

单词 散播



fruit dispersal

See also:

come loose
fall apart
break up (a meeting etc)
powdered medicine
(coll.) sack


spread v
broadcast v
scatter v

External sources (not reviewed)

(5) 此外,當局現正考慮制訂措施,對建築㆞ 散播 塵 埃的情況施加管制。
(5) Consideration is also being given to the development of measures to control dust from construction sites.
然 而,政府沒有委聘外間公司/機構進行分析 散播 網 上政 治言論的工作或相關的工作。
However, the Government has not engaged
outside companies/organizations to "work
[...] on analysing or disseminating political comments [...]
on the Internet or related work".
在过去的 19
[...] 天里,以色列利用其全部的战争机 器入侵加沙散播恐怖 和破坏,暗杀无辜的儿童,消 灭整个家庭和捣毁房屋、学校和礼拜场所。
For the past 19 days, Israel has
invaded Gaza using the full potential of its
[...] war machine, spreading terror and destruction, [...]
assassinating innocent children,
annihilating entire families and destroying homes, schools and places of worship.
促进人权应以平等、建设性 对话为支撑,而不是靠一散播不和 的选择性决议 草案。
Human rights promotion must be based on equitable constructive dialogue, not on selective
[...] draft resolutions that sowed discord.
今天,我国再一次通过 我明确强调:各国必须在房屋、庙宇、教堂、清真寺、 寺院和修道院,总之,在所有顶礼膜拜的场 散播和 平的种子,使我们的世界摆脱宗教战争,让人民不再 成为基于宗教的恐怖主义行为的受害者。
Again today, my country, through me, states loud and clear that all nations must sow the seeds of peace in houses, temples, churches, mosques, pagodas and convents, in short in all places of worship, in order to free our world of religious wars and so that people are no longer victims of acts of terrorism based on religion.
如果该矿藏直接或间散播 毒素 ,它本身就可能会对附近社区带来健康风险。
The mine itself may pose health risks for nearby
[...] communities if the mine disperses toxins directly [...]
or indirectly.
但是,否定言论 故意制造针对任何群体的敌意、诽谤、诋毁、侮辱或煽动暴力或仇恨,则触犯《刑 法》第 510
条,该条规定,以种族主义、反犹太主义或其他任何基于意识形态、 宗教或信仰理由为动机,煽动对任何群体或团体的歧视、仇恨或暴力者,或在明
[...] 知虚假或对真相草率蔑视的情况下,对群体或团体的意识形态、宗教信仰或其成 员族裔、种族或国散播冒犯 性言论者,将被处以罚款或监禁。
Nevertheless, denial statements deliberately intended to create hostility, to libel, defame, humiliate or to incite violence or hatred towards any group qualified under article 510 of the Criminal Code, which punishes, with a fine or prison sentence, anyone who incites discrimination, hatred or violence towards any group or association for reasons of racism, anti-Semitism or any other grounds based on ideology, religion or belief, or anyone who, knowing it to
be false or showing reckless
[...] contempt for the truth, disseminates offensive information [...]
about groups or associations in
connection with their ideology, religious beliefs or their members’ ethnicity, race or national origin.
早期防止地散播的措 施包括隔離受感染的病 人,以及給患者及其家屬服用抗病毒藥物。
Early efforts to contain local outbreaks included isolating affected persons and treating both them and those close to them with anti-viral drugs.
这的确是一个关键问题,不仅是因为定居点是非 法的,阻碍了和平,而且也因为它们危害到两国解决 方案,继散播仇恨的种子,而这在没有和平的情况 下,会导致越来越多的暴力。
It is a critical issue indeed, not only because settlements are illegal and obstruct peace, but also because they undermine the two-State solution and continue to sow the seeds of hatred that will yield more and more violence in the absence of peace.
正是以这种方式,匹兹堡的设计者将一户美国本地居民的物品和文 散播 到 展览参观者的生活和文化中,巧妙地消解了亲切和生疏之间的距离。
In this way the Pittsburgh Pavilion ideally
dissolves this space between the
[...] familiar and foreign by dispersing the remnants of [...]
one Pittsburgh family’s life and local
culture into the many lives and cultures of those who visit the exhibition.
公司应当拥有独有的权利,包括所有知识产权,并且应当有权不受限制的为任何商业或其他目的使用 散播 这 些 文件,无需向您做出任何确认或补偿。
The Company shall own exclusive rights, including all intellectual property
