

单词 星球大战

See also:

星球 pl

planets pl


heavenly body
celestial body (e.g. planet, satellite etc)


great war

External sources (not reviewed)

一个人行为可疑的侦探男孩参加的压轴秀明星叶片,一个模仿 星球大战 ”。
A man acts suspiciously when the Detective Boys attend the finale
[...] of the show Star Blades, a parody of Star Wars.
这部电影是模仿星球大战原始 的三部曲。
The film is a
[...] parody of the Star Wars original trilogy.
每个艺术家在收到乔治卢卡斯电 星球大战 中 黑 武士维德的1比1大小的头盔后,要发挥想象和创意在这个头盔的基础上进行再创作。
Artists were given a 1:1 scale replica of the Darth Vader Helmet used in
[...] George Lucas’ Star Wars films to re-imagine [...]
and customize.
必须维护世界和平,防止军备竞赛或 星球大战
World peace must be preserved in space and the occurrence of
[...] any arms race or “star wars” prevented
否则,你永远不知道什么,贾巴或Greedo说在 星球大战 ”。
Otherwise, you'll never know what Jabba or
[...] Greedo are saying in Star Wars.
在影片中,多啦A梦和朋友发现自己的军队(根据银河帝国)正试图接管 球 的 星 际 战 争。
In the film, Doraemon and friends find themselves in an interstellar war where an army
[...] (based on the Galactic Empire) is trying to take over Earth.
[...] 之外,我们还要回顾,就在第一世界的 10 亿人浪费星球大约一半的能源之时,20 亿穷人缺乏电力。
Apart from these alarming facts, which are part of everyday life on this planet, we would also recall that, while 1 billion people
living in the first world waste around half of the energy
[...] resources of the planet, 2 billion poor [...]
people lack electricity.
新举措的另一个方向可能在对公众进行提高认识的宣传 活动中发现,宣传的主题是我们 星球 对 未 来几代人的潜力,并鼓励青年人更多地了解我们 的地球家园、地球的力量、地球的美丽和带来的 战。
A second direction for new initiatives will probably be found in outreach for raising awareness among
the general public
[...] on the potential of our planet for future generations and to encourage young people to learn more about our home planet, its powers, its beauty and its challenges.
More advocacy targeting regional and subregional entities will be undertaken in addition to strong and strategic advocacy at the [...]
global level.
本报告借鉴 2008 年对中期战略计划所作中期审查(E/ICEF/2008/18)以及 后来对中期战略计划所作深入审查(E/ICEF/2010/9)的结果,力求:(a) 总结影 响儿童的球格局 变化,包括新出现的问题;(b) 在 2010 年 9 月关于千年发展 目标的大会高级别全体会议(“千年发展目标首脑会议”)所作讨论的基础上,审 查实现千年发展目标和《千年宣言》各项承诺的进展情况;(c) 确定和阐述中期 战略计划的大战略调整;(d) 在吸取经验教训、分析进展情况和最新事态发展 以及审查管理问题的基础上,阐述每一个重点领域的成果。
Building on the outcome of the 2008 mid-term review (E/ICEF/2008/18) and the in-depth review (E/ICEF/2010/9) of the MTSP, the
report aims to (a) take
[...] stock of changes in the global context affecting children, including emerging issues; (b) review progress made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals and commitments of the Millennium Declaration building on the discussions that took place at the General Assembly High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals (“Millennium Development Goals Summit”), in September 2010; (c) identify and elaborate on key strategic shifts [...]
in the MTSP; and (d) present
results in each focus area, based on lessons learned, analysis of progress and recent developments, and a review of management issues.
此 外,应当大努力,制定一项球战 略 ,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发展创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 [...]
体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、开放、平等、非胁迫性、基于规则、可 预测和非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise [...]
and mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant
multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, non-coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
我们相信,促进各方面的裁军,也将有助于处理 国际社会面临的其他重要战,包 括实现千年发展目 标、减少贫困、促进人的尊严和福祉,以及确保对我 们宝星球的保护。
We believe that promoting disarmament on all fronts would
also help to address
[...] other critical challenges facing the international community, including achieving the Millennium Development Goals, reducing poverty and promoting human dignity and well-being, as well as ensuring the protection of our precious planet.
