

单词 中国人民志愿军

See also:


Chinese person

志愿军 n

volunteer n

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 人军/中国人民志愿军与联合国军人员、船只或飞机之间的交火或其 他战斗构成严重违反《停战协定》行为。
d) A firefight or other combat between
[...] KPA/Chinese People’s Volunteers and UNC personnel, [...]
ships or aircraft constitutes a major violation of the AA.
联合国军司令官应请人民军和作中国人民志愿军 继 任 的解放军回到 军事停战委员会,以便协助该委员会通过谈判解决这些构成违反《停战 协定》的行为。
the Commander UNC should request the KPA and
the CPLA as a successor to
[...] the Chinese People’s Volunteers, to return to the Military Armistice [...]
Commission (MAC) in order
to facilitate the MAC’s settlement, through negotiations, of these violations of the AA.
联合国相信 ,报告也将明确地答复这些袭击的很多肇事者为什么 都是政府附民兵志愿军成员的问题。
The United Kingdom trusts that the
[...] will also give a clear answer as to why many of the perpetrators of these attacks were members of the Basij, a State-affiliated militia.
注:核定特派团工作人员总数包国 际 和 本 国 文 职 特派团工作人员(包 志愿人 员 ) 、 军 事 观察 员、军事特遣队民警和 建制警察部队。
: Total authorized mission personnel
includes international
[...] and national civilian mission personnel (including volunteers), military observers, military contingents, civilian police and formed police units.
该组织表示关切的是,一些涉 嫌严重侵犯人权人权法的国民军军 官 仍在东部的军事行 中 服 役 ,希望普遍定 期审议能够重新激励政府表现出实施国家“零容忍”政策的政治 愿。
It was concerned that some national army officers suspected of serious violations of human rights and human rights law still served in operations in the east, and hoped that the universal period [...]
review would give
renewed impetus to the Government to show political will to implement the national “zero tolerance” policy .
在培训方面,特别值得一提的是由外交部开展的活动:“白色盔甲-秘鲁志 愿者国际论 坛,其宗旨是以阿根廷白色盔 志愿军 在 灾害降临时的运作 组织模式为范例,展示秘鲁和阿根廷的经验;论坛主题为“在应对危难和 灾中如何解决性别问题、老人和 残 疾 人 问 题 ”。
The subject matter covered during the event was “Gender, older adults and persons with disabilities in risk and disaster management”.
该决议强调国家公 务员制度的自愿性,并着重说明这一制度有助于减少军和从事其志愿服务人员与 未从事此类工作人员之间的不平等,并可为所有致 力于融入民生活 的人员提供更多机会。
The Resolution stresses the
[...] voluntary nature of the National-Civil Service, and its help in reducing inequality between people who serve in the military or any other voluntary service, and those who do not serve, and will increase the possibility of all those serving to integrate in the civil life.
又请秘书长鉴于自第一项关于白盔倡议的第 49/139 B 号决议通过以来 白盔获得了丰富的国际工作经验并一直得到大会的承认,而且考虑到同联合国儿 童基金会、世界粮食计划署、联合国粮食及农业组织、秘书处人道主义事务协调 厅、联合国开发计划署和联 国志愿人 员 方 案等组织机构协调开展的活动获得成 功,提出措施,将白盔倡议进一步融入联合国系统的工作,并在提交大会第六十 七届会议有关加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调的年度报 中 专 节 说明。
Also invites the Secretary-General, on the basis of the extensive international work experience acquired by the White Helmets, as recognized by the General Assembly since the adoption of its resolution 49/139 B, the first resolution on the White Helmets initiative, and in view of the success of coordinated actions carried out with, inter alia, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the World Food Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
[...] the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Volunteers, to suggest measures to enhance the integration of the White Helmets initiative into the work of the United Nations system and to report [...]
thereon to
the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session in a separate section of the annual report on the strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations.
2003 年年中,以“为世界儿童建设和平与非暴力文化国际十年(2001 年-2010 年)”为名,教科文组织与国际青年宿舍联盟在 国 凡 尔 登对 11 名年轻志愿人员(来自 加拿大、智利、克罗地亚、法国、德国、匈牙利、南韩、日本、葡萄牙、泰国和美国)进行 了培训,然后把他们分别派到一个指定的和平学 中 心 ,指导促进年轻的旅馆主人进行文化 间对话和交流的计划和活动。
In mid-2003, under the banner of the
[...] International Decade for a Culture of Peace and non-Violence (2001-2010), UNESCO and IYHF brought together 11 young volunteers (from Canada, Chile, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Korea, Japan, Portugal, Thailand and the United States) for training in Verdun, France, before [...]
sending each of them
to one of the designated Learning Centres for Peace where they are to pilot programmes and activities promoting intercultural dialogue and exchange between youth hostellers.
