

单词 阵亡战士纪念日

See also:


memorial day
day of commemoration

External sources (not reviewed)

下周一阵亡将士纪念日,我们将纪 念我们阵亡将 士和被恐怖分子杀害的所有以色列 人。
And next Monday,
[...] Yom Ha’Zikaron, we will commemorate our soldiers who have fallen in war and all [...]
Israelis murdered by terrorism.
在第一次世界大战期间,一些部门内的海岸一 战 斗 遗 址;维米岭是加拿大最重要 纪念阵亡士 兵。
Some coasts within the department have been battle sites
[...] during WWI; Vimy Ridge is Canada's most important memorial to its fallen soldiers.
本法令的任何规定都不得解释为可妨碍适当安排、维护和保养为参与第二次 世界战并阵亡人士建造 的军人公墓,但用 纪念阵亡 人 士 的 墓 碑、纪念碑、纪 念柱、方尖碑和其他纪念性结构和设施不得含有复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 其帮凶的属性。
Nothing in the present Act shall be construed as an impediment to the proper arrangement, maintenance and upkeep of military
cemeteries for those who
[...] took part in and perished in the Second World War, provided that the headstones, monuments, columns, obelisks and other memorial structures [...]
and facilities commemorating
the fallen do not contain attributes of the rehabilitation of Nazism and the glorification of Nazi criminals and their accomplices.
阿根廷政府谴责 1982 年冲突阵亡阿根廷士兵纪念碑遭 到亵渎,并敦促联 合王国政府查明发生的事件,通过公正的调查,查出并处罚破坏纪念碑神圣性的 严重亵渎行为的肇事者。
The Argentine Government condemns the
[...] desecration of the monument to the memory of the Argentine soldiers who fell during [...]
the 1982 conflict and
demands immediate clarification of the events from the Government of the United Kingdom, through an impartial investigation identifying and punishing those responsible for this serious offence which violates the sanctity of the site.
(xi) 继续实施教科文组织跨部门哲战略 的 三大支柱,重点是促进各级哲 学教学与学习,确保通过哲学促进就当代的主要问题,尤其是不同文 明和文化间对话及增进和平文化问题进行辩论;与教科文组织全国委 员会、相关国际和地区非政府组织以及学术网络协调,推动举办国际 和国家“世界哲日”纪念活动 ,举办地区间哲学对话和各种国际网 络活动,重点尤其放在国际女哲学家网络上以及确认、保护、评鉴和 弘扬每个地区的哲学遗产。
(xi) pursue the implementation of the
three pillars of
[...] UNESCO’s Intersectoral Strategy on Philosophy, with emphasis on the promotion of philosophy teaching and learning at all levels, and the contribution of philosophy to debate on key contemporary issues relating in particular to the dialogue among civilizations and cultures and the promotion of a culture of peace; promote the international and national celebration of World Philosophy Day in coordination with UNESCO National Commissions, relevant international and regional NGOs, as well as academic networks, the interregional philosophical dialogues and the activities of [...]
international networks,
with particular emphasis on the International Network of Women Philosophers and on identification, preservation, appreciation and promotion of the philosophical heritage of each region.
(e) 1 月 20 日,阿 富汗国民军士兵对卡皮萨省东部指挥区的一个法国作战指 导和联络小组的士兵开火,造成 4 名安援部队士阵亡,14 名士兵在战斗中受伤 (伤亡者均为法国人)。
(e) On 20 January, soldiers from a French operational mentoring and liaison team in Regional Command East, Kapisa Province, were engaged by an Afghan National Army soldier, resulting in 4 ISAF soldiers killed in action and 14 wounded in action (all casualties French).
奉我国政府指示,谨转递阿根廷共和国就位于马尔维纳斯群岛达尔文公墓的 1982 年冲突阵亡阿根廷士兵纪念碑遭 到亵渎一事,给大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合 王国的抗议信(见附件)。
On instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of the letter of protest which the Government of the Argentine Republic has submitted to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland in response to the
[...] desecration of the monument to the Argentine soldiers who fell in the [...]
