

单词 成片



unify together
become as one

External sources (not reviewed)

成片的油 类包含稀薄油层所覆盖的区域,这些区域扩散到彩虹色油膜所覆盖的 区域,再从彩虹色油膜所覆盖的区域扩散到银色油膜。
The patches contain areas of thin layers of oil spreading to areas of iridescent sheen and thence to silver sheen.
参考 3.C.2.中成片状或块状的“绝热”材料。
Refer to 3.C.2. for
[...] ´insulation´ material in bulk or sheet form.
通过干磨或湿磨,雾化铝粉被研 成片 状。
Atomised aluminium powder is deformed and broken down during the wet or
[...] dry-milling process to form flakes.
仅在欧洲联盟内部,就有 12 个成 员国因土地成片出现 大面积退化而宣布自己成为 受影响国。
Within the European Union itself, 12 member States have declared themselves affected countries with substantial areas already subject to land degradation.
在该压制过程中,物料先被研磨成带有较大比例细粒的粒度分布,然后压 成片。
During this compacting process the material is ground to a wide particle size distribution with a large proportion of
[...] fines, compacted into flakes.
成片掉落 到翅片叠料装置上时,可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)自动计算翅片数,在达到预设翅片数时,停止冲床运转。
As fins are manufactured [...]
and dropped to the fin stacker, the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) counts fins and stops the
press when a predetermined amount of fins have been created.
尽管塑料镜片能够被抽样检查或被证明合符设计测试规格,任何度数的玻 成片 都 应 该被测 试。
Finished glass lenses should be tested regardless of optical power
[...] while plastic lenses can be statistically [...]
sampled or certified to the design testing specifications.
晶片加工设备、单结晶制造设备、曝光·成像清晰度设备、保护剂处理设备、蚀刻设备、干蚀刻设备、热处理设备、薄膜开成设备(CVD设备、溅射设备、其他)、离子注入设备、CMP设备、洗涤干燥设备、各种搬运系统·设备、纯水·药液·水处理设备、各种气体设备、切 成片 设 备、微型·纳米金属模、纳米刻印制造设备、离子束加工设备、微小放电加工设备 片成 形 设备、挤压/浇铸/喷射成形设备、加压成形设备、激光微型加工设备、成膜加工设备、干燥炉、烧成/烧结设备、微波加热设备、熔融工序设备、粉碎工序设备、超声波加工机、晶片接合设备(校准器)、深挖蚀刻设备(面向MEMS)、清洁室设备等。
Wafer processing equipment, single crystal production device, exposure/depiction device, resist processing equipment, etching equipment, dry etching device, heat processing device, thin film forming device (CVD devices, sputtering devices, etc.), ion injection device, CMP equipment, cleaning-drying equipment, various transportation systems and equipment, pure water/chemical liquid/water processing
equipment, various gas
[...] devices, dicing equipment, micro/nano dies, nano imprint device, ion beam processing equipment, micro radiation processing equipment, sheet forming equipment, [...]
molding machine, pressurized forming equipment, laser micro processing equipment, thin film coating equipment, drying furnaces, burning/sintering equipment, microwave heating equipment, dissolution process equipment, fracturing process equipment, ultrasound processing equipment, wafer bonding equipment (aligner), deep etching equipment (for MEMS), clean room equipment, etc.
雾化锌粉在球磨机中经过湿磨法或干磨法研 成片 状 , 然后再根据不同应用对这些颜料进行相应规格的分类。
Atomised zinc powder is either wet or dry milled in ball mills and thus
[...] deformed and broken down to form flakes.
实 原 木 经 切 削 和 机 械 加 工成 片 材 , 其 横 断 面 可 以 是 圆 柱 形 或 正 方 形 , 也 可 以 是 二 者 的 组 合 。
Solid logs are peeled and machined to produce pieces that may be cylindrical or square in cross-section, or combinations of both.
在Emilia地区有一个传统,举行聚会和举办宴会时餐桌的中央放上一块一分为二的Parmigiano-Reggiano奶酪,外表硬壳就自然的成为一个盘子,客人们使用杏仁形状的刀从中把奶酪 成片 状 享 用。
In Emilia region it’s a tradition at parties and banquets offering in the middle of the table a big whole cheese of Parmigiano-Reggiano split in
