

单词 星曜



unlucky star (evil portent in astrology)

See also:


satellite n
star n
saturn n

one of the seven planets of pre-modern astronomy

small amount

External sources (not reviewed)

曜越科技旗下首屈一指的电竞品牌Tt eSPORTS将继圣武士SAPHIRA光学电竞鼠标后, 曜 越 太阳 神 星 际 2人 皇——SoftBall联手开发THERON闪猎激光引擎电竞鼠标。
When mechanical engineering meets professional eSports, a special collaboration begins and the latest Tt eSPORTS pro gaming mouse—the THERON—is the product of that collaboration.
光学电竞鼠标SAPHIRA圣武士及限量版签名鼠标垫是展位上最闪耀的一 星 ; 同时,白大妈『White-Ra』也很清楚的表逹出SAPHIRA圣武士的出现将会带给玩家们与众不同的电竞手感,因为SAPHIRA圣武士勘称是他目前最满意的代表作且此举也响应 曜 越 Tt eSPORTS也会持续秉持着「致力于创造完美的使用者经验」的终极使命提供更多的电竞舞台空间。
On our booth you can see the brand new “White-Ra” gaming peripherals which include the “Special Tactics” Mouse Pad and the Tt eSPORTS “Saphira” gaming mouse, which have both been expertly developed, based on Aleksey “White-Ra” Krupnyk’s feedback and suggestions [...]
to create the perfect end user experience.
台北,台湾-2011年10月 24日-Tt
[...] eSPORTS-高性能专业电竞的代名词,持续贯 曜 越 科技的终极使命「致力于创造完美的用户经验」!
October 24th, 2011 - Taipei, Taiwan – Tt
eSPORTS, the leader of gaming and a
[...] sub-division brand of Thermaltake, is exciting to [...]
announce SAPHIRA, world’s most advanced
pro-gaming engineering technology on mouse, and White-Ra’s Limited Edition signature mouse pad.
曜越Tt eSPORTS这次非常有荣幸地能与重量星 际 选 手『White-Ra』并肩共同推出光学电竞鼠标SAPHIRA圣武士及限量版签名鼠标垫,成功的吸取电竞比赛中硬件配备的环节并置入产品中。
Tt eSPORTS is honored to have White-Ra as a member of design team. His experience of winning SCII titles [...]
is saying a lot; the
unbelievable 10-match win streak in the lower bracket of the Major League Gaming Anaheim 2011, and the glorious triumph of IGN Pro League’s 2nd Season to HomeStory Cup 2.
曜越科 技自1999年起秉持『致力於創造完美的使用者經驗』之企業使命,與旗下專業電腦DIY品牌【Thermaltake】以穩健的腳步持續延續品牌和產品創新獨具之精神,在業界擁有屹立不搖的地位!自2002年起,Thermaltake推出了第一代Bigwater [...] [...]
Thermaltake, the go-ahead for [...]
the liquid-cooling system 【Bigwater SE】to the PC gaming hardware and DIY market development
was presented in 2002, the scene was set for expansion, and followed with variants of cooling system including the “DIY style”, “external style, “All-in-one Style”, “waterblock” and “liquid-cooling chassis” etc. The brand is therefore launching a new highlight with a new model series while continuing a tradition that has repeatedly met with great enthusiasm throughout the history of the “Bigwater Series” and liquid-cooling chassis, with the new CPU liquid-cooling chassis 【Level 10 GT LCS】and CPU liquid -cooling system 【Bigwater A80】&【Bigwater 760 PLUS】, which emphasize on their superior performance and state-of-the-art technology.
曜越太阳神星海战 将【人皇-软球】表示,本次的选手皆大幅提升,当然最重要的还是这是第一次参与IeSF国际知名电竞联邦邀请赛,能获得第四名的席位也感到欣慰与珍惜;接下来,会更加倍努力来提升自我的实力,不过,功欲善其事必先利其器,因为Tt eSPORTS职业电竞级的配备,絶对是在星海战场上的一把利器,原因无它,只有量身打造的电竞配备并搭配不断的练习并参加国际的大型赛事,才能将自我的能力大幅提升,即而挤进国际级的星海名人堂。
While Softball takes an exciting 4th place in one of his first international tournaments, he is excited to continue practicing at the Tt eSPORTS and Tt Apollos professional practice facilities and improve his standings in the international scene.
