

单词 按揭息

See also:

按揭 adj

mortgage adj


buy property on a mortgage


expose v

External sources (not reviewed)

按揭息率 目 前仍處於極低水平,但投資者避險等因素可隨時 觸發息率回升。
While the interest rates for mortgage loans remained [...]
extremely low at present, an upward trend might resume at any moment
due to factors such as risk aversion by investors.
此外,按揭證券公司執行董事指出,事 實上,息按揭計劃的按揭息率高 於現時市場的息 率,故此應不會造成與其他市場參與者的競爭。
Moreover, ED/HKMC pointed out
[...] that the mortgage rate under the FARM Programme was in fact higher than the prevailing market interest rate and [...]
hence competition with
other market players should not be an issue.
我 們當然 期
[...] 望 銀 行 界 考 慮負資 產客戶 的 困 境 ,主動 減按揭 息 率。
Certainly, we hope that the banking sector
would consider the plight of customers with negative equity and take the
[...] initiative to reduce the mortgage interest rate.
財政司司長回應時表示,根據政府進行的 壓力測試,按揭息率提 高3%,供款與收入比率便 會由現時的42%增至55%。
FS responded that based on a stress test conducted by the
[...] Government, if the mortgage interest rate rose by [...]
3%, the debt-servicing ratio would increase
from the current ratio of 42% to 55%.
按揭證券公司執行董事回應時表示, 息按揭讓 借款人可鎖定現時偏低按揭息率,使他們的還款能 力不會因日後息率上升而降低。
ED/HKMC responded that fixed rate mortgage enabled the borrowers to lock in the current low mortgage rate so that [...]
their repayment ability
would not be undermined by future increase in interest rate.
金融界最常用的基準收益率曲線,是美國財政部的債券收益 率曲線,該曲線可作為市場上其他債務息率( 例按揭息率或銀行貸款息率) 的指標。
Hence, since 1998, the Singaporean government has committed to creating a sizable and liquid government bond market as part of its strategy to develop the bond market.
財政司司長進一步補充,本地銀行近期已多次調按揭息率, 美國的第二輪量化寬鬆措施亦將於 2011年 [...]
6月底完結,加上外圍環境變數增加,包括 美國的經濟復蘇步伐放緩,以及歐元區的主權債務 問題所引發的危機加深,市民置業時應審慎評估 本身的置業能力。
FS further added that local
[...] banks had increased mortgage interest rates several [...]
times recently, and with the end of QE2
in the US by end of June 2011 as well as increasing external uncertainties including the slower pace of economic recovery in the US and the deepening crisis from the euro zone sovereign debt problem, members of the public should be cautious in assessing their affordability when purchasing properties.
此 外 , 在 負 資 產 人士之中, 超 過一半按 揭 息 率低於最優惠利 率 ,只 有 約 三 成 負 資 產 人士按 揭 息 率高於 最 優惠利 率。
Discounting the number of remortgages, the number of owners of negative equity was less than the general estimate in the market. Besides, half of these
negative equity owners
[...] were charged mortgage interest at a rate lower than the prime rate and only 30% of them were charged mortgage interest at a [...]
rate higher than the prime rate.
按揭 證券公司最 近 也 曾發出 問 卷 , 諮 詢 銀 行對於一站 式 九 成 按 揭 貸 款 的 看 法,以 及 將 保 費反映按揭 息率上 的 可行性 。
All they have to do is to talk with
their banks and they
[...] can secure mortgage loans in excess of 70% of the property value through the mortgage insurance scheme.
舉例來說,購買一個200萬元的單位,並承造樓價九成半、長達 25年的按揭,假按揭息率為2.5%,按 揭 保險計劃的保費與按揭 貸款同時分期攤還,每月所需保費約300元;若購買一個300萬元 的單位,每月所需保費約500元。
For example, for flats valued around $2
[...] million with mortgage loans up to 95% and a tenor of 25 years, assuming a mortgage interest rate of 2.5%, [...]
the amount of premium
for the MIP will be around $300 per month if paid concurrently by installment with the mortgage loan; for flats valued around $3 million, the premium amount will be around $500.
為此,他提出 告誡,雖然市民的置業負擔(即面積45平方米單位的
[...] 按揭供款相對住戶入息中位數的比例)仍較過去20年 的平均水平為低,但按揭息率一旦回升至較正常的 水平,市民的負擔將會大為增加。
As such, he cautioned that while the home purchasing affordability (i.e. the ratio of medium household income to mortgage payment for a 45-square metre flat) remained rather low when
compared to the 20-year average, it could worsen
[...] considerably if mortgage rates were to rise [...]
back to a more normal level.
在金管局於2010年 8 月
[...] 13日推出多項審慎措施後,銀行由2010年 9月 15日 起亦須進行壓力測試,以評估 按揭息 率 (包 括第按揭貸款 息率)增加兩個百分點時,置業人士的供款 與入息總比率會否超逾60%。
With the introduction of prudential measures on 13 August 2010, banks would also need to apply, starting from 15 September 2010, a stress test
to assess if a home
[...] buyer's total DSR would exceed 60% in the event that the mortgage interest rate [...]
(including the interest
rate of the second mortgage loan) increased by two percentage points.
