

单词 星相图

See also:



星星 n

star n


star atlas


phase portrait
phase diagram (math.)

External sources (not reviewed)

德国方面的组织者慷慨地向这次国 际倡议提供了他们“地质科学年”的标识:显示地球系统中各 星相 互 依 存和联系 图 标。
The German organizers kindly supplied their logo, showing the interdependence of all spheres in System Earth, to this international initiative.
俄罗斯可考虑提供 Meteor-M 遥感星的相关最新 图像。
The Russian Federation could consider
[...] providing the latest images from the remote-sensing satellite Meteor-M.
雖然政府仍然傾向本土星營運 商,我 相 信 他們將會意識到開放市場的好處,因而最終會 容許外資營運商在沒有限制下進入這些市場。
Even though governments still have a
[...] preference for local satellite operators, we believe that they [...]
will recognise the benefits of
an open market and hence will eventually allow foreign operators to enter these markets without restrictions.
理论上讲相 图轴的 单位是摩尔分数,但是,如果混合物中的非 C8 芳烃杂质含量很低相图轴的单 位也可以是重量分数。
Theoretically, the units along the axes are mole fraction, but the diagrams can just as well represent weight fraction when the mixture is [...]
low in non-C8 aromatic impurities.
这能够有助于明了一些保障相关事项,如敏感 技术研究、核材料生产细节、场所特有的资料(对开展“附加议定书”规定的补 充接触和获取星图像特别有用)、保 相 关 技术的进出口以及与一国的核燃料 循环发展有关的一般资料等。
This can help shed light on a number of safeguards-related matters, such as research into sensitive technologies, details about nuclear material production, location-specific information (which is particularly useful for
complementary access
[...] under APs and for satellite imagery acquisition), imports and exports of safeguards-relevant technology, and general information relevant to a State’s [...]
development of its nuclear fuel cycle.
雖然受到經營開支上升的影響(亦如前所述), 加上我們新星相關的 額外折舊開支,溢利仍可改善實在令人感到鼓舞。
Despite the impact of the increased operating costs, also noted
above, and additional
[...] depreciation charges associated with our new satellite, the profit improvement [...]
was most encouraging.
对于涉及相对 持 久的漂浮化学品的泄漏,在某些情况下可能 可以使用空中监测(SLAR、IR 和 UV)甚至星图之类 的技术探测和监视漂浮材料,不过 使用此类技术处理 HNS 泄漏的实际经验非常 有限。
For spills involving relatively persistent chemicals that float, it may be possible, in some cases, to detect and monitor floating materials using technologies such as aerial surveillance (SLAR, IR and UV) and possibly satellite imagery, although there [...]
is limited practical
experience of using these techniques for HNS spills.
[...] 和部控制边境危机并支持非洲联盟边境方案,有必要编制一份手册,为下列工作 确定准则:制定标界要求与规划、开展准备工作、分析标界有关文件(公约、边 界协定、地图)、根据高清星图像绘 制地图供决策使用并划定边界线、开展边 界线调查、利用现代全球卫星定位设备获取坐标、开展实地标界工作。
Given the demands with respect to border crisis on the Security Council and DPKO and support for the African Union Border Programme, it is necessary to develop a handbook that would cover guidelines on boundary demarcation requirements and planning, preparatory works, analysis of documents (treaties, boundary agreements, maps) related to
boundary demarcation,
[...] preparation of maps for decision-making purposes and delineation of boundary lines based on high-resolution satellite imagery, survey [...]
of boundary lines and
obtaining coordinates using contemporary global position satellite equipment, and physical demarcation of the boundary on the ground.
地理信息系统中心还正在使用光学和雷达星图像, 查明潜在的地表水资源,支持联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团的业 [...]
务需要,为营地选址开展复杂的地形分析(联合国南苏丹特派团),并为通信 塔选址(联合国利比亚支助团)。
The GIS Centre is also using
[...] optical and radar satellite images to identify potential [...]
groundwater resources to support the
operational needs of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, perform complex terrain analysis for campsite selection (United Nations Mission in South Sudan) and selection of sites for telecommunication towers (United Nations Support Mission in Libya).
[...] 可持续发展方面与教科文组织有关的活动;加强会员国利用从 星图 象 中 获取的所有数据的 能力,以支持可持续发展方面的决策工作,并从数据上支持评估气候变化;使所有成果都能 [...]
The overall objective of the Centre is to assist the Asia region, by bringing the benefit of space technologies to UNESCO Member States desiring to use earth observation from space in order to strengthen their UNESCO related activities in the areas of management, conservation, presentation, documentation and sustainability, as applied to their cultural and natural sites; reinforcing the current capacity of
Member States to make use of all
[...] data derived from satellite images to support the decision-making [...]
process for sustainable
development and as data-support to assess climate change; making all the results available as new educational material to support the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
