

单词 地租收入

See also:




take in


rent collectionn

External sources (not reviewed)

收入第 2 款表 IS2.1 显示,2012-2013 两 年期估计数增加的主要原因是,预计地租收入(12 417 900 美元),但增 加数额被银行利息预计减少额(387 300 美元)和杂项收入预计减少额(189 900 美 元)部分抵销。
As indicated in
[...] table IS2.1 of Income section 2, the estimated increase for 2012-2013 is due mainly to the projected increase under rental of premises($12,417,900), [...]
partially offset
by projected decreases under bank interest ($387,300) and miscellaneous income ($189,900).
根据营业租约 而需支付之租金(扣除自任何奖励金後)於全并按有期以直线法计算。
Payments made under
[...] operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are expensed in the statement of comprehensive income on a straight-line basis over the period of thelease.
预付地租中物业,其中预付地租摊销会拨充为发展期间之部份楼宇成本,惟已落成物业之摊销则入 收内。
Prepaidland leaseisincluded in properties under development, of which the amortisation of prepaid land lease is capitalised as part of the building costs during the development period but charged to the income statement for [...]
completed properties.
(26) 购置、以承租或交换方式获得、租赁或以其他方改善、管理、培育、 发展租入揭、出售、处置、利用及以其他方式处理本公司可能认为适宜 获得之各類及任何权利及特权,尤其是土地、樓宇、地役权、 机器、厂房及存货,以及特许权、商务事业及业务。
(26) To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwiseacquire,and improve, manage, cultivate works, develop,lease,mortgage,sell, dispose of, turn to account and otherwise deal with real and personal [...]
property ofall kinds and any rights and privileges
which the Company may think it desirable to obtain; and in particular land, buildings, easements, machinery, plant and stock-in-trade, and concessions, business concerns, and undertakings.
地租额呈列,并须根据HKAS 36作耗蚀测试,可收回金额为公平 [...]
Land leasesare statedat the recoverable [...]
amount subject to an impairment test pursuant to HKAS 36, which is based on the
higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use.
(t) 管理宇及其他物业(不论是否属於本公司),收租收 入为租户及占用人及他人提供其认为适宜的便利设施及好处,以 及一般地从事土地及房地产代理的业务及担任土地及房地产代理。
(t) To manage land,buildings,and other property
[...] whether belonging to the Company or not, and to collectrents andincome and to supply tenantsand occupiers and others [...]
such conveniences and advantages as may seem expedient and generally to undertake the business of and act as land and estate agents.
本集团营业额包括销售物收入收入筑工程收入、基建项目收入、 酒店经营及管理、百货公司经营及管理和其他收入(主要包括提供财务借贷、 投资控股、项目管理、物业管理、代理人服务、清洁和保安服收入及建 筑材料贸易及出
Turnover of the Group represents
revenue from the sale
[...] of properties, rentalincome,income from construction, infrastructure business, hotel operation and management, department store operation and management, and others mainly including income from the provision of finance, investment holding, project management, property management, agency services, cleaning and security guard services, as well as the trading of building materials and disposal of leaseholdland.
在这方面,咨询委员张表(见表八.8.),显示联合国所期日、年租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 [...]
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided withatable (see table VIII.8)
[...] showingthe leaseexpiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footageof all United Nations leased properties, [...]
distinguishing between
longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
此外,财务处将继续管理维和资金的投资及资金流动;每月给外地行动汇款;向 国际征聘工作人员支付工资(包括教育补助金);印发给派往执行的缴付 美国税的工作人员的偿收入的支票;处理对银行账户签字人名单的修正; 提供关于使用各种银行系统的技术支持和指导。
In addition, the Treasury will continue to manage the investments and liquidity of peacekeeping funds; execute monthly remittances to field operations; execute payroll payments (including education grants) to internationally recruited staff
members; print and
[...] distribute cheques for the reimbursement of income tax toUnited States tax-paying staff members [...]
assigned to field
operations; process the amendment to the bank account signatory panels; and provide technical support and guidance on the use of various banking systems.
目前,教科文组织主要的楼房如下:向工作人员、常驻代表团和在总部内有 用房的非政府组织租地库,向常驻代表团出租办公室,以及为常驻代表团和外部用户 举办的文化活动、展览会及各类会议出租用房和设备。
Currently the mainrevenue-generatingactivities related to UNESCO premises are the following: rental of parking places to staff, Permanent [...]
Delegations and NGOs having premises within Headquarters, rentalof premises and equipment for
cultural events and exhibitions to Permanent Delegations and outside users, and rental of offices to Permanent Delegations.
於二零零七年六月三十日,本公司附属公司的香港地租楼宇的若干预付地价(账 面 总 值 约 为136,000,000港 元)已 质 押 予 银 行,作 为 已 授 予 本 集 团 约26,000,000港 元 之 银 行 货 款 及约202,000,000港元之信款之抵押。
On 30 June 2007, certain
[...] prepaid premiumforland leaseand buildings in Hong Kong of the Company’s subsidiaries, with a total carrying value of approximately HK$136 million were pledged to banks as securities for bank loans of approximately HK$26 million andtrust receipt loans ofapproximately [...]
HK$202 million granted to the Group.