提议编列的 29 400 美元差旅费是为了工人员出 席下列关于维持和平中 的信息技术相关专题的会议或讲习班:特派团支助事务主任和主管年度会议; 国际电子计中心管 理委员会的会议,以确保与维和部下一年战略计划和举措 有关的信息和通信技术;与紧急电信工作组和机构间电信咨询组的会议,讨论 有关维和行动中的机构间合作以及实行信息和通信技术共同服务的问题;多国 行动商业信息技术年度会议,以改善和促进建立和平、维持和平和 国 领 域的 军民互动
The amount of $29,400 is proposed for staff to travel to the following seminars/conferences/workshops on information technology-related topics in peacekeeping: the annual conference of Directors and Chiefs of Mission Support; meetings of the International Computing Centre’s Management Committee to
ensure strategic plans and
[...] initiatives related to information and communications technology for DPKO for the coming year; meetings of the Working Group on Emergency Telecommunications and of the Inter-agency Telecommunications Advisory Group to discuss issues related to inter-agency cooperation and the implementation of information and communications technology common services in peacekeeping operations; the annual conference of the Commercial Information Technology for Multinational Operations to improve and facilitate civilian and military interaction in the area of peacemaking, peacekeeping and nation-building.
中国人民解放军海军(PLAN)已经认识到了该海域的战略重要意义,因 此已经采取了措施加强在该地区的实力。
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has [...]
recognised the strategic importance of the sea, and has taken steps
to bolster its capabilities within the region.
中国支持 文莱政府关于进一步发展经济、社 会和文化权利,消除贫穷,改善 人民 生 活 水平 愿 景。
It supported the Government’s vision to further develop economic, social and cultural rights to eliminate poverty and improve the living standards of its people.
中华人民共和国的国家机构包括:全国人民代表大会;中华人民共和国主 席;中华人民共和国国务院;中 人民 共 和 国中 央 军 事 委 员会;地方各级人民代 表大会和地方各级人民政府;民族自治地方的自治机关;人民法院和人民检察 院。
The State organs of the People’s Republic of China include the National People’s Congress, the
President of the People’s Republic of China, the State Council of the People’s Republic of
[...] China, the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China, local People’s [...]
Congresses and People’s
Governments at all levels, the organs of self-government of the national autonomous areas, the People’s Courts and the People’s Procuratorates.
人权》志、“中国人权网”和其 民 间人 权网站的迅速发展,充分利用互联网等新媒体开展人权知识普及教育。
The rapid development of “Human Rights” magazine and unofficial websites [...]
such as www.humanrights.cn reflects the full utilization
of the Internet and other new media to carry forward human-rights popularization and education.
不错,爱尔兰的历史( history)可以追溯到公元前6000年,并且先后经历了凯尔 民 族 的 诞生、基督教的产生、北欧海盗和诺 人 的 入 侵、伯爵之战(就是天主教贵族都纷纷离开爱尔兰因为他们不愿承认 国 女 王的统治)、天主教解放、阿尔斯 志愿军 的 形 成、自治法案的制定、复活节起义以及爱尔兰共和国( Republic) 和北爱尔兰 ( Northern Ireland)的形成。
Well, yes. Ireland’s history dates back to around 6000BC and covers major events like the arrival of the Celts, Christianity, the Vikings and the Normans, as well as our more modern history, including the formation of the  Republic and  Northern Ireland.
国防部 称,来 自 北部的在选举后危机期间曾加入科特迪瓦共 军 运 动 的约 20 000 名志愿者中,仅 2 000 名志愿者被正式整编,列入科特迪瓦共和军的新 武装部队。
According to the Ministry of Defence, only 2,000 of the estimated 20,000 volunteers from the north, who had joined the FRCI movement during the post-electoral crisis, have been integrated into the new armed forces.
2008 年 12 月,当题为《惠及民的发 展:澳大利亚 2009-2014 年援助方案残疾战略》的战略文件发布时,Nongebatu 女士指出,她作为一个残 疾妇女志愿领导由冲突国家所 罗门群岛的残 人 组 成的、为残疾人服务的倡 导组织,至关重要的是要提供针对尤其是少女和妇女的残疾领导人的具体培训, 并且必须充分探讨如何支持女性领导者和潜在领导者。
At the launch of the strategy paper entitled “Development for All: A Disability Strategy for the Australian Aid Programme 2009-2014”, in December 2008, Ms. Nongebatu, stated that as a woman with disability, heading an advocacy organization of and for people with disability in Solomon Islands — a post-conflict nation — on a volunteer [...]
basis, it was
crucial to provide specific training of leaders with disabilities, especially girls and women, and that support for women leaders and potential leaders must be explored fully.
它注 意到智志愿者可以满足智利的兵役需要,但所有青 人 都 需进行兵役登记,法 律允军队选择青人义务 服役,不承认依良心拒服兵役者。
It noted that Chile had been able to
meet its
[...] military service needs with volunteers, but all young men were registered for military service, and the law permitted the military to select them for obligatory [...]
without any recognition of conscientious objectors.
