

单词 心得安



have a clear conscience
have no qualms about sth.

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 论,要求当局加强检验,并确保输入本港的各类型饮品和食品均获发 入口证明,让有关食品在推出巿面後,巿民能得安心得安心使业界得以继续经营。
Recently, I have noticed that operators of Japanese restaurants in Hong Kong have jointly approached the authorities, requesting for enhanced inspection work, so as to
ensure that various kinds of drinks and food products which enter into
[...] Hong Kong will be issued withan import certificate.
然而, 大家使用时也得安心因为心里觉得政府可以让这些中成药在市面 上出售,便即是没有问题,他们便可以安心服用的。
However, they feel at ease when taking the medicines because they think since these pCms are permitted by the Government to be sold on the market, they must be safe.
第八,是辅助夹心阶层避开市场的垄断和剥削,以一个合理的价 格安居,在得安心,还可以储蓄。
Eighth, the sandwiched class can be spared from the
[...] monopoly and exploitation of the market.
如果质素有保证,发展又健全的话,学生 得安心 ,社会及雇主均会放心聘用这些学生。
If the quality can be assured and the
[...] development is sound, not only will studentshave peace of mind in [...]
enrolling on these programmes
but the community and employers will also have confidence in employing these graduates.
刘慧卿议员问题的译文:政府有否察觉,在大部分香港市民的观感㆗,㆗国政府 近年来在有关香港政制安排及其他问题的争议㆗所作的公开言论和反应,均显示其对香 港的最佳利益采取固执及专制的态度,令市民对香港前途的信心大受打击;以及政府曾 否为此向英国政府转达,英国政府现时实有急切必要向香港市民公开解释其如何能得 心安续按其原定意向将香港市民交付新的宗主国政权?
MISS EMILY LAU asked: Is the Government aware that the public reactions of the Chinese Government during the disputes over Hong Kong's political arrangements and other issues in recent years have been perceived by the majority of Hong Kong people as revealing an intransigent and autocratic attitude on the part of the Chinese Government towards Hong Kong's best interests, which has dealt a severe blow to public confidence in Hong Kong's future; and has the Government accordingly conveyed to the British Government that it is now both urgent and essential that the British Government publicly explain to the Hong Kong people how it can feel justified in continuing with its intention to hand them over to the new sovereign regime?
[...] 告诉我们,连一些权宜的方式,例如举行闭门会议,向熟悉和关心这些 问题的议员作出合理的简介,让大家得安心为这笔钱是应该花 的,然後议员在听了政府的解释後,相信并同意政府的拨款是正确的。
If the Government really thinks that as long as it has secured enough votes, there is no need to tell us the basic details, not even taking expedient measures, such as holding closed meetings to reasonably brief Members who are well-versed in and concerned about
these issues, so as to put
[...] their minds inpeace,knowing that this sumisworth spending, and after [...]
listening to the Government's
explanations, believing and agreeing that the funding allocation is correct, we will also base on …… we understand that there may really be such a need and not all the details can be made public.
[...] [...] 9001:2008及食品GMP认证;本公司为国内唯一原料药厂及制剂厂同时获得医药界最严格之美国食品药物检验局(FDA)认证通过,原料及制剂产品均可外销美国之药厂;同时针剂厂亦得日本厚生省认证之海外针剂制造厂殊荣;公司不惜以较高之生产成本,提供广大消费者得安心质产品。
We are also the only maker of API and formulas in Taiwan that has passed the stringent regulations specified by the U.S. FDA, with raw materials and finished products allowed to be
exported to the U.S. We also received the
[...] “Excellent Foreign Manufacturercertification [...]
from the “Ministry of Health, Labor,
and Welfare (Japan)" for our Injection Plant.
预计 2011/12 预算周期,在实现心安准方面,还将 步进展, 包括独立运作的 344 名警务人员构成的利比里亚国家警察应急部队、一个 1 000 人的警察支助股,在全国各地部署有装备的国家警务人员,以及建立警察基础设 [...]
Further progress is also expected during the 2011/12 budget cycle inmeetingcore security benchmarks,including [...]
an independently
operational Liberia National Police Emergency Response Unit with a strength of 344 police personnel, a 1,000member-strong Police Support Unit and the deployment of equipped national police personnel throughout the country, as well as the building of police infrastructure, the finalization and implementation of the national security strategy and architecture, and the continued training and mentoring of the troops and specialized units of the Armed Forces of Liberia, including the development of the coast guard.
根据对已和存在问题的总结和评价,可以确定,吉尔吉斯共和国 坚定地奉行民主改革方针,旨在根据每个社会成员的期望和能力确保实现稳定增 长、富足生活安心的条件。
On the basis of this summary and the assessmentof progress made, it can be concluded that the Kyrgyz Republic is holding a steady course towards implementing democratic transformation and ensuring conditions for stable growth, employment,prosperity and well-being, in keeping with the expectations and abilities of every member of society.
