

单词 星期六

See also:


day of the week


satellite n
star n
saturn n

星星 n

star n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 周末或公眾假期觀看節目,尤其 星期六 晚 上 ;27.7%表示沒有特別喜 好。
A large proportion (65.7%) of the audience preferred attending
programmes on days near weekend or public holidays
[...] particularly on Saturday night while 27.7% [...]
indicated they had no preference.
上課期間,飯堂一般在星期一至五每天開放十二小 時星期六開放五小時。
It is normally open 12 hours daily from Monday to Friday and
[...] 5 hours on Saturday during term time.
星期六屬工作天,但有些律師行 星期六 未 必整天運作,委員會 同意把簽訂買賣合約的時限,訂為六個工作天之內。
Having considered that Saturday is regarded as a working day and that some legal firms may not operate on a full day basis on Saturday, the Steering [...]
Committee has endorsed
that the ASP should be signed within six working days after the signing of the PASP.
為確保立法會事務不受影響,秘書處按 需要繼續星期六及其 他非工作天提供支援 服務。
To ensure that Council business is not
affected, the Secretariat continues to provide
[...] support services on Saturdays and other non-working [...]
days on a need basis.
有關申請應在擬舉行聚會當日之前最少 2 個完整工作 天提出(不包星期六、日 及公眾假期)。房屋事務經理將盡 快通知申請人他的決定。
An application for approval should be made at
least 2 clear working days
[...] (excluding Saturday, Sunday or public holiday) before the date of the meeting, [...]
and the applicant
will be notified as soon as practicable after a decision is arrived at.
任何人如對《選舉(舞弊及非法行為)條例》有任何疑 問,可致電廉政公署24小時選舉查詢熱線2920 6530或親臨廉 政公署各分區辦事處查詢[辦公時間:星期一至星期五上午九 時至下午六時星期六上午 九時至下午一時(公眾假期休息)]。
Any person who wishes to make enquiries on the ECICO may call the 24-hour ICAC Election Enquiry Hotline 2920 6530, or approach any ICAC Regional Office from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday (except public holidays).
在提名期內每個 工作天(即公眾假期星期六以外 的任何一天),選舉主任接 受提名的正常辦公時間是由上午九時至下午五時 星期六 則是 由上午九時至中午十二時。
The ordinary business hours on each working day (ie any day other
[...] than a general holiday or Saturday) in the nomination period for the ROs to accept nominations are from 9 am to 5 pm, and on a Saturday, from 9 am to 12 noon.
提名表格填妥後,須由候選人在提名期內(公眾假 期除外),在正常辦公時間內(即平日上午九時至下午五時星期六上午 九時至中午十二時)親自呈交予有關界別分組的選 舉主任。
The completed nomination form must be lodged with the RO for the subsector concerned by the candidate in person during ordinary business hours, ie the hours between 9 am and 12 noon on a Saturday and the hours between 9 am and 5 pm on any day other than a general holiday, within the nomination period.
在交易後三天內(包星期六但不包 括 星 期 日 及公眾假期),通知聯交所及公司秘書。
Within 3 days (including Saturday but excluding Sunday and public holidays) of dealing, notify Stock Exchange and the Company Secretary.
在那些有興趣參觀展覽的人士中,約三分之一 (33.1%) 表示他們並無確定會
[...] 在哪天參觀展覽,亦有相若比例會選 星期六 或 星期日 (分別佔 19.2% 及 20.6%) 參觀。
z Of the infrequent visitors who had interest in visiting the exhibitions, about one-third of them (33.1%) claimed they would not fix any day for visiting the
exhibitions and about equal proportion would choose to visit the
[...] exhibition on Saturday or Sunday (19.2% and 20.6% respectively).
(2) 向 可能在某些時間不能出席 面 試
[...] 的不同種族群體人士 作出遷 就,例 如 : 猶 太 人星 期 六 要守安 息 日
(2) Accommodate people from different racial groups who may find
it difficult to attend interviews at certain times, for example, Jewish people
[...] who have to observe Sabbath on Saturdays
同樣地,每週五天在星期一至五工作,以及每週五天半工 作並星期六輪休 的政府僱員亦會受惠於建議,他們在上述情況 下,除了可星期六享有 全天或半天休假外,亦另可享有補假。
Similarly, Government employees who work on a Monday-to-Friday five-day workweek
basis and those who are on
[...] an alternate Saturday off work pattern will benefit from the proposal as they will be able to enjoy the holiday in substitution in addition to their Saturday day-off/half-day-off [...]
in the said circumstances.
(c) 大部分 (72.8%) 非觀眾人士喜歡在接近周末的日子觀看演藝節目,其 中 42.1% 喜星期六、19.1% 星期日或公眾假期及 11.6% 星期五。
