

单词 成熟的


(水果等)成熟的 adj

ripe adj

(时机)成熟的 adj

ripe adj

See also:

成熟 v

sophisticated v
grow v

成熟 n

maturity n
maturation n

熟的 adj

mature adj
cooked adj

External sources (not reviewed)

澳大利亚和新西 兰有十成熟的非法 药物监测系统,并且定期进行有关毒品使用的家庭调查。
Both Australia and New Zealand have well-established illicit drug surveillance systems and conduct regular household surveys of drug use.
因此,在采成熟的技术 时,可大幅度降低技术 和金融风险。
As a result, the technical and financial risks are significantly
[...] decreased in following mature technologies.
在解决基本问题之前的本阶段提具条款草案,是 成熟的。
To formulate draft articles at this stage before resolving the basic issues would be premature.
In a mature democratic society, [...]
the duty of the media is to safeguard the freedom of information.
XOOPS 作为一成熟的网站 建设管理工具,可以方便地建设管理各类网站:内容管理与界面风格分离,便于方便灵活的设计切换不同的表现风格 成熟的 功 能 模块化机制,有各种丰富多样的模块可供选择定制,比如新闻发布、文章管理、论坛、相册、资源下载、广告黄页、电子商务、博客和知识库等;具有完善的权限管理机制,可以针对不同用户群组设置不同的访问、编辑等权限。
XOOPS website as a mature construction management tool , you can easily manage all kinds of construction sites : separation of content management and interface style , designed to facilitate convenient and flexible switch between different styles of performance; Mature functional modular [...]
system , a variety of
modules to choose from variety of custom , such as press releases, article management , forums , photo albums , resources, downloads , advertising, yellow pages , e-commerce , blog and knowledge base ; with complete authority management mechanism , you can set for different user groups different access and editing rights.
最好是最糟糕的敌人,纯粹主义者将依 成熟的 模 型 仍然非常深入,包括质量,满足特定的ISO标准了,已经由专业人士验证。
The best is the enemy of the worst, the
[...] purists will rely on proven models still [...]
in very great depth, including quality,
meet again at a specific ISO standard, has been validated by professionals.
主席女士,香港其實是一個成熟的 公 民 社會,我們有足夠條件在 2012 年實行雙普選:我們有一個獨立的法治體系,我們有新聞自由,我們有高教 [...]
Madam President, the civil society in Hong
[...] Kong is in fact very mature and we have sufficient [...]
conditions for the introduction of
dual universal suffrage in 2012: We have an independent legal system, we have the freedom of the press, we have high education standards and comparatively stable economic development.
危 机冲突解决的方案是由国际社会共同参与制定 的,我们有充分的理由相信,在条 成熟的 情况 下,中国绝非是国际危机解决的障碍,它可能力 量有限,参与解决的决心也不够充分,但一定是 问题解决过程中至关重要的合作伙伴。
As policy options are formulated in the international community for ending crisis and resolving conflict, it makes ever more sense to assume that in the right conditions, China, far from being an unconditional obstacle, can become a limited and reluctant, but critical, partner.
保安局副秘書長在回應呂明華議員對新無線電系統 的壽命的提問時表示,聯合通訊平台 成熟的 數 碼 技術 支持,有關技術能利用持續進步的科技,作進一步的系 [...]
In response to Dr LUI Ming-wah's enquiry about the life span of the new
radio system, DS(S) said that the UDCP
[...] was supported by mature digital technology [...]
that could leverage on continuing technology
advancement for further system enhancement to meet the changing needs of the participating departments.
其工作的重中之重是团结共和国的进步青年,把他们培养为身体 健康、精成熟的独立 的乌兹别克斯坦公民,培养他们忠实于建立在民族和社会 [...]
价值、民主原则基础上的民族思想和意识形态,了解并保护青年人的利益,将运 动转化为青少年真正的支柱。
Its chief priority is to unite the country’s
progressive youth, to develop physically healthy
[...] and spiritually mature citizens of an [...]
independent Uzbekistan, to educate them in
a spirit of dedication to the national idea and an ideology based on national and universal values and democratic principles, to represent and defend the interests of young people and to turn Kamolot into an authentic support mechanism for them.
它包括强大的事件日志管理,以及市场上最可靠、缩放性最佳且 成熟的 SIEM 产品,该产品得到了世界上某些最大型组织的信任和验证。
It includes powerful event log management, as well as the most