由国家臭氧机构提交 泊尔政府批准的制冷剂管理计划增订包括为增强国家的履约能力而提议的活动, 主要是加强边界控制,组织与中国和印度的对话,成立消耗臭氧层物质执行/信息 收缴的氟氯化碳进行管理以及修订相关的政府条例以便在尼泊尔逐步淘汰消耗臭氧层 物质。
This RMP Update, submitted by the National Ozone Unit and endorsed by the Government of Nepal, includes:
proposed activities to
[...] enhance the national capacity for compliance, mainly to strengthen bordercontrol,institutionalize the dialogue with China and India, establish the ODS enforcement/informationcenter,establish the management of the seized CFCs and amend government regulations related [...]
to the phase-out of ODS in Nepal.
(f) 监狱当局应对牢房和床铺的分配进行管控,尊重囚犯享受有尊严待遇 的权利,确保每一名囚犯都能有一个可 安心的地方、的食物、参 加娱乐活动,以及享受卫生服务等待遇,并且不得为此强迫犯人支付费用。
(f) Ensuring that the prison authorities are responsible for the assignment of cells and beds, so that
all inmates have a
[...] decent place to sleep, sufficient food, recreation, sanitary facilities and other amenities that safeguard the right to decent treatment, [...]
without having to pay for them.
业界其实不介意食品被检 测,因为最重要的是让市民得安心心。
Traders actually do not mind having
their food products tested because what matters most is that members of the
[...] public can eatthem happily withoutworries.
[...] 而我们亦容许自由经济、市场经济,由不同人士选择不同的投资模 式,但必须确保那些不是把房屋用作投资的人可以得安心才是 “置安心”计划。
The authorities must take into
account demographic structure,
[...] and thereshould bea free economy or a market economy where [...]
different people may choose different investment models.
As for the non-coresocial indicators, "public order" [...]
has the highest score of 7.40 marks, followed by "corruption-free
practices", "civilization", "efficiency", “social welfare sufficiency", "equality" and "fairness", with scores of 7.37, 7.16, 6.78, 6.22, 6.05 and 5.58 marks correspondingly.
虽然我们可以像默书般,在他一边发言时,我们一边默 写着,但正如涂议员刚才所说,我们当时是会有一些要求的,希望局长会在 此讲稿中回应,如果能够这样做的话,我们也支得安心
Although we can write down what he said like doing dictation, just as Mr James TO said earlier, we made some requests at that time and werelooking forward to hearing some responses from the Secretary in his speech.
这既可改善长者 的居住环境,又能善用现有的资源,缩短长者的轮候时间,真正让长者得 安心
In view of this, should the Government consider how to help private RCHEs meet the required standards? In doing so, it can improve the living conditions of the elderly and ensure the optimal utilization
of existing resources to shorten the waiting time of the elderly and
[...] enable themto have a securedlife in thesehomes.
业界认为,最重要的是香港市民 得安心样商品才 会有销路,亦可避免因出现问题食品而被政府强制回收,届时,蒙受直接损 [...]
The industry holds that it is imperative that residents in Hong Kong
[...] should be free fromworries whenthey eat [...]
their food.
可否找大学帮忙,尽快进行,好让大家也 得安心
Will the Government seek assistance from universities to conduct the assessment as soon as
[...] possible toeasethe worries of the public?
[...] 得少,不过,如果可以的话,我希望这个封闭令(对健康的即时危害)上诉 委员会以後都不用开会,而香港所有食肆都能保持 生清洁,市民“得安 心"。
Madam President, many
[...] people criticize that the many advisorycommittees [...]
set up by the Government have not held enough meetings.
[...] 已出售的旧楼价钱搬到太古城、杏花邨、康怡花园或北角区环境较佳的 地方,他们是得安心
Let us look at the most controversial case concerning Haven Street. Some owners have moved to and live contentedly in Taikoo Shing, Hang Fa Chuen, Kornhill, or
places with better environment in North Point with
[...] theproceeds obtained from the sale [...]
of their flats in the old buildings.
随着所需服务的减少,从该心得唯一 剩余支持是由两名借调的 P-3 工作人员提供的现场支持。
With this reduced level of service
requirements, the only remaining support
[...] received fromtheCentre was on-site support [...]
provided by its two seconded P-3 staff.
我记 得在㆖ 星期, 我 们 也 曾 辩 论 过,便 是 在 房屋方 面 应该有㆒个方向、㆒套 价 值观, 令 ㆟ 觉 得 政府是有㆒套 房屋计 划,令我们 在香港居住时,可 视 香港为我们 的家;令我 们得 安 心,必须有㆒套这样的政策 才行。
I remember what we spoke at the debate last week, that is, the Government should have a direction, a set of values in respect of housing, so that we could see that the Government has a set of housing policies; so that we could regard Hong Kong as our home when we live in Hong Kong.
[...] 支持的,只是一旦套入实例,便会看到条例既要业界劳民伤财,又要 受到法例的管制,但亦未能保障到市民的安全,使他们得安心
However, once the spirit is embodied in legislation, the Ordinance requires traders to deploy manpower and resources for compliance and
traders are subject to legal constraints, but it still cannot
[...] guarantee thepeople's safetyand enable them to [...]
eat atease.
