

单词 承按人

See also:

按人 n

capitation n

External sources (not reviewed)

即使以業權契據作抵押的衡平 法按揭仍然存在承按人的權 益及權利仍會受第13A(4)條的明文保障。
Even if equitable mortgages by way of deposit of title deeds exist, the interests and rights of the mortgagees will be expressly protected under the new section 13A(4).
(ii) 證券有時會被匯集及轉移承按人銀 行 或其代理人名下,或以香港中 央結算有限公司的名義,以電子方式由結算系統擁有。
(ii) Securities are sometimes pooled and transferred into
[...] the name of a mortgagee bank or its nominee, [...]
or held in electronic form in the
clearing system in the name of HKSCC Nominee Ltd.
因此,按人、承按人、受託人、信託 受益人、出租人和承租人,以及就有關財產擁有據法權產的人等,均會 包括在內。
This would, for example, include mortgagors, mortgagees, trustees, beneficiaries under a trust, lessors and lessees, and a person having a chose in action in respect of the property.
(2) 如租客代表、業主、已登承按 人或任何由業主或已登承按人就此 而以書面 妥為授權的人,以書面要求法團向他提供按照 第 10(4A)段核證的會議紀錄的副本,則秘書 在收取管理委員會釐定的合理的複印費後,須 將副本提供給該人。
(2) If the tenants' representative, an owner, a registered mortgagee or any person duly authorized in writing in that behalf by an owner or registered mortgagee requests [...]
in writing the corporation
to supply him with copies of any minutes certified in accordance with paragraph 10(4A), the secretary shall, on the payment of such reasonable copying charge as the management committee may determine, supply such copies to that person.
根據該條例第3(1)條,凡一名或多於一名人士 承按人以 外的身分,擁有某地段的不分割份數中不少於90%的不分割份數, [...]
該名或該等( 視屬何情況而定) 人士可向土地審裁處申請作出一項 為重新發展該地段而強制售賣該地段所有不分割份數的命令。
Under section 3(1) of the Ordinance, the
person or persons who owns or own,
[...] otherwise than as a mortgagee, not less than [...]
90% of the undivided shares in a land lot
may make an application to the Lands Tribunal for an order to sell all the undivided shares in the lot for the purposes of the redevelopment of the lot.
條例草案第 6 和 7 條關乎 因為聯絡不承 按 人 而無法 贖 回 按 揭 的 按 揭 人 如 何 解 除 物 業 的 產 權 負擔。
Clauses 6 and 7 of the Bill pertain the discharge of encumbrances where the mortgagee cannot be traced and the mortgagor therefore cannot redeem the mortgage.
政府當局對此項關注 作出回 應時,同意動 議一項委員會審 議 階段修 正 案,以修訂擬議第
305(1A)條,澄清目的聲 明 涵 蓋 董事和其他高級人員 以外而其資料須予備存 以 供 公 眾查閱的 人士,使目的聲 明
[...] 亦涵蓋 就為 有關公司行事承 按 人 、清盤 人 、 臨 時清盤 人 、 [...]
接 管 人 及 經理人等所 作出的查閱。
In response to this concern, the Administration agree to move a CSA to amend proposed section 305(1A) to clarify beyond doubt that the purpose statement covers persons other than directors and other officers whose data are kept for public
inspection, so that it will also cover searches
[...] in respect of mortgagees, liquidators, [...]
provisional liquidators, receivers and managers
who act in relation to a company.
如申請並非承按人或對 有關的押記享有權益的人提 出,而是由其他人提出,則處長可行使權力,要求申請須附帶文件,證明已 [...]
Where an application is made by a person
[...] other than the mortgagee or person entitled [...]
to the charge, the Registrar would exercise
this power and require the application to be accompanied by a document evidencing the release of the registered charge.
(b) 構成上述處所或土地的第一押記,而該項押記就該處所或土地賦予建築 事務監督的權力及補救,與根據普通形式的按揭契據有權出售、出租和 委任接人的承按人所享 有的權力及補救相同: (由 1961 年第 37 號第 5 條修訂) 但如該處所或土地的真誠購人或 承按人 , 在 證明書所指明的工程完成後,並 在證明書的註冊摘要註冊前,已以有值代價取得該將被押記的處所或土地的權 益,並予以註冊,則該項押記對該人無效,亦不會根據本款而使該人負上法律 責任。
(b) constitute a first charge on the said premises or land which shall give the Building Authority the same powers and
remedies in respect thereof
[...] as if he were a mortgagee under a mortgage by deed in common form having power of sale and lease and of appointing a receiver: (Amended 37 of 1961 s. 5) Provided that the charge shall be void and no liability shall accrue under this subsection against a bona fide purchaser or mortgagee of the premises [...]
or land for valuable
consideration who, subsequent to the completion of the works specified in the certificate and before the registration of the memorial thereof, has acquired and registered an interest in the premises or land to be charged.
