

单词 阶层

阶层 noun, plural ()

all segments pl

阶层 ()

social class


低下阶层 n

lower class n

下阶层 n

lower class n


salaried class

See also:


stairs pl

rank or step

External sources (not reviewed)

为促进所有家庭,包括边阶层家庭 的有效整合,政府采取了上文提到过 的很多项目和行动(参看第 194 段)。
In order to promote the actual integration of all families, including those of marginal groups, the Government has developed many projects and actions referred to above (cf. paragraph 194).
[...] 然是重要的措施,有助于提高全世界对于作为基本人权的言论自由的认识,有助于倡导应用 和尊重适用于社会阶层的法律、道德和专业标准。
This, as well as the award of World Press Freedom Prize, continues to serve as an important step in raising awareness globally to freedom of expression as a basic human right, and in advocating for the
application and respect of international legal, ethical and professional standards
[...] that implicate all levels of society.
它也是促进社会包容的一种手段,是治理贫困的努力不可或缺的组成部分, 更何况它能确保公共政策是可持续的,是旨在满足社会最贫困 阶层 所 表 达的需 求的。
It is also a means of promoting social inclusion and an essential component of efforts to combat poverty, not least by ensuring that public policies are sustainable and designed to meet the expressed needs of the poorest segments of society.
[...] 老挝人民革命青年联盟、老挝妇女联盟、退伍军人联合会等群众组织及其他社会 和专业组织也在境内开展活动,以团结和动员老挝各族和 阶层 人 民 投身于保卫 国家和建设国家的事业以及保护各组织成员的权利和正当利益。
In addition to the organs of state powers, the Lao Front for National Construction, mass organizations such as the Lao Federation of Trade Unions, the Lao People's Revolutionary Youth Union, the Lao Women's Union, the Federation of Military Veterans, and other social and professional organizations operate in the country with a view to uniting and mobilizing the Lao
multi-ethnic people of
[...] all social strata in carrying out the tasks of protection and development of the country, [...]
to protecting the
rights and legitimate interests of the respective organizations’ members.
(a) 在各种族、民族和阶层人民 之间建立和促进更好的了解和更为友好的 关系;促进在世界各国实现普遍持久和平的愿望;促进世界裁军、核裁军和削减 各国武器库存的运动;支持努力制定促进和平关系的经济激励手段;促进采取集 体做法,解决冲突和安全问题;鼓励提交国际争端,以由联合国或其他多国机构 采用谈判、仲裁和司法方式加以解决以解决争议
(a) To create and promote a better understanding and a more friendly relationship between races, nations and classes of people; to foster a desire for universal perpetual peace on the part of the nations of the world; to promote the movement for world disarmament, nuclear disarmament and a reduction in the stockpiling of weapons by all countries; to support efforts to create economic incentives for peaceful relations; to promote collective approaches to conflict and security problems; to encourage the submission of international disputes to negotiation, arbitration and judicial settlement by the United Nations or other multinational institutions for the settlement of controversies
呼吁各国注意,全球经济和金融危机并不减少国家当局和国际社 会实现人权的责任,因此呼吁它们特别协助这一方面最脆弱的群 体,有鉴于此,敦促国际社会支持各国努力建立和保持社会安全 网,以保护其国内最脆弱的社阶层。
Calls upon States to note that the global economic and financial crisis do not diminish the responsibility of national authorities and the international community in the realization of human rights and calls upon them to assist, in particular, the most vulnerable in this regard, and in this context urges the international community to support national efforts to, inter alia, establish and preserve social safety nets for the protection of the most vulnerable segments of their societies.
(c) 在各级政府采取措施,确保所阶层 的 公 众了解暴力侵犯儿童和妇女 行为的害处以及禁止这种行为的规定。
(c) Take measures at all levels of the government to ensure public awareness of the prohibition and harm of violence against children and women in all sectors.
为了使后面的选举更有公信力,委员会已采取 一系列措施,包括与其各合作伙伴加强协商,起草 顾及到技术要求和业务要求的时间表;与政府及所 有伙伴一起为给业务需要导致的新支出划拨资金而
[...] 程中的其他伙伴等利益攸关方加强协商;稳定选民 登记册并通过计入被省略的人而使之更加可靠;就 选民登记册问题与政阶层重启对话;以及强化选 举工作人员的招聘及培训标准,其中尤其包括在投 票站和地方中心负责汇总选举结果的那些人。
To give greater credibility to the next elections, the Commission has adopted a series of measures, including intensifying consultations with its various partners; drafting timetables that take into account the technical and operational demands; conducting advocacy with the State and all partners for the reallocation of revenues to new expenditures dictated by operational needs; defining a vision and intensifying its consultations with stakeholders, such as media, political parties and other partners in the process; stabilizing the electoral register and making it more reliable