(F) 在公司法及本公司细则下一段之规限下,任何董事或候任或拟委 任董事担任任何职务或受薪职位,或因其卖方或买方身份或其他原因,而丧 失与本公司订约之资格; 任何董事亦毋须避免订立以任何方式涉及利益之任何有关 合约或任何其他合约而订立有关合约或涉及上述利益之任何董事亦毋须纯粹 因为拥有上述职务或因此建立之受信关系,就有关合约收取之任何报酬、收 益或其他利益向本公司或其股东交代。
(F) Subject to the Companies Act and to the next paragraph of this Bye-law, no Director or proposed or intended Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor,
purchaser or in any other
[...] manner whatever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in whichany Director is in any way interested by liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company or the shareholders for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement, by reason only of such Director holding that office or the fiduciary [...]
relationship thereby established.
此次升级的娱乐配置还包前排左侧和右侧座椅头枕上的两个八英寸液晶显示屏、20GB存储容量的硬盘、可通过“Naim for Bentley”高级音响系统播放的DVD播放器、两套蓝牙耳机以及一个遥控器,令驾驶者和乘客操控起来更 得心
The Entertainment Specification is further enhanced with twin, eight inch LCD headrest screens, incorporating a 20 GB hard drive and DVD player, played through a ‘Naim for Bentley’ premium audio system, while two sets of Bluetooth headphones and a remote control puts the power in the hands of the occupants.
2009 年 1 月以来,在儿童基金会支助下,413 名来自武装部队和武装团体的 儿童在援外社国际社会在恩贾梅纳管理的转运 心得助,并同其在乍得东部 的家人团聚,其中主要是比尔廷、盖雷达、阿德雷、恩贾梅纳、蒙戈和 阿贝歇等城镇。
Since January 2009, with the support of UNICEF, 413 children from
[...] forces and groups assisted in thetransitcentre runby CARE International in N’Djamena have been reunited with their families in eastern Chad, mainly in the towns of Biltine, [...]
Guéréda, Adré, N’Djamena, Mongo, Am Timanand Abéché.
二.47 就方案构成部分而言,增加主要涉及工作方案,特别是次级方案 2(大规 模毁灭性武器),原因是按照大会第 65/68 号决议的规定,为 2012-2013 年关于 外层空间透明度和建立信任措施的特设专家会议增加了所需资源(见下文第 二.51 段和第二.52 段);以及次级方案 5(区域裁军),原因包括
2010-2011 年核 定的四个员额(2 个 P-3 和 2
[...] 个当地雇员)产生延迟影响,列入亚洲及太平洋和平 与裁军区域中心和拉丁美洲和加勒比和平、裁军与发展区域中心所需核心业务经 费,以及这三个区域心安需经费增加(见下文第二.54 段)。
II.47 In terms of the components of the programme, the increase is related mostly to the programme of work, in particular subprogramme 2, Weapons of mass destruction, resulting from increased requirements for ad hoc expert meetings in 2012-2013 on outer space transparency and confidence-building measures, as defined in General Assembly resolution 65/68 (see paras. II.51 and II.52 below); as well as to subprogramme 5, Regional disarmament, resulting from the delayed impact of four posts (2 P-3 and 2 Local level) approved in 2010-2011, the inclusion of the core operational requirements for the Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific and the Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin
America and the
[...] Caribbean, andadditional security requirements for the threeregional centres (seepara. II.54 below).
根据第 60/180 号决议第 4
段(a)至(d),二十四个国家已经当选或被甄选为 建设和平委员会组织委员会成员:中国、哥伦比亚、法国、俄罗斯联邦、多哥、
[...] 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国 得安事会推选;智利、埃及、 大韩民国、卢旺达、西班牙、乌克兰和赞比亚获得经济及社会理事会推选;加拿 [...]
方案和机构、包括向建设和平常设基金自愿捐助最多的 10 个国家中获选;孟加 拉国、印度、尼泊尔、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦从向联合国特派团派遣军事人员和民 警最多的 10 个国家中获选。
Pursuant to paragraphs 4 (a) to (d) of resolution 60/180, 24 States had already been elected and/or selected as members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission: China, Colombia, France, Russian Federation, Togo, United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and United States of
[...] America selected by the SecurityCouncil; Chile, [...]
Egypt, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Spain,
Ukraine and Zambia elected by the Economic and Social Council; Canada, Japan, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden selected by and from among the top 10 providers of assessed contributions to United Nations budgets and of voluntary contributions to United Nations funds, programmes and agencies, including a standing peacebuilding fund; and Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan selected by and from among the top 10 providers of military personnel and civilian police to United Nations missions.
小组委员会部分委员认为,除非以法规或其 他文书订明厘定法定机构职员的薪酬福利条件的客观准则及 方法,并规定法定机构须遵守该等法规或文书,否则无法令公安心信法定机构会以良好的管治做法,处理职员的薪酬 事宜。
Some Subcommittee members consider that unless objective criteria and methods for determining the remuneration of staff of statutory bodies are laid down through statutes or other instruments which public statutory bodies are obliged to comply with, the public cannot be rest assured of good governance of statutory bodies with regard to staff remuneration.




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