我知悉法案委員會同時關注到,假 承按人 把 已 按揭的物業售予一名不 知情的第三者,但物業的按揭卻基於第 157I(2)條的原因而不能強制執行, 則第 157I 條能否及如何保障該名不知情第三者的權益。
I am aware that the Bills Committee is concerned about the question of whether and how section 157I protects the interests of an innocent third party to whom a mortgagee has sold a property that is subject to a mortgage which is unenforceable by reason of section 157I(2).
承按人知悉有關按揭不能強制執行 承按人 及 其 法律顧問不大可能會 向法院申請收樓令或售樓令,並甘冒欺騙法院的風險,隱瞞有關按揭不能強 制執行這一重要事實,因為在這情況下,法院根本不會發出收樓令或售樓 令。
Where the mortgagee is aware of the fact that the mortgage is unenforceable, it is very unlikely that the mortgagee and its legal [...]
adviser will go to
court and apply for an order for possession or order for sale and run the risk of concealing from the Court the crucial fact that the mortgage is unenforceable, in which case no order for possession or order for sale should have been granted.
為保 障 這 些 處 所 的 真 誠 業主、 買 家承 按 人的利益 , 我們亦建 議規定有 關 處 所 的 封閉 令 及檢控 和 判 罪 通 知 書,必 須 在 土 地 註冊處 登 記 , 以 及 准 許 有 關業主、 買 家承 按 人申請 暫 緩 執 行或撤銷封閉令。
To protect the interests of bona fide owners, purchasers and mortgagees of such premises, we also propose to provide for the registration at the Land Registry of closure orders and notices of the relevant charges and convictions concerning [...]
the premises, and to allow such parties
to apply for the closure orders to be suspended or rescinded.
在Hayes案 (1994)中 , 暫 委法官 述 明 “命令更正的權力 當 然屬酌情權,但 如 一 名分權 擁 有人偽造轉移, 則 一 般 來說( 受 第
[...] 82(3)條規限 )很大機會 能夠 成 功針對 受讓人及他們承按人作出 更正。
In Hayes Case (1994), the Deputy Judge stated that “the power to order rectification is, of course, a discretionary one but, where a co-owner has forged a transfer, there is
(subject to section 82(3)) usually an overwhelming case for rectification as against
[...] the transferee and their mortgagees”.
(b) 為 (a)段 的目的,確定該指明法 團、其董事或其他高級人員 或 前 董事(
[...] 如有的話 ) 的 詳情, 或承 按 人 、 臨 時清盤 人 、清盤 人 [...]
、 接 管 人或經理人的 詳情( 視 屬 何情 況而定)。
(d) in paragraph (b), by deleting "for the
purposes under" and substituting "or the
[...] particulars of that mortgagee, provisional liquidator, [...]
liquidator, receiver or manager,
as the case may be, for the purposes of".
擁有人” 指直接從政府取得的物業單位的持有人(不論是根據租約、特許或其
[...] 他形式持有),或物業單位的直接業主,或該等持有人或直接業主的 代理人,亦承按人或承押記人。
An “owner” means the holder of any tenement direct from the Government, whether under lease, licence or otherwise, or the
immediate landlord of any tenement, or the agent of any such holder or
[...] landlord, and also means a mortgagee or chargee.
回應香港個 人資料私隱專員公署 提出的意見, 當局會 提出委員會審議階段 修 正 案
[...] ,使該項有關 目 的的陳述涵蓋查閱 就 指 明法團行事承 按 人及清盤人 等 的資 料。
In response to the comments of Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, CSAs would be introduced so that
the purpose statement would cover searches
[...] in respect of mortgagees, liquidators etc. [...]
who acted in relation to a specified corporation.
葉劉淑儀議員: 主席,發展局在本年1月透過在憲報刊登《土地
[...] (為重新發展而強制售賣)(指明較低百分比)公告》,就3種指明地段類 別,指明自本年4月 1日起,凡一名或多於一名人士 承按人 以 外的身 份向土地審裁處申請作出一項為重新發展某地段而強制售賣該地段 [...]
MRS REGINA IP (in Chinese): President, by publication of the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice in the Gazette in January this year, the Development Bureau specified that with effect from 1 April this
year, in respect of three
[...] specified classes of land lot, where a person or persons make an application [...]
to the Lands Tribunal
for an order to sell all the undivided shares in a lot for the purpose of the redevelopment of the lot, the percentage of undivided shares in the lot that such person or persons shall own, otherwise than as a mortgagee, is reduced from the original not less than 90% to not less than 80%.
在 現 行 法例下,土 地 權 益 的 按 揭 人 在 聯絡不承 按 人 、 遺 失 按 揭 文件, 或 不知道償 還 按 揭 限期等情況下,便 無 法 償 還 數目雖 小 的 按 揭 金。