rights, and shall be entitled to the
[...] unrestricted use and dissemination of these Submissions [...]
for any purpose, commercial or otherwise,
without acknowledgment or compensation to you.
[...] 科特迪瓦特定民族、宗教、政治团体以及针对特派团的敌对和暴力行为,包括宣 传仇恨言论散播错误信息。
Furthermore, the media, particularly the State broadcasting corporation Radiodiffusion télévision ivoirienne (RTI), are being used to incite hostility and violence against particular Ivorian ethnic, religious
and political groups and against the mission, including by propagating
[...] hate messages and disseminating false information.
这种法规的目的是防止或最小化含汞产品 散播 ,防止生产过程废物倾卸入环境中,并限制一般家庭废物流(可造成重大汞排放、提高废物处理成本)中 [...]
The aim of such legislation is to prevent
[...] or minimise the diffuse spreading of mercury-containing [...]
products and prevent dumping
of process waste in the environment, as well as limiting the amounts of mercury containing waste in the general household waste stream (where it causes significant mercury emissions and increases waste treatment costs).
法国这样做时甚至采取不负责任的方法,例如操纵情报 散播 恐 惧 情绪,以推动 人民原本不会支持的方案。
In so doing, they have even resorted to irresponsible methods such as the manipulation of intelligence and fear to promote programmes that their people would otherwise not support.
2009 年 2 月 20 日,吉尔吉斯共和国关于修订和补充刑法典的法律生效,其 中规定组织实施煽动民族、种族、宗教或地区间敌对的行为要承担责任,获取、 保存、运送和寄送极端主义材料进 散播 或 制作 和 散播 这 些材料要承担责任,故 意采用极端主义组织的标识或标志也要承担责任。
On 20 February 2009, the Act on amendments and additions to the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic came into force. It established criminal responsibility for organizing activities that incite national, racial, religious or interregional hatred; the acquisition, possession, transport or dispatch of extremist materials with a view to distributing or preparing to distribute them; and the intentional use of symbols or attributes of extremist organizations.
[...] 信息的有效获取需要依靠相关机构即使在没有收到任何请求的情况下,也能够主动发布散 播关键类别的信息。
Effective access for many people depends on these bodies actively
[...] publishing and disseminating key categories [...]
of information even in the absence of a request.
另外,为防止传染病在澳门特区传播,例如有传染病正 散播 、 存在或将 可能爆发,无论该传染病是否已载于第2/2004 号法律的传染病名单之内,在紧 急情况下可采取具有例外、临时及紧急性质的措施。
Moreover, restrictive measures of an exceptional, urgent and temporary nature may be applied, in case of emergency, to prevent the propagation of contagious diseases in the MSAR, such as the spread, existence or risk of contagious disease, whether the respective disease is included in the list of Law 2/2004.
复制散播方面 的唯一限制 及版权在该领域所起的唯一作用,应该是使作者能够控制其作品的完整性,并有 权获得适当的致谢和引用。
The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.
芬迪已采用适当技术及组织性安全措施保护网站服务、电子通讯及数据的完整性,以防止对数据的无授权使用或访问,并同时防止网站上与用户相关的数据及/或保密性/非保密性信 散播 、 毁 损或丢失,避免对该等数据或信息的非授权或非法访问。
Fendi has adopted adequate technical and organizational security measures to protect services on Website, integrity of data and electronic communications in order to prevent unauthorized use
of or access to data, as well as to
[...] prevent risks of dissemination, destruction and [...]
loss of data and confidential/non confidential
information regarding users of the Website, and to avoid unauthorized or unlawful access to such data and information.
苏丹代表团坚持指出,法国 代表以欧洲联盟的名义所做的发言包含有错误的内 容,并认为欧洲联盟,尤其是法国在寻求达尔富尔 危机解决办法时,最好对叛乱分子施压以使其参加 和平进程,并且最好停散播谣言
The statement made by the representative of France on behalf of the European Union contained inaccurate information. The European Union, including France, would do well to contribute to the efforts to find solutions to the crisis in Darfur by putting pressure on the rebels to participate in the peace process.