当前以及最近通过区域协调机制及其工作组推动开展联合活动的 若干例子包括:(a) 关于联合国可持续发大会的 一份区域机构间出 版物;(b) 秘书长“联合起来制止对妇女的暴力”运动在区域层面的 启动和实施;(c) 妇女、和平与安全问题区域咨询小组的成立;(d) “改善农业和农村统计工作的球战 略 ” 的区域实施;(e) 普及教育 十年期结束进展说明编制;(f) 秘书长妇女和儿童保健联合行动计划 的实施;(g) 2010 年移徙与发展全球论坛亚太区域筹备会议的召 开。
Selected current and recent examples of joint activities facilitated through the Regional Coordination Mechanism and its working groups include: (a) a regional inter-agency publication on the United Nations
Conference on Sustainable
[...] Development; (b) the launch and implementation at the regional level of the Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign; (c) the establishment of a Regional Advisory Group on Women, Peace and Security; (d) regional implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural [...]
and Rural Statistics;
(e) preparation of End-of-Decade Notes on Education for All progress; (f) implementation of the Secretary-General’s Joint Action Plan for Women’s and Children’s Health; and (g) the convening of the AsiaPacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Global Forum on Migration and Development 2010.
这些发现对一个长期存在的理论提出了 战 , 即 月 球 主 要 是由 大 约 45亿年前的一个与地球发生了一次 大 碰 撞 之后的 星大 小 的 行星的物质产生的。
The findings challenge a long-stranding theory that the Moon was produced primarily from the material of a Mars-sized planet after a giant [...]
collision with Earth about 4.5 billion years ago.
适应气候变化的影响对于太平洋岛国的未来而言,的 确关系大,但太平洋对于我星球 的 未 来而言,也 是一种重要资源。
Adaptation to climate impact is indeed vital
for the future of Pacific islanders, but the Pacific
[...] Ocean also represents a vital resource for the future of our planet.
在探索宝星球的森 林,逃犯满足BEN(马丁·肖特),一个被遗弃的,异想天开的机器人声称已经失去 大 部 分记忆,并邀请他们到他家里照顾受伤的阿梅利亚。
While exploring Treasure Planet’s forests, the fugitives meet B.E.N. (Martin Short), an abandoned, whimsical robot who claims to have lost most of his memory [...]
and invites them
to his house to care for the wounded Amelia.
本通 函旨在向
[...] 閣下提供所提呈決議案之資料及美聯集團有限公司(「本公司」)於二零一二年 十月八日星 期一 )中午十二時正假座香港德輔道中19號 球大 廈 25 樓2505-8室舉行股東 特別大會(「股東特別大會」)之通告,以供考慮及批准該議案。
The purpose of this circular is to provide you with information regarding the proposal and to give you notice of the special general meeting (the “SGM”) of Midland Holdings Limited
(the “Company”)
[...] to be held on Monday, 8 October 2012 at 12:00 noon at Rooms 2505-8, 25th Floor, World-Wide House, 19 [...]
Des Voeux Road Central,
Hong Kong to consider and approve the proposal.
吉姆心醉的故事,传说中的海盗弗林特船长和他的能力,不知从何处出现,突袭过往船只,并消失在神秘的“宝 星球 ” 隐藏 的 战 利 品
Jim is enchanted by stories of the legendary pirate Captain Flint and his ability
to appear from nowhere, raid passing ships, and disappear in order to hide
[...] the loot on the mysterious “Treasure Planet”.
它还支持实施世界卫大会通过的 《预防和控制非传染性疾病球战略 2 008-2013 年行动计划》、世卫组织的《烟 草控制框架公约》、《关于饮食、体育锻炼与健康的全球战略》以及旨在减少有害 饮酒导致公共健康问题的循证战略和干预办法。
It further supports the implementation of the World Health Assembly-endorsed 2008-2013 Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention [...]
and Control of non-communicable
diseases, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, and the evidence-based strategies and interventions to reduce the public health problems caused by the harmful use of alcohol.
[...] 加上廣泛的服務範圍,讓我們得以為客戶提供由單一 星 連 接至 全 球 三 分之二人口的高質素和可靠服務。
The high power of our satellites and our range of services allow us to
provide our customers with high quality and reliable access to two-thirds of
[...] the world’s population from a single satellite.
执行局将继续积极地参与推行委员会的宣传战略,以增强对联合国、委员会 和执行局在反恐领域的工作的了解,并将积 大 力 宣 传将在 2012 年举行的、广 大会员 国都可参加的委员会特别会议,重点是委员会努力执行安全理事会相关授 权和《球战略》
The Executive Directorate will continue to be actively engaged in promoting the Committee’s communications strategy in order to enhance understanding of the work of the United Nations, the Committee and the Executive Directorate in the field of counter-terrorism, will be active in promoting and
highlighting the special
