

单词 阵亡者

See also:


die in battle

classifier for gusts or bursts; for events of short duration such as lightning, storms, wind
short period of time
disposition of troops


the deceased


death n
casualties pl

External sources (not reviewed)

他还呼吁双方交阵 亡者的尸体。
He further called for the two sides to
[...] exchange the bodies of those killed.
因此,军车被归还并清除;双方交换 阵亡者 的 尸 体;卡车运送食物 进入该市;在观察团在场的情况下,三名被拘留者和两名妇女获释回家,从而平 息了市内的局势。
As a result, the military vehicles were
returned and removed; the
[...] bodies of those killed were exchanged; trucks entered the city with food; and three detainees and [...]
two women were released
and returned to their families in the presence of the Mission, thereby calming the situation inside the city.
格鲁吉亚当局直接授意实施这一可耻行径的事实 使国家杜马特别关切和担心,所有文明世界、所有缅怀那些因同纳粹主义作战阵亡者的人也同样特别关切和担心。
The deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation are appalled by the wanton destruction of the Great Patriotic War memorial, an act of vandalism that has been committed in Georgia. What is particularly disturbing and alarming to the State Duma, the entire civilized world and all those who cherish in their hearts the memory of those who fell in the struggle against Nazism is the fact that this shameful act was committed on the direct orders of the Georgian authorities.
各族人民将永远纪念伟大胜利节,这一天是在前 线 阵亡者 、 被 法西斯俘虏而 遭酷刑或被处决者以及后方受害者表现出的无限英雄主义和经历的深切悲痛的 象征。
Victory Day will remain
[...] forever in the memories of our peoples as a symbol of that immense achievement and of our deepest sorrow for those who died at the front, [...]
those who were tortured
to death or executed as prisoners of the fascists and those who perished on the home front during the war.
(c) 考虑切实可行的方式处理改组国家安全部队的问题,包括确定一个遣散 计划,以满足退武人员以及受伤 阵亡 人 员 的需求。
(c) To consider practical modalities in addressing the issues of restructuring the NSF,
including establishing a severance scheme to cater for the needs of retirees,
[...] those wounded or killed in action, among others.
容量选项允许用户把空余的容量创建其它磁阵 列或者设置成备用盘。
The Capacity option allows you to set aside disk space that can
be used to create another array, set as a spare
[...] disk, or partitioned to act as a single disk (by the operating [...]
阿根廷政府谴责 1982 年冲突阵亡阿根 廷士兵纪念碑遭到亵渎,并敦促联 合王国政府查明发生的事件,通过公正的调查,查出并处罚破坏纪念碑神圣性的 严重亵渎行为的肇者。
The Argentine Government condemns the desecration of
the monument to the
[...] memory of the Argentine soldiers who fell during the 1982 conflict and demands immediate clarification of the events from the Government of the United Kingdom, through an impartial investigation identifying and punishing those responsible for this serious offence which violates the sanctity of the site.
(e) 1 月 20
[...] 日,阿富汗国民军士兵对卡皮萨省东部指挥区的一个法国作战指 导和联络小组的士兵开火,造成 4 名安援部队士阵亡,14 名士兵在战斗中受伤 (伤亡者均为法国人)。
(e) On 20 January, soldiers from a French operational mentoring and liaison team in Regional Command East, Kapisa Province, were engaged by an
Afghan National Army soldier, resulting in 4
[...] ISAF soldiers killed in action and 14 wounded in action (all casualties French).
我相信今日發言的所有議員,沒有㆟反 對必須保障亡者的說法。
I believe that Members who have risen or will rise to speak on this motion today have not objected to the argument
[...] that one must protect the victims.
一 般法律事务司与法律顾问办公室一道,协助维护本组织在税收、进口与出口方面 的特权与豁免以及适用于本组织涉及维持和平行动的资产和人员豁免方面的特
[...] 人员条例和细则、财务条例和细则以及相关政策和做法,包括相关的银行业务、 资产保管和金库业务政策和做法的解释和适用提供援助;提供法律援助,解决维 持和平行动中产生的复杂的索偿要求、仲裁和其他诉讼,包括承 者 的 商业索偿 以及第三方关于财产损坏或损失和人身伤害或 亡 的 索 赔。
