

单词 当日



regret vainly one's past behaviour
if I (you, she, he...) had known it would come this, I (you, she, he...) would not have acted thus [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

除标准 交货周期外,我们还可对比较畅销的产品 提供当日递”服务。
Besides great standard
[...] lead times, Same Day Express is offered [...]
on more popular products.
(x) 将为每位候选人在其面当日提供适当的办公设施。
(x) Each candidate will
[...] be offered appropriate office facilities on the day of his/her interview.
同一消息来源称,从开始抗暴到约 当日 , 大 约进行了 20 次飞行,从 卡塔尔将军用物资,包括法式反坦克武器发射装置(MILAN)运送给利比亚革命分子。
According to the same sources, between the beginning of the
[...] uprising and the day of the interview, [...]
approximately 20 flights had delivered military
materiel from Qatar to the revolutionaries in Libya, including French anti-tank weapon launchers (MILANs).
对于依法实现私有化后不复存在或无法恢复的财产,应对其价值进行补 偿,如用货币或其他手段补偿,应使用申请审 当日 的 市 场价。
If the goods have not survived or cannot be recovered, being privatised as provided by law, their
value is compensated, if covered in money or other means, using the
[...] market prices of the date the application [...]
is examined.
此外,有多个总部外办事处在扫 日当日 举 办国家及区域论坛 和其他庆祝活动,深入宣传扫盲。
International Literacy Day was also marked [...]
in many field offices by national and regional fora and events to further strengthen advocacy in literacy.
On that date, the author submitted [...]
a request for suspension of proceedings due to health problems and the court satisfied it.
然后他又前往瑞士,于2003年7月2日 到达瑞士,并当日申请庇护。
He then made his way to Switzerland, arriving on 2 July 2003,
[...] and applied for asylum the same day.
当日 13 时20 分,由 30 人左右组成的一伙人来到我团正门前,并开始制造 [...]
巨大的噪音,高喊攻击性和侮辱性口号,做出威胁的手势,并多次在我团正门及 列克星敦大道一侧的外窗置放攻击性的海报。
At 13:20,
[...] a group of around 30 persons arrived [...]
at the main entrance of the Mission and began to make a lot of noise, shouting
offensive and insulting slogans and making threatening gestures, and placed numerous offensive posters at the main entrance of the Mission and exterior windows on Lexington Avenue.
就所有权转让而言,签订转让协议当 日,买方即成为不动产的所有者。
In the case of ownership
[...] transfer, the date of signing the final agreement is the day the buyer becomes [...]
the property owner.
(g) 取消任何在通过决当日没有 任何人接受或同意接受的股份,并按照所取 消的股份的金额减少其资本金额。
(g) cancel any
[...] shares which, at the date of the passing of the resolution, have not been taken, or [...]
agreed to be taken, by
any person, and diminish the amount of its capital by the amount of the shares so cancelled.
大会第六十六届会议在 Andrei Vitalievitch
[...] Kovalenko(俄罗斯联邦)辞职 后,任命了一名成员,以填补 Kovalenko 先生余下的任期,从大会通过决当日 开始任职(第 66/410 号决定)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly appointed one member, as a result of the resignation of Andrei Vitalievitch Kovalenko (Russian Federation), to
fill the remainder of
[...] the term of office of Mr. Kovalenko, beginning on the date of adoption [...]
of the decision by the Assembly (decision 66/410).
市场观察: 收看我们每日的 AutoChartist
[...] 市场观察节目来开始您每日的交易,节目中您可以看到我们分析团队的成员怎样使用这些工具 当日 市 场 中交易。
Market Watch: Start your trading sessions by watching our daily Autochartist Market Watch short video accessible
from within the application to see how our in-house team of Analysts apply this
[...] tool to trade today’s financial markets.
净价人民币88元的午餐套餐包当日 例 汤 或绿色沙拉,客人可选择的主菜包括各种亚洲和西方美食,如肉酱意粉,咖喱羊肉以及The [...]
Priced at RMB 88 net, the lunch set comes with
[...] the soup of the day or a green salad [...]
and the guest’s choice of a main food dish,
which includes a large selection of Asian and Western cuisine such as Spaghetti Bolognese, Lamb Curry and The COOK Curry Laksa.
项目 厅帮助创造条件让妇女在瑞典资助的阿富汗道路项目 当日 工 , 同时在美援署喀 布尔学校项目中向阿富汗女工程学生提供关键的建筑现场经验。
It helped create the conditions
[...] for women to become day-labourers on Swedish-funded [...]
road projects in Afghanistan, while
providing female Afghan engineering students with crucial building-site experience on the USAID Kabul schools project.