by including those who have
[...] been omitted; reopening dialogue with the political class on the subject of [...]
the electoral register;
and strengthening the criteria for recruiting and training electoral agents, and more specifically those working in polling stations and in local centres for the compilation of results.
(c) 通过和实施一项全面的战略,解决所有形式的歧视,包括针对所有弱 势儿童群体的多种歧视形式,与广大的利益攸关者进行协调,并邀请所有 阶层 参与 实施这一项战略,以推动社会与文化的改革,创造一个增进儿童间平等的有 益环境。
(c) To adopt and implement a comprehensive strategy addressing all forms of discrimination, including multiple forms of discrimination against all groups of children in vulnerable situations, and implement it in coordination with a wide range of stakeholders and involving all sectors of society so as to facilitate social and cultural change and the creation of an enabling environment that is supportive of equality among children.
[...] 数专利申请人来自国外,因此可以采用 阶层 收 费 制度获取一笔不小的收入。
But because the overwhelming majority of
patent applications in most developing countries are from abroad, a comparable income may
[...] be generated with a tiered system.
17.34 本次级方案将把重点放在以下工作领域:(a) 以财政上可持续的机制和
综合团结框架为基础实施社会保护制度;(b) 高效使用公共资源,以实施基础广
[...] 泛的政策,重点是使达到工作年龄的家庭成员具有就业能力;(c) 建设社会体制, 包括在社会部门中利用信通技术,指导公私部门努力切断贫穷的代内和代间传 播;(d) 推广新办法,制订综合方案,以支持穷人和中等收 阶层 等 所 有社会团 体的社会进步;(e) 调节参与社会保护网络的主要机制,即国家、市场和家庭之 间的相互作用,以形成社会契约。
17.34 The subprogramme will place emphasis on the following areas of work: (a) the implementation of social protection systems based on financially sustainable mechanisms and integral solidarity frameworks; (b) the efficient use of public resources to implement broad-based policies with emphasis on the employability of family members of working age; (c) social institution-building to guide public and private efforts to cut off the intra- and intergenerational transmission of poverty including the use of ICTs in social sectors; (d) the
promotion of new
[...] approaches and development of comprehensive programmes to support social progress for all societal groups, including the poor and middle-income strata; and (e) the [...]
regulation of interactions
between the main institutions involved in the social protection networks for achieving a social covenant, namely the State, the market and families.
除 非世界上大多数人口能够获得全球化带来的裨益(目 前只有少数特阶层从中 受益),过上有尊严的生活 仍将只是一个梦想。
Unless the majority of the world’s population was able to reap the benefits of globalization — as only a privileged few were currently doing — the freedom to live in dignity would remain a dream.
同时,拟订社会保护制度还必须注意,这些制度不可忽视那些没有计入国家劳动 力统计数字的社阶层—— 有时是男子,但更常见的是妇女,这些群体从事不为 人所见的非正规劳动,往往未被列入社会保护计划。
At the same time, care also needs to be taken in designing them so that they do not neglect segments of society that are uncounted in national labour force statistics — sometimes men, but more often women, occupied in informal work that is invisible and not always included in social protection schemes.
香港公共图书馆一直以来均遵守“联 合国教科文组织公共图书馆宣言”的各项原则采购图书馆数据,为读者提供一个 均衡及多元化的馆藏,以配合不同年龄及 阶层 人 士 对信息、研究、自学及善用 余暇方面的需要。
The Hong Kong Public Libraries have been following the principles laid down in the UNESCO Public Library Manifesto in acquiring library materials for the provision of a balanced and diversified library collection to meet the needs of people of different ages and sectors for information, research, self-learning and leisure reading.
小组欢迎所有利益攸关者和整个政 阶层 承 诺 尊重总统选举日期,并遵守瓦 加杜古联合声明要点 8,据此,临时国家元首、民主与发展全国委员会成员、总 理、过渡政府成员、全国过渡委员会主席和成员以及国防和安全部队现役成员都 [...]
The Group welcomed the commitment shown by all stakeholders and the entire political class to respect the [...]
date of the presidential
election and to abide by Point 8 of the Ouagadougou Joint Declaration, in accordance with which the Interim Head of State, the members of the National Council for Democracy and Development (CNDD), the Prime Minister, the members of the Transitional Government, the President and members of the National Transitional Council, as well as members of the defence and security forces in active service, would not be candidates in the presidential election.