曜越科 技Thermaltake所推出的「机壳」、「散热器」、「电源供应器」一直都风行于DIY市场及金字塔顶端的玩家族群中并成为全球DIY电脑首选品牌的地位。
Thermaltake is a well known [...]
brand for gaming & DIY in Case, Cooler, and PSU for years. Due to the constant requests for
keyboards and mice from gamers and end users, Thermaltake decided to create a series of gaming keyboards, mice, and headsets with the Tt eSPORTS brand.
White-Ra』,世界级星际电 竞指针性人物,此次 曜 越 TteSPORTS合作,就是本着对电竞的热忱;这位来自乌克兰 星 际 好手,从接触电竞后就分别参加世界级的大型赛事且藉由其对战经验中独创White-Ra独门星际战术,而其亲和与热爱分享的性格也快速融入粉丝群中,只要到各地征战皆会热心地与玩家们分享游戏心得。
Aleksey Krupnyk, or “White-Ra”, is an iconic pro-gaming legend of SCII. Travelling from his home country of Ukraine to compete in global gaming tournaments, with his gentle characteristics, his love of gaming, and his Special Tactics of Protoss race, White-Ra wishes to share his passion of gaming further with his fans worldwide.
此次的独家合作,虚宝内容不仅只有SCAR-LIGHT突击步枪,还包 曜 越 纪 念名片与纪念喷漆,一定可以让所有玩家及粉丝疯狂享受最刺激的战斗模式。
Tt eSPORTS and Cross Fire bring you more than this debut partnership and
SCAR-LIGHT assault rifle; we are also going
[...] to give you the Tt eSPORTS collector’s [...]
edition cards and paints, all can be
found in Cross Fire (CF) shooting game.
雖然政府仍然傾向本土星營運 商,我們相信他們將會意識到開放市場的好處,因而最終會 容許外資營運商在沒有限制下進入這些市場。
Even though governments still have a
[...] preference for local satellite operators, we believe [...]
that they will recognise the benefits
of an open market and hence will eventually allow foreign operators to enter these markets without restrictions.
台北,台灣-2013年3月22日-曜越Tt eSPORTS身為世界電競領導品牌,專為職業電競玩家打造一流的電子競技配備,史無前例首隻由台灣職業電競選手 曜 越 太 陽神 星 海 戰隊第一好手「亞洲人皇」SoftBall與曜越TteSPORTS所聯手打造而成的逸品,不僅展現出 曜越TteSPORTS高超的研發實力與豐富的開發經驗,更是濃縮了人皇SoftBall長年電競經驗與高深實力的精髓,《閃獵THERON 雷射引擎電競滑鼠》的誕生,從設計研發到完成,再以全球電競領導品牌的權威姿態將想像力、創新力和競爭力集結於電競配備上,搭配卓越的設計思維,優越的技術,以畫龍點睛之效果一舉拿下『2012紅點設計獎 [...]
Red Dot Design Awards』。
Its beautifully trimmed bodylines and its perfect mouse grip and placement of the side buttons are awarded by the reddot Design Award (click here for more information), a prestigious recognition by the institute of The Design Zentrum – the organizer of reddot.
当天活曜越Tt eSPORTS的星海战 将『白大妈White-Ra』亲临现场与来到摊位的观众及粉丝一起同乐,也顺便让玩家一赌何谓【白大妈独门战术】,当然白大妈一如往常地展现超高亲和力,现场接受访问及合照,让玩家及粉丝们无不与高采烈的索取签名照,也因为如此现场的电竞产品完全被抢购一空。
The booth will also
[...] be the home of Tt eSPORTS Superstar Aleksey “White-Ra” [...]
Krupnyk who is competing in the Starcraft 2 Tournament
at Dreamhack, but when not competing in his tournament matches you can visit and watch him at the Tt eSPORTS Booth Stage as well as ask for autographs and pictures.
Tt eSPORTS才刚亮相的机械式电竞键盘拓荒者MEKA G-Unit,拥有王者风范及霸气十足的机身外观,加上两侧衬以红色线条勾勒,搭配三组按键采独立耀眼白色LED背光设计,提供四段闪光设定及呼吸式情境灯,展现一体成型线条的流畅感!不过最重要的还是现场六组的Live Demo,还包括与白大妈White-Ra与曜越 太阳 神 星 海 战 将人皇软球所共同研发的圣武士及秘密武器,可以说是让玩家们尽情验体目前最火红的游戏。
Tt eSPORTS are offering all gamers the opportunity to visit our booth and try our products such as the MEKA G1 and MEKA G-UNIT Keyboards on our 6 Live Demo Machines which throughout the event will be running games such as Battlefield 3, Heroes of Newerth and Counter Strike.
当然曜越太阳神星海战 队的超人气战将【人皇-软球】,在一路过关斩将后,赢得本次代表台湾区星海争霸II的参选名额,荣耀参与IeSF国际电竞联邦邀请赛。
