

单词 散摊子

See also:

come loose
fall apart
break up (a meeting etc)
(coll.) sack
powdered medicine

spread out
vendor's stand

External sources (not reviewed)

他们一致认为, 鉴于资源有限, 教科文组织应把力量集中在为数有限的优
[...] 先事项上, 巩固那些已获得成功的项目,避免工作重复, 子摊 得 太 大。
They agreed that, given its limited resources, UNESCO should seek to concentrate its efforts on a limited
number of priorities, consolidate successful projects and avoid diluting its efforts
[...] into an overly large number of projects.
此类系统采用动态光散射法测量粒度及微流变;采用电泳光散射法测量ZETA电位及电泳迁移率;采用静态 散 射 法 测量 子 量。
The systems measure size and microrheology using dynamic light scattering, zeta potential
and electrophoretic mobility using electrophoretic light
[...] scattering, and molecular weight using static light scattering.
把握轻重缓急和突出重点至关重要,因为同时做的事情过多可能会让教科文组织 摊子 铺 得 过大,结果 降低其行动的影响。
Prioritizing and focusing are crucial, as doing too many things at the same time may stretch the Organization too thinly and in the process diminish the impact of the interventions.
X. 两次非洲和海外知识分子会议是非洲国家和海外知识 子散 居 国 之间加深关系的 标志,也证明了非洲在世界上日益重要的地位。
X. CIAD I and II are marks of closer relations among African countries and countries of the Diaspora and testifies to the growing importance of the place of Africa in the world.
新政府面临重大挑战和前政权留下的 摊子 ,同时要努力处理非法移民和走私、切实控制边界、武器散以及必须扭转对少数族群的长期歧视政策,并促 进各部族之间的民族和解。
The new Government faces tremendous challenges and a heavy legacy from the former regime as it tries
to tackle illegal
[...] migration and smuggling, effective border control, the proliferation of weapons and the need to reverse policies of long-standing [...]
against minority communities and foster national reconciliation among tribes.
因为安理会这次会议将审议无核武器区问题,不结盟运动重申必须根据安全 理事会第
[...] 487(1981)号决议和安理会第 687(1991)号决议第 14 段以及协商一致通 过的大会相关决议,加速建立中东无核武器区;在此之前,不结盟运动要求该地 区唯一未加入、并且也未宣布打算加入《不扩散核武器条约》的国家以色列放弃 拥有核武器,毫不拖延地加入该条约,并根据安全理事会第 487(1981)号决议, 迅速将其所有核设施置于国际子能 机 构的全面保障监督之下,同时依照不散 机制的要求开展与核有关的活动。
As the Council’s meeting addresses the issue of nuclear-weapon-free zones, NAM reaffirms the need for the speedy establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East in accordance with Security Council resolution 487 (1981) and paragraph 14 of Council resolution 687 (1991) and the relevant General Assembly resolutions adopted by consensus; and, pending its establishment, NAM demands that Israel, the only country in the region that has not joined the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons or declared its intention to do so, renounce possession of nuclear weapons, accede to the Treaty without further delay, place promptly all its
nuclear facilities under
[...] International Atomic Energy Agency fullscope safeguards according to Security Council resolution 487 (1981) and conduct its nuclear-related activities in conformity with the non-proliferation regime.
我们必需商定要 解决的具体问题,包括工作方法问题,并侧重于在这 些问题上取得具体成果,而同时又不 摊子 铺 得过 大,工作负担太重。
We need to agree on specific issues to address, including the working methods, and focus on achieving tangible results on them without overextending ourselves with too broad a workload.
加拿大是原子能机构经常预算的第七大捐助国,及时足额缴 摊 款 , 并为 子能 机 构的核安全、保安、保障监督、能源以及技术合作方案提供预算外捐助。
Canada is the seventh highest contributor to
the IAEA regular
[...] budget, pays its assessed contribution in full and on time, and makes extrabudgetary contributions to the IAEA nuclear safety, [...]
security, safeguards,
energy and technical cooperation programmes.
在 BT網絡中,當一個
[...] 節點完成下載檔案後 , 繼續把檔 案的子散 播 ,以協助其 他 節點下載,會被視為一種 [...]
良好的 習慣。
In a BT network, it is considered good
[...] manners to continue seeding a file to help [...]
out others, after a peer has finished downloading.
2012 年 7 月 16 日,武装恐怖子散发传 单,呼吁杜马居民离开这个城市, 旨在恐吓他们。
On 16 July 2012,
[...] armed terrorists scattered leaflets calling [...]
upon the inhabitants of Duma to leave the city, in order to terrorize them.
格拉斯玫瑰: 蜜糖般細緻的調子,散發著 甜美果香,尤如沐浴於地中海溫暖的陽光中。
The Grasse Rose, bathed in the light of the Mediterranean, radiates fruity, delicately honeyed notes.
它们呼吁核武器国家 和无核武器国家加强努力,防止核材料的传播和散,支持加强子能机 构的工作,并敦促尚未成为 《不扩散核武器条约》缔约国的国家作为无核武器 国家加入该项文书。
They called on nuclear-weapon States and non-nuclearweapon States alike to
consolidate efforts to prevent the
[...] spread and proliferation of nuclear materials and support the strengthening of the work of the IAEA and urged States [...]
not yet parties to