[...] robust, scalable, and mature SIEM product in [...]
the market, which has been trusted and proven
in some of the world's largest organizations.
收購事項使本公司能擁成熟的銷售 及分 銷網絡,而毋須支付巨額設立成本。
The Acquisition enables the Company to have a well established sales and distribution network without significant set up costs.
在这两种情况中,为非洲和亚洲提供的资金份额偏低是由第二项补充性追加计划通过 时预算外项目的编制状况造成的:因为只有完成编制的项目才会得到考虑,因此,项目还成熟的地区似乎被放弃了。
In both these cases, the small share of funding proposed for Africa and Asia seems to stem from where the extrabudgetary projects were in the planning stage when CAP II was adopted: only the projects whose planning had reached an advanced stage were taken into account, which would explain the apparent relative neglect of the regions for which the project planning was in the early stages.
联合国机构和亚太经社会的 其他发展伙伴、联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)和其他先进机构,可构 成各种区域信息和知识网络以及粮食安全数据库,共 成熟的 技 术 、健全的 区域方案以及从各种粮食安全倡议中吸取的经验。
United Nations agencies and other development partners, with ESCAP, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other agencies in the lead, could form regional information and knowledge networks and a database on food security, and share proven technologies, robust regional programmes and experiences gained in food security initiatives.
办事处为加强圣基茨和尼维斯、 特立尼达和多巴哥以及巴哈马群岛的图书馆提供支助;为教师、学生和图书管理员信 息知识普及讲习班出资;并在一个正规中学和一个监狱率先建立了两 成熟的 社 区多 媒体中心。
The Office provided support to strengthen libraries in Saint Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago and the Bahamas; funded workshops on information literacy for teachers, students and librarians; and established the first two fully-fledged CMCs in a formal secondary school and in a prison.
抱 此 立 場 的 人 認 為 , 保 持 緘 默 的
[...] 權 利 能 為 弱 者 、成 熟 的 人 和 有 所 不 足 的 人 [...]
提 供 基 本 保 障,因 為 取 消 這 權 利 會 增 加 挨 不 住 警 方 詰 問 的 人 作 出
虛 假 供 認 的 風 險 。
The right of silence is seen by those who take
this position as an essential safeguard
[...] for the weak, the immature and the inadequate, [...]
since its removal could increase the
risk of false confessions by those unable to withstand police interrogation.
隨著與Xstrata合併,董事會有信心,以更龐大的工業版圖配合Gle nc o r e 成熟的 營 銷本領,將創造一個專業知識與規 [...]
With the merger of Xstrata, the Board of Directors remains confident
that the expanded industrial base, coupled
[...] with Glencore’s proven marketing capability [...]
will create a group with the expertise
and scale to play a leading role in meeting the growing global demand for commodities.
繼 2010 年及 2011 年先後推出首 隻中國平安 CSI RAFI A 股 50 ETF*(* 本基金為一項合成交易所買賣基金)(「A 股 50 ETF」) (股份代號: 2818.HK)及離岸人民幣債券基金後,平安資產管理(香港)是次在漸 成熟的 金 融 市 場中一連推出三隻全新 ETF,令其在香港發展交易所買賣基金的領先地位得以鞏固。
After PAAMC HK launched the company‟s first Ping An of China CSI RAFI A-Share 50 ETF* (*This is a synthetic ETF)(“A-Share 50 ETF”) (stock code: 2818) in 2010 and offshore RMB Bond Fund in 2011, the company is launching a series of 3 new ETFs, strengthening Ping An Group‟s leading position in the growing Hong Kong ETF market.
这 意 味 着 您 能 够 以 一种非成熟的方式 来容易地确定各个服务 器的健康状况,从而改善服务的可用性,并降低 延迟。
This means that you can easily determine the health of individual servers in a very sophisticated way, which will improve service availability and lowers latency.
成熟的财政 紧缩措施有可能在一定程度上延缓 经济增长,使公共债务恶化。
Premature fiscal austerity measures can slow down economic growth to a degree that may worsen public debt.
我们的服务通过设计精良的最佳实践框架提供支持,将全球性的、基于网页的项目管理 成熟的 本 地 化流程和工作流程以及最新的技术和工具,与文思海辉专有工具的内部持续开发相结合。
Our services are enabled by a well-designed framework of best practices combining global, web-based project management, proven localization processes and workflows, and utilization of the latest technologies and tools, with continuous internal development of Pactera proprietary tools.