Under existing legislation, a mortgagor of an interest in land would be unable to repay even an insignificant amount of mortgage money if the mortgagee could not be found, the mortgage documents were missing, or the due date for the repayment of mortgage was not known.
所有額外行李、或超過上述免費限額之行李或物品,在承運人認 為安全的前提下,只能作為托運行李交予承 人 ; 而 乘客亦按 承運人隨時公佈之收費比率繳費。
Any additional items of Luggage, or any such items which are in excess of the said allowance, will only be accepted as Checked Luggage in the custody of the Carrier and subject to a charge for such 5 carriage at the applicable rate from time to time published by the Carrier and provided that the Carrier considers that it is safe to be carried as Checked Luggage.
履行或承诺履行运输合同规定的承运人义务的其他任何人,以 人按照 承运人的要 求,或在承运人的监督或控制下直接或间接作为为限。
( d ) Any other person that performs or undertakes to perform any of the carrier’s obligations under the contract of carriage, to the extent that the person acts, either directly or indirectly, at the carrier’s request or under the carrier’s supervision or control.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非人后 裔 在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不 承 认 ;没 有 按 种 族 或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
於 最 後 實 際 可 行 日 期 , 除 根 據 購 股 權 計 劃 已 授 出 (i) 賦承 授 人 權 利 按 行 使 價 每 股 0.100 港 元 認 購 合 共 7,519,288 股股份之購 股 權 ; (ii) 賦承 授 人 權 利 按 行 使 價 每 股 0.177 港 元 認 購 合 共 914,508 股股份之購 股 權 ; 及 (iii) 賦承 授 人 權 利 按 行 使 價 每 股 0.182 港 元 認 購 合 共 4,552,823 股股份之購 股 權 於 本 函 件 日 期 尚 未 行 使 外 , 貴 公 司 並 無 其 他 未 行 使 購 股 權 、 認 股 權 證 或 附 帶 權 利 認 購 、 轉 換 或 交 [...]
換 為 股 份之可 轉 換 或 可 交 換 證 券 。
As at the Latest Practicable Date, other than (i)
the Share Options
[...] entitling the grantees to subscribe for an aggregate of 7,519,288 Shares with at an exercise price of HK$0.100 per Share; (ii) the Share Options entitling the grantees to subscribe for an aggregate of 914,508 Shares with an exercise price of HK$0.177 per Share; and (iii) the Share Options entitling the grantees to subscribe for an aggregate [...]
of 4,552,823 Shares
with at an exercise price of HK$0.182 per Share granted under the Share Option Scheme which remains outstanding as at the date hereof, the Company has no other outstanding options, warrants or convertible or exchangeable securities carrying rights to subscribe for, convert or exchange into, Shares.
(b)在該條例第 165 條之限制下,倘若任何董事或其他人士須 人承 擔 主要由本 公司結欠之任何款項,董事可透過彌償保證方式簽立或促成簽立任何有關或影響本 公司全部或任何部分資產按揭、 押記或抵押,以確保因上文所述事宜而須負責之 董事或人士毋須就該等責任蒙受損失。
Subject to Section 165 of the Ordinance, if any Director or other person shall become personally liable for the payment of any sum primarily due from the Company, the Directors may execute or cause to be executed any mortgage, charge, or security over or affecting the whole or any part of the assets of the Company by way of indemnity to secure the Director or person so becoming liable as aforesaid from any loss in respect of such liability.
这些讲习班涵盖了下列专题:诸如土耳其国内法的人权条 款、高级行政人员和执法人员依据土耳其作为国际公约的缔约国以 按 国 内 立法承担的人权方 面义务和责任;联合国禁止酷刑委员会和欧洲禁止酷刑委员会的 权力、工作方法和程序。
These seminars cover topics such as human rights provisions in Turkish domestic law; the duties and responsibilities of senior administrators and law enforcement officers with regard to human rights under the international conventions to which Turkey is party as well as under domestic legislation; the powers, working methods and procedures of the UN Committee against Torture and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture.
这种保护应基于各按照本 宣 言中所阐述的各项原则通过的伦理和法律标准,并符合以下准则: 没有其他具有相当效果的方法;有可能直接受益;经过伦理审查; 向当事人尽可能说明情况; 向相关的法定代理人和/或具有正式授 权的机构提供情况;征得法定代理人和/或根据国内法授权的机构的 同意;当事人不反对;如果研究没有可能发生使当事人直接受益, 则须有可能有利于其他年龄相同或患有同一种疾病的人,但须使当人承受最低程度的风险和负担。