the Non-Proliferation Treaty to accede to it as non-nuclear-weapon States.
利比里亚和联利特派团官员还告知小组,2011 年 3 月 9 日,Grand Gedeh 州 Toe Town 附近的 Pokor Town 居民交出一个袋子,其中有一支
[...] AK-47 步枪、一个 空弹仓,几百散装 AK-47 子弹和若干发 M-16 步枪子弹。
Liberian and UNMIL officials also informed the Panel that, on 9 March 2011, local people in Pokor Town near Toe Town in Grand Gedeh County
turned in a bag containing an AK-47 rifle, an empty
[...] magazine, a few hundred loose rounds of AK-47 ammunition [...]
and a few rounds of M-16 rifle ammunition.
如果你喜欢做圣诞饼干,但讨厌的 摊子 , 这是为你准备的。
If you enjoy making Christmas cookies but hate the mess, this is the app for you.
双方还商定,如果三分之一/三 分之二的摊比例是偿还人事费的公平假设,则将其应用于以前未 摊的 费用:一般临时人员、计算机、办公场地和审计费用。
It was also agreed that, if the one-third/two-thirds formula was a fair assumption for the reimbursement of staffing costs, it should also be used for costs that had previously not been shared: general temporary assistance, computer, office space and audit costs.
根据第 60/180 号决议第 4 段(a)至(d),二十四个国家已经当选或被遴选为 建设和平委员会组织委员会成员:安全理事会甄选中国、法国、加蓬、墨西哥、 俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国担任委员会成员;经
[...] 民国担任成员;加拿大、德国、日本、荷兰和瑞典作为从向联合国预算 摊 会费 最高以及向联合国各基金、方案和机构、包括向建设和平常设基金自愿捐助最多 [...]
的 10 个国家中遴选出成员;孟加拉国、印度、尼泊尔、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦作
为从向联合国特派团派遣军事人员和民警最多的 10 个国家中遴选出的成员。
Pursuant to paragraphs 4 (a) to (d) of resolution 60/180, 24 States had already been elected and/or selected as members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission: China, France, Gabon, Mexico, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America selected by the Security Council; Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Guinea-Bissau, Morocco, Poland and Republic of Korea elected by the Economic and Social Council; Canada, Germany, Japan, Netherlands and
Sweden selected by and from among the top 10
[...] providers of assessed contributions [...]
to United Nations budgets and of voluntary
contributions to United Nations funds, programmes and agencies, including a standing peacebuilding fund; and Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan selected by and from among the top 10 providers of military personnel and civilian police to United Nations missions.
主席还回顾说,缔约国已对执行支助股的业绩、效率、 专业能力、反应能力和敬业精神表示满意,工作队成员普遍同意需要审查执行支 助股的供资模式,使其具有可持续性和可预期性,并更为公平地 摊 责 任
The President also recalled that the States Parties have expressed satisfaction with the performance, efficiency, professional competence, responsiveness and dedication of the ISU and that there was general agreement among the Task Force members on the need to review the financing model of the ISU, in order to make it sustainable and predictable, and to achieve more equitable burden sharing.
难道说父亲被控犯有的罪过现在摊 到孩子身上吗?
Have the alleged sins of
[...] the father now been visited on the sons?
IR创造一种疾病,转换成变形虫的人,留给了黄鼠狼来清理这个 摊子 了。
I.R. creates a disease which transforms people into amoebas, leaving it up to Weasel to clean this mess up.
旨在提高一般公众对人权问题认识的公众宣传,包括:关于人权问题,包括 40 个每周一次的妇
[...] 女和儿童权利问题广播节目;四次在电视台露面讨论人权问题;印制并散发 10 000 份小子/ 散页; 为媒体和外交界举办 6 次人权简介会;在联科行动网站上每六个月公布一份关于科特迪 [...]
5 个“人权日”;与家庭和社会事务部、民间社会 合作纪念国际妇女节(500 张招贴画和 50 面旗帜)以及纪念关于妇女、和平与安全的安全理事会 决议(第 1325(2000)号和第 1820(2008)号决议)(1 000 张招贴画和 5 000 本小册子)
Public information campaign to sensitize the general public on human rights issues, including 40 weekly radio programmes on human rights, including women’s and children’s rights; 4 television appearances to discuss
human rights issues; printing and
[...] distribution of 10,000 pamphlets/leaflets; 6 human [...]
rights briefings for the media and the
diplomatic community; 1 public report every 6 months on the human rights situation throughout the country on the UNOCI website; outreach activities, including 5 human rights days; commemoration of International Women’s Day (500 posters and 50 banners) and commemoration of Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security (resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008)) in cooperation with the Ministry of Family and Social Affairs and civil society (1,000 posters and 5,000 brochures)
在伊朗离获取核武器越来越近的时候,在 极端子散布恐怖主义与仇恨的时候,在和平的敌人 [...]
As Iran inches closer to acquiring a nuclear
[...] weapon, as extremists spread terrorism and [...]
hate, and as the enemies of peace test
the resolve of the international community, silence is not an option.