国应加 强所有的可能措施,预防儿童被非法武装集团征募,并无论如何都不 应将儿童涉入情报活动或旨在将 民人 口 军 事 化的 公 民军 事 行 为 中。
The State party should strengthen all possible measures to prevent the recruitment of children by illegal armed groups and should by no means involve children in intelligence activities or in military civic acts aimed at militarizing the civilian population.
我们今天对这项决议投了赞成票,因为我们认为 它满足这些基本目标:立即实现停火;制止暴力;保 护平民;使人道主义援助的提供不受阻碍;带来有利 于建立一个民国家的利比人民中 的 民 族对话,同 时保证该国的主权、独立、领土完整和国家统一,这 是利比人民的愿望。
Today we voted for this resolution because we believe that it fulfils these essential objectives: to establish an immediate ceasefire; to put an end to violence; to protect civilians; to allow for unimpeded humanitarian aid; and to lead to a national dialogue among the Libyans
conducive to the
[...] establishment of a democratic State, guaranteeing the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of the country, as desired by the Libyan people.
为确保难民继续获得援助 和服务,难民署采取了新措施,中 包 括 :加强难民对难民营日常管理的参与; 加强与不同难民群体的交流;对民 工 作者 和 志愿人 员 进行培训、辅导和能力建 设;监督难民的卫生状况;改善水和卫生设施;并通过加强青少年难民的技能和 工作经验,为他们寻找谋生机会。
To ensure refugees maintained access to assistance and services, UNHCR introduced new measures, including more strongly involving refugee communities in the day-to-day running of the camps; enhancing communication with different groups among
the refugee
[...] population; providing training, mentoring and capacity building for refugee workers and volunteers; monitoring the health of the refugee population; improving water and [...]
sanitation facilities;
and exploring livelihood possibilities for refugee youth by enhancing their skills and work experience.
联合国秘书长在其年度部长级审查的报告中就劳动力问题提出的建议包括: 设立一个高级别小组讨论创造公共职位的政策;建立联 国 青 年 志愿 者 方案,突 出联合国青年就业方案的重点;推动公私伙伴关系,刺激生产、促进就业;扶中小企 业;鼓励在农业和农村部门投资;拟定绿色经济路线图;将就业目标纳入 国家战略政策;将“充分就业人人 有 体 面工作”议题纳入大会议程。
The labour proposals made by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in his report
for the annual ministerial review included: creating a high-level panel to discuss public job creation policies; creating a United Nations youth volunteers programme to strengthen the focus of United Nations programmes on youth employment; promoting public-private partnerships to boost production and foster employment; supporting micro and medium-sized enterprises; encouraging investment in the agricultural and rural sector; developing green economy road maps; integrating employment objectives into national strategic policies; and placing the issue of “full employment and decent work for all” on the agenda of the General Assembly.
在申请过程中,海南省对包括国家旅游局、国家发 展计划委员会中国人民解放军总参 谋部 军 处和 中国人民解放军海军 运营部在内的数家部委机构进 行游说。
Throughout the process, it strongly lobbied various parties and ministries, including the National Tourism Administration, the State Development Planning Commission, the Navy Bureau of the PLA’s general staff department and the PLAN’s operations department.
国志愿人员还 在一些国家的和平建设、冲突预防、 民 / 国 内 流离失所 者和前战斗人员重返社会、恢复方案、过渡时期司法、对话与和解、安保部门改 革及能力建设方面补充了开发署在当地所做的努力,上述国家包括阿富汗、孟加 拉国、巴西、布隆迪、乍得、柬埔寨、科特迪瓦、刚果、刚果民主共和国、厄瓜 [...]
UN Volunteers also complemented UNDP ground efforts in peacebuilding, conflict prevention, reintegration of refugees/IDPs and ex-combatants, [...]
in recovery
programmes, transitional justice, dialogue and reconciliation, security sector reform, and capacity-building in countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burundi, Chad, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guatemala, Haiti, Liberia, occupied Palestinian territory, Peru, Somalia, Sudan, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Uganda and Yemen.
在科索沃开展的行动 体现了联合国与开发署/联国志愿人 员 、 人口基金、世卫组织、联合国人权事 务高级专员办事处和儿童基金会联合努力的作用,他们共同支持地方当局 民间 社 会和当地社区采用自下而上、以权利不本的办法,恢复基本服务,重建当地经 济并增强社会凝聚力和稳定性。
Kosovo has demonstrated the utility of joint
United Nations efforts
[...] with UNDP/United Nations Volunteers, UNFPA, WHO, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNICEF providing support to local authorities, civil society and local communities [...]
in using a bottom-up
and rights-based approach to restore basic services, rebuild local economies and increase social cohesion and stability.




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