(e) 註銷於通過決議之日尚未被任何人士認購或同意認購的股份,並按註銷股份面值 的數額削減其資本,或倘屬無面值的股份,則削減其資本所劃分的股份數目;注 销在有关决议获通当日仍未 被任何人士承购或同意承购的股份,并按所注销股 份的面值相应减少其股本数额,但是须受《公司法》条款所规限;及
(g) cancel any shares which, at the date of the passing of the resolution, have not been taken, or agreed to be taken, by any person, and diminish the amount of its capital by the amount of the shares so cancelled.
此外,Shigeki Sumi(日本)、 Hae yun
Park(大韩民国)和 Lisa
[...] P.Spratt(美利坚合众国)辞职后,大会任命了 三名成员,以填补 Sumi 先生、Park 先生和 Spratt 女士余下的任期,从大会通 过决当日开始任职(第 66/406 A 至 C 号决定)。
In addition, as a result of the resignations of Shigeki Sumi (Japan), Hae-yun Park (Republic of Korea) and Lisa P. Spratt (United States of America), the Assembly appointed three members to fill the remainder of the terms of office of Mr.
Sumi, Mr. Park and Ms. Spratt,
[...] beginning on the date of adoption of the decision by the Assembly (decisions 66/406 A to C).
将抽当日的生 产记录簿与实验室和分析记录联系起来,以便评估是否为 所生产的产品保存适当的记录。
The production log books and the laboratory and analytical records were correlated for the sample days to assess whether the records were appropriately maintained for the products that had been produced.
[...] 酬。他们通过从失业基金支付的相当于上一年平均工资 30%的月津贴获得激励, 期限为从决定支付津当日起 12 个月内。
Persons with disabilities are involved, along with other unemployed persons, in public works paid by the local public administration authorities, being motivated by means of payment from the Unemployment Fund of monthly allowances equal to
30% of the average salary for the
[...] preceding year, at the date of the decision [...]
to pay the allowance, for a period that does not exceed 12 months.
法院指 出,如果原告没有认定或没有资质或能力认定“3%的 Bara-Ton fein”与“40 千 克 Baraclay”一致,则原告应在交当日 向 被 告发出相关通知,从原告当时在交 货凭证上的签字来看,其已经发现或至少应当已经发现所交付的货物不符合要 求,而且最迟几日后也应发出相关通知。
The Court stated that if the appellant did not think and was not entitled to think that “3 per cent Bara-Ton fein” corresponds to “40 kg Baraclay”, then the appellant should have given notice to the defendant on the day of delivery, when according to its signature on the delivery receipt, it discovered the discrepancy or at least should have discovered it.
最近的恶性定居者恐怖事件发生在 2012 年 8 月 16 日星期四当日,来 自被 占领西岸伯利恒附近的“Bat Ayin”定居点的以色列非法定居者向一辆汽车投掷 燃烧弹,这辆汽车被漆成浅黄色,清楚地标明是一辆巴勒斯坦出租车。
The latest vicious incident of settler terror took place on Thursday, 16 August 2012, when illegal Israeli settlers from the settlement of “Bat Ayin” near Bethlehem in the Occupied West Bank hurled a firebomb at a car, painted bright yellow, clearly marking it as a Palestinian taxi.
[...] 的票面值还是溢价),为了本章程的施行,应视为正式作出的催缴,并须在根据 发售条款须要付当日到期 支付。如未有付款,本章程所有关于支付利息及开支、 [...]
没收及其他的相关条文应适用,一如该款是凭借正式作出及通知的催缴而到期应 付般。
Any sum which by the terms of issue of a share becomes payable on allotment or at any fixed date, whether on account of the nominal value of the share or by way of premium, shall for the purposes of these
Articles be deemed to be a call duly made and
[...] payable on the date on which by the [...]
terms of issue the same becomes payable,
and in case of non-payment all the relevant provisions of these Articles as to payment of interest and expenses, forfeiture or otherwise shall apply as if such sum had become payable by virtue of a call duly made and notified.
最近,设于纽约联合国总部的大会和会议事务管理部建立了一 种制度,可把关当日议程 的信息可下载到智能手机和平板电脑, [...]
从而使联合国有可能通过此种渠道传播相关文件、出版物和其他资 料,而不必付印(此方面的更多信息,见附录四。)
Most recently, the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management at United Nations Headquarters in New
York has instituted a system whereby
[...] information about the day’s agenda can be [...]
downloaded to smart phones and tablets, enabling
the United Nations to potentially disseminate documents, publications and other material without the need to print them.