[...] 制订了扩大教育机会的政策,目的是为农村地区居民、因暴力而流离失所和因武装冲突而妻子散的居 民、少数民族居民、边境居民和残疾儿童提供更多的教育机会。
In Colombia, policies were developed with the objective of extending access to education for populations from rural areas, populations
displaced by violence and separated by armed conflict, ethnic populations, border
[...] populations and children with disabilities.
鉴于教科文组织大会决 议 30 C/65 指出,教科文组织 2001 年的会员国会费摊比额 表以联合国大会第五十五届会议 通过的会费摊比额 表为计算基础,采用相同的最低比率和相同的最高比率,因此,教科文 组织 2001 年采用了削减后的最高额,并向大会第三十一届会议提出了以同样方式计算的 2002--2003 年比额。
In view of its own 30 C/Resolution 65 which stated that the UNESCO scale of assessments of Member States for 2001 shall be calculated on the basis of the scale adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its fifty-fifth session with the same minimum rate and the same maximum rate, UNESCO applied the reduced maximum amount for 2001 and proposed scales calculated in a similar way for 2002-2003 to the 31st session of the General Conference.
还要求总干事考虑如何更好地利用现有的资金使总部外办事处的力量更加集中, 避摊子铺得 太开,以扩大总部外办事处的影响,提高服务的质量和适用性; 10.
Further requests the Director-General to consider how the concentration and focus of field offices may be improved within existing resources in order to avoid overstretching their capacity and to improve their impact and the quality and relevance of services provided
会议商定,将由气象组织与联合国有关实体协商编写一本以上述特别报告 主要内容为基础的小子,按照费用 摊 标 准 及时出版供将于 2011 年 11 月 28 日至 12 月 8 日在南非德班举行的联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议第十七届 会议使用。
The Meeting agreed that a brochure, drawing on the main elements of the above-mentioned special report, would be prepared by WMO in consultation with United Nations entities involved, for publication on a cost-sharing basis in time for the seventeenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to be held in Durban, South Africa, from 28 November to 8 December 2011.
其中的一些会员国还尤其反对对会费 摊比 额 表进行追溯调整,因为这会“对本组织的预算规划和计划执行带来不必要的困难,也会对 联合国系统财务管理的稳定性和可预见性造成严重损害”。
Some of these countries also underscored their opposition to any retroactive adjustment to the scale of assessment as it would “bring unwanted difficulties in budget planning and programme delivery of the Organization and would seriously harm the stability and predictability needed in United Nations system financing”.
的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地
[...] 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最 散 发 的 文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the
annexation of these territories (see, for example,
[...] the most recent document circulated by [...]
Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
這些高光譜數據 能協助氣象學家提供更佳的天氣預報、更準確的惡劣天氣和不穩定大氣預測;並提高對 風暴位置及動向的追蹤,分析颶風和颱風強度,讓民眾提前 散 , 加 強對性命和財產的保 護。
This hyperspectral data will enable meteorologists to provide better daily forecasts, predict severe weather and atmospheric instability more accurately, and improve location and storm tracking and analysis of the intensity of hurricanes and typhoons, resulting in earlier evacuations that can improve the preservation of lives and property.
例如,《最后文件》文本严重淡化了对核武器国 家降低其武库的实战状态以及停止开发和实质性改 进其核武器的承诺;文件并没有要求核武器国家废 除核武器在其军事理念中的作用,或者接受一项具
有法律约束力的文书以禁止核武器;文件没有要求 从无核武器国家的领土上撤出核武器;没有包含《条 约》的不结盟国家缔约国集团要求设定的全面消除 核武器的具体时限;特别是,文件没有呼吁以色列,
[...] 这一对中东无核武器区构成唯一障碍的国家,停止 开发核武器,并无条件地签订《不 散 条 约 》。
For example, the text of the Final Document had significantly watered down the commitments for nuclear-weapon States to reduce the operational status of their arsenals and to cease the development and qualitative improvement of their nuclear weapons; it did not oblige the nuclear-weapon States to abolish the role of nuclear weapons in their military doctrines or to accept a legally binding instrument for the prohibition of nuclear weapons; it did not call for the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the territories of non-nuclearweapon States; it did not include the specific timeline for the total elimination of nuclear weapons called for by the Group of Non-Aligned States parties to the Treaty; and, in particular, it failed to call upon Israel, the only obstacle to a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the
Middle East, to cease the development of nuclear weapons and to
[...] accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty without [...]




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