委员会请缔约国在下次 定期报告中列入关于人口组成的分类更新统计数据,并提醒它说这种资料是必须 的,因为这是为受到种族歧视的各人 阶层 制 定 适当的公共政策和方案的基础, 也是评价对组成社会的各群体实施《公约》的情况的基础。
The Committee requests the State party to include disaggregated, up-to-date statistics in its next periodic report on the composition of the population and reminds it that such information is
needed as a basis for
[...] the development of suitable public policies and programmes for sectors of the population subject to racial discrimination [...]
and for
the evaluation of the application of the Convention in respect of the different groups that make up society.
女性和男性享有相同的政治权利,特别是选举权和被选举权、出任公职和 担任阶层职务的权利。
Women have the same political rights as men,
in particular, the right to vote and to be elected, to hold any public office and to
[...] perform any function at all levels.
社会阶层越来 越认识到,地理空间信息的 有效利用有助于解决世界在人道主义、和平与安全,环境和发展方面面临的许多 挑战,如气候变化、自然灾害、大流行病、饥荒、人口流离失所以及粮食和经济 危机,这些问题跨越国界,需要采取全球、区域和国家政策加以解决。
Across all sectors of society, it is increasingly recognized that the effective use of geospatial information helps in addressing many of the humanitarian, peace and security, environmental and development challenges facing the world, such as climate change, natural disasters, pandemics, famines, population displacement and food and economic crises, which are of a cross-border nature requiring global, regional and national policy responses.
我们请社会阶层的人 民发挥他们的创造力,利用他们的技能和资源,为真正的 发展营造必要的环境。
We invite persons at all levels of society to use their creativity, skills and resources to create the necessary environment for authentic development.
在此方面,执行秘书促请本区域 各级领导人和伙伴携手合作,支持这两个交通运输网络的发展,使之能够 增强社会阶层的权 能,并帮助民众将未来掌握在自己手中。
In that context, the Secretary-General urged the region’s leaders and partners at all levels to work together in support of the two networks which could empower all segments of society and help people take the future into their own hands.
罗恩震惊发现前面的巴金先生的整 阶层 , 他 的法师从来没有签上了自己的酒吧mitzvah证书。
Ron is shocked to discover in front of Mr. Barkin's entire class that his rabbi never signed his bar mitzvah certificate.
乌自民党是代 表和维护业阶层、小 商业代表、大小农场、工业和管理领域的高级专家以及实 业界人士的利益的一个全国性政治组织。
It is a nationwide political organization expressing and defending the interests of property-owners, small-scale entrepreneurs, owners of farms and dekhans (small family farms), highly skilled manufacturing workers, managerial personnel and businesspeople.
疟疾在非洲已造成严重的经济影响,使经济增长和发展减慢,造成贫 阶层 的 恶 性循环。
Malaria has serious economic impacts in Africa, slowing economic growth and development and perpetuating the vicious cycle of poverty.
为加强社会和谐和社会阶层的结 构,关注更广泛的划分问题至关重要, 他希望将来能够采取更加整体的方法解决此等事 宜。
It was important to focus on the broader issue of segmentation in order to reinforce the social harmony and fabric of societies, and he hoped that a more holistic approach in addressing such matters could be adopted in the future.
但是,它 也建议若干改进办法,包括建立和维持专家机构的网络,使方案管 阶层 可 以 利 用现有的专门知识,并促进南北和南南合作。
But it also suggests a number of improvements, including building and maintaining a network of expert institutions to allow programme management to draw on available expertise and promote North-South and South-South cooperation.
第二个支柱是通向和平政治解决危机的路线图, 具体做法是:举行包括各方、各派别、各政治力量以 及叙利亚社会阶层的全国对话,以实现叙利亚人民 对真正民主生活的渴望。
The second pillar is a road map leading to a peaceful political settlement of the crisis through a national dialogue that includes all parties, all sects, all political currents and all segments of Syrian society in order to realize the aspirations of the Syrian people for a life of true democracy.
而 社会最贫阶层,尤 其是在快速增长的城市地区的最贫 阶层 , 经济状况进一步 恶化,因为中部非洲的一些主要城市是世界上生活费用最为昂贵的城市。
The economic difficulties experienced by the poorest sectors of society, especially in rapidly [...]
growing urban areas, are
exacerbated by the fact that some major cities in Central Africa are among the most expensive in the world in which to live.
另外,对国家和民族的任何诽谤,对侵略战 争、民族、种族阶层或宗 教仇恨的任何鼓动,对歧视、领土分裂或公共暴力的 [...]
Also, any defamation of the country and the nation, any
instigation to a war of aggression, to
[...] national, racial, class or religious hatred, [...]
any incitement to discrimination, territorial
separatism, or public violence, as well as any obscene conduct contrary to morality shall be prohibited by law.




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