但在征得会议同意的前提下,提案或 修正案即使尚未分发或仅当日分发 ,主席也可以准许对其进行讨论和予以审 议。
Subject to the consent of the conference, the President may, however, permit the discussion and consideration of proposals or amendments, even though these proposals or amendments have not been circulated or have been circulated only on the same day.
[...] 日的回应中附上了阿根廷法院的内部法律文件,但 这些文件没有为当日提交 的资料增加任何实质性内容,也未能推翻来文方所提 [...]
In its response of 28 July 2011, the Government enclosed internal legal documents from the Argentine courts, but they
neither add anything of substance to its
[...] submission of the same date, nor invalidate [...]
the facts and arguments submitted by the source.
[...] 2,40收到出售期权,即只英镑46,10(因此我们称这种操作“融资”),我们有提供的股份$ 48,00,如果他们是值得以上的购股权获行 使 当日。
We realized that if we buy shares of Petrobras for $ 48,50 and sell options with exercise at £ 48,00, we spent, per share, less the £ 48,50 credit of $ 2,40 received from the sale of the option, ie only £ 46,10 (hence we call this operation
"Financing"), and we have to deliver the shares to $ 48,00 if they are worth more
[...] than that on the day the option is exercised.
[...] 软件的程序设计应当确保取得这一结果(在纸质记录中存有纸质登记表格的, 由登记处工作人员亲手分配的有效日期和时间同样应当与提供给查询人员的已 登记信息时间保持同步;但所有记录 当日 益 为 电子记录)。
In States in which information in notices is entered into a computerized registry record (whether directly by the registrant or by the registry staff entering information submitted by the registrant in paper form), the registry software should be programmed to ensure this result (where paper registration forms are maintained in a paper record, the effective date and time manually assigned by the registry staff should similarly be concurrent with the
time the information registered would be available to
[...] searchers; although increasingly all records should be electronic).
根据罗马尼亚修订《宪法》第 40 条第 3 款规定,有选举权且于选日当 天至少年满 23 岁的欧盟公民,包括选日当天年 满 23 岁者,如果在其打算参加 竞选的行政单位内有住所,并有资格加入政党,则享有被选举权。
EU citizens having the right to vote and who have turned at least
23 years of age on
[...] the Election Day, including those who have reached that age on the Election Day, have the right [...]
to be elected if they
have the domicile in the area of that administrative-territorial unit where they intend to be elected and if they are entitled to be members of the political parties, according to art. 40, paragraph 3 of the Romanian Constitution, republished.
地区选举监督机构亚洲自由选举网络对 2007 年选举进行了观察,得出的结论是当地无政府组织更注 重与投日当天活动的监督,而忽视了投票前和投票后 政治环境的公平性。
The Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL), a regional election monitoring group, observed the 2007
elections and concluded
[...] that local NGOs were more focused on monitoring on election day itself rather [...]
than assessing the fairness
of the pre- or post-election environment.
2010 年 11 月 22 日,当以朝 鲜民主主义人民共和国为目标的护国演习在整个 [...]
南朝鲜达到高潮时,傀儡参谋长联席会议炮制了 11 月 23 日和 24 日从延坪岛周 围水域轰炸朝鲜民主主义人民共和国方面领海的计划。
On 22 November 2010 when Hoguk exercises [...]
targeted against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea were at their height
across south Korea, the puppet Joint Chiefs of Staff crafted a plan to bombard the territorial waters of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea side on 23 and 24 November from waters off Yonphyong Island.
副秘书长兼妇女署执行主任向 2010 年 11 月 10 日当选的 执行局成员表示祝 贺,并向执行局 2010 年 12 月 22 日组织会议上当选的下列主席团成员表示祝贺: 主席乌切·乔伊·奥格武(尼日利亚)、副主席扎希德·拉斯塔姆(马来西亚)、奥 拉·卡文(乌克兰)、卡门·阿里亚斯(秘鲁)和芒努斯·伦纳特松(瑞典)。
The Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN-Women congratulated the members of the Executive Board elected on 10 November 2010 and the members of the Bureau elected at the organizational session of the Executive Board on 22 December 2010: as President, U. Joy Ogwu (Nigeria), and as Vice-Presidents, Zahid Rastam (Malaysia), Olha Kavun (Ukraine), Carmen Arias (Peru) and Magnus Lennartsson (Sweden).




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