

单词 成本低

低成本 adjective ()

inexpensive adj

See also:

成本 n

cost n
costs pl


(manufacturing, production etc) costs

低成 n

low cost n

External sources (not reviewed)

一般而言,先进的定点家族 趋向于速度快,功耗小成本低而浮点处理器能 够在硬件方面提供更高的精度和更广的动态范 围。
In general, the cutting-edge fixed-point families tend
[...] to be fast, low power, and low cost, while [...]
floating-point processors offer high precision and wide dynamic range in hardware.
倘收成本低於所 購入附屬公司資產淨值之公平價值,則差額直接 於收益表確認。
If the cost of acquisition is less than the fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognised directly in the income statement.
现在看来,汽车、电子产品和服装等一些商品和服务 的产出,可能还会集中在一些劳动 成本低 廉 、工人文化水平和 受教育程度相对较低的一些国家。
The production of goods and services such as automobiles, electronic goods, and clothing is likely to continue to take
place in other countries where
[...] there are lower labor costs and workers with lower literacy [...]
levels and educational attainment.
[...] 成功實施嚴格的經營成本控制措施,從而令資本支出及經 成本低 於 二 零一一年上半年的預算。
The management team has successfully
introduced stringent operational cost controls,
[...] which resulted in lower than budgeted H1 [...]
2011 capex and operating costs.
目前依然是如此,波兰的 平均劳动成本低,具有竞争力。
It is indeed still the fact that average
[...] labour costs are both low and competitive.
[...] 来看,总部外的管理层和总部需要分析项目延误的原因,分 成本低 于 或高于预期费用的原 因,以便对实施工作进行恰当的监督。
From our perspective, both field management and Headquarters need to
analyse the reasons for delays, and for costs
[...] that are either lower or higher than [...]
expected, in order to monitor implementation properly.
学者们发现没有证据支持下述设想:科学创造只是受到法 律保护的鼓励,或者,限制传播的短 成本低 于 额 外鼓励的长期收益。
Scholars have found no evidence to support the assumption that scientific creativity is only galvanized by legal
protection or that the short-term costs of limiting
[...] dissemination are lower than the long-term [...]
gain of additional incentives.
(b) 执行支助股将继续酌情沟通《公约》会议产生的决定和优先事项,设 法采成本低但行之有效的手段。
(b) The ISU will continue to communicate, as appropriate, the decisions and
priorities resulting from the Convention’s meetings, making
[...] use wherever possible of low cost but effective [...]
means of doing so.
经济衰退期间,信息和传播技术的特性、投 成本低 、 提 供获取与发 展相关信息和服务的能力使其成为极为重要的工具。
In times of economic slowdown, these
[...] attributes of ICTs, their low investment costs [...]
and their ability to provide access to development-relevant
information and services make them extremely important tools.
成本低的相 应技术加工和保存食品取得了有说服力的成果,其目的是减 少收获后的损失、增加粮食的库存量并加强粮食安全。
Positive results were obtained in food processing and conservation by means of appropriate and inexpensive techniques with a view to reducing post-harvest waste, increasing food availability and enhancing food security.
联合国维和行成本低廉、 卓有成 效,联合国和西方国家应鼓励中国增加在维和行 [...]
As a low-cost and effective means of [...]
contributing to international peace and stability, China should be encouraged to continue
increasing its participation in peacekeeping, and the UN and Western countries should continue to provide support to and encourage China in its peacekeeping efforts.
上述平台的工作需要得到相关利益团体的 支持,同时以实际成本低廉的 方式来加强各利益攸关者的伙伴关系,这是 WIPO 提出的技术解决 方案,也是在具有公信力的中介机构之间出现的商业模式。
The work being undertaken in the Stakeholders’ Platform VIP Initiative needs to attract the support of relevant interest groups while advancing strong partnership among stakeholders in a pragmatic and cost effective way as technical solutions are developed by WIPO and business models emerge among the Trusted Intermediaries.
香港 PHC 医疗诊断中心 (PHC) 每年要处理超过一
[...] 百万份医疗诊断样本,因此需要一个性能稳 定、管成本低的信 息系统,但更重要的是能 够提供强大的数据安全性。
Hong Kong’s PHC Medical Diagnostic Centre (PHC) handles over a million medical diagnostic samples per year, and
needed an information system with a stable
[...] performance with a low administrative cost, [...]