過去 1星期以來 , 已有銀 行無 須 負 資 產客戶 轉 按 而 主 動 減按揭 息 率 , 或 重 新 審 閱按揭 組 合 , 減輕負 資 產 人士的負 擔 。
Before customers of negative equity applied for remortgage, some banks already took the initiative last week to lower the mortgage interest rate or re-examine the mortgage portfolio to relieve the burden of people with negative equity.
李永達 議員察悉,根據金管局的簡介文件,一般住宅物業 市場平均的按揭還款對收入比率為47%, 按揭息 率從 現水平上升300基點,按揭還款對收入比率將 升至61%。
Mr LEE wing-tat noted that, according to
the HKMA's briefing
[...] paper, the average mortgage repayment-to-income ratio in the mass property market was 47% and would increase to 61% upon a 300-basis-point increase in the mortgage interest [...]
rates from their prevailing level.
[...] 我們觀 察 , 雖 然 目 前 樓 巿 價格按揭 息 率 已 創 近年新 低 , 但 巿 民仍沒 [...]
有 購買意 欲 ,主要原 因 是 港府的房屋政策不 明 朗 , 巿 民 難以作出 置 業 抉 擇 。
Madam President, according to our observation, although
[...] property prices and mortgage interest rates have hit [...]
new lows in recent years, members of
the public are still lacking the desire to purchase property.
議員支 持當局在經濟不景氣期間推出第二按揭貸款計劃 按揭 利 息 資 助 計 劃,協助夾心階層住屋計劃的購樓者應付按揭還款方面的困難。
Members supported the introduction of a Second Mortgage Loan Scheme and Mortgage Interest Subsidy Scheme to assist purchasers under the Sandwich Class Housing Scheme in mortgage repayment amid the economic downturn.
按揭證券公司執行董事補充,由於支持息按揭計劃的定息資金已事先備妥,因此該計劃不會 增加按揭證券公司發債計劃的資金風險。
ED/HKMC added that the FARM programme would not increase the funding risk of the HKMC’s debt issuance programme as the fixed rate funding to support the programme had been pre-arranged.
她詢問,根據息按揭計 劃提供息按揭貸款 會否影響該比率,以及把按揭組 合證券化後以再保險的方式投保有何風險。
She asked whether
[...] the provision of fixed-rate mortgage loans under the FARM Programme [...]
would have any impact on the ratio,
and the risk in re-insurance through securitization of mortgage portfolios.
一般而言,當討論負擔能力時,我們會參 按揭 還 款與 入息 比例
In general, when we talk about
[...] affordability, we look at the mortgage-toincome ratio (MIR).
葉劉淑儀議員提 到,銀行體系現時資金充裕,她質疑 息按揭 計 劃 會 否導致按揭證券公司與銀行界爭奪按揭業務。
Referring to the current abundance of liquidity in the banking sector, Mrs IP doubted whether the FARM Programme would result in competition with the banking sector for mortgage business.
為了更妥善管理物業市場熾熱所增加的風險, 按揭證券公司於2009年 10月 21日在息按揭計劃 下 推出特別計劃,提供定息期由1年至10年不等的按揭 貸款產品,並在2009年 10月 23日就按揭保險計劃的合 [...]
To better manage the increased risks in a heated property market, HKMC had introduced on 21 October 2009 a
special scheme under
[...] its Fixed Adjustable Rate Mortgage Programme (the FARM Programme) to promote mortgage loans with [...]
fixed-rate periods from
one to ten years, and introduced certain refinements to the Insurance Eligibility Criteria of MIP on 23 October 2009.
部 分 銀 行 除
[...] 提供低 息(約 為 最優惠利 率減 2.5 厘 )按揭貸款外,亦 提供具吸引力的息按揭 貸款,其㆗首年或直 至 第 ㆔ 年的利率 固 定 ,以減低置業㆟士對 利 率 可能㆖升 [...]
的 憂 慮。
In addition to the availability of mortgage loans at low interest rate (about 2.5% below prime
rate), some banks
[...] offer attractive mortgage loans with interest rate fixed for the first year or up to the third [...]
year to redress the
concerns of those home owners who are wary of a possible upturn in interest rates.
所有名列本申請書第一部分的人士(包括其配偶在內),從未獲得「自置居所貸款計劃」或「置業資助貸款計劃」貸 款 / 按揭還 款 補助金或購得「居者有其屋計劃」或「私人機構參建居屋計劃」或「中等 息 家 庭 屋邨」美樂花園或「重建置業計劃」或 「居屋第二市場計劃」或「租者置其屋計劃」或「可租可買計劃」或房屋協會轄下任何房屋資助計劃的住宅樓宇單位。
None of the persons listed in Part I of this
[...] application form (including their spouses) have obtained any loan or mortgage subsidy under the Home Purchase Loan Scheme (HPLS)/Home Assistance [...]
Loan Scheme (HALS),
or have purchased any domestic flat under the HOS, the PSPS, the Middle Income Housing Project at Melody Garden, the Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, the SMS, the TPS, the Buy or Rent Option or any subsidized housing scheme administered by the HS.
(b) 訂立任何擔保、彌償合同或保證,尤其是(在不影響前述條文一般性的原 則下)在有代價或無代價的情況下,藉個人義務或將本公司全部或任何部 份業務、財產及資產(現時及未來)以及未催繳資 按揭 或 抵 押或藉該兩 種方法或以任何其他方式,擔保、支持或保證任何人士(包括(在不影響 前述條文一般性的原則下)任何當時為本公司附屬公司或控股公司或本公 司控股公司的另一附屬公司或在其他方面與本公司有聯繫的公司)履行任 何義務或承諾,及償還或支付任何證券或債務的本金,及就該等證券或債 務而應付或有關的任何溢價、息、 股 息 及 其 他款項。
