

单词 按月

External sources (not reviewed)

上開租賃事項係依一般市場行情價格 辦理,租按月收取
The above lease transactions were based on market price
[...] and rent was collected monthly.
近东救济工程处指出,2010 年 4 月将执行新的下月第五个工作按月 结 清账 户的做法。
UNRWA stated
[...] that a new monthly book closure on working day five of the next month would be introduced from April 2010.
按月變化 方面,本月最終民情指數為82.9,比上月下跌5.6;政評數值是87.5,下跌4.4;而社評數值則為88.6,比上月下跌4.0。
As for the monthly change, the latest [...]
PSI is 82.9, down 5.6 when compared to last month, the GA is 87.5, down 4.4, the SA
is 88.6, down 4.0 when compared to last month.
(e) 學費減免的款項會在結果通知書發出約兩星期後,由庫務署直接 按月 撥 給 有關幼稚園/ 幼兒中心,再由幼稚園/ 幼兒中心安排發放給申請人。
(e) The approved amount of fee remission will be paid to the kindergartens/child care centres concerned directly by the Treasury in about two weeks after the issue of notification of result.
由于 碳氢化合物易于买到,人们期望最 按月 供 应 ,从而减少散布于厂区的储罐数量,由此相 应减小风险。
As the hydrocarbon is readily available, one
[...] would expect at most monthly supply, thereby reducing [...]
the proliferation of tanks on the
premises with corresponding risk reduction.
由保單日開始於繳交保費年期內,行政費用將 按月 在 保 單週月日的前一日由最初供款戶口中扣 除。
An administration fee will be deducted from the Initial Unit Account on the
[...] day before each Monthly Anniversary during [...]
the premium payment period starting from the Policy Date.
Servcorp虛擬辦公室按月續約 ,無須簽訂長期合約,如果您使用信用卡支付,還可以免付保證金。
A Servcorp
[...] Virtual Office is a month to month commitment, there [...]
is no long term contracts and no security deposit if you pay by credit card.
概括而言,這些人 員包括:合約人員;填補短期職位 按月 聘 用 人員;距離正常退休的 實際服務期不足一年的人員;經進行紀律處分程序後可能遭撤職的人 [...]
員;可選擇房屋署自願離職計劃下其他離職安排的房屋署人員;以及 一批已參加舊退休金計劃而並非擔任設定職位的第一標準薪級人員 ( 見下文第 14 段 ) 。
These officers, generally speaking, are agreement officers, officers
[...] appointed on month-to-month terms to fill [...]
short term posts, officers who have less
than one year’s active service before normal retirement, officers subject to disciplinary proceedings leading to removal from the service, officers in the Housing Department who have been offered other exit options under the Voluntary Departure Scheme, and a group of MOD I officers on the Old Pension Scheme who do not hold established posts (but see paragraph 14 below).
Therefore funds are obliged for the
[...] whole year instead of monthly or quarterly obligations.
衰退持续时间按月计, 而气候变化决策将决定今后几十年的世界状况。
The duration of the recession
[...] would be counted in months, while climate change [...]
policy decisions would define the shape of the world for decades.
一些職業的每日平均工資可能有較大 按月 波 動,這主要是由於這些職業的人力需求較少,每月只有很少數目的公營建築工程聘請有關工人所致。
The average daily wages of some occupations
may be subject to relatively large
[...] fluctuations from month to month. This is mainly [...]
because the number of workers required
for these occupations is relatively small and only a small number of public sector construction projects employ such workers each month.
根据《联邦法》第 8 条,保险的保障形式包括:由工伤和职业病强制性社
[...] 会保险支付保险事故的暂时丧失劳动能力的补助金、向被保险人或被保险人死亡 时有权领取该笔保险金的人士一次性 按月 支 付 保险赔偿金、偿付由保险事故直 接引起的被保险人在医学、社会和职业恢复中产生的额外费用等。
In accordance with article 8 of the Act, insurance is provided in the form of assistance for temporary occupational incapacity determined in connection with an insurable event and paid from the funds of the compulsory social insurance scheme for industrial accidents and occupational diseases; in the form of insurance payments: a onetime insurance payment to the insured person or to persons entitled to receive such payment in the
event of the insured
[...] person’s death, and monthly insurance payments to the insured person or to persons entitled [...]
to receive such payments
in the event of the insured person’s death; and in the form of the payment of additional expenses associated with medical, social and occupational rehabilitation of the insured person if the insured event has direct consequences.