从这些问题可以看出,自 从推行结构性调整方案以提高生产能力以来,农业部门长期存在弊病,同时国家 撤销机构支持服务,通过大幅降低或取消关税和配额制,在条件尚 成熟的 情况 下让小农面临大型跨国供应商的竞争,以及一些发达国家由于过分支持国内农 民,实施粮食“倾销”政策。
These weaknesses reflected a persistent failure since the promotion of structural adjustment programmes to support the building of productive capacities; along with a dismantling of institutional support services; the premature exposure of small-scale farmers, through a rapid reduction or elimination of tariffs and quotas, to competition from large multinational suppliers; and food “dumping” by a number of developed countries because of excessive support to their farmers.
我要表示感谢各位明确支持将联东综合团的 任务期限延长 12
[...] 个月,并感谢大家表示同意秘书长 的看法,即在现阶段对联东综合团作任何重大调整将 是成熟的,以 及联合国应该维持通过联东综合团在 其任务规定的所有主要领域提供的综合支持。
I want to express my appreciation to everyone who has clearly supported an extension of the mandate of UNMIT for a period of 12 months, and those who have expressed agreement with
the Secretary-General’s
[...] views that any major restructuring of UNMIT at this stage would be premature [...]
and that the United
Nations should maintain the integrated support provided through the Mission in all the major areas of its mandate.
执行机构对使用在工业化国家刚 成熟的 新 技 术的复杂项目的持续时间的预测有时 过于乐观,比如从泡沫塑料和制冷成套设备向油气技术的转换,或从泡沫塑料成套设备向 液态二氧化碳技术的转换。
Implementing agencies were sometimes overly optimistic with their forecast of project duration for complex projects using new technologies which had only just become mature in industrialized countries, such as conversion of foam and refrigeration manufacturing plants to hydrocarbon technology, or conversion of foam plants to LCD technology.
关于限制与例 外,委员会承认有必要在成熟的各 领 域推动进展,将进行基于案文的工作,目标是就阅读障碍者 [...]
As to limitations and exceptions, recognizing the need to
[...] advance the more mature areas, the Committee [...]
will undertake text based work with
the objective of reaching agreement on appropriate exceptions and limitations for persons with print disabilities and other reading disabilities.
该系统具有易于操作的可视化安装界面、完善的前台商品展示和户在线购物车功能、强大的后台管理和维护功能模块简单易用、70,000人的官方社区用户和活跃的论坛、121,300家已经注册的在线商店的解决方案3,0 00 个 成熟的 插 件 供你选择。
The system has easy-to- visual installation interface , improved front display and household goods online shopping cart functionality , strong management background and maintenance function modules easy to use, the official community of 70,000 peopleAnd an active forum users , 121,300 homes have already registered online store solution 3,000 mature plug-in for your choice . osCommerce Open Source world with a variety of mainstream technology solutions , providing a set of
free and open platform ,
[...] including the powerful PHP web development language dynamic , stable Apache web server and MySQL database [...]
server speed class .
[...] 律师和覆盖剥夺自由各个阶段的完 成熟的 法 律 援助体系,小组委员会建议当 局,作为一项临时措施,给予被拘留者权利,在初始拘留的审问期间有一个可信 [...]
In the absence of a sufficient number of certified
[...] lawyers, and a fully fledged legal aid system [...]
covering all stages of deprivation of liberty,
the SPT recommends that the authorities, as an interim measure, grant detainees the right to have a trusted third party present during questioning in initial custody.
有高性能技术设备支的、成熟发达 的初 级医疗保健救助服务和有条不紊的预防和治疗机制、病人的教育和参与,再加上 对病人的教育、病人的主动参与以及全社会包括中央政府和地方各级政府主管部 门的全面参与,可确保对摩尔多瓦共和国居民健康指标产生积极的影响。
A primary health assistance service which is well developed and supported by high performance means, with well organised prevention and treatment mechanisms, education and participation of the patient, as well as involvement of the entire community, including the local and central public administration authorities, may ensure a positive impact on the population health indicators in the Republic of Moldova.




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