[...] 灾害频发而面对着独特的困难,因此请秘书处继续努力增进太平洋的 连通及其获得和使用星图像的 方便程度,并请秘书处进一步协助太 平洋诸岛屿开展侧重灾害管理工作的空间应用能力建设,包括远程医 [...]
Cognizant that the Pacific islands face unique difficulties due to their small population, scattered land areas and frequently recurring disasters, the Committee requests that the secretariat continue its efforts to
improve Pacific connectivity and
[...] access to and use of satellite imagery and that it further [...]
assist the Pacific islands with
capacity-building in space applications, including telemedicine, e-education, e-governance, and community e-centres with a focus on disaster management.
小组委员会满意地注意到会员国开展的各项活动有助于提供和使用更多的 天基解决办法来支持灾害管理,以及支助天基信息平台方案,这些活动包括:
亚洲哨兵项目及其通过亚洲减灾中心协调应急观测请求;《在发生自然和技术灾 害时协调使用空间设施的合作宪章》(又称《空间与重大灾害问题国际宪章》)
[...] 以及在地球观测组方面为扩大向更加广大的用户提供 星 数 据 而作 相 关努 力;中美洲区域观察和监测系统。
The Subcommittee noted with satisfaction the ongoing activities of Member States that were contributing to increasing the availability and use of space-based solutions in support of disaster management, and also supporting the UN-SPIDER programme, including the following: the Sentinel Asia project and its coordination of emergency observation requests through the Asian Disaster Reduction Centre (ADRC) and the Charter on Cooperation to Achieve the Coordinated Use of Space Facilities in the Event of Natural or Technological Disasters (also called the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters), as well as related
efforts in the context of GEO to
[...] expand the provision of satellite data to a broader range [...]
of users; and the Mesoamerican
Regional Visualization and Monitoring System (SERVIR).
还有助于更好地理解星地球和相关 知 识在建设更加安全、健 康和富裕社会的重要性。
It has also helped to develop a
[...] better understanding of planet Earth as well as the [...]
importance of this knowledge in building
a safer, healthier and wealthier society.
若要查看所有搜索结果,请单击“在浏览器内查看所有 N 结果”,随后即可看到与以下屏幕图相似的内容。
If you want to see all the search results, click the "See all N results in a browser" and you will see something like the screen shot below.
在浦东项目中,我们知道了如何把先进的管网管理工具和与中文应用环 相 结 合 ,比如运用 星图 像 的 地理信息(GIS)系统、数据采集与监视控制系统(SCADA)、提供实时数据的水力模板等等。
It was Veolia Water therefore who opened the way forward in the water industry in China and knew how, in the context of the Pudong contract, to transfer and adapt in the Chinese language all the modern tools and technologies needed for efficient network management (GIS, SCADA using satellite images, hydraulic models providing real-time data etc).
布莱恩•康特纳酒庄自备与DEMETER网 相 连 的 天气预报系统,近15年来一直使用法国气象台为其专设立的内部气象站(7日天气预报,雨雷达, 星图 像 , 气候节目,9+1天气象预报等)。
Brane has its own weather station
linked up to the DEMETER network and for
[...] more than 10 years has used an extranet website run by Météo France (weather reports over 7 days, rain radar, satellite pictures, atmograms, long range forecasts at D+ 9 etc.)
以前和以后的”星图像将 用于说明环境变化情况,如土 地使用变化情况、城市扩展、水文变化(水坝、河流改道和受浸湿地)、土地退 [...]
化和荒漠化、海岸区变化、珍贵生境的丧失、战争和冲突的影响、气候变化的 影响和水体缩减等。
Before and after” satellite images will be used to [...]
show environmental changes such as land use change, urban growth, altered
hydrology (dams, river diversions and drained wetlands), degradation of land and desertification, coastal areas change, loss of valuable habitats, impacts of war and conflicts, impacts of climate change and shrinking bodies of water.
委员会表示赞赏为太平洋岛屿国家开展的关于 星图 像 的培训工 作,并表示希望看到空间应用促进可持续发展区域方案实现其在 [...]
1990 年代成立时提出的视野更广的愿景,成为亚太经社会包容性可 持续经济社会发展核心议程的一个组成部分。
The Committee was
[...] appreciative of the satellite imagery training given [...]
to Pacific island countries, and it expressed the
desire to see RESAP fulfil the broader vision that was present at its inception in the 1990s by becoming an integral part of the core ESCAP agenda of inclusive and sustainable economic and social development.
于中央信息技术事务,根据计算机保有量计算估计每台计算机每年 240 美元;中
[...] 央数据储存、检索和维持,估计 9 000 个电子邮件账户每个每年 85 美元;与部 署地图有关的服务,包括地理信息系统数字矢量地图开发系统,以及高中低分辨 率的星图像, 支持特派团军事和警察部队的巡逻和支助活动。
The provision for information technology services also accounts for centralized information technology services estimated at $240 per computer per year for projected holdings of computers; centralized data storage, retrieval and maintenance support, estimated at $85 per year per e-mail account for 9,000 accounts; and services associated with the deployment of maps, including a Geographic
Information System (GIS)
