单词 | 值遇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 值遇 —bump intomeet withSee also:遇 n—opportunity n 遇 v—meet v • treat v 遇—chance • surname Yu
委员会还审议了用以处理一些会员国在两个比额表期间之间向上越过低人 均收入调整门槛值后遇到的 低人均收入调整受益不连续性问题的其他补救办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee also considered alternative remedial measures for dealing with the issue of the [...] discontinuity of the low per capita income [...] adjustment benefits experienced by Member States [...]that cross the threshold of the low per [...]capita income adjustment between scale periods. daccess-ods.un.org |
英國新業務溢利率36%亦較去年增長(二零一零年:35%),包括管理層持續專注於 增 值 機 遇 而 於期內承保整批年金買入協議的有 利影響。 prudential.co.uk | The UK new business margin was also higher than last year at 36 per cent (2010: 35 per cent), and includes the benefit of the bulk annuity buy-in written in the period as management continues to focus on value enhancing opportunities. prudential.co.uk |
审计委员会注意到,难民署在为非消耗性财产(不动产、厂房和设备)确定 [...] 期初结余(在准备数据方面有些延迟)以及消耗性财产(存货)的核算和 估 值 时遇 到一些困难。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Board notes that UNHCR faces some difficulties establishing opening balances for non-expendable property (property, plant and [...] equipment) where there are delays in data preparation, and [...] accounting for and valuation of expendable [...]property (inventories). daccess-ods.un.org |
就这点而言,只外包一种“ 孤立”的服务类型可能无法享受免征 增值税待遇。 pwc.lu | In this regard, the outsourcing of only one “isolated” type of service may not [...] benefit from this VAT exemption. pwc.lu |
全球供应链中贸易扩张也促使非关 税壁垒的发生增多,因为生产者在整个 价 值 链 中 遇 到 各 种不同的管理规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Expansion of trade in global supply chain has [...] increased the incidence of non-tariff [...] barriers as producers encounter different regulations throughout the value chains. daccess-ods.un.org |
油公司曾 指出,在引入辛烷值95汽油時遇到若干運作上的困難。 然而,政府當局一向鼓勵油公司提供不同品質及價格的 [...] 汽油,以給予消費者更多選擇。 legco.gov.hk | The oil companies had cited a number of operational [...] difficulties in introducing RON 95 petrol, but the Administration [...]had all along encouraged [...]the oil companies to make available petrol of different quality and prices to increase the choices for customers. legco.gov.hk |
地 點 所 產 生 的 垃 圾 。他 迅 速 決 定 大 約 百 分 之 九 十 五 的 垃 圾 有 回 收 利 用 的 價 值 ,大 機 遇 。 about.van.fedex.com | He quickly determined that about 95 percent of it had the potential for recycling. about.van.fedex.com |
之後她與香港特區政府商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑先生會面,相討法國與香港於創新經濟與知識產權 估 值 上 的 合作 機 遇。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Then, the Minister met Mr. Gregory SO, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HKSAR government, [...] discussing the possibilities of [...] co-operations between France and Hong Kong on innovation and valuation of intellectual [...]property. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
上述区域渔管组织还规定了脆弱海洋生态系 统指示物种副渔获物的门槛值,达 到门 槛 值 即 表明 遭 遇 潜 在 脆弱海洋生态系统, 还拟订有关条例,规定渔船应采取的行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | These RFMOs have also [...] established thresholds on bycatch of VME indicator species to indicate encounters with potential [...]VMEs, as well as regulations [...]describing actions to be taken by fishing vessels. daccess-ods.un.org |
对联合国和其他政府间论坛的与 WIPO [...] 极为相关的、具有优先重要性的谈判、进程和 讨论予以监督和报告,找出 WIPO 可作出有价值贡献的机遇,并对来自 WIPO 相关计 划的实质意见和参与予以协调。 wipo.int | Monitoring and reporting on negotiations, processes and discussions in UN and other intergovernmental fora of major [...] relevance and priority to WIPO, [...] identifying opportunities where WIPO can make a valued contribution and [...]coordinating the substantive [...]input and participation from relevant WIPO Programs. wipo.int |