In conjunction with the Office of the Legal Counsel, the Division assists in maintaining the privileges and immunities of the Organization with respect to the Organization’s tax and import and export exemptions and in connection with the immunities applicable to the Organization’s assets and personnel involved in United Nations peacekeeping operations; provides assistance regarding the interpretation and application of the Organization’s administrative law in peacekeeping operations and the interpretation and application of the Staff Regulations and Rules, the Financial Regulations and Rules and relevant policies and practices, including those relating to banking, asset custody and treasury operations; affords legal support for the resolution of complex claims, arbitrations and other litigation arising in
peacekeeping operations,
[...] including commercial claims by contractors and claims by third parties for property damage or loss and personal injury or death.
实际上, 2010 年对安援部队而言是迄今为止这场战争中最糟 糕的一年,有 530 多人死亡,包括新西兰的首阵亡。
Indeed, for ISAF, 2010 has been the worst year of the war with,
[...] so far, more than 530 deaths, including New Zealand’s first combat fatality.
它强调,在该系统 运 行 中 发 现 有些青 年人的死亡被说成阵 亡 ,这 说明了政府在这方面的努力。
It highlighted that the case of the death of
[...] young people presented as persons who died in combat was [...]
discovered through the functioning
of this system, therefore showing the Government’s efforts in this regard.
奉我国政府指示,谨转递阿根廷共和国就位于马尔维纳斯群岛达尔文公墓的 1982 年冲突阵亡阿根 廷士兵纪念碑遭到亵渎一事,给大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合 王国的抗议信(见附件)。
On instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of the letter of protest which the Government of the Argentine Republic has submitted to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in response to the desecration of the monument to the Argentine soldiers who fell in the 1982 conflict, located at the Darwin cemetery, Malvinas Islands (see annex).
阿法尔阵绑架者当晚释放了 两名年长的德国人,原因是其中一人拒绝继续行走。
ARDUF captors released two elderly Germans that [...]
same night, when one of them refused to march on.
监察组又提议,对持有以厄立特里亚国政府、 阵 或 二 者 的 可 疑掩护实体 名义开设的账户的代理银行,银行的东道国政府也应为相同目的强制要求其披露 信息。
The Monitoring Group also
[...] proposes that correspondent banks holding accounts in the name of the Government of Eritrea, PFDJ, or suspected [...]
fronts for either of
these entities, also be subject to mandatory disclosure by their host Governments for the same purpose.
若然, 我
[...] 便 希望局長可以考慮成立一 個 諸 如 交 通 意外亡者 援 助 基 金 的 基 金 ,先行向受 害 人 作出一些賠償, [...]
然 後 待 他們向首 要責任人 追 討到賠償後 , 才 償 還給政 府 ?
If so, I hope that the Secretary will consider
setting up a fund like the
[...] Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Fund to give victims some compensation [...]
first and then they can
make repayment to the Government after they have recovered compensation from the precedent responsible persons?
在东方省和南北基伍,在 2 360 个举报侵害儿童的案例中,447 宗已查明属 安全部队和武装团体所为;有 38 个据称是刚果民主共和国武装力量犯下的案件, 30 个案件由国民警察经手,有 379 个案件是几个马伊马伊团体、解放卢旺达民主 力量、伊图里爱国抵抗阵线、民族主义与融合主 者阵 线 、 上帝抵抗军和身份不 明的制服人员一手犯下的。
In Oriental province and the Kivus, of 2,360 cases that were reported to have been committed against children, 447 have been attributed to security forces and armed groups, 38 cases were allegedly committed by FARDC, 30 by the National Police and 379 by several Mai-Mai groups, FDLR, FRPI, the Front nationaliste et intégrationnaliste (FNI), LRA and non-identified people in uniform.
最后,基因数据还有医疗之外的用途并已成为法医可以利用的宝贵手段, 例如用以鉴阵亡将士 的尸体,而对法院来讲,在民事诉讼方面其中可以用于作亲子鉴定, [...]
Lastly, they are also used for nonmedical purposes and have become valuable tools in forensic
medicine, for example to identify the bodies of
[...] soldiers who have died in action, and in [...]
the judicial system, particularly in civil
court proceedings, for example to identify a parent, or in criminal proceedings, for example to identify a criminal.