two, with the rind used as natural plate from which the
[...] guests take cheese flakes with the special almond-shaped knife.
行预咨委会还 获悉,提议中已考虑到空间问题,而且该地点可提供额 成片 空 间 ,供现有基 础设施扩展之用。
The Committee was further informed that space considerations had been factored into the proposal and that the site could provide additional contiguous space for the expansion of the current base facilities.
[...] 片状粘合剂由手术级硫酸钙加入人类脱钙骨基质 (DBM) 和硬脂酸辅助成片剂。
OSTEOSET® 2 DBM Pellets are made of
surgical grade calcium sulfate incorporating Human Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) and
[...] stearic acid as a tableting aid.
只要在晚间护肤程序中增加简单一项,便能增强皮肤吸收深层保湿成分─ RICE POWER 精华(R)的能力,有效解决皮肤暗哑粗糙、表皮爆裂甚至 成片 状 、 以及其他因皮肤老化而出现的问题。
A simple addition to your night time skin care routine increases the absorbency of the deep moisturizing ingredient “RICE POWER EXTRACT(R) “, and solves many skin care issues such as dullness, leathery skin, rough, flaky skin, and other issues that inevitably accompanies maturing skin.
销售活动有一种魔力,使T台的闪耀成为主题, 片成 为 彩色的卡片,记者的评论成为追逐数量、深度、颜色、尺寸的订单。
The sales campaign has the magic of a
limbo in which the glitter of the catwalks
[...]  becomes matter, photos become color [...]
charts, journalists’ reviews become orders
on which numbers, depths, changes of colors and sizes chase themselves.
在欧洲的XMM 2138双卡平台是基于流行和非常成功的X金213的EDGE基带 片 , 成 本 最 低的EDGE单芯片移动互联网(浏览和通讯)解决方案。
The XMM 2138 Dual-SIM platform is based on the popular and very successful X-GOLD 213 EDGE baseband chip, the lowest-cost EDGE single-chip solution for mobile Internet (browsing & messaging).
它将用于类似应用程序里的技术,如医 成 像 、 照 片成 像 以 及文档成像全部集成了起来。
PICTools SDKs are strategically organized by grouping technologies
together that are typically used in similar applications,
[...] including medical imaging, photo imaging, and document [...]
(b) 工 貿署署長制定了 附件 B 的公告,就已根據《安 排》從香港出口往內地或擬根據該安排從香港出 口往內地,並根據《安排》符合零關稅資格,及 以在香港織造的成形針織片製成的 織 片成 衣, 訂明該等片成衣須 視為在香港製造或生產。
(b) the Director-General of Trade and Industry has made the Notice at Annex B to specify that in relation to piece-knitted garments that have been exported or are intended to be exported from Hong Kong to the Mainland under CEPA, are qualified for zero tariff under CEPA, and are made from knit-to-shape panels knitted in Hong Kong, the piece-knitted garments are to be regarded as having been manufactured or produced in Hong Kong.
(a) 在手錶方面,在一九九一年制定的《商品說明( 原 產國家)(手錶) 令》,訂明製造或生產手錶機芯的 國家,須被視為製造該手錶的國家,而非手錶進 行最後製造工序的地方;以及 (b) 在輸往美國市場的片成衣方 面,在一九九一年 制定的《商品說明( 製造地方) 公告》准許,不論片成衣是否在香港進行“ 從成形針織衫片製造” 的工序,在香港進行“ 從紗織造成形針織衫片” 工 序的片成衣可 附有香港製造的標記,而非規定 該等成衣必須以進行最後製造工序( 即以挑撞/連 接方式將成形針織片製成成衣) 的地方作為來源 標記。
(a) for watches, the Trade Descriptions (Country of Origin) (Watches) Order was made in 1991 to specify that the country in which the movement of a watch is manufactured or produced is to be regarded as the country in which the watch has been manufactured, instead of where the
last step of major
[...] transformation takes place; and (b) for piece-knitted garments for export to the US market, the Trade Descriptions (Place of Manufacture) Notice was made in 1991 to allow such goods to bear a Hong Kongorigin marking if the knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panels takes place in Hong Kong, instead of mandating the origin marking based on the last step of major transformation (i.e. the stitching/linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment), irrespective of whether the manufacture from knit-to-shape panels takes place in Hong Kong.