One of the attendees was Tt Apollos Softball, who was the Starcraft II representative [...]
of the country of Taiwan after winning
the Taiwan regional qualifier.
我們的高功率星 加上廣泛的服務範圍,讓我們得以為客戶提供由單一 星 連 接 至全球三分之二人口的高質素和可靠服務。
The high power of our satellites and our range of services allow us to provide our customers with high quality [...]
and reliable access to
two-thirds of the world’s population from a single satellite.
曜華先 生簡介香港醫院藥劑師學會的意見書 (立法會CB(2)2271/06-07(01)號文件)。該會要求,假如財 [...]
委會批准由2007年 8月 1日起就若干公務員職系實施修訂 起薪點,醫管局應解決2000年 4月 1日或之後獲聘的現職 藥劑師與實施修訂起薪點之後獲聘的現職藥劑師的入職 薪酬差距。
Mr SO Yiu-wah introduced the [...]
submission of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong (LC Paper No. CB(2)2271/06-07(01))
which called upon HA to address the pay disparity of serving pharmacists at the entry level appointed on or after 1 April 2000 and serving pharmacists at the entry level appointed after the implementation of the revised starting salaries for certain civil service grades on 1 August 2007 if approved by FC.
曜越科技董事長暨執行長表示:曜 越 Th ermaltake為水冷市場的領導先驅,我們融合頂級元素,打造出兼顧多種需求且超乎想像、完美無瑕的水冷產品。
The new Thermaltake Liquid-Cooling Solution of 【Level 10 GT LCS】chassis [...]
and CPU liquid cooling system【Bigwater A80】&【Bigwater
760 PLUS】embody excitement and high-technology at the very highest level.
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价 目前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程, 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三 星期 的讲习班。
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the
senior mission
[...] leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups [...]
of 40 candidates.
曜越科 技以貼近消費者,觀察社群領導者的行為和需求,研發設計出外型突出且品質優良的產品,來大幅提升系統的效能並激發玩家的潛能。
Moreover, Thermaltake Technology get [...]
close to consumers and observe lead users’ behavior and requirement, to design aesthetic
and high quality products which will greatly improve system performance and bring the user to the up most potential.
新举措的另一个方向可能在对公众进行提高认识的宣传 活动中发现,宣传的主题是我们星 球 对未来几代人的潜力,并鼓励青年人更多地了解我们 的地球家园、地球的力量、地球的美丽和带来的挑战。
A second direction for new initiatives will probably be found in outreach for raising awareness among the general public on the potential of our planet for future generations and to encourage young people to learn more about our home planet, its powers, its beauty and its challenges.
拟编列 68 800 美元,用作与下列讨论会/会议/讲习班有关的差旅费:与 环境署冲突后事务处的伙伴关系将延伸至外地行动;为解决合同管理、业绩和解 决办法协定等方面的现有问题,与承包商就克服口粮方面的短缺举行年度会议;
联合国地理信息工作组第十一次年度全体会议,该会议将侧重地理信息系统数据 的分享和技术交流以及联合国空间数据基础设施的开发;北约和平伙伴关系地理
[...] 空间年度会议,以交流地理信息系统数据和应用程序;与北约、欧洲联盟 星中 心 和欧洲联盟委员会联合研究中心的协调会议。
An amount of $68,800 is proposed for travel in connection with the following seminars/conferences/workshops: partnership work with the UNEP post-conflict branch to be extended to field operations; annual conference to address existing issues of contract management, performance and resolution agreement with contractors on overcoming shortfalls with respect to rations; eleventh annual plenary meeting of the United Nations Geographic Information Working Group, which focuses on GIS data sharing and technology exchange as well as development of the United Nations spatial data infrastructure; annual NATO Partnership for Peace geospatial conference for the exchange of GIS data and applications;