如果你想保留一部分磁盘空间做其他磁 阵 列 或 者 是 做 其他用处,使用键盘输入你想为这个 [...]
If you wish to reserve disk
[...] space for additional arrays/single disks, use [...]
the keyboard to input the amount of space (in
GB) you wish to set aside for this particular array, and press ENTER.
平民继续占在冲突中亡者的多数,并且往往成为冲 突各方各种暴力蓄意攻击的目标。
Civilians continue to account for
[...] the majority of casualties in conflicts and [...]
are often the deliberate targets of different
forms of violence by all parties to conflict.
2010 年 11 月 1 日至 2011 年 1 月 31 日期间,安援部队伤亡人数为 1 347 人, 其中 114 人阵亡,1 222 人负伤,11 人非战斗死亡。
From 1 November 2010 to 31 January 2011, ISAF
[...] suffered 1,347 casualties, including 114 killed in action, 1,222 wounded in action and 11 non-battle-related deaths.
在第一次世界大战期间,一些部门内的海岸一直战斗遗址;维米岭是加拿大最重要的纪 阵亡 士 兵
Some coasts within the department have been battle sites during WWI; Vimy Ridge is Canada's most important
[...] memorial to its fallen soldiers.
报告显示,2011 年 12 月 3 日至 9
[...] 日期间,卢民主力量另外 2 名高级指 挥官在战斗阵亡。
Reports indicate that, between 3 and 9 December 2011, two other senior FDLR
[...] commanders were killed in combat.
在海地,大会主席 M.A.奥莫勒瓦先生阁下应海地文化部长的邀请,于 2004 年 8 月 23 日代表教科文组织,在王子港参加了海地艺术家兼建筑师 Albert Mangonès 的作品《失踪的亡者》«Neg Mawon»纪念碑永不熄灭的火焰(加勒比各国自由和独立的象征)的点火仪 式。
The President of the General Conference, H.E. Ambassador Omolewa, at the invitation of the Haitian Minister for Culture, represented UNESCO on 23 August 2004, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, at the relighting of the eternal flame of the monument to “Neg Mawon”, the Unknown Maroon, the work of the Haitian artist and architect, Albert Mangonès (a symbol of freedom and independence throughout the Caribbean countries).
日本历届政府官员,包括其首相都继续 参拜供奉在战争中,尤其是在第二次世界大战期阵 亡士兵的靖国神社,无一例外。
Officials of successive Japanese Governments, including its Prime Ministers, continue, without exception, to
visit the Yasukuni Shrine, dedicated to
[...] soldiers who died in wartime, particularly those killed in the Second [...]
World War.
前往 3 个工作地点,进行重大伤亡准备计划测试和模拟活动(68 400 美 元);有关人员出差前往巴格达和阿尔及尔,会晤联合国驻地爆炸事件幸 存者并从事后续工作(45 800 美元),2
[...] 评估当地紧急医疗服务单位处理人员伤亡的方式,评估是否需要医疗后 送,协调后送,建立亡者初步名单以便后续行动,并担任总部在现场 的医疗事件协调员(127 [...]
200 美元),以及部署快速反应小组到紧急事件地 点(40 000 美元)。
The Advisory Committee was informed that the requirement was for the travel of two members of the United Nations emergency response medical team to three duty stations annually to conduct testing and simulation of the mass casualty preparedness plan ($68,400); travel to Baghdad and Algiers to meet and follow up with the survivors of the bombings on the United Nations compounds ($45,800); travel of two Medical Officers to the incident sites ($127,200) to assess the way in which local emergency medical services deal with casualties, to assess the need for medical evacuation, to
coordinate evacuations, to establish
[...] initial lists of victims and casualties for subsequent [...]
follow-up, and to act as an on-site
medical incident coordinator for Headquarters; and travel for deployment of rapid-response teams to the site of emergency incidents ($40,000).
[...] 首次评估了全球道路安全状况,并强调指出,易受伤害的道路使用者占所有道路 交通事故亡者的一 半,全世界已制订关于道路安全关键风险因素的全面立法的 [...]
Recognizing the World Health Organization publication entitled Global Status Report on Road Safety: Time for Action, which provides the first assessment of the road safety situation at the global
level and highlights the fact that half of
[...] all road traffic deaths are among vulnerable [...]
road users, as well as the relatively
low proportion of the countries in the world that have comprehensive legislation on ke y road safety risk factors




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