

单词 兼能

See also:

holding two or more (official) posts at the same time

External sources (not reviewed)

在加入 Guggenheim 之前,Murray 先生是富国银行的执行副总兼能源 部 经理,他还是Wells Fargo Energy Capital 的总裁。
Prior to joining Guggenheim, Mr. Murray was an Executive Vice President and Manager of the Energy Group at Wells Fargo Bank and the President of Wells Fargo Energy Capital.
The school-based mathematics curriculum should address both the needs of average students and of those at both ends of the ability scale.
為了合理化加壓站的實作成本,Veolia Water 希望標準化控制面板以達到管理 2 到 4 個泵浦站的目標,同時能兼顧效能 、 可 靠性、維護以及部署和操作方便性。
To rationalize the costs of boosters implementation, Veolia Water wishes to standardize the control panel boards with objective of being able to manage sites of 2 to 4 pumps while emphasizing on the performance, reliability, maintenance, as well as the deployment and operation.
Momentus 是業界第一台兼備高效能 5,400-rpm 主軸馬達轉速與傳統 4200-rpm 筆記型電腦硬碟機低電池耗電量兩項優點的筆記型電腦硬碟機,因此,客戶不必再為了效能與行動能力 能兼 得 的兩難傷透腦筋。
Momentus is the industry's first notebook hard drive to combine a high-performance 5,400-rpm spindle speed with the low battery-consumption of a traditional 4200-rpm notebook hard drive, so customers no longer have to choose between performance and mobility.
我們強調的是平易之人機界面;作業狀況即時顯示,進而通知各單位,以最快速的方式排除自動櫃員機之問題與狀況;查詢作業自動化,使偶發緊急事件之回應及日常交辦事項之查詢快速而有效率;可依既定之條件產生管理報表,使報 能兼 具 靈 活及效率化之雙重優點;通報作業自動化的功能可利用語音或手機簡訊自動發送狀態訊息於分所屬負責人;當然,針對歷史資料之保存與利用可提供業者針對各ATM之歷史檔(Log File)追蹤各Events發生時間及頻率,並利用此資料產生分析報表,並對其端末採取有效之解決之道。
We place emphasis on the user-friendly HMI; the operation conditions are displayed in real time to inform each unit of the problems and conditions of ATMs to troubleshoot them in the quickest way; the automated query operation enables quick and efficient queries on responses to the incidents and daily action items; the management reports can be generated based on the given conditions for flexible and efficient reports; reporting automation allows automatic delivery of the status message to the respective responsible person via mobile voicemail or SMS; of course, the history data will be archived and can be used to provide the log files of each ATM to know when events occur and how often they occur, based on which the analysis reports are generated and effective solutions are taken for their terminals.
员工将认出他们使用多年的功能和按钮,只有这款耳 能兼 容 他 们的统一通信系统。
Employees will recognize the functions and buttons they’ve used for years, only this headset works with their UC system.
根据联塞部队的任务,它要尽能兼 顾 安 全方面的考虑以及维持军事现状的需 要,务使在缓冲区内生活和工作的塞人能够进行民事活动,享受充分的、有作为 的生活。
Its mandate requires reconciling, as far as possible, security considerations and the maintenance of the military status quo while allowing Cypriots who live and work in the buffer zone to pursue civilian activities and enjoy full and productive lives.
向绿色经济的平稳过渡将带来明智的发展,而后者包括旨在保护弱势群体 并确保经济增能兼容并 顾整个社会的保障措施。
A smooth transition to a green economy will lead to smart development that includes safeguards to protect vulnerable communities and ensure socially inclusive growth.
在佛吉亚担任干部或领导职位相当于一项全职工作,任何管理干部或领导均 能兼 职 从 事 第二项工作,也不能拥有或掌管一项需要其投入大量时间的事业,但事先获得人力资源主 管书面同意者除外。
Faurecia considers that executive and management positions within the Group require a full-time commitment. Therefore, no executive or manager may hold a second job, or own or operate a business that requires active use of his or her own time without the express authorization of the Human Resources Manager.
木制吊顶的不同方面形成了自由的拼贴效果 能兼 容 任 何的灯光和暖通设计。