(c) The majority (72.8%) of non-audience preferred attending performing arts programmes on days near weekend, with 42.1% preferring Saturday, 19.1% Sunday or public holidays and 11.6% Friday.
後來,當 局經考慮當時社會各界的意見後,對《僱傭條例》及當時的《假
[...] 期條例》(在一九九八年改稱為《公眾假期條例》)作出修訂,使到 當農曆新年的首三日中的任何一日適逢星期日時,以緊接農曆年 初一的前一天(即農曆新年除夕)替代成為假期;而當中秋節翌日適 逢星期日時,則以中秋節當天(即 星期六 ) 替 代 成為假期。
After considering the then prevailing public views, amendments were introduced to EO and the then Holidays Ordinance (subsequently retitled as General Holidays Ordinance in 1998) to the effect that should any of the first three days of Lunar New Year fall on a Sunday, the day immediately preceding Lunar New Year’s Day (i.e. Lunar New Year’s Eve) is designated as a holiday in substitution; and in the event that the day following the Chinese
Mid-Autumn Festival
[...] falls on a Sunday, the day of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival (i.e. Saturday) is designated as a holiday in substitution.
第 4 項赤柱聖士提反書院三號屋,每月會安排一 星期六 的 上午 開放予公眾。
For item 4, the No. 3 Bungalow in St Stephen’s College at Stanley is to open for public
[...] appreciation on a Saturday each month.
[...] 裁定無效,在提名期限前 3 個工作天內(不包星期 六 )遞交 提名表格的候選人,應盡量以現金或銀行本 [...]
In order to avoid the risk of invalidation of the nomination due to dishonoured cheque, candidates are strongly advised to submit the election deposit
in cash or cashier order if they submit
[...] nomination in the last 3 working days (excluding [...]
Saturday) of the nomination period.
我們已隨即於翌日,6 月 17 日(星期五) (即香港時間 6 月 18 日星期六早上) 通知受影響的銀行,並於 6 月 18 日(星期六)完成這個程序。
Our communication to all
[...] affected banks began the following day, Friday, June 17, and was completed late on Saturday, June 18.
營業日” 指香港持牌銀行開放經營一般銀行業務之日子(不包 星期六或 星期日及 於香港介乎上午九時正至下午五時正之任何時間懸掛或 持續懸掛 8 號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號或“黑色"暴雨警告訊號 之任何日子
Business Day” means a day
[...] (excluding a Saturday or Sunday and any day on which a tropical cyclone warning signal no. 8 or above or a [...]
“black” rainstorm warning
signal is hoisted or remains hoisted in Hong Kong at any time between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) on which licensed banks in Hong Kong are open for general banking business
由三月二十三日至四月七日期間,浩景臺將開放兩個標 準單位供市民參觀,時間為每日上午十時至晚 六 時 , 星期 六、日 及公眾假期將提供免費專車於荃灣地鐵站接載巿民前 往浩景臺參觀。
The Housing Society will provide free shuttle service between Tsuen Wan MTR station and Highland Park on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
流動收集車星期六和星期日由上午九時至下午六時停泊在指定地點, 方便 該區的市民回收舊電腦和電器產品、慳電膽及充電 池。
Under the programme, a collection
vehicle is parked at designated sites from
[...] 9am to 6pm on Saturdays and Sundays to facilitate [...]
local residents to recycle their used
computer items, electrical appliances, fluorescent lamps and rechargeable batteries.
(四 ) 香港按揭證券有限公司(“按揭證券公司”)正研究設立的上
述信貸保證計劃,是否會用作代替信保計劃;若否,政府 會否推出其他相關措施;若是,該計劃推出的時間為何,
[...] 以及鑒於現在距離信保計劃結束申請期限只有31個工作天 (不包星期六),但 政府現時仍未公布該計劃的詳情,其 [...]
原因為何;政府如何確保該計劃或其他有關措施可以在信 保計劃結束時,順利與信保計劃接軌;
(五 ) 按揭證券公司正研究的信貸保證計劃或其他措施,會否承 接信保計劃的安排,包括繼續為中小企提供達80%的信貸 保證、每家企業最高的貸款額為1,200萬元、1,000億元的信 貸保證承擔總額及提供循環信貸等;若會,詳情為何;若 否,原因為何;及
(d) whether the aforesaid loan guarantee scheme, now being explored by the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC), is meant to replace SpGS; if not, whether the Government will introduce other related measures; if so, when the scheme will be launched
and, given that there are only 31 working
[...] days (excluding Saturdays) left before [...]
the application period of SpGS ends, of the
reasons for the Government's not announcing the details of the scheme by now; how the Government ensures that there will be a smooth transition between the scheme or other related measures and SpGS when SpGS ends