but more importantly, provided strong data security.
应该优先在脆弱国家加强努力, 在下列需要建设抵御外部冲击能力的领域进行投资并建立有针对性的伙伴关系:
[...] 减缓和适应气候变化;农村和小型农业;推 广 低成本 、 低 技 术 的供能和供水解决 方案;保护海洋和沿海资源和渔业;基础设施投资;提倡稳定就业;支持社会安 [...]
Increasing efforts in vulnerable countries should be prioritized through investment and targeted partnerships where capacity-building for resilience to external shocks is required: climate change mitigation and
adaptation; rural and small-scale agriculture;
[...] diffusion of low-cost and low-technology solutions [...]
for energy and water provision;
protection of marine and coastal resources and fisheries; investment in infrastructure; promotion of secure jobs; support for social safety nets; empowerment of women; recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights; and addressing political conflict.
geniSYS 帮助全球客户消除了昂贵的拆卸成本,它提供下列操作功能:
稳定的、可重复的切割,发热量最少,无需用手,确保最大安全性,不需要复杂的 CNC
[...] 编程,预装的螺纹铣削和钻孔程序可以方便地更改镗孔直径、深度和应用场合;geniSYS 提供创新的快速切割技术,维 成本低 , 而 且 geniSYS 还能够快速、轻松地切割大多数具有锈蚀和杂质的金属。
Helping customers around the globe eliminate expensive dis-assembly costs, the geniSYS offers these operational features: a stable and repeatable cut with minimum heat generation, hands free guarded cutting for maximum safety, no complex CNC programming required with preloaded thread milling and boring programs that can easily change bore diameters, depths and
applications, the geniSYS offers innovative quick
[...] cut technology and low maintenance costs, [...]
plus the geniSYS has the power to cut most
metals, corrosion and impurities with speed and ease.
此外成本降低还依赖于电力基础设施,自产的估算 7 初始本成本低于开 发电力传输线所需资本成本的 PEA 估算值(PEA 基础案例假设电力系统 在建造项目时可用)。
In addition, cost reductions have been realized in respect of power infrastructure, where the estimated initial [...]
capital cost of
selfgeneration is below the PEA estimate of capital cost required for the development of an electrical 7 transmission line (the PEA base case assumed that electrical power would be available at the time of project construction).
差价合约 (CFD) 是一种简单成本低廉的 合约,可以交易广泛的金融产品,允许对指定的证券或衍生产品在合约规定日期及其终止日期之间的差价进行交易。
CFDs are simple, inexpensive contracts that allow trading on a broad range of financial instruments, trading on the difference of the value of a specific security or underlying security matured between the date the contract is stipulated and the date it terminates.
国家同意,与改 变技术有关的潜在增成本节省 将会相应 低本 协 定 之下的总体供资额度。
The Country agrees that potential savings in
[...] incremental costs related to the change of technology would decrease the overall funding level under this Agreement [...]
本集團的整體風險管理計劃將焦點集中於金融市場的不可預見事情上,並務求 低對 本集團財務表現所成之潛 在不利影響。
The Group’s overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the Group’s financial performance.
有些代表呼吁教科文组织为开 低成本 数 字保 存的手段继续给予支持。
Some delegates called for continued UNESCO support in
[...] exploring means for low-cost digital preservation.
教科文组织已开始解决低成本设施 可持续发展 有关的问题,以及与处理电子废物有关的挑战。
UNESCO has started to address the issues related to
[...] sustainability of low-cost devices and [...]
the challenges related to dealing with electronic waste.
该系统通过利低成本接受站,可以加强对广 泛信息的获取,并向高速互联网链接有限或无此链接的发展中国家用户加以普 及。
Through the use of low-cost receiving stations [...]
it can enhance access to a wide range of information and reach users in developing
countries with limited or no access to high-speed Internet connections.
為了消除銀行把增加的成本轉嫁存戶的誘因,我們建議引入 低成本的 措 施,包括把存保計劃成員的每年供款率減低65%,令成員每年應繳付 [...]
的年度供款金額維持在現時的水平,以及准許計劃成員按存款的淨額申 報有關存款款額,以評估供款。
In order to eliminate any incentive for banks to transfer
[...] the additional costs to depositors, [...]
we recommend the introduction of cost-mitigating