Orientation of the wooden lamella panels of the suspended roof varies to form a patchwork, allowing flexibility of the lighting and ventilation design.
新的重建模式能兼顧業 主住戶以至社會整體利益,同時具有可持續 的商業模式,才能在公營及私營重建模式以外創出一條新途徑。
The new redevelopment mode should strive a balanc e between the need of  landlords and the community at large. It should a lso be a sustainable business model,  so that it could be operational besides the priva te and public modes of practice.
[...] 全力參與全新數碼聲音廣播及數碼地面電視平台新節目的編輯管理與 策劃工作,因此能兼顧有 關的新職責。
However, the existing DD of B has already been fully
stretched in his schedule of work, and the
[...] incumbent will be heavily involved in editorial [...]
management and planning for new programming
on the new DAB and DTT platforms.
现已构想了可作出哪些努 力,来提高妇女在经济活动中的参与度;加强妇女在经济生活中的作用并增进她 们的经济权利;向面临经济全球化挑战的妇女提供支助;向妇女提供更多的贷款 并资助中小型企业;向妇女提供各种服务,使她 能兼 顾 家 庭责任和她们在经济 发展中的作用。
Efforts are envisaged to: increase women’s participation in economic activities; strengthen the role of women in economic life and boost their economic rights; support women facing the challenges of economic globalization; give women a larger share of loans and of funding for small and medium-sized enterprises; and offer women services that will allow them to reconcile their family duties and their role in economic development.
中心将与 2007 年在中国建立的由教科文组织赞助的亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心 (以下简称亚太世遗培训研究中心)建立密切的合作关系,使双方能够经验共享,并按照 34 C/4 所强调的目标,探索出一能兼顾物质和非物质两种形态的遗产保护需要的综合行动 模式来。
The Centre will establish close collaboration with the World Heritage Training and Research Institute for the Asia and the Pacific region under the auspices of UNESCO (henceforth WHITRAP) established in China in 2007, allowing both centres to share experiences and develop an integrated approach in the safeguarding of both tangible and intangible heritage as emphasized in document 34 C/4.
在有些情况下,在不断变化的任务环境中开展维 持和平任务与提供足够或适当的资源两者 能兼 顾。
There have been cases of mismatch between peacekeeping mandates in dynamic mission environments and the provision of adequate or appropriate resources.
但上诉法院认为,条 约和所提供的豁免并没有废除,“因为其中所提供的免除税收不是与战争状态的 存在能兼容”
But the Court of Appeal found that the Treaty and the exemption provided by it were not abrogated “since the immunity from taxation therein provided was not incompatible with the existence of a state of war”.
任期内,能兼任大 区议员或社区议员以及内阁大臣职务。
The term of office of a deputy is four years; such office cannot be held concurrently with that of regional or community councillor or minister.
釋義及通則條例》(第 1章 )第
10B條規定條例的中文本和英 文本同等真確;條例的兩種真確本所載條文,均推定為具有同等意義; 凡條例的兩種真確本在比較之下,出現意義分歧,而引用通常適用的
[...] 法例釋義規則亦不能解決,則須在考慮條例的目的和作用後,採用能兼顧及協調兩文本的意義。
Section 10B of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) provides that the English and Chinese texts of an Ordinance shall be equally authentic, and that the provisions of an Ordinance are presumed to have the same meaning in each authentic text. Where a comparison of the authentic texts of an Ordinance discloses a difference of meaning which the rules of statutory interpretation ordinarily
applicable do not resolve, the meaning
[...] which best reconciles the texts, [...]
having regard to the object and purposes of the Ordinance, shall be adopted.
实际上,表格的最新v2.1版如此灵活,以至于 能兼 饰 两 角,可以作为一个重型的树视图(Treeview)控件。
In fact, the latest v2.1 of the grid is so flexible that it can double as a heavy duty Treeview control.
[...] 负责人员的任命方式(由会计长单独决定) 和代理人的任命方式及他们的职责和 能兼 任 的 职务;(b) 所负责的最高开支额16 和开支类 别17 ;(c) [...]
资金的最高额;以及(d) 补充该账户的方式。