红十字委员会关于 2007 年 2 月 14 日送交中央情报局关押的 14 名“高价值被拘留者”待遇的 报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | Dana Priest, “CIA holds terror suspects in secret prisons”, Washington Post, 2 November 2005. daccess-ods.un.org |
(f) 薪酬水平調查的重點是薪酬的比較,而並非收集有關福利待遇的詳細 資料及估量這些福利待遇的價值。 legco.gov.hk | (f) the emphasis of the pay level survey on [...] making a comparison of pay, rather than collection of detailed [...] information on and valuation of benefits and [...]perquisites. legco.gov.hk |
此外,基于民族血统对提交人的歧视问题,是一个毫 无道理的区别待遇问题,值得严 加审视。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the discrimination against the author on the basis of his national origin is an illegitimate distinction and warrants stricter scrutiny. daccess-ods.un.org |
与过去根据数量和价值决定应享待遇 的 口 粮制度不同的是,这一 制度将具有灵活性、提供餐饮喜好选择以及根据热卡方法计算的控制措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | This system will provide flexibility, choice of dietary preferences, and control measures guided by a caloriebased system, unlike the former rations system wherein entitlements were based on quantity and value. daccess-ods.un.org |
强劲的现金流及稳健的资产负债表至关重要,有利于我们投资于各种商机,从而加强业务平台、追求技术领先、资产全球化及推动业务效率;在评估及实施为股东持续创造 价 值 的 投资 机 遇 的 同 时,我们将一如既往地严守规章制度。 emerson.com | Strong cash flow and a healthy balance sheet are essential as we invest in opportunities to strengthen our business platforms, pursue technology leadership, globalize assets and drive business efficiency. emerson.com |
Citibank及大都會人壽誠意為您呈獻MetLife 翔龍人民幣萬用壽險計劃(「本計劃」),帶給您人民幣 升 值 潛 力1 機 遇 , 兼具高度靈活性及保證,助您實踐財富增值目標。 citibank.com.hk | Citibank and MetLife are pleased to present you with the MetLife Gorgeous Dragon RMB Universal Life Plan, which brings you an alternative way to accumulate your wealth with Renminbi (“RMB”) growth potential1, plus a high level of flexibility and guarantee. citibank.com.hk |
試想,若朱氏活在富多元價值觀的現代社會,可發揮長才、有自由創作的空間,更可追求自己的生命理想,每個人都可以追求自己認可的生活態度,而不需盲目依附於所謂的主流 價 值 , 那 麼他的 遭 遇 可 能 截然不同。 ravenelart.com | In our modern society, varied values [...] exist and each person can adopt a life attitude that he identifies with [...] instead of blindly following the mainstream values. ravenelart.com |
应进一步提高原产地规则的透明度并进一步加以简化,以 [...] 便原产地的区域和南南累计,就如同扩大产品覆盖面那样,能够增进优惠 待 遇的 用途和价值。 daccess-ods.un.org | More transparent and simplified rules of origin, allowing for regional and [...] South-South cumulation of origin, could [...] improve the use and value of preferences, [...]as would more comprehensive product coverage. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们无意强推一个全新的发展模式,但我们将注意确保组成人类首要沃土和 一切发展终极目标的民主进步、科学进展、经济社会发展和文化 价 值 观 , 不会遭 遇任何阻碍。 daccess-ods.un.org | We will see to it, however, that no abrupt shift occurs which could hamper democratic advances, scientific development, [...] social and economic progress and [...] promotion of the cultural values which constitute the [...]essential soil which nourishes all [...]human enterprise and represent the ultimate goal of all development. daccess-ods.un.org |
2.15 不少回 應 者認為這次政策檢討的範圍過於狹窄, 只 着 重 解 決 在 保育私人土地上具重要生態價值地點 所遇 到的問題, 亦 沒有提 及海洋 保育事 宜 ,因此表 示 失 望 。 legco.gov.hk | 2.15 Many respondents expressed disappointment with the limited scope of the policy review that was mainly focused on the problems in conserving ecologically important sites under private ownership, and its lack of any reference to marine conservation issues. legco.gov.hk |
所以,能夠令香港專業人士的機遇擴 大 ,這 是 值 得 推 許的。 legco.gov.hk | A commendable point is that this can provide our professionals with more opportunities. legco.gov.hk |