Such protection shall be based on ethical and legal standards adopted by States, consistent with the principles set out in this Declaration fulfilling the following criteria: no alternative of comparable effectiveness, potential of direct benefit, ethical review, information of the person concerned as far as possible and complete information of the respective legal representatives or duly authorized body, consent by legal representative and/or by authorized body provided for by domestic law, no objection by the person concerned; in case of research with no potential direct benefit to the person concerned additional conditions of potential benefit to other persons in the same age category or afflicted with the same disease and minimal risk and minimal burden for the person concerned.
[...] [...] 料,在印製廣告中列出樓盤公開認購及優先認購的剩餘單位數 目,向公眾披露項目發展商、其母公司或控股公司、認 人 士、承建商、律師承按銀行 的名稱,在廣告及銷售說明書中向 公眾披露發展商與認可人士、律師及上蓋工程承建商之間有否個 [...]
These include making available sales brochures to the public, disclosing in sales brochures the property information as required, specifying in printed advertisements the net number of units exclusively available for public sales and private sales, disclosing to the public the names of the developer, its parent or holding company, the
Authorized Person, main
[...] superstructure contractor, solicitor firms and mortgagee bank, disclosing to [...]
the public in advertisements
and sales brochures any personal and financial relationships between the developer and Authorized Person, solicitor and superstructure contractor, and so on.
除非法律另有規定,本公司承認任 何 人 士 按 任 何信託持有任何股份,且本公 司概不受任何約束或在任何方面被要求承認(即使已獲相關通知)任何股份或任何股份的零碎 [...]
部 分的任何衡平、或有、未來或部分權益;或(僅限本細則或法律另有規定者外)任何股份的任
Except as
[...] required by law, no person shall be recognised by [...]
the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company
shall not be bound by or required in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any fractional part of a share or (except only as otherwise provided by these Articles or by law) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety thereof in the registered holder.
(e) 註銷於有關決議案通過當日尚未被任 人承 購 或 同意承購的任何股份,並按如此 被註銷股份的款額削減股本的款額,而倘屬無面值的股份,則削 減其股本分拆股份的股份數目。
(e) cancel any shares which, at the date of the passing of the resolution, have not been taken, or agreed to be taken, by any person, and diminish the amount of its capital by the amount of the shares so cancelled or, in the case of shares, without par value, diminish the number of shares into which its capital is divided.
他重申在酷刑案件中,举证责任并非由被 承 担,按照《 有效调查和记录酷刑和其他残忍、人 道或有辱人格待 遇或处罚的手册》(《伊斯坦布尔议 定书》,法官有权采取必要步骤,以查明酷刑指控中 的事实。
Reiterating that the burden of proof was not placed on the accused in cases of torture, he said that, in accordance with [...]
the Manual on Effective Investigation and
Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul Protocol), judges were authorized to take any steps necessary to ascertain the facts in allegations of torture.
由于顾问建筑师的任务特殊,而且工程计划 预先限定不足,所以教科文组织决定根据完成的工程量按比例支付报酬,主要包括 固定酬金、任选酬金和最后提到的临时雇用酬金(该部分酬金最终的数额与工程总 量间接地紧密联系在一起):为了能像公共工程合同的惯用做法一 按承 包 量给其 顾问建筑师支付酬金,教科文组织应该将其工程计划做的足够详细和明确,以便候人递交一些更省钱、更可靠的投标书,但教科文组织未能这样做。
For the particular case of the mission of consultant architect, the inadequate prior definition of the programme led UNESCO to calculate remuneration as a percentage of the works carried out, most of it in firm and optional phases, and even, in the final analysis, remuneration by unit of time, the final volume of which would indirectly be closely linked to that of the works: in order to be able to remunerate its consultant on a flat-rate basis, as is usual practice in public works contracts, UNESCO would have had to define the detailed programme for the operations with sufficient precision to enable the candidates to submit bids that were economically advantageous and credible, but the Organization was unable to do so.




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