Specific texts have not yet, however, been drafted to cover rules on: (a) procedures for appointing the person responsible (individual decision taken formally by the Comptroller) and the
alternate, and definition of the
[...] responsibilities and incompatibilities attaching to such duties; (b) [...]
the maximum amount of expenditure
payable16 and the type of expenditure borne;17 (c) the maximum petty cash fund amount; and (d) procedures for the replenishment of the fund.
Printronix 没有对这些产品进行
[...] 测试,因此不能对其它任何非 Printronix 产品的能、兼容性和声明 之准确性做出保证。
Printronix has not tested those
products and cannot confirm the accuracy of
[...] performance, compatibility or any other [...]
claims related to non-Printronix products.
IGP/PGL 具有联机表格、条形码和多种字母数字文本生成功能,并 与早期版本的 Printronix IGP 协议和编程能兼容。
The IGP/PGL provides on-line forms, bar codes, and
many alphanumeric text-generation
[...] capabilities and is compatible with earlier versions [...]
of Printronix IGP protocol and programming.
现在这些版本都已经过时,能兼容 当 前版本的聊天服务器。
Now these versions are
[...] obsolete and not compatible with current version [...]
of chat server.
有关代表团认为,给予继承国提出新保留的权利,与公约就国家合并或分离情况所阐述的条 约在法律上的连续性原则能兼容(见 A/CONF.80/16/Add.1,第 43 次会议,第 14 段(波兰); 第 15 段(美利坚合众国);第 18 段(尼日利亚);第 19 段(马里);第 20 段(塞浦路斯);第 21 段 (南斯拉夫);第 22 段(澳大利亚);以及第 24 段(斯威士兰,但表达方式略有不同))。
The delegations in question considered that giving a successor State the right to formulate new reservations was inconsistent with the principle of ipso jure continuity of treaties set out by the Convention for cases involving the uniting or separation of States (see A/CONF.80/16/Add.1, 43rd meeting, para. 14 (Poland), para. 15 (United States of America), para. 18 (Nigeria), para. 19 (Mali), para. 20 (Cyprus), para. 21 (Yugoslavia), para. 22 (Australia) and para. 24 (Swaziland, albeit in more nuanced terms).
IR的iMOTION集成設計平台包括開發系統、混合訊號模擬晶片組及功率平台,若採用聯合設計,便能簡化運動控制設計,更快為市場帶來省電 能 、 兼 具 成 本效益的解決方案。
IR's iMOTION integrated design platform consists of a development system, mixed-signal analog chip set and power stage, which when co-designed together, simplify motion control designs and bring energy-efficient, cost-effective solutions to market faster.
本报告提议了一些协调贸易利益和食物权的方法,以处理全球管理机制无法处 理人权义务和贸易承诺能兼顾的 问题,这种情况是确保国内一级取得更加协调的 机制无法加以弥补的。
The report proposes ways to reconcile trade with the right to food, addressing the failure of global governance mechanisms to tackle the lack of coordination between human rights obligations and trade commitments - a failure which mechanisms ensuring a better coordination at the domestic level may not be able to compensate for.
The flexibility of the ZXBM1015 solution is demonstrated by its compatibility with thermistor, [...]
voltage and PWM control inputs,
which support fully adjustable motor speed control in a wide range of equipment, from desktop computers to central heating systems.
(d) 该项应当改写,以便实现更好的平衡, 能兼 顾 促 进竞争的目标,又 承认可以为了促进本地发展和本地创业的目的而使用采购制度的主权权利。
(d) That it should be redrafted to achieve a better balance between the goal of promoting competition and acknowledging the sovereign right to use the procurement system for the purpose of promoting local development and local entrepreneurship.
若不願使用主流雲端運算服務,亦可考慮公共資訊高安全需求研發的專業平台及設備,微軟即提供這項選擇;市政單位也能自行建置專用雲端,除了支援共同與專屬應用程式, 能兼 顧 電 子郵件與資訊儲存。
One alternative to mainstream cloud computing is the development of specialized platforms and facilities designed for the higher security requirements for public data – a strategy which Microsoft has pursued.




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