(b) To enter into any guarantee, contract of indemnity or suretyship and in particular (without, prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) to guarantee, support or secure, with or without consideration, whether by personal
obligation or by mortgaging
[...] or charging all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company or both such methods or in any other manner, the performance of any obligations or commitments, of, and the repayment or payment of the principal amounts of and any premiums, interest, dividends and other moneys payable on or in respect of any securities or liabilities of, any person including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) any company which is for the time being a subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or another subsidiary or a holding company of [...]
the company or otherwise associated with the Company.
中央評議會的一些職方成員協會、一些其他員工團體、 一個紀律部隊的管理層,以及一些公眾人士在提交的意見書 中表示,在進行薪酬比較時,應計及那
[...] 些私營機構有提供, 但 政府郤沒有提供的非現金福利( 例如宿舍、會所會籍 、 專 用 車輛、息按 揭 、 股票期權等) 。
Some constituent associations of the staff sides of the central consultative councils, a few other staff bodies, the management of a disciplined services department and a few members of the public which have made written submissions suggest that the pay comparison should also take account of the provision of in-kind benefits in the private sector which are not found in the civil
service (e.g. quarters, club membership, use of car for
[...] personal use, low-interest rate mortgage, stock options, etc.).
在私㆟置業方面,我建議政府考慮為初次置業自住的㆟士提供 息按揭優 惠 ,協助和鼓勵有住屋需要的夾心階層㆟士自置物業,因為這項優惠只適用 [...]
As far as the purchase of private properties is concerned,
I suggest that the Government
[...] consider offering low interest mortgage loans for first [...]
home buyers, so as to help and encourage
the sandwiched class who have a housing need to buy their own houses, as this concession would only be made available to first home buyers, there will not be any possibility of abuse.
目前房地產市場整體上尚算穩健,但在全球資金充裕的情形下,外來資金流入,推高了高價樓宇的價格,加上極 息 環 境以 及 按揭 市 場 的激烈競爭,房地產市場存在泡沫風險。
However, in the light of the abundant liquidity in the global financial markets, the inflow of funds which has fuelled the
prices of luxury
[...] flats, a very low-interest rate environment and the keen competition in the mortgage market, there is [...]
the potential risk of a property bubble.
3.4 為任何人士、商號或公司(無論是否以任何方式與本公司相關或關聯)履行 其全部或任何責任提供保證或擔保、彌償、支持或抵押,無論透過個人契諾 或本公司現時及未來全部或任何部分業務、物業及資產(包括其未催繳股 本)按揭、押 記或留置權或任何上述方法,且不論本公司是否就此收取有 值代價。
3.4 To stand surety for or to guarantee, indemnify, support or secure the performance of all or any of the obligations of any person, firm or company whether or not related or affiliated to the Company in any manner and whether by personal covenant or by mortgage, charge or lien upon the whole or any part of the undertaking, property and assets of the Company, both present and future, including its uncalled capital or by any such method and whether or not the Company shall receive valuable consideration therefor.
副主席指出,1997年承按揭貸款 的利率 一般定於最優惠利率之上的水平,但現時 按揭貸 款 利率則通常定於最優惠利率之下的水平,他詢問 為何有此轉變,以及金管局有否評 按揭 貸 款 利率 一旦回升至最優惠利率之上的水平對借款人的影 響。
Pointing out that the
[...] interest rates for mortgage loans made in 1997 were usually set at levels above the prime rates, whereas currently the interest rates for mortgage loans were usually fixed at levels lower than the prime rates, the Deputy Chairman enquired about the reasons for such a change, and whether HKMA had assessed the impact on the borrowers if the interest rates for mortgage loans reverted to [...]
levels above the prime rates.
(b)在該條例第 165 條之限制下,倘若任何董事或其他人士須個人承擔主要由本 公司結欠之任何款項,董事可透過彌償保證方式簽立或促成簽立任何有關或影響本 公司全部或任何部分資產按揭、押 記或抵押,以確保因上文所述事宜而須負責之 董事或人士毋須就該等責任蒙受損失。
Subject to Section 165 of the Ordinance, if any Director or other person shall become personally liable for the payment of any sum primarily due from the Company, the Directors may execute or cause to be executed any mortgage, charge, or security over or affecting the whole or any part of the assets of the Company by way of indemnity to secure the Director or person so becoming liable as aforesaid from any loss in respect of such liability.




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