[...] 淘汰方案开始以来的历史和最新的核查结果,核查结果数据提供 按月 分 列 的运行天数、 原材料消费量和氟氯化碳产量吨数。
Finally, the report provided the results of the verification using the format for verification of ODS production phase-out, which includes a history of the production phase-out programme from the beginning and the
results from the latest verification with
[...] data broken down by month on the number of operating [...]
days, raw material consumption, and CFC production tonnage.
按月报告了主任一级和P-5 级招聘目标的进展情况。
It also reports monthly on progress against [...]
recruitment objectives for Director and P-5 levels.
由于这些预测按月做出 的,取决于多种因素,其中包括汇率 波动和捐助者的新捐助表示,因此很有可能变化。
As these projections,
[...] which are made on a monthly basis, depend on a [...]
number of factors, including exchange rate fluctuations
and new indications from donors, they are likely to change.
包括按月日历 的样式来导航控制Blog中的文章, 最新文章列表,访问者评论,模板,安全管理界面(新增,修改,删除blog中的文章/评论,模板和上传文件)。
Include: a monthly calendar style navigation [...]
control to Blog articles, a list of the latest articles , visitor comments
, templates , security management interface ( add, modify , delete a blog in the article/comments , templates and uploading files).
與上述執行董事之服務合約並無固定年期 按月 續 期及可由任何一方向對方給予三個月通知予以終止。
The service contracts with the above
executive directors have no fixed terms,
[...] continue on a month-to-month basis and [...]
can be terminated by either party by giving
three months’ notice to the other party.
集团对近期推出的《人力资源深入观察》在线报 告工具表示欢迎,并希望该网站提供的信息将 按月 更新
It was to be hoped that the information provided through that website
[...] would be updated on a monthly basis.
按月還款 的分期利息為還款到期日前一個月內累計的利息。
Interest of each monthly instalment is the interest accrued for the month immediately [...]
preceding the instalment due date.
想使用手机的留学生需签署一份合同,加入一个计划(您 按月 收 到根据使用量计算的账单),或者购买一张预付费的 [...]
SIM 卡。
International students wishing to have mobile access will be
required to sign a contract to go onto a plan (where you receive a bill
[...] for your usage each month) or buy a pre-paid [...]
SIM card.
根据现行法律,以无限期合同雇用残疾毕业生(其学业由国家预算资助,尚 未分配到工作)连续 18 个月按月获得 津贴,对每名被雇用残疾毕业生的津贴相当 于其最低月薪;这类雇主还可获得就业和再就业津贴。
According to the legislation in force, employers that employ graduates with disabilities on a indefinite period contract, the studies of which have been financed by the state budget and which
have not been assigned a
[...] job, receive a monthly allowance for 18 consecutive months, for each employed [...]
graduate with disability,
equal to a minimal monthly salary; these categories also benefit from professional integration and reintegration allowances.
(a) 除非已與有關「會員」、「團體經理」或「主管合股人」另行協議,否則「「生」 按月 及 日 期向每一「信用卡戶口」、「賽馬團 體戶口」及「合股人戶口」提供「信用卡結單」,在該等結單上列出有關結單期間內「信用卡戶口」、「賽馬團體戶口」及「合股 人戶口」賬項進支之詳細資料(由「「生」於諮詢「馬會」後不時決定)。
(a) Unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Cardmember, Syndicate Treasurer or Managing Partner, Hang Seng will supply Card Account Statements in respect of each Credit Card Account, each Syndicate Account and each Partnership Account at monthly intervals on such date and setting out such details (as Hang Seng in consultation of the Club may from time to time determine) of all sums debited and credited to the Credit Card Account, The Syndicate Account and the Partnership Account respectively during the relevant statement period.