通常是将测量数据 拟合为 Gumbel 分布,然后确定 50 年(或其他重现期)一遇值。 help.emd.dk | The measured data is typically fitted to the Gumbel distribution – then [...] the 50-year extreme value is determined (or [...]another return period). help.emd.dk |
海西的機遇值得我 們詳細檢視,從而整體調整我們自 身的發展策略和部署,為香港的經濟和民生帶來實實在在的益處。 legco.gov.hk | We should closely examine the opportunities brought about by the West Coast and comprehensively adjust our development strategies and planning, so as to bring substantial benefits to our economy and people's livelihood. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 汇编关于遇报规程和相关缓解措施,包 括 遇 报 临 界 值 和 规 避距离的技术 指导意见,说明其使用方式并予以公布 daccess-ods.un.org | (a ) To compile, clarify the use of and make available [...] technical guidance on encounter protocols and related mitigation [...] measures, including encounter thresholds and move-on [...]distances daccess-ods.un.org |
这被称为死路删除,因为在有过渡条件的链接网络的类似图的解释中,这些语义的后果是在由连续的链接组成的整个路径上传播负链接状态直 到 遇 到 值为 true 的连结条件。 huihoo.org | This is called dead-path-elimination because in a graph-like interpretation of networks of links with transition conditions, these semantics have the effect of propagating negative link [...] status transitively along entire paths formed by consecutive links until a join [...] condition is reached that evaluates to true. huihoo.org |
这样提供了机遇,可以修正阈值和授 权以更好地反映各代表团合作 伙伴的需要、根据全球结构加强采购顾问的作用、引入中止供应商资格政策,并 [...] 在整个过程中纳入可持续采购准则。 daccess-ods.un.org | This afforded the opportunity to revise thresholds and delegations [...] of authority to better reflect the needs of partners, [...]strengthen the role of procurement advisers in line with the global structure, introduce a policy for vendor suspension and embed guidance on sustainable procurement throughout the process. daccess-ods.un.org |
認識程翔、為程翔的遭遇感到不值的 人 ,肯定接受 不了程翔再被拘留多一天或一夜;即使是與程先生萍水相逢、素昧平生的 [...] 人,亦認為官方的說辭尚未完全解開事件中的疑團。 legco.gov.hk | Even people who only have a nodding acquaintance [...] with Mr CHING or who do not know him at all believe that the official version [...]cannot completely answer the doubts surrounding this incident. legco.gov.hk |
此外,關於廁所、服務和表現監察、處罰制度、優惠票 價、為傷殘人士和老人提供的特別待 遇 等 問 題,都 是 值 得 深思的,並須由合 併後的公司進行檢討研究。 legco.gov.hk | The recommendations made as a result of the collective wisdom of Members in this Chamber are a reflection of the wishes and aspiration of the people of Hong Kong, and issues such as toilets, service and performance monitors, penalty schemes, concessionary fares, special treatment for the handicapped and the elderly, and so on, are all soul-searching subjects, and they must be reviewed and explored by the new MergeCo. legco.gov.hk |
这一点在标准银行和中国 工商银行为“确定采矿行业的机遇” 而 成立 价值 10 亿 美元的全球信托基金后变得尤为明显。10考虑 到中国公司在非洲的投资模式和他们对采矿、电 [...] 讯、交通和其他基础设施领域越来越多的参与,这 是一个提高大部分无疑属于非洲基础设施部门的客 [...]户项目的环境标准的机会。 banktrack.org | This is made further evident as Standard Bank [...] and ICBC have [...] reportedly set up a US$1 billion global trust fund to “identify opportunities in the mining [...]sector”.10 Given [...]the pattern of Chinese companies’ investment in Africa, and their increasing involvement in mining, telecommunications, transport and other infrastructure sectors, this is an opportunity to raise the bar on environmental standards imposed on their clients’ projects, many of which will doubtless be in Africa’s infrastructure sector. banktrack.org |
为了解决这一问题,我们采用了音量监控电路,当音乐的低频部 分 遇 到 峰 值 以 及可能令音质失真或损坏驱动单元时,低音信号则会相应地减弱。 bang-olufsen.com | To solve this, we have introduced an electric circuit to monitor the sound level, so when the music peaks in the lower frequency areas and maybe come close to distorting the sound quality or damaging the driver unit, the bass signal is reduced accordingly bang-olufsen.com |