1982 conflict, located at the
Darwin cemetery, Malvinas Islands (see annex).
11 月 1-19 日: 瑞典为 2004 年国际年闭幕式举行了一系列活动,如:一次展览会、教 师研讨会、音乐会、放映电影《Sankofa》、关于奴隶制与欧洲当前的 种族主义的关系的公开讨论回、 纪念 奴 隶制受害者专门举行了一次 弥撒、关于“性别与奴隶制”的研讨会、专门为废除奴隶制 战士举 办了一场晚会,安排了圣歌和祈日 ( 斯德哥尔摩,瑞典
1-19 November: Sweden held a series of closing events for Year 2004: an exhibition, a seminar for
teachers, a concert, the
[...] showing of the film “Sankofa”, a public debate on the relationship between slavery and contemporary racism in Europe, a special memorial mass for the victims of slavery, a seminar on gender and slavery, a special evening dedicated to combatants in the fight to abolish slavery, a day of chanting and prayer [...]
(Stockholm, Sweden)
第六十六届会议的报告应处理如 下问题:美化纳粹主义;前纳粹党卫军成员举行会 议;以及第二次世界大战反法西 战士纪念 碑 被摧 毁和拆除事件。
The reports for the sixty-sixth session should address the glorification of Nazism, the holding of meetings of former Waffen SS members, and
the destruction and
[...] demolition of monuments erected in honour of those who fought against fascism during the Second World War.
委员会对一位成员,Alice Amsden 教授,于 3 月 14 日突然死亡感到悲伤, 谨以本报纪念他。
The Committee is saddened
[...] by the sudden death of one of its members, Professor Alice Amsden, on 14 March, and wishes to dedicate the present report to her memory.
值此世界纪念“缅怀大屠杀受难者国 纪念日” 之 际,我们要重申联合国所代表的理想,并呼吁各方 为恢复《宪章》所载的集体共存精神作出协调努力, 以使中东乃至全世界人民免战祸。
As the world
[...] commemorates International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, we wish to echo the ideals for which the United Nations stands and to call for a concerted effort to rekindle the spirit of collective existence, as enshrined in the Charter, in order to save the people of the Middle East — and indeed the whole world — from the scourge of war.
在海地,大会主席 M.A.奥莫勒瓦先生阁下应海地文化部长的邀请,于 2004 年 8 月 23 日代表 教科文组织,在王子港参加了海地艺术家兼建筑师 Albert Mangonès 的作品《失踪的亡者》«Neg Mawon»纪念碑永不熄灭的火焰(加勒比各国自由和独立的象征)的点火仪 式。
The President of the General Conference, H.E. Ambassador Omolewa, at the invitation
of the Haitian
[...] Minister for Culture, represented UNESCO on 23 August 2004, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, at the relighting of the eternal flame of the monument to “Neg Mawon”, the Unknown Maroon, the [...]
work of the Haitian
artist and architect, Albert Mangonès (a symbol of freedom and independence throughout the Caribbean countries).
我们深切缅怀阵亡将士、在 集中营和法西斯刑讯室中被折磨致死者以及死于 饥荒和苦难者。
We bow our heads at the memory of those who fell in battle, were tortured in concentration camps and Nazi torture chambers or perished from hunger and hardship.
2009 年 10 月 19 日至 29 日对联合抵阵线主席兼军事行动总协调员 Bahr Idriss Abu Garda 进行了确认指控的听讯,听讯期间检察官指控 Abu Garda 在 2007 年的袭击中控制了正义与平等运动,导致非洲联盟驻苏丹特派团(非苏特派 团)的 12 名士兵死亡,多人受伤。
The confirmation hearing for Bahr Idriss Abu Garda, the Chair and
[...] Coordinator of Military Operations of the United Resistance Front, was held from 19 to 29 October 2009, during which the prosecutors alleged that Abu Garda controlled the Justice and Equality Movement during the 2007 attacks, which resulted in the death of 12 African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS) soldiers and several injuries.