and coordination meetings with NATO, the
[...] European Union Satellite Centre and the [...]
European Commission Joint Research Centre.
同时曜越科 技也在消费电子性大展上介绍了许多其他的新产品,包含获得奖项的新系列“Toughpower [...]
XT”, 即将上市的Frio cooler及两种全新设计的计算机机壳。
Of course Thermaltake introduced their [...]
new products in the CES, include new edition of the award-winning “Toughpower XT”
line of high-end PC power supply units, upcoming Frio cooler, and also two new models of the successful V-series of PC chassis.
Toughpower Grand 系列的空前未有之美學外型設計,已超越其他市場上之競爭者, Toughpower Grand 絕對曜越科技創新能力的標章。
The Toughpower Grand series' unparalleled aesthetic exterior design has set itself above other PSUs currently available on the market.
同時,Apollo亦精通箭術,百發百中,從未射失; 曜 越 太陽神即以其為象徵,代表團隊光明磊落與熱情,甫以前頭冠以集團名稱及隊中有多名選手,稱 曜 越 太陽神(Thermaltake Apollos)。
Apollo also mastered in archery; he could shoot with unfailing accuracy. This was where Tt APOLLOS got the name from, symbolizing integrity and passion of the team.
2012年曜越持 續秉持著對於精緻品質與卓越服務的堅持,成立結合時尚和專業電競遊戲週邊的購物網站-《 Tt B u y 曜 越 購 物》,以台灣最專業電子競技潮流風格為導向,打造專屬於廣大愛用者和電競玩家優質電競的專業購物環境。
Thermaltake, carring the insist to provide excellent service and high-quality products, established Tt Buy-an e-shopping site in 2012.
曜越Tt eSPORTS此次与『White-Ra』独家合作,共同研发的光学电竞鼠标SAPHIRA圣武士及限量版签名鼠标垫,目地就是要让全球玩家在电子竞技赛事中有更突出的表现,所以『White-Ra』参与了产品制作的每个过程及研发细节。
The first ever White-Ra series gaming products - SAPHIRA and the Limited Edition mouse pad - White-Ra participated in everything from product design to the idea of professional gaming products shall all work as one when competing: “No hesitation, no distraction.
但由於來自市場對於鍵盤、滑鼠與耳機需求的日益增加, 曜 越 科 技決定於2010年以「Tt eSPORTS」做為電子競技產品的品牌,推出遊戲鍵盤、滑鼠與耳機等一系列的產品線,希望藉由「Tt [...]
Due to the constant requests for keyboards and mice from gamers and
[...] end users, Thermaltake decided to [...]
create a series of gaming keyboards, mice,
and headsets with the Tt eSPORTS brand.
此次的合作,包括台湾及全世界的粉丝都引颈期盼许久,不过,漫长等待是值得的,今天 曜 越 集 团旗团Tt eSPORTS首次宣布,相信所有电竞粉丝及玩家们终于可以见证到令人兴奋的『White-Ra』光学电竞鼠标SAPHIRA圣武士及限量版签名鼠标垫。
Along with eagle’s representation of authoritive depiction of God-like, Aleksey ‘White-Ra’ Krupnyk presents to you the Limited Edition White-Ra mouse pad, available in color black and white, offering gamers an alternative choice uniquely differentiated from commonly seen in standard black.
台北,台湾 -2011年11月4日--曜越科 技旗下首屈一指的电竞品牌事业处Tt [...]
eSPORTS电竞数字专用耳机震撼者一号(SHOCK One)首次与穿越火线(Cross Fire,简称CF)连手合作企图再度打造射击游戏高峰。
November 9th, 2011 - Taipei, Taiwan – Tt eSPORTS, a
[...] sub-division brand of Thermaltake, is excited [...]
to publicly announcing the first debut join-force
partnership with Cross Fire (CF), a FPS game created by South Korean game developer NEOWIZ.
曜越Tt eSPORTS秉持为全球游戏玩家开发最专业的电竞装备为己任, THERON闪猎激光引擎电竞鼠标的誔生将会带给玩家更多职业电竞选手精准操控的崭新体验。
Cooperative design elements contributed by SC2 pro gamer Zhan “Softball” Zhenyu are incorporated to allow the THERON make you feel like a pro.




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