兩間鐵路公司指出,因應香港整體經濟環境、本身的市場策 略及乘客需求,它們在過去數年推行了不少車費優惠計劃,包括在多 區設立"地鐵特惠站"、推出東鐵/西鐵"全月通"月票、西鐵的"自悠通" 日票、東鐵/西鐵的旅遊套票、小童/長者 星期六 、 星期 日 及公眾 假期以兩元乘搭西鐵,以及與其他交通工具合作提供轉乘優惠等,藉 以減少乘客的負擔。
The two railway corporations have pointed out that they have introduced a number of fare concessionary schemes over the past few years in the light of the overall economic environment of Hong Kong, their marketing strategy and passenger demand so as to lessen the burden of the travelling public.
為方便在職婦女,婦女健康中心 及母嬰健康院於每月第二及第四個非公眾假期 星期六 上 午 開放,方 便為在職婦女提供婦女健康服務。
Woman health service in Woman Health Centres and MCHCs is provided in the morning of the second and fourth non-public holiday Saturdays of each month to facilitate working women.
港鐵公司星期三、星期六及公眾假期(不 包括星期日)為長者八達通持有人提供$2 乘 車推廣(不適用於來回羅湖及落馬洲站過境 車程、機場快綫、東鐵綫頭等、輕鐵、港鐵 巴士及港鐵接駁巴士)。
Senior citizens can enjoy $2 per journey on Wednesdays, Saturdays and public holidays (excluding Sundays) using Elder Octopus (not applicable on journeys to/from Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau stations, Airport Express, East Rail Line First Class, Light Rail, MTR Bus and MTR Feeder Bus).
指香港持牌銀行營業的任何一天(不包 星期六 及 星期 日 ), 另有規定者除外。
Business Day” means any day upon which licensed banks in Hong Kong are open for business excluding Saturday and Sunday, unless otherwise provided.
根據現行《僱傭條例》及《公眾假期條例》的條文,如農 曆新年的首三日中的任何一日適逢星期日,緊接農曆年初一的前 一天(即農曆新年除夕)即替代成為假期;而當中秋節翌日適逢星期 日時,則中秋節當天(即星期六)即替 代成為假期。
Under the existing provisions of EO and GHO, should any of the first three days of Lunar New Year fall on a Sunday, the day immediately preceding Lunar New Year’s Day (i.e. Lunar New Year’s Eve) is designated as a holiday in substitution; and in the event that the day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival falls on a Sunday, the day of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, which is a Saturday, is designated as a holiday in substitution.
9 假設:該月有 30 天(包括 4 天星期六及 4 天星期日),而總工作時數為 170 小時(星期一至五共 22 天7 小時/天 + 星期六共 4 天4 小時/ 天
9 Assumptions : There are 30 days (including 4 Saturdays and 4 Sundays) in this month and the total number of hours worked is 170 hours (22 days from Monday to Friday  7 hours per day + 4 Saturdays  4 hours per day).
學院上課期間,電腦室的通 常開放時間,為星期一至五上午八時卅分至下午九時卅分,以 星期六 上 午九時至中午十二 時;學院假期(不包括公眾假期)內,電腦室星期一至五上午八時卅分至下午五時開放。
These Computer Rooms / Labs are normally open from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday to Friday and from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday during term time.
港鐵公司在二零一零、二零一一及二零一二年都按票價調 整機制的方程式來調整票價,與此同時,港鐵公司也提供一系列 的車費優惠和推廣計劃,包括小童特惠票價;學生乘車優惠計劃; 長者特惠票價及星期三、六及公眾 假期 (星期日除外) 的兩元 車費推廣計劃;殘疾人士車費優惠計劃;港鐵特惠站(即在預先指 定的港鐵站提供折扣優惠);全月通及全日通;免費輕鐵及港鐵巴 士轉乘;以及港鐵與港鐵接駁巴士、新大嶼山巴士和專線小巴之 間的轉乘折扣等。
Whilst MTR fares were adjusted in 2010, 2011 and 2012 according to the FAM formula, at the same time, MTRCL has been offering a wide range of fare concession and promotion schemes, including fare concession for children, Student Travel Scheme, fare concession and $2 fare promotion for the elderly on Wednesdays, Saturdays and public holidays (excluding Sundays), fare concession for Persons with Disabilities, fare savers offering discounts at pre-designated MTR stations, Monthly and Day Passes; free Light Rail and MTR bus interchanges; as well as inter-modal interchange discounts between MTR and some MTR Feeder Bus, New Lantao Bus, Green Minibus routes, etc.
[...] [...] 整機制的方程式來調整票價,與此同時,港鐵公司也提供一系列 的車費優惠和推廣計劃,包括小童特惠票價;學生乘車優惠計劃; 長者特惠票價及星期三、六及公眾 假期 (星期日 除外) 的兩元 車費推廣計劃;殘疾人士車費優惠計劃;港鐵特惠站(即在預先指 定的港鐵站提供折扣優惠);全月通及全日通;免費輕鐵及港鐵巴 [...] [...]
士轉乘;以及港鐵與港鐵接駁巴士、新大嶼山巴士和專線小巴之 間的轉乘折扣等。
(a) Adult, Elder, Student and Child fares for one way journeys on all MTR lines, excluding the Airport Express but including Airport Workers’ fares




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