(d) 进行建造及建筑承包商、室内及室外装饰商、以及土地与可继承产、宅院或物业单位及其各 自之内任何产业权或权益拥有人的业务;管理屋村及物业;接受及收租以及按本公司 认为适当的条款与条件,就继承产、宅院或物业单位及其各自之内的任何产业权或 权益,为任何一位或多位人士、公司或法团,担任代理人或代理商及进行各类代理及佣金业 [...][...]
(d) To carry on the business of construction and building contractors, interior and exterior decorators, and owners of land and hereditaments, messuages and tenements and any estate or interest therein Hong Kong Stamp Duty $20.00 5-8-65 — 2 — respectively, to
manage estates and
[...] properties,to receive and collect rents, andto actas attorneys or factors and transact all kindsof agency [...]
and commission business
so far as regards lands and hereditaments, messuages and tenements, and any estate or interest therein respectively for any person or persons, company or corporation for such commission or consideration and upon such terms and conditions as the Company shall think fit.
(29) 经营石油、石油产品及副产品、其他矿物油及副产品以及液体及气态烃
[...] 类及副产品之生产商、抽水厂、冶炼商、存储商、供应商、运输商、分 销商、零售商及经商之业务,及於全球任索、调查、检查、勘探 及开拓、经营租入入或以其他方式取得本公司可能认为能够或可 能有能力提供矿物油气之土地、河床及其他地方或取得当中权利或权益 [...]
,及建立、使用及利用矿井、泵站、管道及视为适宜之所有其他工程及 设施。
(29) To carry on the business of producers, pumpers, refiners, storers, suppliers, transporters, distributors and retailers of, and dealers in, petroleum, petroleum products and by-products, other mineral oils and by-products and
liquid and gaseous
[...] hydro-carbons and by-products, and to search for, inspect, examine, prospect and explore,work, take on lease, purchase,or otherwise [...]
acquire, or obtain rights
or interests in lands, sea-beds and other places in any part of the world which may seem to the Company capable or possibly capable of affording a supply of mineral oil or gas, and to establish, utilise and turn to account wells, pumping stations, pipe-lines and all such other works and conveniences as are deemed desirable.
如 果 本 集 团 是 出 租 人,本 集 团 按 经 营 租 赁 出 租 的 资 产动 资 产,经的 应收 租直 綫 法 在 租 赁 期 内表。
Where the Group is the lessor, assets leased
by the Group under
[...] operating leases are includedin non-current assets, andrentals receivable under the operatingleases arecredited to the incomestatementon the straight-line basis over the lease terms.
8.以 交 换 方 式 获 得 、 租 用 或 以 其 他 方何 个 人 资 产 及 公 司 认 为 必 须 或 便 於 经 营 其 业 务 的 任 何 权 利 或 特 权
8.to purchase,lease,take inexchange, hire or otherwiseacquire any personal property and any rights or privileges [...]
that the company
considers necessary or convenient for the purposes of its business
(3) 购买租入换、租赁、租用、取得认购权或以其他方式获取香港境 内论其上建有楼宇与否)及香港境外任何年期之土地(不论其上 建有楼宇与否);及与任何该土地有关之任何财产或权益及任何权利。
(3) To purchase, takeon lease, orin exchange, rent, hire, take optionsover orotherwise acquire land(with or without buildings [...]
thereon) in
Hong Kong and land (with or without buildings thereon) of any tenure outside Hong Kong and any estate or interest in, and any rights connected with any such lands.
资本租赁系於租赁交易成交时,以租约期限内各期租金加上优惠价格或估计残值 ,列为应收租赁款;属融资型资本租赁者,以隐含利率折算每期收取之租赁款总额之 现值认列为应款,收租总额高於收租现值部分则为未实现利收 入递延,按利息法逐期转为利息
Receivables collected are periodically recognized as rental income during the lease contract.
我的家,我的生活”是一项联邦政府方案,包括以及建造或重新 划分房地产,以住宅小区或土地开发形式作为住房项目签约,这些房地产既有公 寓也有独栋房屋,转移给收入1 600 雷亚尔的家庭。
The “My Home, My Life” programme is a federal Government programme consisting of the acquisition of land and
construction or reclassification of real
[...] properties contracted as housing undertakings in the form of housing estates or plotdivision developments, comprising apartments or houses, which are transferred to families withmonthlyincomes of up toR$1,600.
Assets held under
[...] capitalised finance leases, including prepaid land leasepayments under finance leases, are included in property, [...]
plant and equipment,
and depreciated over the shorter of the lease terms and the estimated useful lives of the assets.
一个更加有效的政策措施可能应 是首先更好地管理较收入地移民活动,特别是 无证件移民 ;是重点关注改善最脆弱移民群体(妇女、 [...]
儿童、难民和无证件移民)的社会保护 ;是制定关于 将来如何协调各国社会保障制度的标准以保证既得权 利的可转移性。
A more effective policy initiative may be to first better manage
[...] migrationin lower-incomeregions, inparticular [...]
undocumented migration; to focus on
improving the social protection of the most vulnerable migrant groups (women, children, refugees and undocumented migrants); and to develop standards on how to coordinate social security systems in the future, to ensure the portability of acquired rights.
但是,如果一个类似项目旨在通过一些活动(例如,禽畜饲养、粮食 加工、蔬菜园艺以及生物多样性的管理和利用)来增加地收入机会,则主要 目标将不适用,然而可以考虑重要目标。
However, if a similar project aims to increase local income generating opportunities, through a number of activities including, for example, livestock rearing, food processing, vegetable gardening, and the management and use of biodiversity; the principal objective would not apply, although the significant objective could be considered.




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