯 勒 )有限公司 支 付 款 項,作 為報酬。
In return, RMS would receive
[...] payments from the Highways Agency in the [...]
form of a "shadow toll" calculated primarily based on road usage.
5.4.1 當 初 步 談判未能解決道路管理服 務
[...] (彼 得 伯 勒 )有限公司公 路 局 之 間 的爭議時 , 雙 方 各 [...]
派 一 名 高 級 人 員 舉 行會議,嘗試解決爭 議。
5.4.1 When initial negotiation fails to resolve a dispute
[...] between RMS and the Highways Agency, a senior [...]
official from either side will hold a meeting to try to resolve it.
5.4.2 鑒
[...] 於在30年的合約期內 環境可 能 有 變公 路 局 屬 意 保留 可更 改 "設計、建造、融資及營運"合約的技術或商業方面規定的權利,以 [...]
及可規定進行道路改善工作 (例如興建新繞 道 )的權利。
5.4.2 In view of possible changes in
the circumstances over the 30-year
[...] contract period, the Highways Agency would prefer [...]
to reserve the right to change the
technical or commercial requirements under the DBFO contract, and the right to require road improvements to be made, for instance, building a new bypass.
若要減少城市空氣污染,自然是減少開車習慣,聯邦高 公路局 指 出 ,汽車駕駛比例每降低1%,改為步行、騎單車或大眾運輸,空氣中碳排放量就會減少2%至4%;許多城市也訂定法規,限制車輛怠速時間,紐約市駕駛若在學校四周,最多只能怠速一分鐘,逾時若不熄火,罰金最高350美元,也同時緊縮遊覽車、校車及垃圾車的怠速標準。
Cities have also implemented laws that limit vehicles from idling for even short times; in New York City, drivers can idle up to one minute if they’re adjacent to a school.
5.1.10 就 每 一項"設計、建造、融資及營運"模式的項目(包括阿爾科 貝里及 彼 得 伯 勒之間
[...] 的 A1(M)高速公路項目在內 ),公 路 局需運用公營 機構比較數據129 [...]
決定,建議的合約是否 較 傳統以公帑興建的道路130 更為物 有所值。
5.1.10 For each DBFO project, including the A1(M) between Alconbury and Peterborough project, the Highways Agency needs to decide whether the proposed contract offers value for money compared with conventional publicly-financed roads129 by the use of the public sector comparator.130 The public sector
comparator is calculated by costing what
[...] the public sector would have paid to procure [...]
the construction, operation and maintenance
of the project road over 30 years by traditional means.131 The Highways Agency also quantifies the value of the risks transferred and incorporates them into the public sector comparator.
您對高公路局業務 有任何的意見或建議,歡迎您使用「局長信箱」,我們在收到您的信件後,會立即將您的意見或建議交付權責單位妥慎處理,並於14天內回覆您的寶貴意見或建議。
On receiving your letter, we shall immediately pass on valuable information to the responsible business units for their careful handling, and reply to you within 14 days.
这起事件发生 在凌晨 5 时的高公路上,造成了混乱局面,政府 正 在 请 检 查官办公室 查 清 事实。
The events
[...] having occurred at 5 a.m. on a highway created a confusing situation [...]
and the Government is asking the Prosecutor’s
Office to establish the facts.
建議貨公司、鐵路局及其 吊牌供應業者來使用。
PEPA is the first
[...] choice for carriers, railway carriers and tag manufacturers.
同样也是在 1 月 3 日,以色 列住房部和以色列土地管局公布了 3 份新的招标, 以期在路撒冷修建 300 套定居住房单元。
Also on 3 January, the Israeli
[...] [...] Housing Ministry and the Israel Lands Administration had published three new tenders [...]
for the construction of 300 settlement housing units in Jerusalem.
亚历山大·洛梅亚(签名) 根据俄罗斯媒体 2011 年 10 月 18 日公布的信息,俄罗斯路局所属 的第一 货公司(F reight One)已重新开始从格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹出口货物,特别是惰性 [...]
材料(砂石料),用于建造 2014 年索契冬季奥林匹克运动会的基础设施。
(Signed ) AlexanderLomaia Ambassador Permanent Representative According to the information published in the
Russian mass media on 18
[...] October 2011, the company Freight One, owned by the Russian railways, has resumed the export [...]
of cargo, in particular
the export of inert materials (sand and gravel mixture), from Abkhazia, Georgia, with the aim of using it for the construction of infrastructure for the winter Olympic Games to be held in Sochi in 2014.
(c) 調整西九管理局與政府之間就建造及保養共用設
[...] 施及基礎設施的撥款責任 ⎯⎯ 政府負責建造及 保養運輸及共用設施(例如路、渠 務設施、消局、公眾碼 頭等及工務工程),因為這些設施都是 為配合整個西九文化區(包括住宅、商業和酒店發 [...]
展項目)而設;西九管理局負責建造及保養公眾休 憩用地、穿梭列車系統和停車場,因這些設施與
(c) adjusting the funding responsibility between WKCDA and the Government in the communal and infrastructural facilities - the Government to build and maintain the
transport and
[...] communal facilities such as roads, drainage, fire station, public pier, [...]
etc. and engineering works which are designed to support the whole of the WKCD
area (including residential, commercial and hotel developments), and WKCDA to be responsible for the Open Space, Automated People Mover and Car Parks, which have a direct bearing on WKCD's operation.
自 2007 年 4 日 起 ,運輸及房局、 路政署和運輸署的代表曾出 席 多 個由中西區區議會議員和不同 政 黨 舉 辦 ,並由區內 居 民 參與公眾 論壇和會議。
As from April 2007, representatives of the Transport and Housing Bureau, Highways Department and Transport Department have attended a series of meetings and public forums organised [...]
by the C&WDC members
and various political parties with participation by the local community.




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