2011 年 10 月 31 日,索马里民团Ahlu Sunna wal-Jama’a的成员在索马里-埃 塞俄比亚边界索马里一侧截击欧阵和 阵战士 的 一 个合并团体。
On 31 October 2011, a combined group of ONLF and OLF fighters was intercepted on the Somali side of the Somalia-Ethiopia border by members of the Somali militia group, Ahlu Sunna wal-Jama’a. The ONLF/OLF group had recently deployed from Eritrea, entering Somalia via different routes before linking up in Gaalkacyo to make the cross-border journey.9 Another, larger group of ONLF fighters reportedly arrived [...]
in Somalia from Eritrea
at roughly the same time, disembarking at Mareero, near Boosaaso.
这与有关报告相符,即过去 一年,阿斯马拉与阵的关系日益紧 张,既因 战 略 问 题,也因为埃塞俄比亚政 府与欧阵一些领导人就对话前景进行试探性接触。
This would be consistent with reports that
the relationship between
[...] Asmara and ONLF has become increasingly strained in the past year, in part over questions of strategy and in part [...]
over exploratory contacts
between the Government of Ethiopia and some ONLF leaders about the prospects for dialogue.
如果关于 2011 年年底一支阵大股部队在 Boosaaso 附近登岸 的报道属实,则仍留在厄立特里亚 战士 可 能 很少。
If the reports of a large ONLF unit disembarking near Boosaaso in late 2011 are correct, then the number of fighters remaining in Eritrea [...]
could be very low.
日本历 届政府官员,包括其首相都继续 参拜供奉在战争中,尤其是在第二次世界 战 期 间阵 亡士兵的靖国神社,无一例外。
Officials of successive Japanese Governments, including its Prime Ministers, continue, without exception, to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, dedicated to soldiers who died in wartime, particularly those killed in the Second World War.
战受害者纪念日给我 们提供机会,悼念化学战的受害者,并重申禁止化学武器组织的承诺,消除化学武器的威胁,以促进和平、安全与多边主义各项目标。
This commemoration will provide an opportunity to pay tribute to the victims of [...]
chemical warfare, as well as to reaffirm
the commitment of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to the elimination of the threat of chemical weapons, thereby promoting the goals of peace, security, and multilateralism.
2010 年 11 月 1 日至 2011 年 1 月 31 日期间,安援部队伤亡人数为 1 347 人, 其中 114 人阵亡,1 222 人负伤,11 人战斗死亡。
From 1 November 2010 to 31
[...] January 2011, ISAF suffered 1,347 casualties, including 114 killed in action, 1,222 wounded in action and 11 non-battle-related deaths.
我们还遗憾地提请你注意 Raed Abu Hammad 的亡,2010 年 4 月 16 日在几 百名巴勒斯坦人走到西岸和加沙各地的村庄和城镇的街 纪念 巴 勒 斯坦囚日 之时,他却死于以色列监狱。
We also regret to bring to
[...] your attention the death of Raed Abu Hammad, who died on 16 April 2010 in an Israeli prison as hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets of villages and towns across the West Bank and Gaza to commemorate Palestinian Prisoners’ Day.
谴责破坏、销毁伟大卫战争士兵 纪念 碑 的 行为,认为这是在亵渎与敌人殊 死搏斗、保家卫国、使欧洲免遭法西斯奴役的勇士们的英雄事迹,是在试图抹去 人们对几十万在前线并肩作战、英勇捐躯者的怀念。
Condemn acts of vandalism against and the
[...] destruction of memorials to those who fought in the Great Patriotic War, considering these acts [...]
a demonstration of sacrilegious
disrespect for the heroic exploits of all those who, in mortal combat with the enemy, defended their native land and saved Europe from fascist enslavement, and an attempt to erase from memory the hundreds of thousands of people who laid down their lives selflessly fighting shoulder to shoulder on the front lines
您会看到许多城镇都举行澳新军日 游 行 和典礼,最后还将 纪念 馆 和 战 争 纪念 碑 前 献上花圈。
You’ll find many towns
[...] have an ANZAC Day parade and ceremony culminating in the laying of memorial wreaths at a monument or war memorial.