借助引人入胜的影视图像和跨文化影响力,动 片成 为 让 儿童了解自己的权利和社会对其义务的一种完美工具。
With its captivating images and cross-cultural appeal, animation is the perfect tool for informing children about their rights and society about its obligations.
受到对片 成本增加的压力影响,放映商抵制投资研发宽银幕格式的放映系统。
Saddled with the cost of upgrading to talkies, exhibitors resisted investing in specialized projection systems for wide-screen presentations.
数字输入是传统底片、反片、成品 相 片 通 过 数码冲印机的扫描系统,扫描成数字图像输入到冲印机连接的电脑中,而数码相机使用的SM、CF卡等存储介质,以及软盘、MD、光碟则可以直接读入电脑中。
Digital input is the traditional film, film, photography by digital printing machine finished scanning system, scanned into digital image input to the printing machine connected to the computer, and digital camera using the SM, CF card storage media such as a floppy disk, CD, MD, and can be read directly into a computer.
双片双伺服钉箱机可钉片成型的 纸箱,又可钉 片成 型 以 及不规则的纸箱,对有底无盖的纸箱也可钉,并适合于钉大型纸箱。
double feature dual servo nail box machine Can nail monolithic molding of carton, and can nail double feature molding and irregular carton, no cover for a bottom of cartons can nail, and suitable for nail large carton.
小穗2.5-3.5毫米; 约的胼胝体毛3次小穗长度; 披针形,稀疏软骨质,暗褐色的下部 片成 熟 时 ,背面近无毛,具缘毛的或偶有具长毛的短边缘, 下部外稃稍长于颖片,渐狭的先端,有时芒状; 上面外稃线状披针形,全缘,; 芒1-1.5 厘米花粉囊(1-)3,1-1.5毫米。
Spikelets 2.5–3.5 mm; callus hairs ca. 3 times spikelet length; lower glume lanceolate, thinly cartilaginous, dark brown at maturity, back subglabrous, margins shortly ciliate or occasionally with longer hairs, apex palely membranous, sharply acuminate; lower lemma slightly longer than glumes, apex attenuate, sometimes awnlike; upper lemma linear-lanceolate, entire, awned; awn 1–1.5 cm.
叶柄2-8厘米;片成羽状 具5小叶; 短顶生小叶具小叶柄,远端侧生的无梗,或椭圆形, 1-4 * 0.6-3 在顶生小叶上厘米,基部楔形,在侧生的上偏斜,边缘尖锐或钝锐裂状锯齿,先端圆形; 短的下部的侧生小叶具小叶柄的或近无柄,非常小于上部的, 6-10 * 4-8 伞房花序状的毫米花序,(1或2或3(或)花,具淡褐色或具叶柄,苞片在基部。
Petiole 2–8 cm; leaf blade pinnately 5-foliolate; terminal leaflet shortly petiolulate, distal lateral ones sessile, obovate or elliptic, 1–4 × 0.6–3 cm, base cuneate on terminal leaflet, oblique on lateral ones, margin acutely or obtusely incised serrate, apex rounded; proximal lateral leaflets shortly petiolulate or subsessile, much smaller than distal ones, 6–10 × 4–8 mm.
压电陶瓷粉料: 压电陶瓷主要由锆钛酸铅(PZT)所组成, 在氧化锆(ZrO2)、氧化铅
[...] (PbO)及氧化钛(TiO2)等的粉末原料中,按一定比例适当添加微量的添加物后,由多道加工程序完成陶瓷粉料制作,再利用油压机使之压缩成各种规格形状,成型后在1350 ℃ 左右温度下进行烧结,所得的成品,再以电镀的方法或者不锈钢 片 法 完 成 电 极 极化工作后,就是压电陶瓷 片成 品。
Piezoelectric ceramic powder: piezoelectric ceramic is mainly composed of lead zirconate titanate ( PZT ) comprising, in zirconia ( ZrO2 ), lead oxide ( PbO ) and titanium oxide ( TiO2 ) and other powder raw materials, according to a certain proportion of adding trace additives, by multiple processing procedures complete ceramic powder production, recycle oil press which is compressed into a variety of shapes, after forming in 1350 degrees Celsius temperature sintering, the finished
product, and then to
[...] the electroplating method or stainless steel coating method complete electrode polarization after the work is finished, the piezoelectric [...]
ceramic wafer.




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