measures, including cutting the annual contribution rate of members of the DPS by 65%, so as to keep the amount of annual contributions payable by the members concerned at its current level, and allowing members of the DPS to report the respective amounts of their relevant deposits on a net deposit basis for the purpose of contribution assessment.
秘书长在其上次年度进展报告中指出,为寻求以不损及质量或功能 的方式低成本的机会而进行的密集价值评估工程工作已经产生了约 1 亿 美 元 的 费 用 节 省 , 并 相 应 地 降 低 了 项 目 的 2.19 亿 美 元 赤 字 (A/63/477,第 15 段)。
In his previous annual progress report, the Secretary-General indicated that an intensive value engineering exercise, undertaken to seek ways to reduce costs in a way that did not compromise quality or functionality, had resulted in approximately $100 million in cost savings and a corresponding reduction of the $219 million project deficit (A/63/477, para. 15).
他说,中国政府和工发组织已尽量 低成本 , 但 必须考虑到需 給予与企业生产水平相符的补偿金额这一因素。
He said that the Government of China and UNIDO had tried to reduce the costs but had had to factor in levels of compensation proportional to the enterprises’ production levels.
债务局 势更加脆弱的国家可以通过积极的债务管理(延长偿还时限, 低成本 等 ),抓住 全球市场上充裕的资金流动以降低本国的脆弱性。
Countries whose debt position is more fragile could seize the abundant liquidity on the global markets as an opportunity to reduce their vulnerability by means of active debt management (lengthening terms, lowering cost).
德州仪器(TI)业务拓展经理韩乾全分析道,众所周知,LED驱动模块工作环境温度较高,且模块散热条件较差,从而导致LED驱动电路一直在较高温度下工作,这会导致LED应用可靠性降低、使用寿命缩短等一系列问题,因此散热不得不重点考虑;可靠性和安规是很容易被有意忽略的部分,尤其是在强制执行相关规定前,为了 低成本 , 部 分LED照明厂商会省略可靠性和安规方面电路;但这恰恰是LED照明产业能否长久发展的根本,也是LED驱动芯片厂商设计能力的体现,不同的芯片厂商提供的方案,增加这部分电路增加的成本差别很大。
Texas Instruments (TI) Business Development Manager Han Gan in their analysis, it is well known, the LED driver module high ambient temperature, and the module thermal conditions is poor, leading to the LED driver circuit has been working at higher temperatures, this will lead to the reliability of LED applications reduce, shorten the life of a series of questions, so the heat had to focus to consider; reliability and safety regulations is very easy to ignore the part,
especially before the
[...] enforcement of relevant provisions, in order to reduce costs, part of the LED lighting manufacturers will be omitted [...]
reliability and safety
circuits; but this is precisely the LED lighting industry can develop long-term fundamental, but also the embodiment of the LED driver chip manufacturers to design capacity, different chip manufacturers to provide programs to increase this part of the circuit to increase the costs vary greatly .
在作出 判斷時,本集團所衡量之因素包括投資項目之公平價值跌 低 於 其 成本 所 涉及之時間及程度,以及獲投資 公司之財務穩健狀況及短期業務前景,並考慮諸如行業及業界表現、技術變動以及經營及融資現金流量等 因素。
In making this judgement, the Group evaluates, among other factors, the duration and extent to which the fair value of an investment is less than its cost, and the financial health of and short-term business outlook for the investee, including factors such as industry and sector performance, changes in technology and operational and financing cash flow.
[...] 有相当大的需求但其可利用资金的有限性,有关政府和赞助机构当然应该考虑支持可以提低成本方案 (包括开放源码软件)意识的计划。
That said, given the considerable needs which developing countries have for information and communication technologies and the limited funds which are available, it would seem sensible that governments and donors should
certainly consider supporting programmes to
[...] raise awareness about low cost options, including [...]
open source software, in developing countries.
為確保研發中心的項目管理完善,達 低成本 高 效 率的目 的,應科院會在符合經濟原則、保持高透明度和負責任的前提 [...]
In order to ensure quality project
management in the R&D Centre, bringing to it
[...] high efficiency with low cost, ASTRI would provide [...]
the Centre with ASTRI’s centralized
project management support in the economical, transparent and accountable manners.




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