[...] digital vector map development system and high-, medium- and low-definition satellite imagery to support [...]
the mission’s military
and police patrol and support activities.
根据星图像,原子能机构经过评定认为,在班达尔阿巴斯铀生产厂区域正 在继续开展涉及铀开采和浓集的活动,并且在阿尔达坎黄饼生产厂和萨甘德铀矿 [...]
Based on satellite imagery, the Agency assesses [...]
that activities involving the mining and concentration of uranium are continuing
in the area of the Bandar Abbas Uranium Production Plant, and that construction activities are continuing at the Ardakan Yellowcake Production Plant and at the Saghand Uranium Mine.
[...] 要的延期或启动接替计划,从而能够做到接替及时、不留空当,并尽可能做到任 职人员之间至少有两星期的重叠相 交。
The EOSG needs to be more vigilant in order to process the necessary extensions or to initiate succession planning so
that it is timely, gaps do not exist, and to the extent possible that there is
[...] a minimum two week overlap with incumbents.
该计划为达到其所设定的目标,将拿巴西的贫穷人口分布图与公共服务的机 会分布图和需求分图相比照 ,进而与州和市政府合作,采取最适合和有效的手 段,从表 2 所列项目开始,帮助该政策的目标群体改善生活条件。
To achieve the goals set out therein, the plan will compare a map of poverty in Brazil with one of opportunities and one of needs in terms of public services, which, in partnership with states and city councils, will aim at setting up the most appropriate and efficient means of helping the target public of this policy to improve their living conditions, starting from the axes described in table 2.
衛星行業之長遠增長將由兩大因素所推動, 星相 對 地 面傳輸系統作為廣播行業平台的技術優勢, 以及亞洲區內電視、互聯網和流動電訊市場的多重平台越趨激烈之競爭。
Industry growth will be driven in the
long-term by two key factors: the
[...] technological advantages that satellites hold over terrestrial [...]
systems as a platform for the
broadcast industry and increased competition across multiple platforms within Asia’s television, internet and mobile telecommunications markets.
虽然 C8 芳烃混 合物通常包含至少 4 种主要组分 – PX、MX、OX 和 EB
[...] – 但是其固液相平衡仍可通过三相图方便 地表示,其中显示的是两个主要组分和一个拟组分“其他”。
Although mixtures of C8 aromatics normally contain at least 4 major components – PX, MX, OX and EB - the solid-liquid
phase equilibria can be conveniently represented
[...] on a ternary diagram showing two main [...]
components and a pseudo- component “Other”.
[...] 义、歧视、种族主义和排外主义,这些是与在言论 自由幌子下造谣中伤宗教的图相联 系 的,应该在 特性和文化特殊性的基础上加强对话,增进相互理 [...]
Lastly, at the national level it was imperative to combat resolutely all forms of extremism,
discrimination, racism and xenophobia,
[...] which were linked to attempts to defame religions [...]
under the pretext of freedom of opinion,
and to establish a dialogue based on respect for cultural identities and particularities, in order to deepen mutual understanding and tolerance.
所 开展的活动包括:监测,为刚果民主共和国、卢旺达和乌干达的世界遗产地质作 星图像 ( 与欧洲宇航局联合开展的项目);利用 星图 像 为中非提供遗产保护图(与欧洲宇航局联 合开展的项目);与国际航天大学合作,2003 [...]
年 10 月为遗产保护专业的学生举办了讲习 班;2003 年 12 月为阿拉伯国家举办了“利用航天技术开展自然和文化遗产的保护工作”讲 习班。
Activities included monitoring, satellite image of the World Heritage sites in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda (joint project
with the European
[...] Space Agency); acquisition of maps for conservation derived from satellite images for Central Africa (joint [...]
project with the
European Space Agency); workshop organized jointly with the International Space University for young heritage conservation students in October 2003, and for the Arab States on the “Use of space technologies for natural and cultural heritage conservation”, in December 2003.
主 要关注的议题是如何收集活动数据 (这对具有取得星图像、 清单和历史数据问题的较贫穷国家来说 特别困难),以及如何根据这些信息精确地估计排 [...]
The main issues of concern were how to compile activity data (a particular
difficulty for poorer countries with
[...] problems in accessing satellite imageries, inventories [...]
or historic data) and how, based on
this information, to accurately estimate emissions and removals by sinks.
(b) 请世界银行就 2010 年的消费和生产情况提供一份独立核查报告,其中至少 应核查监测系统的设立,该系统提供信息的质量,对尚未访问过的相关企业
[...] 进行实地访问,并举出一个访问过企业的实例,以便为核查报告收集必要资 料,并不迟于执行委员会第六十七次会议前 8 个星期提交相关报告。
(b) Request the World Bank to provide an independent verification on the consumption and production in the year 2010 which should, at a minimum, verify the set-up of the monitoring system and the quality of the information provided by it and carry out site visits of the relevant enterprises not yet visited and a sample of those visited in order to gather the necessary data for the verification
report, and to submit the related report
[...] not later than eight weeks prior to the 67th [...]
meeting of the Executive Committee.




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