[...] meeting of the Committee, open to the wider membership, to be held in 2012, and will focus on the Committee’s efforts to implement the relevant Security Council mandates and the Global Strategy.
3. 强调亚太区域居住着球大多数 贫困人口,各国政府在解决这一问题时面临 特殊战。
3. emphasized that the Asia-Pacific region
contained the majority
[...] of hungry people in the world and that governments faced special challenges in addressing this issue.
White-Ra』,世界级的星际电竞指针性人物,此次与曜越Tt eSPORTS合作,就是本着对电竞的热忱;这位来自乌克兰的星际好手,从接触电竞后就分别参加世界级 大 型 赛 事且藉由其 战 经 验 中独创White-Ra独 星 际 战 术 ,而 其亲和与热爱分享的性格也快速融入粉丝群中,只要到各地征战皆会热心地与玩家们分享游戏心得。
Aleksey Krupnyk, or “White-Ra”, is an iconic pro-gaming legend of SCII. Travelling from his home country of Ukraine to compete in global gaming tournaments, with his gentle characteristics, his love of gaming, and his Special Tactics of Protoss race, White-Ra wishes to share his passion of gaming further with his fans worldwide.
中国崛起(我更倾向于说回归)为 球大 国 和 影响中心地位对其他国家带来了机遇与 战。
China’s rise (or as I prefer,
[...] return) to a position of global power and influence poses both challenges and opportunities [...]
to others.
本次审查借鉴 2008 年中期审查的结果(见执行局报告 E/ICEF/2008/18),为 开展下述工作提供了一个机会:(a) 总结影响儿童的球格局变化,包括新出现 的问题;(b) 审查实现千年发展目标和《千年宣言》承诺的进展情况;(c) 确定 和阐述中期战略计划的大战略调 整;(d) 在吸取经验教训、分析进展情况和最 新事态发展以及审查管理问题的基础上,更新各重点领域的成果框架。
Building on the outcome of the 2008 midterm review (see Executive Board report E/ICEF/2008/18), the review was an
opportunity to (a) take stock
[...] of changes in the global context affecting children, including emerging issues; (b) review progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and commitments of the Millennium Declaration; (c) identify and elaborate on key strategic shifts in [...]
the MTSP; and (d) update
the results framework of each focus area, based on lessons learned, analysis of progress and recent developments and a review of management issues.
布伦丹•罗杰斯和其他的利物浦球员在上两次的从比赛中保持了联赛冠军的头衔,尽管球队没有像对手那样拥有很多 球星 , 但 都是 2 - 2 战 平。
Brendan Rodgers and the rest of Liverpool have also held the
league titlists in their last two meetings, both ending in a 2-2 draw
[...] despite lacking the star power their opponents [...]
2009年5月在南非度假期间,他曾经来到开普敦 大 的 Kh ayelitsha镇,并询问一群当时正在踢足球的孩子谁是他们最崇拜的偶像,当时他满以为他们会说出一位顶 球星 的 名 字。
While on vacation in South Africa in May 2009, he visited Khayelitsha, the largest township in Cape Town, and asked a crowd of teenagers playing soccer who their idol was, fully expecting them to name a top-flight player.
当天活动曜越Tt eSPORTS的星海战将『白大妈Wh ite-Ra』亲临现场与来到摊位的观众及粉丝一起同乐,也顺便让玩家一赌何谓【白大妈独门战术】,当然白大妈一如往常地展现超高亲和力,现场接受访问及合照,让玩家及粉丝们无不与高采烈的索取签名照,也因为如此现场的电竞产品完全被抢购一空。
The booth will also be
[...] the home of Tt eSPORTS Superstar Aleksey “White-Ra” [...]
Krupnyk who is competing in the Starcraft 2 Tournament
at Dreamhack, but when not competing in his tournament matches you can visit and watch him at the Tt eSPORTS Booth Stage as well as ask for autographs and pictures.
该行动倡议定义为“压力下星球大 会 ” ,于 2012 年 3 月由教科文组织一名雇员 [...]
在伦敦主持召开,三千余名科学家和其他相关各方代表出席,期间教科文组织组织了数场专 题会议。
The initiative was
[...] defined at the “Planet under Pressure Conference”, [...]
cochaired by a UNESCO staff member, which convened
over 3,000 scientists and other stakeholders in London in March 2012, and in which UNESCO organized several thematic sessions.
2011年9月,本办公室同威斯星大学 麦迪逊分校副教授兼研究生处处长威廉•雷诺博士启动一个项目,以回应需要制定明确的政策准则和运作方法的问题,查明、评估和应对非国家武装团体控制平民或以平民为目标,并使他们有可能遭到灭绝种族 战 争 罪 、种族清洗和/或危害人类罪危害的情形。
In September 2011, the Office initiated a project with Dr. William Reno, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate
Studies at the University of Wisconsin,
[...] Madison to  respond to the need for specific policy guidelines and operational methodologies for identifying, assessing, and responding to situations involving non-state armed groups that control or target civilian populations and put them at risk of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and/or crimes against humanity.




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