单词 | 大地震 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大地震noun—massive earthquaken大地震—great earthquake大大地adverb—welladvExamples:四川大地震—Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008) 唐山大地震—Great Tangshan Earthquake (1976) 汶川大地震—Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008) 陕西大地震—the great Shaanxi earthquake of 2nd February 1556 that killed 830,000 people See also:大地n—earthn geodeticn 大地—mother earth 地震n—earthquaken tsunamin quaken 震—shocked quake shake vibrate jolt excited ☳
2011年3月11日下午2:46,日本东部大地震摇撼了享誉国际的建筑仙台媒体文化中心(SMT)大楼。 shanghaibiennale.org | At 2:46 p.m. March 11, 2011, the [...] Great East Japan Earthquakeshookthe internationally [...]renowned architecture space Sendai Mediatheque building (smt). shanghaibiennale.org |
虽然澳大利亚并不接近大地震发生的板块构造边界处,但偶尔也有可能并确实会发生地震。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Although Australia does not lie in [...] close proximity to a tectonic plate [...] boundary where large earthquakes can occur, occasionally [...]it can and does experience earthquakes. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
海啸警报系统 [...] 的主要活动是,在太平洋地区或邻近地区发生可能引 起海啸的重大地震之后,及时发出警报和进行观测。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The primary activity of ITSU is to issue timely warnings and watches [...] following majorearthquakes in or nearthe Pacific [...]basin, which may result in tsunamis. unesdoc.unesco.org |
基于网络的联合国新闻统一馈送(UNifeed)电视新闻服务在海地大地震发生后,打破了国际广播公司的“搭载”的所有记录。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Web-based UNifeed television [...] news service broke all records of “pickups” by international broadcasters during [...] the aftermath ofthe earthquake in Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |
据一项新的研究披露,2011年日本的大地震几乎释放出了该区域沿着板块边界所积聚的所有应力。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The massive 2011 earthquakeinJapan released [...] nearly all of the stress that had built up along the plate boundary in that [...]region, according to a new study. chinese.eurekalert.org |
该双年度伊始,教科文组织参与实施了联合国在阿 [...] 富汗和巴基斯坦采取的统一应对措施,包括在中国四川大地震、古巴和海地飓风、缅甸热带 气旋纳尔吉斯和纳米比亚洪灾发生后一个时期以及伊拉克重建过程中采取的统一应对措施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Since the start of the biennium, UNESCO has participated in United Nations coordinated responses in [...] Afghanistan, Pakistan and in the [...] aftermath of theSichuanearthquake in China, the hurricanes [...]in Cuba and Haiti, the cyclone [...]Nargis in Myanmar, the floods in Namibia, and in the reconstruction of Iraq. unesdoc.unesco.org |
日本代表团再次对东日本大地震和海啸后经社会成员和准成员以及秘 书处给予热情帮助和表现出休戚与共精神深表感谢。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation of Japanexpressed anew its deep gratitude for the warm assistance and solidarity extended by members and associate members of the Commission as well as the secretariat following the devastating great east Japan earthquake and tsunami. daccess-ods.un.org |
日本代表对国际社会在日本东部发生特大地震和海啸之后向它提供的 热情援助表示感谢,并向经社会通报说,日本将采取一些措施,分享其在减 [...] 少损失的防范措施和减少灾害风险措施方面所汲取的经验教训。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of Japan, while expressing gratitude for the warm assistance extended by the [...] international community following the [...] great east Japanearthquake and tsunami, [...]informed the Commission that Japan would [...]take steps to share its experience and lessons learned on the various preventive and risk reduction measures which mitigated damage. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使在地震高发区,也不可 能每代人都遇上大地震。 alnap.org | Even the most seismically active place may see majorearthquakes only every few [...] generations. alnap.org |
例如,怡安曾捐款支持青海玉树、四川大地震及南亚地震和海啸的灾民。 aon.com | For example, we donated money to support the reliefs [...] of Sichuan Earthquake andSouthAsia Earthquake & Tsunami. aon.com |
中国地震 [...] 中国四川省及周边区域於五月发生之强烈大地震,死亡人数数以万计,同时导致数百万人痛失家园。 asiasat.com | In May, the devastating earthquake in China left [...] many thousands dead and millions homeless in Sichuan province and its surrounding regions. asiasat.com |
2008年大地震过后,我们协助重建一些医疗中心和道路、帮助家庭团聚,我们和政府的关系也有所成长。 amccsm.org | Relationships grew withofficials as we helped rebuild some medical centres and roads, joining families after the earthquake of 2008. amccsm.org |
国家税务总局于2008年05月21日发布了一项通知,即国税发 [2008] 55号,以回应和鼓励个人在5.12大地震中的慷慨捐赠。 chi.mazars.cn | The PRC State Administration of Taxation (“SAT”) issued a Notice, Guoshuifa [2008] No. 55 (“the [...] Notice”), on 21 May 2008 in response to the generous donations made by [...] individuals tothe12 May earthquake disaster areas. mazars.cn |
由开发署助理署长兼拉丁美洲和加勒比区域局局长、人口基金副执行主任 (方案)、儿童基金会紧急方案司司长以及粮食计划署执行主任高级顾问兼“联合 [...] 国一体行动”国家特使组成的发言者小组向执行局联席会议介绍了大地震后的海 地局势。 daccess-ods.un.org | A panel of speakers composed of the UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director, Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, the UNFPA Deputy Executive Director (Programme), the UNICEF Director for Emergency Programmes, and the Senior Adviser to the Executive Director of WFP and Special Envoy for ‘one United Nations’ countries, [...] briefed the joint meeting of the Executive Boards regarding the situation in Haiti in [...] the wakeof the devastating earthquake. daccess-ods.un.org |