禁止骚扰别人,广告散播不合 法的内容] 用户禁止利用平散播内容 和从事妨碍人民 福利的活动,宣传其他广告形式内容的网址。
Prohibition on disturbance of
[...] people, advertising and disseminating illegal content] Users are prohibited from using the Platform for the purposes of expressing content and [...]
undertaking activities
that disturb the well-being of other people, promoting other Internet sites, expressing content in the form of advertisements etc.
[...] 机构“出于自发的主动性,且在适宜的情况下 散播 信 息,以期提高公共施政的透明度、行 政效率和知情的公众参与。
Principle XI of the COE Recommendation also calls on every public
body, “at its own initiative and where
[...] appropriate”, to disseminate information with [...]
a view to promoting transparency of public
administration, administrative efficiency and informed public participation.
马 达加斯加报告称,宗教组织被确认为马达加斯加反腐败机关的“中介实体”, 关于反腐败事项的文章定期刊载于当地信仰社区的宗教出版物,从而使相关信 息广散播。
Madagascar reported that religious organizations are recognized as “intermediary entities” of the Malagasy anti-corruption authority and articles on anti-corruption matters regularly appear in religious publications of local faith communities, thus achieving wide distribution of the message.
您进一步同意您不会使用任何自动的设备,例如Spiders,Robots或数据获取设备来登录,下载,储存或复制,储存 散播 本 网 站的内容,或操纵本网站或本网站提供的服务或超过EnglishCentral允许您可以使用的服务。
You further agree that you will not use any automated devices, such as spiders, robots or data mining techniques to catalog, download, store or otherwise reproduce, store or distribute content available on the Site, or to manipulate the Site or the Services, or otherwise exceed the limited access granted to you by EnglishCentral.
在經歷無盡的調較測試後,Mizensir終於達致手作製品的最高準則 — 每台均不一致的精煉質量,強烈 散播 度 與 氣味,才能為午後的書室,以至這世間帶來如此無可比擬的優雅氣氛。
Achieved after countless trial and errors, each Mizensir perfumed candle is uniquely created with its own formulated content, bringing otherworldly beauty to our often neglected senses.
工作组还鼓励人权高专办与教科文组织及其他相关利益攸关方合作,为提 高对《德班宣言和行动纲领》和德班审查会议成果文件的认识,编制和发表可供
[...] 儿童和青少年使用的适龄教育材料,并广 散播 , 包 括通过网络在线传播上述教 材。
The Working Group further encourages OHCHR to collaborate with UNESCO and other relevant stakeholders to design and issue age-appropriate educational materials aimed at increasing awareness of the DDPA and the OD of the Durban Review
Conference for the use of children and young people
[...] and also to disseminate the aforementioned [...]
materials widely, including online.
如果土地不再受植被覆盖层的保 护,它可能会侵蚀河道或以灰尘的形 散播 ; 含 化学肥 料和杀虫剂的径流会降低水质;如果有太多森林遭到砍 伐,降雨模式也会改变—— 在极端情况下,可能会导致 大量土地退化。
If soil is no longer protected by vegetation cover then it might erode into water courses, or be transmitted as dust; runoff from chemical fertilizers and pesticides can reduce water quality; and if too much forest is cut down, rainfall patterns may change – in extreme cases this can lead to extensive land degradation.
一个由UNEP资助並由加拿 大著名学者David Rapport博 士带领研究的报告指出,全球 各地湿地的消失逼使眾多野生 雀鸟另觅居所,牠们转而投向
[...] 农场的池塘或稻田,令野鸟直 接接触到雞、鸭、鹅或其他家 禽,相信这是禽流散播的主 要原因。
A report commissioned by UNEP and led by a leading Canadian academic Dr. David Rapport found that the loss of wetlands around the globe is forcing many wild birds onto alternative sites like farm ponds and paddy fields, bringing them into direct contact with
chickens, ducks, geese and other domesticated fowl which is believed to be a
[...] major cause behind the spread of avian influenza.




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