各族人民将永纪念伟大 胜利节,这一天是在前 线 阵亡 者 、 被法西斯俘虏而 遭酷刑或被处决者以及后方受害者表现出的无限英雄主义和经历的深切悲痛的 象征。
Victory Day will remain forever in the memories of our peoples as a symbol of that immense achievement
[...] and of our deepest sorrow for those who died at the front, those who were tortured [...] [...]
to death or executed as prisoners of the fascists and those who perished on the home front during the war.
最后,基因数据还有医疗之外的用途并已成为法医可以利用的宝贵手段, 例如用以鉴阵亡将士的尸 体,而对法院来讲,在民事诉讼方面其中可以用于作亲子鉴定, [...]
Lastly, they are also used for nonmedical purposes and have become valuable tools in forensic
medicine, for example to
[...] identify the bodies of soldiers who have died in action, and in [...]
the judicial system, particularly
in civil court proceedings, for example to identify a parent, or in criminal proceedings, for example to identify a criminal.
在 2009 年 7 月 11 日的战斗中 ,青年 党四枚迫击炮弹射入索马里宫内,导致非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团)三士兵死亡,另外八名受伤。
In the fighting on 11 July 2009, Al-Shabaab landed four mortars inside Villa Somalia that resulted in the deaths of three African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) soldiers and injuries [...]
to eight others.
在 7 月 5 日的访谈中,阿法尔阵人士也向 监察组确认,截至 2012 年 7 月,阿法尔联阵在阿萨布留有人员,并接受厄立特里亚政府的后勤支持,包 括弹药。
ARDUF sources also confirmed to the Monitoring Group, in interviews conducted on 5 July, that as at July 2012 ARDUF maintained representation in Assab and was receiving logistical support, including ammunition, from the Government of Eritrea.
2004 年 10 月 26 日,伦敦市政府在筹备联合王国 2007 年纪念活动,即纪念英语 国家 1807 年解放法二百周年的框架内,举办了主题为“2007 年:争取制订纪 念战略”的讨论会。
The symposium on the theme “2007: Towards a
Strategy for
[...] Remembrance”, organized by London City Hall, was held on 26 October 2004 as part of the preparations in the United Kingdom to commemorate 2007, the bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade in the British empire.
关切有人一再企图亵渎或毁坏为纪念第二次世界 战 期 间 抵抗纳粹主 义的士而树立的纪念碑及 非法挖掘或移走这些人士的骸骨,并敦促各国在这方 面全面遵守 1949 年日内瓦四公约第一附加议定书10 第 34 条等规定下的相关义 务;6.
Expresses concern at recurring attempts to
[...] desecrate or demolish monuments erected in remembrance of those who fought against Nazism during the Second World War, as well as to unlawfully exhume or remove the remains of such persons, [...]
and urges States in
this regard to fully comply with their relevant obligations, inter alia, under article 34 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949;10 6.
法国外长几乎类似,它纪念70,00 0名印 士 兵 谁 失去了他们的生活 战 斗 在 第一次世界 战 期 间 为英国军队 纪念 承 担 超过13,516英国和印度士兵在阿富 战 ​ ​ 争中丧生西北边疆的名字1919年。
Almost similar to its French
[...] counterpart, it commemorates the 70,000 Indian soldiers who lost their lives fighting for the British Army during the World War I. The memorial bears the names of more than 13,516 British and Indian soldiers killed in the Northwestern Frontier in the Afghan war of 1919.




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