关于外部审计事项,他指出, 关按月进行缴款对账的建议没有得到落实,因此请 求提供有关现状的资料。
With regard to external audit matters, he noted that the
[...] recommendation concerning monthly reconciliation of [...]
contributions had not been implemented
and requested information on its current status.
Since 2000, most monthly statistics [...]
are released within one month and all quarterly statistics within 3 months after the reference period.
But I think SaaS is going to continue and it’s going to
create a world where even the smallest company can have a champagne infrastructure that
[...] they just rent on a monthly basis.
[...] 乃無抵押及以香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司所公佈之加拿大最優惠年利率加2厘複 按月 計 息
The amount due to MSI was mainly payables for purchases of software merchandise, royalty fee and expenses paid on behalf of the Group, which was unsecured and interest bearing at the
annual Canadian prime rate as quoted by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
[...] Limited plus 2% compounded monthly.
其 他 收 入 之 認 列 原 則 如 下〆(一 )設 定 費 收 入 於 用 戶 首 次 上 線 啟 用 時 開 始 認 列々 (二 )月 租
費 收 入( 包 括 固 定 通 信 業 務、行 動 通 信 業 務 暨 網
[...] 際 網 路 及 加 值 業 務 )按 月 認 列々及 (三 )預 付 卡 收 入( [...]
包 括 固 定 通 信 業 務 、 行 動 通 信 業 務 暨 網 際 網
路 及 加 值 業 務 ) 則 按 用 戶 實 際 使 用 量 認 列 。
Other revenues are recognized as follows: (a) one-time subscriber connection fees (on fixed-line services) are deferred and recognized over the average expected customer service periods, (b) monthly fees (on
fixed-line, mobile, Internet and data services)
[...] are accrued every month, and (c) prepaid [...]
services (fixed-line, mobile, Internet and
data services) are recognized as income based upon actual usage by customers or when the right to use those services expires.
在現有租約的有關條款下,租金須以上期形 按月 以 現金支付(在 適用情況下,以超額銷售毛額的若干百分比(介乎 7.25%至 16% 不等)來計算的營業額租金收入除外,營業額租金收入乃以後付 的形按月或按年支 付),而就將來的租賃而言,付款條款將視乎 合資格業主與合資格租戶雙方協議的個別租約的條款及條件而 定。
Payment Term : Under the relevant terms of the Existing Tenancy Agreements,
the rents are payable
[...] in advance by cash on a monthly basis (except, where applicable, for the excess turnover rents calculated based on certain percentage of gross sales ranging from 7.25% to 16% which are payable in arrears on monthly or yearly basis) while for [...]
future lease arrangements,
payment terms will be subject to terms and conditions of the Individual Tenancy Agreements to be agreed between the Eligible Landlords and Eligible Tenants.
(i) 於 任 期 內 首 十 二 個 月 , 年 薪 合 共 1,200,000 港 元( 包 括
自 貴 集 團 任 何 公 司 以 董 事 袍 金 及 薪 酬 之
[...] 形式應 付 周 先 生 之任何 總 額 )須 等 分 為 12按 月 支 付 , 每 期 為 100,000 港 元( 或 倘 不 足 一月 則 按 比 例 計 算 金 額 ), 須 於 每 個 曆 月最後 一 天 [...]
支 付 。
(i) For the first twelve months during the term of the appointment, an aggregate salary at the annual rate of HK$1,200,000 (including any sum payable to Mr. Chow as director’s fees and remuneration from any
company in the Group)
[...] payable by 12 equal monthly installments of HK$100,000 (or a pro rata amount for an incomplete month) each such installment [...]
being payable
on the last day of each calendar month.
投資組合管理費用按月在保 單週月日的前一日由最初供款戶口及延續供款戶口的戶口價值中扣 除。
An investment portfolio management fee will be deducted from the aggregate Account Value of the Initial Unit Account and the Accumulation Unit Account monthly on the day before each Monthly Anniversary.




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