本校目 前这栋大楼建於1906年大地震火灾之後,15年前经过广泛翻修,达到防震和防火标准。 sfusd.edu | The current building was built after the [...] 1906 Fire & Earthquake andwas extensively renovated 15 years ago to be seismic and fire safe. sfusd.edu |
日本东部大地震后发生的人为的核电站灾难极大地破坏了日本的自然环境,许多同胞和动物失去了宝贵的生命。 shanghaibiennale.org | Now, I would like to point out that the man-made nuclear power plant disaster that occurred in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake came at great cost to our natural world in Japan, and the cherished lives of many people and animals have been lost. shanghaibiennale.org |
以2011年3月11日发生在日本东北外海的9级地震及海啸给日本及世界经济带来的影响,本文对本次日本强震所引发的冲击和应对方式进行深入探讨,以使读者了解此次日本大地震对于不同产业(汽车行业、半导体行业)所造成的影响与冲击,与各企业应变与恢复运作的措施,进而更深入了解企业应如何执行营运持续管理及供应链风险管理。 deloitte.com | Drawing upon the economic consequences for Japan and the world following the magnitude-9 earthquake and the tsunami that happened on 11 March 2011 north east of Japan, this article initiates an in-depth discussion on the shock triggered by the temblor and the [...] response aiming to help readers understand [...] the impact ofthe earthquake in different industries [...](automobile and semiconductor [...]industries), the measures of resilience and the recovering operation, and learn more about how companies should implement business continuity management and supply chain risk management. deloitte.com |
在 2011 年的东日本大地震和海啸、2011 年泰国洪灾等灾害中,信通技 [...] 术工具,包括用以提高应对效率的卫星图像,得到了广泛的使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Great [...] Eastern Japanearthquake and tsunami 2011, [...]Thailand floods 2011 etc, witnessed extensive use of ICT tools including [...]satellite imagery for the efficient response. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项研究 [...] 和评估的结果表明,拉加经委会墨西哥分区域总部目前的位置,使得联合国工作 人员在大地震和/或火灾中有可能处于高度风险,在汽车炸弹或非法占领(如办公 [...]室闯入或人质事件)中处于中度风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | The findings of both the study and the survey are that the current location of the ECLAC subregional headquarters in Mexico places [...] United Nations staff at high risk in [...] the eventof amajorearthquake and/orfire, and at [...]medium risk in the event of a car [...]bomb or an illegal occupation such as an office break-in or a hostage incident. daccess-ods.un.org |
最早接触FORUM8还是在阪神大地震的复兴规划活动中运用UC-win/Road进行达成共识的模拟,转眼已经过去10年了。 forum8.co.jp | Ihave known Forum8 for about 10years.Our relationship started when we started using [...] UC-win/Road to do simulations and [...]stimulate consensus formation in our plan to recover from the Great Hanshin Earthquake. forum8.co.jp |
大溪地诺丽国际(中国)公司副总裁朱庆平(Dan Zhu)说:“这次大地震造成了巨大的损失。 tipschina.gov.cn | The devastation caused by this disaster is tremendous," stated Dan Zhu, Vice President of TNI China. tipschina.gov.cn |
除了慢跑比赛外,当天还设有慈善义卖,善款已用于资助在四川汶川大地震的受难者,我们的同事在义卖活动中也都慷慨解囊。 deloitte.com | Deloitte China team members also [...] contributed to the bazaar charity sale, which was held on that day to raise donation [...] for the victims in Sichuan Earthquake. deloitte.com |
自 2011 年 3 月 11 日日本发生东日本大地震以来已过去近一年时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has been almost a year since the Great East Japan Earthquake struck Japan [...] on 11 March 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008 年四川汶川特大地震后实现 大灾之后无大疫。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nor was there a major epidemic [...] following thedisastrous earthquake in Sichuan province [...]in 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使在2010年的大地震之前,海地的营养不良已经到了危机水平。 unicef.org | Even before the devastating 2010earthquake,malnutrition had [...] reached crisis levels in Haiti. unicef.org |
2005)。Bilham (2004, p.9) 指出,1976 年的唐山大地震造成唐 山至少 35%的人死亡,随着地震多发地区城市的规模越来越大,未来的地震有望造成愈 百万甚至更多的死亡。 alnap.org | Bilham (2004, p. 9) notes that the [...] 1976 Tangshan earthquake killedat least 35% of the population of Tangshan, andsuggests that with the growth of megacities in seismicallyvulnerable locations we canexpect earthquakesinthe future that [...]will cause a million or more fatalities. alnap.org |
安理会在 1 月 14 [...] 日开会时,首先默哀一分钟,悼念 2010 年 1 月 12 日海地 大地震的遇难者;在 1 月 25 日开会时默哀一分钟,悼念 [...]1 月 24 日在莫斯科多莫 杰多沃国际机场发生的令人发指的恐怖袭击行径的受害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council observed a minute of silence at the start of its meeting [...] on 14 January in memory of [...] victims ofthe devastatingearthquake thatstruck Haiti[...]on 12January 2010, and a minute of silence [...]during its meeting on 25 January in memory of the victims of the heinous terrorist act perpetrated at Domodedovo International Airport in Moscow on 24 January. daccess-ods.un.org |